I'm a procrastinator Please help

40 replies
You heard it I put things off all the time. I like to wait till the last minute. Of course waiting till the last minute causes constant stress.

I am looking for some good advice on how I can get myself to be more productive and less likly to get off task.

Whats funny is through the years I have adapted a procrastination for procrastinating.

Yeah well what happens is instead of putting something off I just do one of the projects I put off before.

You would think that I would get all of it done at some point. No, what happens is I end up with 5-10 projects running at the same time two thirds done.

Now I know doing one thing at a time would be much more successful but that does not stop me from doing what I do.

So if anyone has some great advice for my situation I would love to hear what you have to say.

And before you say it "I am not taking a pill" LOL
#procrastinator #putting it off #self help
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Lemos
    F.O.C.U.S- Which stands for follow one course until successful. This is the best strategy. The surprising thing is that you will succeed much faster with this approach when you take on one of each 10 projects one by one.

    Good Luck
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  • Quit doing what you are doing for a least a week. In the mean time do something else.

    When you come back to your work see if that time off made a difference in your objective.
    If you fall back into the same pattern, STOP. Refuse to work until you are ready to really work for the good of yourself. That means a single project completion including self-reporting on the final outcome of results when the full project has run its COMPLETE course.

    This would be a tough one for anybody. Don't beat yourself up. Just keep trying different things just like starting this thread for help. You WILL succeed.

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  • Hey Wayne. Thanks for posting this message.

    I still consider myself somebody who procrastinates quite a bit. However, now I wake up at 4:30 every morning, walk 7 miles to the office every day, feel productive in my day job and spend at least three hours with the kids every night.

    1. The first thing I would suggest is to take away the label that you are a procrastinator.

    We all have different degrees of procrastination. However, they way you have stated means that it almost defines you, like that is all that you are.

    2. Get a small win under your belt - Just do one thing a little differently today. Pick one project or even one piece of a project that you have had trouble completing and focus on that until it is finished. It may take a couple of sitting but you will get to the end.

    3. I also like LastingLifeSuccess' advice. Quit what you are doing for week. Seems like you could use the opportunity to give your brain a few days off.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bhekizwe
    Use a Gantt Chart to sequence important projects
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexchan338
    I recommend you reading one of Brian Tracy's book called, "Kiss the frog"

    Heres the link (not affiliate link): Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop...Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop...
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    i have been putting off taking part in the procrastination threads .

    the only real answer is to say year i procrastinate ..but make sure you make some progress on each thing every day .

    when you start a project decide on the minumum you must do every day
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  • Profile picture of the author Joel Young
    I'll post a reply to this tomorrow.
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    • Profile picture of the author waynemoney
      LOL Funny Me Too
      Originally Posted by Joel Young View Post

      I'll post a reply to this tomorrow.
      You Don't Have to Be Part of the 99% of Internet Marketers That Fail Miserably
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      • Profile picture of the author glennshep
        Focus is an absolute must. If you don't have focus and a clear aim then it's so easy to drift and get distracted, putting things off until later and then ultimately getting little or nothing done.

        You need to know what it is that you're aiming for and the reason why you're aiming for it. Write down your big goal and break it down into smaller steps, breaking down each smaller step into even still smaller steps. Write it all down. Then tackle one thing at a time, again knowing the smaller goal you're currently aiming for and the reason why you're aiming for it, never forgetting your motivation for your big goal.

        Work to a timer and work in small chunks, for example setting a countdown timer for an hour and then sticking to your assigned task for that hour. Remove all distractions, if necessary turn off your mobile phone, take your landline off the hook, etc. Don't be tempted to check Facebook, Twitter, e-mails and the like. If you get any kind of notification for these things, disable it while working.

        Once you have spent your assigned time working, take a break, e.g. 15 mins and give yourself a reward, even if it's just a hot drink or a walk outside in fresh air. Then set your timer again, know what your goal is for your next work period and what you plan on doing in order to reach it, then get back to work again.

        Having a structure to your work and knowing clearly what you're aiming for and why you're aiming for it will help you to keep on track, so long as you FOCUS and stick to it.

        Also it's important to prioritise your work. If something isn't essential then it can wait until later. Get the essential stuff done first, don't try too doing many things at once and don't waste time on things that aren't necessary
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    • Profile picture of the author dkt1856
      Too funny!
      Donald Thomas
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    The best way to eliminate procrastination it to just do it.

    The next step that needs to be taken to complete a given task is never hard. (e.g. power up your pc, open word, write title of article etc)


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  • Profile picture of the author derricks4
    Like they've mentioned, take breaks.
    EXPLODE Your Sales! The PREMIER Copywriting Service on WF<PM ME!
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    If you are not good at multitasking. so you should focus on one thing at a time. this way you can do each of your work with focus and professional way.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    Ask yourself how bad you want it, you need to find your why, you need to find something that drives you every single day, what's your purpose what are you, passionate about. If you keep procrastinating you haven't found it yet or you don't want it bad enough it's simple as that
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    • Profile picture of the author waynemoney
      Best answer yet! I agree I find and I know its stupid but I like the stress of being behind I thrive on it and do some of my best work when I am under a deadline. I always seem to get it done in the nick of time.

