What Does Wealth Mean To You. Is it fast Cars and Spending Money?

69 replies

I am interested in what wealth really means to you.Our whole life the media have portrayed wealth as glamourous fast cars and big mansions and lots of jewellery and fancy restaurants.Is this what wealth really is?

So please comment on what you think wealth really means to you.
#cars #fast #money #spending #wealth
  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    1. (True) financial freedom
    2. Providing for my family
    3. Investing
    4. Philanthropic pursuits (And tithing)
    5. Setting up a Foundation

    Nothing wrong with a nice car and home (etc.) though. : )
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    wealth ..the ability to support the lifestyle that suits you and make you happy ...there are a lot of people who never make a lot of money.. but they live a life that fits them ..

    then you get the people like michal jackson ..who kill themselves with drugs..or the football player who lose much of their money because they can't think right from so many hits to the head ..

    so wealth is different for each person it is a sickness of society that it is only about money to many
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  • Profile picture of the author PinkVelvet
    Wealth to me means..

    1. Being able to work when you want
    2. Always having extra money come in
    3. Able to support your whole family

    ...now people are starting to say Michael' Jacksons death wasn't suicide. But why would he doe such a thing when he has kids... doesn't make sense.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by PinkVelvet View Post

      Wealth to me means..

      1. Being able to work when you want
      2. Always having extra money come in
      3. Able to support your whole family

      ...now people are starting to say Michael' Jacksons death wasn't suicide. But why would he doe such a thing when he has kids... doesn't make sense.

      his wasn't technically a suicide ..but people are either doing what they need to do to live a happy better life.. or they are destroying themselves slowly to eventually escape a life they could never learn to live..

      true wealth gives a person a reason to get out of bed in the morning .. allows them to keep living the life that best suits them where they want to live .. and surround themselves with people they really care about .

      the nice bit is once you get there no matter what that point is .. you may continue getting more money or doing more of what you love doing that makes you money ..

      the fast car and the showy things often go to the children of those who gain wealth .. because those who gain wealth tend to enjoy doing the things that made them the money ..

      in my life i have seen many people on paths i didn't want to take ..I am the care taker for my parents ..my mom 73 my dad 79 ..and i have learned many lessons .

      It is much cheaper to do the things to be healthy than it is to get sick.
      cheap food now big medical bills later.
      a fixxed income is bad ..long periods of inactivity suck .and more .

      so to answer the post this time .

      wealth is doing work that gives me a reason to get out of bed .
      being able to stay healthy and have people around me who help me stay happy and always get better .
      being able to live where i want .. and if i lose all my physical possessions but everyone around me is physically fine.. i am able to replace the stuff .
      if someone i care about get sick being able to help them get well..

      ben franklin put it as healthy wealthy and wise for a reason.

      if you stay healthy and do what you need to do to be wealthy .. you will eventually be wise ..
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  • Profile picture of the author createvalueshare
    - Financial Freedom
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  • Profile picture of the author dancemaster
    Wealth means having more than enough to pay the bills,not living under a fiancial cure travel when you want too,not always checking you pocket to see if you can affort it

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    • Profile picture of the author Xiqual
      No cars for me, thanks. I don't even have a driving license.
      Just not interested at all!

      Nor also spending money because of Rich Jerk tic,
      e.g. "got an extra $4K... what about a top-millionaires vacation week?"

      Wealth is abundance of resources (not just money):
      * Not the same paying the full ticket for a dream vacation week than paying only for the travel, because you are being guest into friends' home; with second option you get the vacation AND better cashflow... just make some adequate present(s) to your friends!
      * Meeting and celebrating with family makes me feel wealthy, also.
      * Having a favorite cafeteria, where you will always be welcome and appreciated; if not having a single dime on you in this moment, being offered a meal or a drinking... You got credit on them owners, that's also wealth!

      Real wealth is very connected with gratitude; just mine opinion, of course.
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  • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
    Getting paid as much money as I want for doing whatever it is that I want to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author thisisraz65
    wealth means an money generating asset that covers my monthly expenditure without depending on job.....

    Like, You need 4k usd/per month to cover your expense. Now, and you have 1 apartment for rent that generates 4k . So, that apartment is your wealth.
    This is originally taken from rich dad, poor dad
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by mark healy View Post


    I am interested in what wealth really means to you.Our whole life the media have portrayed wealth as glamourous fast cars and big mansions and lots of jewellery and fancy restaurants.Is this what wealth really is?

