How World of Warcraft Made Me Wealthy

21 replies
Whether you play WOW or The Elder Scrolls or Call of Duty, there is a way to play that will make you more money. I am not talking about selling virtual goods or game gold (although some people do make money mining online gold through Chinese or offshore staff). I am talking about FORCING yourself to hit higher productivity levels by using games as 'rewards.'

I restrict myself to a couple of hours of leisure time daily. I use these hours as my 'rewards' if I hit certain productivity milestones per day. You get the best of both worlds-you get some 'me time' plus, you boost your productivity and profitability. Give yourself this win win situation.

If MMORPGs aren't your thing, you can use other things that you enjoy. Turn them into 'rewards.' Force yourself to live a more disciplined working life.

To your success!

#made #warcraft #wealthy #world
  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    Wow i do exactly the same thing apart that i play dota 2

    Guys try out this type of reward. It really works.


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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    I also have friends who plays online games and earn big money, they say it's about selling "items" to boosts skills and power-ups. Sounds interesting.
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  • Profile picture of the author conanedo
    hahaha me too i like to play dotA (but just offline) if all my job is done it's feel good.. like i have a reward for what i do, and i hope i will get reward too with $$ because the job i had done..

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  • Profile picture of the author TimothyTorrents
    I just started doing this and it really helps!

    I like to play Skyrim for a bit after I finish my work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Japles
    I used to play World Of Warcraft but stopped because I would spend literally DAYS on it!

    I left and improved my real life stats and professions instead Kudos to you though for turning it into a productivity tool. Thanks for sharing!

    YOU are awesome :)

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    • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
      Originally Posted by Japles View Post

      I used to play World Of Warcraft but stopped because I would spend literally DAYS on it!

      I left and improved my real life stats and professions instead Kudos to you though for turning it into a productivity tool. Thanks for sharing!
      I thought I'd give it a try about 5 years or so ago because of all the hype and I had friends who played. Quit after about 6 months because I found myself playing WAY too much. I'm not really a "gamer" but they did a great job of hooking me in and making me want to keep playing.

      I can understand why some people basically ruined their lives playing. It is INCREDIBLY addictive. I had a friend who would play right when he woke up (6:00 or 7:00am) until about 2:00pm, when it was time for him to go to work. Once he was back home around 11:00 he'd play until 3-4am.
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      • Profile picture of the author Japles
        Originally Posted by JSProjects View Post

        I thought I'd give it a try about 5 years or so ago because of all the hype and I had friends who played. Quit after about 6 months because I found myself playing WAY too much. I'm not really a "gamer" but they did a great job of hooking me in and making me want to keep playing.

        I can understand why some people basically ruined their lives playing. It is INCREDIBLY addictive. I had a friend who would play right when he woke up (6:00 or 7:00am) until about 2:00pm, when it was time for him to go to work. Once he was back home around 11:00 he'd play until 3-4am.
        Haha same thing happened to me. All of my friends played it and I thought I would give it a whirl. A couple years later and over a couple weeks (maybe months) play time and I decided to stop and spend my money elsewhere.

        I quit for a couple of months and then relapsed (it's like a drug I swear!) when the expansion came out ( I can't remember which one, there's so many!) As soon as I hit the level cap I quit again. Pointless? Probably, but it was great stress relief and a way to cope with the struggles I was currently going through.

        I am now in college and find other things to reward myself. I've considered going back to WoW but I know I won't be able to sit down and play just an hour or two. Just one dungeon used to take a couple hours...

        But I do think it's important for everyone to find that "thing" that they enjoy doing. We have to remember why we got into internet marketing in the first place. To achieve time AND financial freedom. Work hard and smart, but don't forget to take a break and have some fun.

