The Sun Always Shines Above the Clouds
Have you ever been on a plane ready to fly on a cloudy, rainy day? All we see is darkness outside. But once the plane reaches higher altitudes above the clouds, the darkness disappears and we see nothing but sunshine and brightness. This is true about our lives as well. It is a reminder that though things may not all be perfect, as long as we keep working through our difficult periods in life, everything is going to be just fine. One way or another, things always have a way of working themselves out. Hidden above the clouds there is always sunshine. Disguised in each obstacle and trial we face is an opportunity waiting for us. The key here is our perspective and the way we approach life. Challenges that come into our lives are not meant to harm or kill us. Each challenge that comes into our lives brings with it an equal opportunity to grow and propel ourselves to the next altitude of our lives.
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