    So please comment on what you think wealth really means to you.

    Fast cars, jewelry, fancy restaurants...are what poor people think rich people spend their money on.

    These are things that reduce wealth, not create it.

    Most wealthy people I know invest most of their money, and don't spend it to impress other people.
    One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

    What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    To me, wealth means having money, good relationships, happiness and peace.
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    • Profile picture of the author mark healy
      It seems so many different ways of thinking. All are great answers.

      thanks for participating


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      • Profile picture of the author NoobSensei
        To me, wealth is the ability to do whatever I want whenever I want. In my opinion, people who focus on buying consumer crap are missing the point. Buying stuff isn't going to make us happy for more than a day or two, because we quickly adjust our expectations.

        I like the minimalist philosophy a lot better: don't own stuff you don't actually need. If you do spend your money, spend it on memorable experiences rather than stuff.

        Just my two cents.
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        • Profile picture of the author VicG
          I assume you mean financial wealth. Unless you inherit wealth you have to earn it. In order to earn it you have to be productive and create value. Earned financial wealth is a byproduct of your productiveness. Once you are successful in your field of endeavor, financial wealth achieved, your greatest reward is your self esteem. You know that you are efficacious and how you decide to spend your money is your decision based upon your values. I think you are alluding to the lottery mentality of "If I win one million dollars" what would I do with it? Probably blow it. Wealth is a byproduct of a productive life. What does wealth mean to me? As mentioned in the post replies, mostly freedom.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    I don't give a crap about wealth personally. Wealth is not something I want.

    Do I want things that require money? Yes I do and I admit that. But money in and of itself I don't want. It's the reason I don't invest. I don't need to grow my net worth as long as my cash flow can pay for what I want.

    So what do I want from life.
    1. Free time to do what I want.
    2. Cars - I don't want cars to show off. I want cars to drive. And that takes money.
    3. Good food - This also costs money.
    4. The ability to travel to places when I want - money and time required.

    So for me life is always the struggle between my desire to have free time and my desire to have the things like cars that I love.

    The biggest thing I can say is to voice a similar idea to Claude and that is to not use money and wealth to impress others. Can your success inspire others? Yes and that is good. But never buy anything or have money just to impress people.

    Of course if you have things that impress people they sometimes get the wrong idea. I don't drive Corvettes to impress anyone I drive them because I love the feel of driving a great car. Too many people buy them as trophies while those who would truly love them can't afford them.

    So if you love staying at home and want a massive house buy one. But don't buy a big house you never use just to host parties for people you don't even like to impress them.

    If you love sports cars buy them. Almost anyone in the US car buy a Corvette since you can get them used for under $10,000. But don't buy a car just to impress (I am looking at you BMW owners lol).

    Want to have a massive net worth? I don't see the value in that but if you get pleasure from it go ahead. But don't do it just to impress others.

    Enjoy your life and be happy. Rather that means being a multi-millionaire or being on welfare living with 10 friends and playing video games all day. Worry about yourself not others.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
    Wealth and financial freedom are the same to me. The ability to whatever you want whenever you want is true wealth. It is always amazing to me how hard wealthy people still work after they are rich because the are doing what they love and the money is not the goal anymore.
    Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Hi Mark,
    Wealth is about having the skill in what ever you do to be financially independent. It also means having excellent health throughout life with which to consume those earnings. And, of course, without joy and peace in one's life true wealth escapes us.
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  • Profile picture of the author dndoseller
    1. Wealth is the ability to get up in the morning and choose the most exciting option I have available to me during each moment of the day.

    2. Wealth is the skill of identifying the beliefs I have which hold me back from acting on the options I really want to act on... and then consciously changing those beliefs so I can do #1.

    These 2 things are my greatest treasure.

    Implementing this has made me confront and let go of many fears and transformed my life to allow myself to act on possibilities that bring me more and more joy.
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  • Profile picture of the author ronrule
    My problem is I don't have any cheap hobby's. I'm a Corvette enthusiast on my 4th now (like Aaron said, because I like to drive them not because of anyone else's opinion), I collect and restore classic cars, I love Jeeps and building rock crawlers, heck building any vehicles in general. Right now I'm working on a replica of the tumbler from the Batman movies, and when I finish that I want to try building my own plane. All of that takes time and cash ... but outside of that I like exploring, free climbing, and generally just going places most people don't go - my idea of a perfect vacation is heading into the mountains with nothing but my essential gear and what I can carry in my pack. It "sounds" cheap, but it becomes expensive because of the "unplugged" time ... the income has to be automated in order for that to be possible.

