Why are some days just like crap and others awesome? Can't it just be consistent?

6 replies
If the Law of Attraction works, then why does my "luck" fluctuate every single day? Like I'll be running hot one day, and then the next day I'll feel like crap, and then the following day I'll be feeling moderate...

After seeing a few responses in the past thread I made on "How come the Law of Attraction doesn't always work", I felt that I missed out an extremely important point! (and hence this thread)

In fact, I truly, truly believe this very thread will change your perspective deeply... because I've pounded out some of the most profound principles.

Let me ask you the same questions that were raised about the Law of Manifestation as well:

What about people with chronic diseases?

What about people starving in extreme poverty?

What about victims of natural disasters?

What about sufferers in Syria?

I admit that I completely forgot about addressing this issue in my last thread. But this issue by itself is so huge, that it will take a lot of explanations to do so.

Please bear with me because I'm not the best teacher out there, and I'm doing this for free because I enjoy sharing my thoughts.

Like I said before as well, please only believe what you will. I only ask you to test, reflect and think about it yourselves and see if what I say "clicks" with your own logic. (One person had tried the method in the other thread and have had phenomenal results!)

Here are the pieces of the puzzles... let's see if you can piece them together!

First of all, our concept of Time is WRONG...

If we were to talk about time as it exists in the psychological space, take a look at the first paragraph written by Lawrence (1990):
"Psychological time consists of three major aspects: succession, duration, and temporal perspective. Succession refers to the sequential occurrence of events (i.e., changes), from which an organism may perceive successiveness and temporal order. Duration refers to several different characteristics of events. Every event persists for a certain duration, which an individual may encode and remember. Events are separated by time periods, or intervals, that may contain other events, and the length of intervals plays a role in various aspects of psychological time. A relatively unified series of events forms an episode that co9ntinues for a certain duration, which an individual may encode and remember. Temporal perspective, the third aspect of psychological time discussed here, refers to an individual's experiences and conceptions concerning past, present and future time."
In layman, this simply means people perceive time when there are changes, in a continuous "story" and their own conception of past, future and now.

And if we were to look at the dictionary's meaning of time, we see this:
"a. A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.
An interval separating two points on this continuum; a duration: a long time since the last war; passed the time reading.
c. A number, as of years, days, or minutes, representing such an interval: ran the course in a time just under four minutes.
d. A similar number representing a specific point on this continuum, reckoned in hours and minutes: checked her watch and recorded the time, 6:17 a.m.
e. A system by which such intervals are measured or such numbers are reckoned: solar time."
Again, in layman, this means that we process time in a very linear way (from point A to point B). We move in one direction from the past to the future.

To sum up, we perceive time in a very linear fashion. Time isn't linear. The past and future are NOT associated with "NOW". Later, I will show you how this simple, taken-for-granted concept has become one of the most destructive thoughts in the world, and how to fix it.

Secondly, our pasts do NOT matter as much as we think they do

Have you ever heard of parallel universes? If you haven't, take a look at this video:

Fact: Researchers from Oxford, including Dr David Deutsch, have already mathematically proved the existence of parallel universes. However, there are various differences you should know...

Now I want you to remember how movies are made. Movies are made by switching million of frames at a very fast speed. As a result, the eyes cannot tell that the frames at every single point was static and unmoving. Instead, it perceives that the people in the movies are moving as reality.

You know that it isn't true, but you can't prove it with your own eyes - that's because of the limitations of our own sense organs (eyes, nose, tongue, skin, ears). They are only capable of perceiving at a certain frequency.

Imagine a photographer snapping photographs as fast as he can. No matter what, there will be a lag time in between where you cannot capture reality.

Here's what is happening:

Imagine every single frame of a movie, to be a single parallel universe that you are experiencing.

What I'm saying is, the reality that you are experiencing right now is the movie. At every single moment of your life... Your every thought, speech and decision whisks your consciousness away to a parallel universe.

You do not remain at the same universe your whole life. Neither do you branch out depending on your decisions, as popularized by Hollywood.

You are not a physical body, but a consciousness. A "soul", if you can understand it in that manner. But your soul is not really attached to the same physical body every single moment in life.

It is TRANSFERRED from body to body to body of different parallel universes. It's okay not to believe this yet, but...

Have you ever heard of quantum teleportation? Researchers have proved that they were able to teleport quantum matter over far distances (Bouwmeester, Pan, Mattle, Eibl, Weinfurter & Zeilinger, 1997). Quantum particles are basically what makes up nearly EVERYTHING in the world... even atoms.