      Thanks everyone for your comments. I was working on a product that helps people solve the problems that most of us have and the ones that succeed overcome.

      Your input has been very helpful and when I go to launch the product you are all welcome to a review copy just pm me if you want one.

      Originally Posted by nicholasb View Post

      Ask yourself how bad you want it, you need to find your why, you need to find something that drives you every single day, what's your purpose what are you, passionate about. If you keep procrastinating you haven't found it yet or you don't want it bad enough it's simple as that
      You Don't Have to Be Part of the 99% of Internet Marketers That Fail Miserably
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      • Profile picture of the author Maxist
        Originally Posted by waynemoney View Post

        Best answer yet! I agree I find and I know its stupid but I like the stress of being behind I thrive on it and do some of my best work when I am under a deadline. I always seem to get it done in the nick of time.

        Thanks everyone for your comments. I was working on a product that helps people solve the problems that most of us have and the ones that succeed overcome.

        Your input has been very helpful and when I go to launch the product you are all welcome to a review copy just pm me if you want one.
        I find that most procrastinators (me included) tend to identify as being the guy who "works better under the pressure of a deadline". The question you have to ask yourself is if this is a habit worth maintaining. This attitude caused a lot of stress in my own life, and it wasn't until I stopped identifying myself as a "last-minute" kind of guy that I started to develop new habits.

        How do you get new habits? Get clear on why you're doing what you're doing. Have clarity and start taking affirmative action towards your new regime. Pat yourself on the back for even the smallest accomplishment and you'll find yourself generating new momentum. It's easier said than done but that's how you get started in my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author katherineolga
    I set small goals that I can achieve without getting stressed out. When I feel overwhelmed, that is when I procrastinate.

    My first goal is to make $1 a day online. Once I do that consistently and well, I will up that to $5 a day, then $10 and so on.

    I think for you, it is best to examine why you tend to put things off. Then, find a solution that makes sense and corrects the problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author iPeter
    For me, the thing that works when nothing else does is accountability. Being accountable to one or more people that have similar goals to your ones and kinda competing with him/them works like a charm. On periodical meetings all of you can declare your goals for the next week (if you gather weekly) and if the next week someone haven't achieved his goal, he owes $50 or so to charity.
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    • Profile picture of the author waynemoney
      I really like this idea.

      Originally Posted by iChristian View Post

      For me, the thing that works when nothing else does is accountability. Being accountable to one or more people that have similar goals to your ones and kinda competing with him/them works like a charm. On periodical meetings all of you can declare your goals for the next week (if you gather weekly) and if the next week someone haven't achieved his goal, he owes $50 or so to charity.
      You Don't Have to Be Part of the 99% of Internet Marketers That Fail Miserably
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Since you're well aware of the problem you already know the solution. Just do what you need to do. But since that's too simple and since you obviously have a large enough support system that will allow you to procrastinate it's not likely you'll just wake up changed one day. There's nothing that can be done.

    If you won't just do what you need to do it's very unlikely you're going to take anyone's advice in this thread.

    Here's the low down dirty truth. There are two reasons people make changes. One is that something really good happens to them. The other is just the opposite. You are going to need to suffer greatly as a direct result of your bad habits before you change.

    Most people making dramatic changes in life will tell you something awful happened to them and they simply got tired of feeling like sh*t all the time. I'm speaking from experience here.

    There is one other way. That is to find your passion. Figure out what you really love doing and make it pay. That way you won't really be working, you'll be enjoying yourself. Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eemil
      From my point of view, *duh! alert* procrastination derives from lack of passion, enthusiasm and enjoyment toward what your doing. This means that something you're doing isn't right, EG. too much work, too few motivating factors, slow results, confusion, not knowing what to do next, etc.

      I also have a slight problem with procrastination and I know the severity of the effects it can cause...

      As for an example, the reality is that Europe is sailing on dangerous waters when economy is concerned. Spain in specific shows distress signals and the level of unemployment is gigantic.

      That is what keeps pushing me away from the circle of procrastination - the thought that I really need to be working and earning a living, as well as fear of what would happen if I did not do so. I believe procrastination is a sort of a psychological "mind-drug"; you know you shouldn't be doing it, you know its effects, but you still do it.

      Now, what I guess I'm trying to say is this: You have to somehow create a need for what you do. Naturally, it has to be something you enjoy, or else it eventually becomes sour, outright boring and eventually your efficiency falls apart.

      Like they say in my language, "One has to find the flame of need".