    For me, wealth is the combination of financial security and the ability to do those things. It took several years to become completely debt free including the house and get some savings built up, but there are still challenges. In spite of it all I don't feel like I'm there yet, because if I don't continue to work to maintain it it could all unravel. I'll probably be one of those guys who never retires, even when there are a few million bucks in the bank.

    Ron Rule

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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    Simply freedom.


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  • Profile picture of the author ThatOneGuy
    Do you just mean financial wealth? I think real wealth comes from your relationships with your family and friends, and your spiritual, physical, and mental well-being. Having money is nice, but some of the most financially well-off people in the world are poverty-stricken in other areas of their life.

    As far as financial wealth, I think financial wealth, to me anyway, is the ability to support my family and allow us to live comfortably. Extravagance is nice, but as long as I find myself comfortable, I'm happy.

    I Haz Website! ThatOneGuy is now up, running, and ready to dispense advice and log its journey to Internet success.

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  • Profile picture of the author indonesian
    I am also concern about wealth.. to be honest, even if i dont work anymore i still have 1 million $ cash and 4 million $ in assets so really at age 30 i dont required to work anymore, but it is really empty

    when you dont go to work and every one else you know goes to work..there is no friend that you could ask to hang out with you
    Travelling overseas, shopping etc become usual and uninteresting..

    so i just stick to my work, but really all the income is just "number" for me sitting in my bank account, but it is still really addictive

    damn i wish i know how to live life fully
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  • Profile picture of the author ceenote100
    Wealthy means you have multiple streams of passive income. It doesn't have anything to do with liabilities such as cars, big house, jewelry, etc. It's all about assets.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cobaki
    For me, wealth simply means that you are able to eat three times a day without too much struggle, live in a safe home, sleep on a comfortable bed, having a job that gives you good pay, having time with the family, and being able to do what you love to do. Having the things you need right in front of you is wealth and not just about the having a shining red Ferrari.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clyde Dennis
    For me wealth is the freedom that comes with having more choices.
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  • Profile picture of the author butterballs8
    Hookers and strippers in the champagne room
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  • Profile picture of the author mark healy
    great comments. wealth is also i think a state of mind and if you feel the wealth and believe it with the correct strategy you can get there.

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  • Profile picture of the author McMissKathy
    It's not really about the wealth or the money, it's about having some peace of mind. The money is just a tool you use in everyday use.
    Good to have enough to live nice and comfy but too much will make you just as miserable as a poor person who has to worry from one day to the next.
    The thing with having too much is you always worry about whether you will be able to hang on to it and if you have little, you worry about what you will do tomorrow.
    I always hope to have just enough to do what I need and not worry about tomorrow. I don't want to be wealthy but just live comfortable.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alton Hargrave
      A few years ago, I read a story about some folks that won the lottery in Texas. A reporter went out to their house to see how sudden wealth had affected their lives.

      Upon arrival, the old man was rocking on the porch. "How have things changed since you and your family won the lottery?" asked the reporter.

      "Well, before we found out that we won that there lottery, we talked about how we wished we could go to Wal-Mart and buy us one of them there ridin' lawnmowers. But now, that just doesn't seem all that important anymore." the old man said.

      The old man rocked on. The grass continued to grow in the yard and no one felt inclined to go to town and buy a new mower. What they really needed to buy was something they couldn't buy. Something they had before they ever bought a lottery ticket. It is called motivation.

      People are driven by a need to take care of problems. Whether that is building a bridge to get to the other side or just cutting the grass, they feel a need to work.

      But, for many, coming into a lot of money means no more problems. So, they don't know what to do anymore.

      Except, rock on the porch and watch the world go buy, I mean by.

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  • Profile picture of the author Japles
    To me, wealth means having the financial (and time) freedom to do the things that I want to do in my lifetime and also share those experiences with others.

    In my opinion, wealth is not just about gaining, it's about giving.