Basically, it's "poof"... NOT "zoom". Nothing ever 'moves'. It just is.

However, scientists are unable to teleport actual matter... because matter is highly "condensed" quanta - its innate nature is to stay in the same parallel universe!

This is not science fiction. It's real. Countless studies in quantum physics have shown that the "mind" is able to influence matter. In the Geneva conference, even Albert Einstein was boggled over the presentation of the results. A particle might go in a different way, all depending on what the mind is thinking.

So what I'm saying is, when you are at your present self, you are in a completely new physical "body" in a different parallel universe. What remains the same is your consciousness.

In the "so-called" past, we were in different bodies in a different parallel universe. In that world, we made thoughts, speech and actions that brought us to the current body in the current parallel universe.

Therefore, from now on, the past does not matter. It doesn't matter if your past body had a divorce, was ill, sick, or had 1001 problems in the past. What matters is how far you are able to change your reality from now... which is what I'll discuss now.

Your Body is a complete reflection of your Consciousness

Now that you realize that you are just a "consciousness" that moves from body to body, you must understand that your body is a representation of your consciousness as well.

Let me explain.

When you are elated, joyful and at peace... Your body feels it, doesn't it? What is happening is that you are being raised to a higher "vibration", if you will... A higher frequency.

That's why positive emotions are "closer to God". That's why "love" is the highest and most powerful emotion.

On the other hand, when you are feeling nasty, shaken, pessimistic and frustrated... Your body feels it too, doesn't it? It is a direct representation of the state of your consciousness!

Let me show you something even more shocking...

A book "Multiple Personality Disorder from the Inside OutMultiple Personality Disorder from the Inside Out " (no aff), Winner of the prestigious 1991 Distinguished Achievement Award given by the International Society for the Study of Multiple Personality and Dissociation... records this:

Multiple personality disorders graphically illustrate how the mind can affect the body in extraordinary ways. Scientists have incorporated people with MPD to study many kinds of phenomenon. The personalities in a multiple have a strong psychological separation from one another. Each has his own name, age, abilities and memories. Many times each subpersonality has his/her own style of handwriting, cultural background, artistic talents, foreign language fluency, and IQ.

Even more astonishing are the biological changes that change with each personality. Often medical conditions possessed by one personality will disappear when another personality takes over. Dr. Bennett Braun of the International Society for the Study of Multiple Personality, in Chicago, has documented a case in which all of a patient's personalities were allergic to orange juice, except one. If the man drank orange juice when he was being one of the allergic personalities, he would break out in a terrible rash. But, if he switched to his non-allergic personality, the rash would instantly start to fade, and he could drink orange juice with no medical consequences.

Dr. Francine Howland, a Yale psychiatrist who speacializes in treating multiples, relates an even more striking incident involving a patient and a wasp sting. At one appointment, the man showed up with with his eye completely swollen and shut from a wasp sting. Howland called an ophthalmologist, wanting to get the patient treatment for the sting.

Unfortunately, the ophthalmologist could not see the man for an hour, and because the man was in severe pain, Howland decided to try an alternate personality. As it turned out, another personality was anesthetic, feeling absolutely no pain. The pain ended, but something else happened...by the time the man got to his eye appointment, the swelling was gone and his eye had returned to normal. Seeing no need to treat him, the ophthalmologist sent him home. After a while, however, the man's original personality took control back, and the pain and swelling returned with a vengence. The next day, he went back to the ophthalmologist and was treated. The eye doctor phoned Howland because "he thought time was playing tricks on him." He wanted to make sure that it was the day before when Dr. Howland had phoned him about treatment for the man. Howland laughed, told him that the man had multiple personality disorder and explained what had happened.

"Allergies are not the only things multiples can switch on and off. If there was any doubt as to the control the unconscious mind has over drug effects, it is banished by the pharmacological wizardry of the multiple." By changing personalities, a drunk person can instantly become sober, and different personalities within a multiple also respond differently to various drugs. Braun records a case in which 5 mg of Valium sedated one personality, while 100 mg had little or no effect on another. Often one or more personalities of a mutliple are children. While an adult personality is at the forefront and takes an adult dose of medicine he/she is fine, but, if one of the child personalities abruptly takes over, he/she may overdose.

With a change of personalities in multiples, scars appear and disappear, burn marks do the same, as well as cysts! The multiple can change from being right-handed to being left-handed with ease and agility. Visual accuity can differ, so that some multiples have to carry two or three different pairs of glasses. One personality can be color blind and the other not. Even EYE COLOR can change! Speech pathologist, "Christy Ludlow has found that the voice pattern for each of a multiple's personalities is different, a feat that required such a deep physiological change that even the most accomplished actor can not alter his voice enough to disguise his voice pattern."