      Most likely everything I've said has already been commented about, but I thought I'd just throw my two-pence in.
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  • Profile picture of the author jay walters
    It is just plain simple decision. To decide not to decide is still a decision you make.

    Procrastination is a decision you make, so decide not to procrastinate.
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  • Profile picture of the author RockNRolla
    There is lots of advice you can give on this, but at the end of the day the only way to stop procrastinating is to just do it. I don't think there si any magic bullet, just take responsibility and start taking action.
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  • Profile picture of the author andreasdl
    Hi waynemoney,

    I see you received here lots of good and thoughtful answers.
    I'd like to add up my personal solution to this problem.

    This may or may not work for you, I just think that's a great (and viable) option when we feel like procastinating too much.

    1st thing: Do Less, Do it Better

    We procastinate every single day. Ok?
    Sometimes it is OK to do that.
    But other times it's better to make a change.

    Procastination is partly a lack of willpower and it shows the need to "calm down, take it easy, do it later".
    We are overwhelmed.

    So the first advice I'd like to give to you is
    Focus on what matters

    We are too much tied to the need to "do it all, being the best, etc" that we forget one fact:
    We have limits.

    So, for once, try to stop doing something you don't really need.
    Remove from your daily routine actions that are not required.
    Make a change.

    2nd: Start being unconfortable

    As I said before: Procastination can be a matter of willpower.
    The first advice acts on having less willpower needed for your daily routine.
    This one address the lack of willpower.

    During your day try to do small, little things, that you DON'T want to do.
    For example:
    - Avoid telling a secret you'd like to share (or the opposite)
    - Saying no (or yes)
    - Everything that's a simple action and you just would like to avoid doing.

    Start doing 1 per day or if you can 2.
    Then move up.

    Let me know how it goes in case you do it

    Have a great day
    how to be happier and learn to control fear & anger (woah. I didn't even capitalize this because it's not an ad, it's my advice and personal experience)
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  • Profile picture of the author CRGreen
    One thing you could do is try working in time chunks. Get a kitchen timer (or use an online timer) and set it for 30 minutes (or 60 minutes). Discipline yourself to sit and work for that full chunk of time and then when the timer goes off, get up and take a quick break or reward yourself with going for a quick walk.

    Also, try to figure out the time of day you are most productive (I'm most productive earlier in the morning so that's when I focus on my writing, creating products, etc) and work during those hours.
    Connie Ragen Green
    Huge Profits Tiny List
    Make Huge Profits With A Small List
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  • Profile picture of the author muffty
    Originally Posted by waynemoney View Post

    You heard it I put things off all the time. I like to wait till the last minute. Of course waiting till the last minute causes constant stress.

    I am looking for some good advice on how I can get myself to be more productive and less likly to get off task.

    Whats funny is through the years I have adapted a procrastination for procrastinating.

    Yeah well what happens is instead of putting something off I just do one of the projects I put off before.

    You would think that I would get all of it done at some point. No, what happens is I end up with 5-10 projects running at the same time two thirds done.

    Now I know doing one thing at a time would be much more successful but that does not stop me from doing what I do.

    So if anyone has some great advice for my situation I would love to hear what you have to say.

    And before you say it "I am not taking a pill" LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Procrastination is the assassination of success.

    You can never wait for the time to be just right because it never will be.
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  • Profile picture of the author QuelThalas
    focus and dont take so much break. that wont help you. it would make you more lazy and more pending.
    but, if you're the one who like to work under pressure, dont stop it. maybe your work wouldn't finish if you dont do this such thing.

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  • Profile picture of the author mert
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    • Profile picture of the author Hapningnow
      I use Action Enforcer software - LOVE IT. I just put my tasks in there the night before and turn it on first thing in the morning when I start my computer work. It even lets me set my break time intervals. You can adjust the time ticking from off to fairly loud. I like to hear the ticking because that reminds me to FOCUS on what I need to be doing in that moment on that specific task. This has helped me immensely with staying on track and taking the appropriate action to complete my work.
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  • Profile picture of the author rbates
    If you finish projects that you previously put off, then begin a new project each day and then put it off. Now, take your previous day's project(s) (that you put off) and finish it. You will constantly be one day behind, but well ahead of the game.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Boardman
    Hey waynemoney I found this quote in another thread and thought it may help you

    Originally Posted by affilorama-portal View Post

    I like to share what I always apply to myself everyday. This is from Siddharta Buddha: "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."
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    • Another method that might work would be to take a course in Confidence Building. It would have to be a hands on course that you would actively participate in.

      Once you got through the course you will be able to see if your new found confidence is making a difference in what you wanted to get accomplished. It's worth a try for sure.
      Play the confidence card!

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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
    I would wait until you find an answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author dash0205
    Wealth is a mindset... don't you want some slice of "wealth"?..
    I am bent to provide more value to the marketplace. Connect with me via my Blog YOU CAN CLICK HERE
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