    If I could repay my parents back for all they have contributed to my life, I would feel truly wealthy.

    YOU are awesome :)

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  • "What Does Wealth Mean To You. Is it fast Cars and Spending Money?"

    It is not fast Cars and Spending Money. . . .

    I have a list.

    Superb Health
    Financial Balance
    Fearlessness to Share Abundantly
    "Live & Love" till death

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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    Wealth is not about having fast cars and is not about having more money to spend also but the real wealth is being healthy.
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  • Profile picture of the author RockNRolla
    Wealth to me is not having to work for a 'boss', having the freedom to do whatever I want every day, and having enough monthly income to be able to live comfortably. I used to think I wanted to be a multi millionaire, but my views have changed over the last few years.
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  • Profile picture of the author SanifSentosa
    To me, wealth means:
    Our life was not bothered with money problems anymore
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  • Profile picture of the author mert
    Originally Posted by mark healy View Post


    I am interested in what wealth really means to you.Our whole life the media have portrayed wealth as glamourous fast cars and big mansions and lots of jewellery and fancy restaurants.Is this what wealth really is?

    So please comment on what you think wealth really means to you.
    Wealth is a representation of an individual’s value in this material world.

    For me, wealth is an emphasis on people’s ability to think and handle the materials in this world, which is absolutely not owned by us. Sometimes, people think that wealth is only represented by “MONEY.”But, we should instill in our mind that “Money” can buy amusement but not happiness, can buy a house but not a human, can buy foods but not an appetite, can buy medicines but not a healthy body. See?

    Can someone get the point. So, wealth is an ability to think wisely.
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  • Profile picture of the author rlcf
    Wealth to me means not having to work for anyone else but yourself. You can be happy on your own terms and you can enjoy life the way YOU want to. Be financially free. The fast cars and nice houses are just a bonus.

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  • Profile picture of the author danielotc
    financial freedom & health

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  • Profile picture of the author Kroncept
    Being able to travel to any event, place that you want and turn off the BS of the world with zero consequence. Going to sleep without worrying where a meal or bill is going to come from. Buying something for a loved one without hesitation. Treating yourself to that nice dinner without the stress. Going to that sporting event and getting the upgraded seats. Extra legroom in the plane. Comfort!
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  • Profile picture of the author humboldt84
    Freedom and Health
    "You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win." -Zig Ziglar
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  • Profile picture of the author QuelThalas
    well i think wealth mean is joyful, you can get everything you want, loneliness, have a few real friend, but everyone would love near by you.
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  • Profile picture of the author jessmonsilva
    wealth to me is actually much the same as most people here accept the fact that I've always wanted to travel the world, or at least see more of it. I'd love to make enough money to be able to go on a few cruises, see some nice places, that sort of thing. I've always loved traveling, I guess that's why I love being a musician so much too, lol. Other than the traveling though, I too want to be able to support my family, I want to see them happy and I want to be the reason they are happy.
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  • Profile picture of the author mark healy
    great answers.Wealth can be a feeling of freedom and joy for yourself and your family

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  • Profile picture of the author InfoBuzz13
    Wealth means being comfortable not worrying how to pay your bills. Doing thing you want to do without worrying about money. The most important factor for me is help people in third world countries.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moblob
    Wealth to me is...

    Proving to everyone who thought you were a looser wrong
    Spoiling the people who mean something to you
    Not worrying about your finances
    Lamborghini Aventador
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  • Profile picture of the author beasty513
    Wealth means gaining assets.

    What the media usually potrays as wealth/assets are really liabilities.

    Can't blame them as they help fuel the

    consumer mentality.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      My suggestion? Ask that question to people who are wealthy. You'll get completely different answers.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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      • Profile picture of the author InfoBuzz13
        I have few family members who are very rich. They say that money has given them more power and respect. Looking at them I feel that people who are wealth feel this way because people around them give them impression that they are more important then other people.
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      • Profile picture of the author mark healy
        some great answers, appreciate your comments

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      • Profile picture of the author Sunganani
        For me it is about having an abundance of resources generated from passive income assets so that I can
        1. Live well (not fast cars and stuff but at least decent)
        2. Be able to use it to make a difference in other people's lives...beginning with my family.