One multiple, admitted to the hospital for diabetes complications, baffled her doctors by showing no symptoms when, without warning, one of her nondiabetic personalities took control,. The patient instantly showed no signs of being diabetic. There are also accounts of epilepsy coming and going with personality changes. Robert A. Phillips, Jr., a psychologist, reports that he has even seen tumors appear and disappear, although he doesn't specify what type of tumors.

Multiples tend to heal faster. For example, there are several cases on record of third-degree burns healing with extraordinary rapidity. Most eerie of all, at least one researcher, Dr. Cornelia Wilbur, the therapist whose pioneering treatment of Sybil Dorsett (of the book and movie "Sybil") is convinced that multiples do not age as fast as other people.
What's going on here? Isn't this crazy? In the next section, I'm going to show you why there are things like multiple personalities, and why some people can be so alike to each other...

The Collective Unconscious

Now, psychologists might know Carl Jung, who infamously stated:
"In addition to our immediate consciousness, which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually but is inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents."
Carl Jung's conceptions are close, however, there are some exceptions to the version of the Collective Unconscious I'm presenting to you now.

It is called many names: God... the Oversoul... Gaia... Tao... Nirvana... What did it mean that we are God's "children"... and that we are made in His Image? What did it mean when Taoism talked about the infinite Tao and how everything is one, and one is everything? What did Gautama Siddharta mean when he said you are what you think?

In the previous thread I made, I have talked about how the microcosm is the same as the macrocosm. Since God is in everything, you are part of God.

Or... you "were" God. Through society, we go through differentiations... in culture... in race... in language... in desires... in gender... in species... in types... in preferences... in lust... in greed...

If you imagine the "Oversoul" or God to be like the trunk of a tree... everything capable of consciousness are like the leaves hanging from the furthest branches.

Those are the Sins we were talking about. They are the "attachments" Buddha were talking about that prevented you from seeing the enlightened point of view.

Every single differentiation, every single divisive thought... creates a spiral of events that fragments you further away from God. You become, analogically speaking, smaller and smaller fragments of lower frequencies.

THAT... is karma. It is the reaping and sowing of actions. The fragmentation and defragmentation of the soul. But before you can understand it, you need to understand how reality is really like a mirror...

Your Outside "Reality" Is A Reflection Of Your Consciousness!

Remember... your consciousness is like a car that travels from body to body in parallel universes. Your thoughts, actions and speech determine which body in which parallel universe you'd go to.

In other words, when you raise your frequency of your consciousness, what happens is that you are 'teleported' into a body of the same high frequency. Your experience in that world vibrates at the same frequency.

There were studies in Seattle... where when a group of people sat down to meditate and "pray", the crime rates in Seattle DROPPED significantly. Studies were subsequently replicated:
How does that work? It is when a group of people vibrate at the same high frequency. When more people do so, all of their consciousnesses are 'teleported' to a parallel universe where crime rates and terrorism plunged.

Recap of everything and answering the question...

We've talked about:
  1. Time being wrongly perceived as linear.
  2. Our past/future beings not being the same as our present selves due to parallel universes
  3. Your own body being a product of your consciousness
  4. The collective unconscious
  5. Outside "reality" being that of a mirror of your consciousness
Question 1: "Why are some days like crap and others awesome?"
"Because some days you start off at the wrong frequency. Since reality is a reflection of your consciousness... when you experience a bad event... it's merely a reflection of your prior consciousness that brought you to that specific parallel universe. What you should be doing, is being completely unaffected by the event. You should be striving at the present moment, and not dwelling in the past. You are a new body in a new parallel universe every single moment!"

Question 2: "How does LOA apply to poverty-stricken people?"
"Firstly... poverty-stricken people are in your reality because of your consciousness choosing to be in that particular parallel universe. When you consume, you deplete resources. When there's a group collective consciousness that wishes for "GREED"... there is going to be suffering on the opposite end. It is where the LOA 'wins' in majority. Why? Because you, following the herd instinct, decided that their reality was real. And you whisked yourself subconsciously into a reality where greed was evident and poverty-stricken people had to suffer from the imbalance."

So how do you put it into practice?

Well.. firstly, look at this thread: http://www.warriorforum.com/mind-war...ways-work.html

There were basic principles of meditation explained inside, and why it is crucial to do so.

