Do you think you can move from 4th dimension (lower) to 5th dimension (higher) energy?

5 replies
Consciously or not we are trying to move into higher and higher energies. Energies such as love, joy, happiness, unity, and creation are all examples of that higher vibration. They quite literally have a higher resonance, a higher vibration. Think about centering yourself in love, joy and peace. On the other hand Low vibration is that heaviness we feel in our hearts and stomachs (and sometimes head) - sadness, despair, grief, frustration, anger, victim, regret, and so on. It quite literally "gets you down". In esoteric terms, this is 4th dimension energy/vibration. What do YOU think?
#4th #5th #dimension #energy #higher #lower #move
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    dang it we all just moved from 3rd density to 4th density and you already want to move to 5th density .

    if you want the truth we are now moving back and forth between 3rd 4rd and 5th dimension , as part of our entire being exists on every dimensional level..we where just closed off from accessing the higher states we already where in .

    3d is not bad 4 d is not better and 5 d is not better than is more a difference in the concept of time in the 4th d ..anf in the 5th d an awareness of how things fit together ..

    we are now holding onto a 3d framework that is rapidly falling apart ..the point is not to go higher because there is something bad about being in the lower dimensions ..its to access the higher dimensional parts of yourself and use them to improve your experience in the 3d .
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    the key to knowing which level you are thinking to what extent you put thing in piles of good and bad .

    say when something "bad" happens the old reaction would be to draw out a chain of negative effects or event that tend to never happen..but at the time it increases the feeling of bad ..

    when allowing higher dimensions of perspective..rather than getting trapped in the linear chain of negative event thinking break the chain and pivot it into a more positive chain of thinking and expected outcome .

    i am still a novice at this and still get some pleasure in torturing myself with the vision of impending disaster .. but it is so much easier to get through hard times when your perspective on why you are going through them comes partly from higher dimensional understanding and not limited 3d thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author Yvon Boulianne
    I don't think, but i'm doing it all the times

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    L2S ,

    the concept is from new age/ spiritual circles not a physics based concept .

    It is from the same crowd who thought the world was going to end ..or aliens where going to contact us .. or some mass accession or awakening was going to happen on 12/21/12 .

    I learned several years ago as a began studying deep deep concepts .. that open minded new agers .. where some of the most closed minded people .. i prefer seekers to believers .

    i get more deep and interesting conversation here ..on spiritual topics than on many of those sights or forums .
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