        The rest would be icing on the cake
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  • Profile picture of the author Cason
    Freedom to do whatever the hell I want. Basically not having my decisions being restricted by money
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  • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
    Wealth is relative and it is abstract. It exists in people's minds, not in their pockets. It can come in several ways and forms. But if you are thinking of monetary wealth, be happy if you are financially independent.

    Joseph M. Dabon
    Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

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  • Profile picture of the author RestlessBlaze
    For me wealth is having enough money that i dont need to work for survival. Whether i work or i dont work, it shouldnt matter.I should have money coming in every month. That should be awesome.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Mark,

    Freedom! I am hopping 2 jets tomorrow. 1 from Chennai to Mumbai, India. 1 from Mumbai to NYC. I am heading back to NJ for Christmas. In mid January, back to Asia. Thailand again. I travel where I want whenever I want to and nothing holds me back.

    Wealth is having the means to live the life you TRULY want to live. Money is usually part of the equation on some level but freedom means different things to different people. I know people who make hundreds of thousands of dollars each year but are tied to an office, taking only 2 weeks of vacation a year.

    That is absolute wealth, big bucks, but bound on some level. I make less but have traveled the world for 3 years running almost. Not bound. My relative wealth is substantially greater than the guy or gal with more bucks but has to be bound to some person, place of thing.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
    Wealth, simply put, is abundance. But abundance is relative in a sense that it can only be measured against a standard. But if you keep on chasing after the standard, no matter how much relative abundance you have, you are never happy with it because someone out there has more than you. So going back to your question, if you really want to cherish life, be happy with what you have in abundance rather than compare yourself with others.

    Joseph M. Dabon
    Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

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  • Profile picture of the author eldib3
    Lets be truthful to each other now. This world revolves around money, its sad but its true. If you want to make a change in the world you need money. Why? You need the political power, the ad space, the planners, and the media. The problem in the world right now is that the wrong people have the money. The ones who dont care about anyone else and are happy paying less taxes then the poor.
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  • Profile picture of the author malcsimm
    For me, wealth is just about attaining freedom to do whatever you want.

    There is no necessity to work if you don't want to so you can send to your whole life around doing what you want - whether that's travelling, learning new things, helping others, time with family, et cetera.

    This is complete freedom and that's what wealth is all about as far as I'm concerned.


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  • Profile picture of the author joesfortune
    I believe that most people would define wealth as the abundance of material possessions, especially money.

    While I, personally, am inclined towards that definition, I have a gut feel that I would not be happy and contented if I have that kind of wealth. Happiness and peace of mind are things, though intangible, can give people more contentment and satisfaction than abundance of possessions.

    Joseph M. Dabon
    Blogger and freelance writer. I belong to Ezine's Expert Author, Diamond, level. Visit me at

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  • Profile picture of the author dndoseller
    Freedom and giving!
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  • Profile picture of the author InfoBuzz13
    I recently had a minor operation which we wrong, but lucky for me the damage was
    not as big as they first thought it will be. That made me realize one thing that your health is your biggest wealth.
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  • Profile picture of the author dlwebb610
    Wealth means only one thing for me, an opportunity to help those in need. Whether those in need are family, friends, the neighbor down the street or the neighbor on the other side of the world.

    Now if I could just create that kind of wealth I could help all those mentioned above. But first i have to make enough to get out of my truck and get back into a home again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lurk
    The definition of wealth will be different for everyone as it should.
    Although, wealth still means rich to me, for the purpose of this thread & in the context I think the OP is trying to lay out, wealth will take on a different meaning. That meaning for me will be "selfmastery".

    I mean we all want to be able to be happy, and, whatever gives us some level of contentment while still striving for that apex on the journey will just have to do. Self mastery gives me as close to wealth as I am going to get without any external rewards, so, self mastery it is

    "One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery over ones self".-Leonardo Da Vinci


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  • Profile picture of the author henrycalvin
    Wealth is compared with Money.
    Where as many people also compare it with Knowledge. Which is the actual meaning. Because Knowledge gets you money, so the real source of wealth is Knowledge
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    • Profile picture of the author mark healy
      Wealth means different things to different people.

      I don't think all the fast cars and possessions really matter.If you have a wealthy mindset even if you are not actually wealthy in terms of financially, you are programming your mind to be wealthy in the future.

      Thanks for your comments everyone, much appreciated.



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  • Profile picture of the author jw22777
    To be wealthy to me, is to be rich of wisdom!
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