        YOU are awesome :)

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        • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
          Originally Posted by Japles View Post

          I am now in college and find other things to reward myself. I've considered going back to WoW but I know I won't be able to sit down and play just an hour or two. Just one dungeon used to take a couple hours...
          Exactly. They do a great job of sucking you in. My friends would constantly ask that I play and run a dungeon with them. I'd spend, usually, at least 3-5 hours doing so. Just too much of a time sink and I got tired of going to bed after 1:00am! I'd restrict myself to playing at night, at least. After I finished my tasks for the day. So I still had "control." While some of my friends would play almost every waking moment.

          Eventually I couldn't keep up with them anyway. So that played a factor in me quitting. I didn't dedicate as much time as them so I was lagging too far behind.
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  • Profile picture of the author Evocess
    Haha. I can relate on this thread.
    HON is my best past time or reward for myself.
    I usually play together with my workmates and it's a good way to practice of team building.
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  • Yes, Sir, writeaway,

    In the way past I have experienced something similar. I really like the idea of turning something that can become an addition into a measured reward and motivational tool.

    You had me going there for a bit with your title trying to figure out how a person could make big (wealthy) money playing an online video game albeit a great one.

    Thanks for the useful post.

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    • Profile picture of the author jonrpatrick
      LOL. I do the same thing! Thought I was the only gamer out there!
      If I do a good job, "hit milestones" for the day, I reward myself with some BF3 at night.
      Although I've expanded to GW2 and Neverwinter now!
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      Weight Loss Affiliate program, pays to 3rd level, FREE to Join, No Autoship! Now in Pre-Launch!
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    I'm glad my hobby is more expensive.

    But I agree you have to have something to work for. For me it is cars. Currently I have a Corvette but long term I would like to get into higher end cars.

    Life is a lot more fun when you are not making money but instead paying for _______.

    Of course if WOW is what motivates you that might not be the best in the long run. As many of my friends who play WOW are among my lowest income earning friends. Here in the US you can live on Welfare and play WOW basically. Can't fault them as the life they want to live isn't expensive so they can do it.

    And in the end isn't that the point? It is not about being rich. It is not about the money. It is about living the life you want to life. To truly be Consciously Successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bhekizwe
    Its a great idea to reward oneself for productivity and the like.
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      Yes, for me it's documentaries or comedy stand-up specials. I love to laugh and the conspiracy oriented documentaries make me think. So it's a good reward after a good solid block of productivity

      MMORPG's are my past though lol That for me was a time eater. I only choose rewards that last 30 - 60 minutes at most so i can easily get back to work
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    very interesting it is, may be i will start playing it from today now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Noel2010
    I never thought that these games can make you wealthy. Now I know.
    I wish there was a little bit more details, like, what do you mean by wealthy, real money?
    And how much time would it take to get a great amount of rewards.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent48
    Good post Writeaway every one can benefit from using a plan like yours..Having a
    plan is the best way to achieve Goals..break your Goal into steps and reward yourself each
    time you complete a step, the reward keeps you stimulated and the progress of getting closer to your Goal motivates and excites you even more. This Type of Road to success has been the plan used by many famous people to achieve outstanding success.
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
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    • Profile picture of the author jonrpatrick
      I've had a fantastic morning and about to reward myself with 30 minutes of Battlefield! it's lunch time, but I have *just* 4 more things to complete! hhaha.

      This thread reminds me - anyone here a fan of the web series The Guild?
      LOVE that show, and it's about people who play a game 5 or 8 (or more) hours a day and them connecting and struggling in the real world. Okay, that doesn't do it justice, if you've ever gamed and been 'sucked in' you need to check it out. It's fantastic.
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      Weight Loss Affiliate program, pays to 3rd level, FREE to Join, No Autoship! Now in Pre-Launch!
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  • Profile picture of the author Hackbridge
    Should that second post Sig read "Attention !"?
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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by Hackbridge View Post

      Should that second post Sig read "Attention !"?
      Ha ha - I wonder how many times I saw that graphic and never noticed the misspelling. Just shows how little attention I pay to people's signatures.

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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