Working smart isn't very hard..
One of the most odd was when I was working with a plan, schedule, and working 14+ hours a day on my business.
Working hard..
It seemed like a very logical thing to do.. I mean it's all I was being told from everyone around me.. "work hard and you'll succeed!".. so I took that advice and did exactly that.
Now of course this is my experience and shouldn't be considered a case study that will have the same results for you..
But after following that plan, my business ultimately suffered. I began to see profits dwindle beyond anything I could imagine. I mean.. I was working all day trying to get leads, add on to what I already had, and market with other people.. spending countless hours providing support, recording videos, and making this a complete badass experience for my clients.. and yet my profits were lower than they had ever been? And not just mine.. my entire business model began to suffer.
Okay... scratch that one off the list, I took a 1 month break, another 2 weeks spent moving, changed my mindset completely, and BOOM.
Working smart..
I stopped focusing on that business and started changing my direction. Instead of working hard for 12 hours a day... I decided to work smart for 3 hours a day and then supplement that with about 2 hours of relaxed work.
And I've already proven to myself that this new direction works sooooo much better for me.. I've already passed my previous months earnings (of when I was working hard) with only a few hours a day of focused time on this.
The rest of the time I've either been spending with family, friends, or just relaxing to settle my mind.
It's been a very eye opening experience and the results I've seen from changing from "work hard all day" to "work smart and only a few hours each day" has made me so much happier.
In fact.. I'm at one of the happiest points in my life, thus far.
And I really want to keep riding this train for as long as I can!
Justin Lewis
Cheers, Laurence.
My name is Justin Lewis. My digital marketing company has been in business for over 10 years with multiple six-figure years. We do provide a premium web design service.