Wealth Mantras to Attract Money

15 replies
As per Hinduism, the chanting of mantras is considered to be instrumental in personal and social life transformation.
The sacred utterances or chanting of Sanskrit Mantras provide us with the power to attain our goals and lift ourselves from the ordinary to the higher level of consciousness. They give us the power to cure diseases; ward off evils; gain wealth; acquire supernatural powers; worship a deity for exalted communion and for attaining blissful state and attain liberation.
There are two very powerful mantras: Mahalaxmi mantra and Kuber Mantra. Mahalaxmi, as per Hindu scriptures is the Goddess of wealth and Kuber is the Lord of Richness.
In India, these mantras are chanted as rituals at many occasions. Chanting of these mantras are known to attract wealth, abundance and prosperity.
These mantras chanting (as per eastern philosophy) combined with practising money affirmations (as per western philosophy) creates compounded effect of Law of Attraction to attract money in your life.
#attract #mantras #money #wealth
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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
      Ron... Ron... Ron. :rolleyes:

      Joe Mobley

      Originally Posted by ronrule View Post



      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        I believe in Mantras.

        If you have the right attitude, people just give you money. Of course, if they also have the right attitude and say the right mantras...you also have to give them money. It ends up being "Who said the best mantras...and who said them loudest"....and then that person gets the money.

        And, saying mantras affects people who can give you money. It's amazing. Even though they didn't hear the mantra, they just change what they were going to do with their money...and they just give it to you.

        It's just science. Your attitude changes the laws of physics. And you don't have to waste time actually learning how to sell or market. It's all in your affirmations...chants...mantras...and attitude.

        Seriously. Quit that nonsensical "working to make sales". That doesn't work.

        Providing good service, making sales calls, keeping your promises, and creating compelling sales offers...that's all so "yesterday"

        Nope, just smile a lot. Keep love in your heart....say the right magic words...and completely reasonable people will just give you money...and they will do it because of the power of your mantra.

        I'm in the wrong section again, aren't I?
        One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          I believe in Mantras.

          If you have the right attitude, people just give you money. Of course, if they also have the right attitude and say the right mantras...you also have to give them money. It ends up being "Who said the best mantras...and who said them loudest"....and then that person gets the money.

          And, saying mantras affects people who can give you money. It's amazing. Even though they didn't hear the mantra, they just change what they were going to do with their money...and they just give it to you.

          It's just science. Your attitude changes the laws of physics. And you don't have to waste time actually learning how to sell or market. It's all in your affirmations...chants...mantras...and attitude.

          Seriously. Quit that nonsensical "working to make sales". That doesn't work.

          Providing good service, making sales calls, keeping your promises, and creating compelling sales offers...that's all so "yesterday"

          Nope, just smile a lot. Keep love in your heart....say the right magic words...and completely reasonable people will just give you money...and they will do it because of the power of your mantra.

          I'm in the wrong section again, aren't I?
          Clever, and funny.

          And unfortunately, it's the way all too many people think. Perhaps not in those terms, but the ideas behind their thinking could be described in those words by someone with a, shall we say, "less magical" belief system. Someone like, oh, I don't know . . . you!

          Of course, when used correctly, the power in using mantras is in changing your own mindset, and eventually your own behavior. The "when used correctly" part being the key to that sentence.

          Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8198538].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

            Clever, and funny.

            And unfortunately, it's the way all too many people think. Perhaps not in those terms, but the ideas behind their thinking could be described in those words by someone with a, shall we say, "less magical" belief system. Someone like, oh, I don't know . . . you!

            Of course, when used correctly, the power in using mantras is in changing your own mindset, and eventually your own behavior. The "when used correctly" part being the key to that sentence.
            Dennis; Thanks. I'm actually a "self improvement junkie" I listen to CDs by Jim Rohn, Earl Nightingale, and others.

            And I like the way they make me feel, like listening to upbeat music.

            But they are no substitute for knowing what you are doing, and how marketing works...and getting off your ass and doing it.

            Claude "Less Magical" Whitacre
            One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

            “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8198836].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
              Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

              Dennis; Thanks. I'm actually a "self improvement junkie" I listen to CDs by Jim Rohn, Earl Nightingale, and others.

              And I like the way they make me feel, like listening to upbeat music.

              But they are no substitute for knowing what you are doing, and how marketing works...and getting off your ass and doing it.

              Claude "Less Magical" Whitacre
              You named a couple of my favorites. And Earl had that great voice to go along with his wisdom. That's a powerful combination!

              There is no substitute for applied knowledge, I agree. Mantras, as I said before, when used correctly, can change a person's mindset. Even a small change, over time, can make a big difference. From one self-improvement junkie to another, I speak from experience. The way we think can make all the difference in the world.

              Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8199501].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley
          I'm taking it that the word for the day is facetious.

          Joe Mobley

          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          I believe in Mantras.

          If you have the right attitude, people just give you money. Of course, if they also have the right attitude and say the right mantras...you also have to give them money. It ends up being "Who said the best mantras...and who said them loudest"....and then that person gets the money.

          And, saying mantras affects people who can give you money. It's amazing. Even though they didn't hear the mantra, they just change what they were going to do with their money...and they just give it to you.

          It's just science. Your attitude changes the laws of physics. And you don't have to waste time actually learning how to sell or market. It's all in your affirmations...chants...mantras...and attitude.

          Seriously. Quit that nonsensical "working to make sales". That doesn't work.

          Providing good service, making sales calls, keeping your promises, and creating compelling sales offers...that's all so "yesterday"

          Nope, just smile a lot. Keep love in your heart....say the right magic words...and completely reasonable people will just give you money...and they will do it because of the power of your mantra.

          I'm in the wrong section again, aren't I?


          Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8200230].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Originally Posted by Joe Mobley View Post

            I'm taking it that the word for the day is facetious.

            Joe Mobley
            Me? Facetious? Well.....yes.

            And I'm not much for mantras. But I really think that listening to wise people gives you perspective and a seasoned outlook on life.

            The problem I see is that people think these things (mantras, chanting, affirmations) by themselves will create wealth, or make you money.

            And....I know this isn't really the thread for this idea.
            One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

            “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Here's a mantra that was once popular in the United States:

    Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go...
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    • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
      Originally Posted by travlinguy View Post

      Here's a mantra that was once popular in the United States:

      Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go...
      Nice one.

      Vikram, what are you're personal results using these mantras compared to only affirmations?


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8187286].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Vikram Anand
        Originally Posted by Gary Ning Lo View Post

        Nice one.

        Vikram, what are you're personal results using these mantras compared to only affirmations?


        Happy to share with you that these mantras has been working positively in my life. Being an Indian, these mantras has been a part of my life. However ever since I am perceiving it from LoA point of view along with practicing affirmations, I am truly getting its benefits in terms of financial success

        As per Hindu philosophy, knowledge and wealth are the gifts which increases on sharing. So its motivating me to talk about it with people to help them take advantage of this philosophy!!
        Is there any area of your life where your need help??

        Click Here to access tons of resources on Self Help
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  • Profile picture of the author Curtis2011
    I like Tony Robbins' incantation for wealth.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8188131].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Eleanor Hope
      Originally Posted by Curtis2011 View Post

      I like Tony Robbins' incantation for wealth.

      Tony Robbins
      brilliant reminder
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Knowles
    Chant your mantra, the only thing that changes is your perception and that changes your energy around you. If you exude confidence people will respond accordingly, if you exude fear and negativity people run a mile.
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  • Profile picture of the author 11811
    I'm interested in the mantra but where is it? Not in the video...
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