The Hope For Happiness Is Your Strongest Personal Motivator

12 replies
Why? Because we search for a personal sense of well being, we base All our decisions on securing every goal we believe will somehow increase our joy.

We might even be willing to put up with some moderate discomfort if we felt the time invested would ultimately provide the happiness we seek.

There is much to be said for those who repeatedly say everyone should follow the guidance of pursuing what is admired, what is cared about, what is worth giving one’s interest to. If the counsel of one’s best interest is sought, the answer will always be, “do what you love”
#happiness #hope #motivator #personal #strongest
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    as i study successful people who are happy,

    happyness is never really the goal it is a by product of acomplishing someting else or over coming a challenge

    also do what you love is really bad advice because very few people love anything that is real productive ..but most successful people find something that itself they may not love.. but it brings out many many passions which allows them to do that many more hours than anything else .

    is there something you can do that is a productive activity ..that can incorperate sever different activities that you are passionate about..

    real meaningfull work that gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning and you can build lifelong friendship the secret to happiness
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  • Profile picture of the author PrimaDNA1989
    What stands between us and an answer to 'what is happiness' it is all about subjectivity. What makes one person happy doesn't necessarily do it for another and happiness is a cocktail of emotions we experience when we do something good or positive. What constitutes happiness should be left to the individual. After all, the philosopher Albert Camus puts it as, "But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads? Happiness, love, hope!
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  • Profile picture of the author MyLuckyYear
    I agree that if you do what you love then it all comes together. Oprah said that you should do the job that you would do even if you don't get paid.
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  • Profile picture of the author tobyjensen
    Hmmm, this happiness business is actually achieved before you get anywhere. Happiness is our natural state that we start from. The present moment that we return to. Somehow we got distracted and left the present moment. We thought those butterflies or whatever was a better deal. Then, once back in the present moment, we get to do “stuff” to be even more fulfilled. The present moment is where happiness is found. Only then can a new car bring more fulfilling happiness that lasts. I love having my car start up every time I get into it, for example.

    Remember, nothing happens UNTIL somebody sells something. You don’t get hired or fired, you don’t get a date for Friday night, you don’t even get out of bed in the morning until you’re sold on something. so happiness is not a byproduct of doing anything or getting anywhere. You get it before you do anything or you don’t do anything at all. Happiness (fulfillment, success, etc.) is also only half the motivation. The pain of not getting what you want is the other half of motivation. You are already motivated, now just leverage it to get exactly what you want. Develop your motivation.

    Being happy and knowing you can get even more fulfilled (have less pain) is what keeps me going. Start with doing what you love because only then do you actually want to do more. Then you have to keep developing that and at some point turn it into doing what people will actually pay for. Simple desires like, “I just want to be happy” simply doesn’t cut it anymore.

    Toby Jensen - Invest in what works this time

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  • Profile picture of the author Naeema Anum
    For me Happiness is the Motivation, to do something for a better life.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaddieQ
    I subscribe! If you are happy and do things that bring you joy is the most important
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  • I agree.. and love it.. Happiness makes things and life better and growing..its jus LOVE
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  • Profile picture of the author ToryBorysewicz
    Perhaps, the only thing that matters is love.
    Perhaps, all the chasing we do is just misdirected energy.
    Perhaps, all the stress is unnecessary.
    Perhaps, we are making life a lot more complicated than it needs to be.
    Perhaps, it’s possible (and necessary) to forgive and to let go of our painful past.
    Perhaps, there’s an easier route to happiness—by focusing on doing good work, contributing value to society, sharing joyful experiences with people we like, and remembering to slow down to savor the moments.
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    • I was quite taken with a number of your answers. These personal reminders of where happiness lives and what it is that motivates us are priceless to me because I too look at this wonderment and gaze upon it in awe.

      Thank you for responding to this thread. The right folks said enough of the right things so that just the right other people will benefit from these actions. Halleluiah!

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  • Profile picture of the author stonecoldmf
    We all hope to get better future. It is natural. Whatever be the situation. Hope never ends. Actually hope makes the life. When we go through bad phases we hope it will go and better time will come. We know the reality but still we hope. This actually acts as motivation and helps us to work to achieve that better day. That hope does not allow us to be upset further , instead helps to get that better time.
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  • Profile picture of the author natebunger
    Excellent idea that happiness is only half of the motivation and that the other half is the pain not getting it. I haven't really realized that but that's a very strong and true point.

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