Another long post, but I don't regret it. Please test it for yourselves and see it, before rejecting it out. Test it in your reality. Do a 30-day trial (marketer's jargon). If you don't see results, simple. Just quit it.

I hope this thread gave you a aha moment at some point!


Love is truth, and there is no higher good than truth.

Highest Regards,
James Fame

PS. Like in the previous thread, this was posted out of good will. If you want to share it with your friends or family, please do. Helping others is moving yourself into a universe of heightened frequency.

  • TIME, M. O. P., & SUCCESSION, A. (1990). Models of psychological time. Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Bouwmeester, D., Pan, J. W., Mattle, K., Eibl, M., Weinfurter, H., & Zeilinger, A. (1997). Experimental quantum teleportation. Nature, 390(6660), 575-579.
#awesome #consistent #crap #days
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    you cannot change the world ..just the world you are in .go about five minutes in to this clip ..about 4:40 or so

    now lets step into fiction for a minute and assume you are really in a small bubble of existence..and there is really nothing out there beyond where you can reach ..you are just perceiving what you believe it out there .

    now ley assume the linear passage of time was the most effective way to get a feel for the human experience ..so you stayed in a narrow band of possible events . though withing the layers of multiple universes all possible events happen .

    now from your bubble you suddenly become aware of many different paths infront of you into the future outside the narrow band you are on . so you shift your bubble onto a path far different than the one you where going down before .

    now even though your perception of what happened to you in the past stays the same .now everyone is shifting to different paths..most without realizing it . so now you can meet people you have known for a while ..when you go to talk about things in the past you stories may not come close .

    you can ask for forgivnes for something they will not even remember you doing ..and so on .

    so depending on how big of a shift you make ..no one in the reality you are in may have done the things to you you are angry about ..that some other version of them did .

    the mot probable time you shift to a different universe is when you are asleep .

    i went off in an odd direction james ..

    time is created inside the bubble to have the experience ..

    the last time i tried to explain it i put it in term of playing a game like world of warcraft . where you are in a raid or a room with many other people ..or many other people as they show on your computer screen.. but everyone else is viewing you from their screen and anything in the room is there but only as information untill you look at it .

    i think that was the last really deep chat i had with that person ..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8521646].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    a lot of this use to be only theory and concepts to play with ..but in the last year i have pulled massive changes by moving to different lines ..from the very deep coniual path i wa on much of my life .

    open your mind that it might be happening then do what you can to guide it ..that how is your bit to learn
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8521662].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author James Fame
      Thank you for reading, Odahh.

      Here are my replies to each portion that you've commented on:

      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      now lets step into fiction for a minute and assume you are really in a small bubble of existence..and there is really nothing out there beyond where you can reach ..you are just perceiving what you believe it out there.

      now ley assume the linear passage of time was the most effective way to get a feel for the human experience ..so you stayed in a narrow band of possible events . though withing the layers of multiple universes all possible events happen .

      now from your bubble you suddenly become aware of many different paths infront of you into the future outside the narrow band you are on . so you shift your bubble onto a path far different than the one you where going down before
      You are very much on the right track of thought, Odahh.

      However, it might be a little fallacious to talk about a bubble of existence - rather, consciousness has both form and is formless. It is, simply put, mental "energy", if you will. As an analogy, it is very good explanatory tool.

      Just like how gravity is a 'force' that pulls matter towards to a greater mass, mental energy is a 'force' that pulls time towards a denser time.

      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      now even though your perception of what happened to you in the past stays the same .now everyone is shifting to different paths..most without realizing it . so now you can meet people you have known for a while ..when you go to talk about things in the past you stories may not come close .

      you can ask for forgivnes for something they will not even remember you doing ..and so on .

      so depending on how big of a shift you make ..no one in the reality you are in may have done the things to you you are angry about ..that some other version of them did .

      the mot probable time you shift to a different universe is when you are asleep .
      Another very excellent point, Odahh.

      Firstly, think about ourselves as photographers of the world. The world is comprised of far more layers than we can visibly perceive. For example, we cannot perceive UV rays or X rays.

      A higher consciousness will able to get a "higher exposure" photograph of the world, and be able to see more elements in it than we can. Think about it as a stickman on a 2-dimensional sheet of paper. They can only perceive directions on the paper, but not OUT of the paper.

      What you talked about when we shift to another universe during sleep is in fact what is called the "Causal Plane". In this supposed 'plane', our consciousness manufactures the experiences we perceive. In fact, it is merely yet another parallel universe where we have transferred our consciousness to!

      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      time is created inside the bubble to have the experience ..

      the last time i tried to explain it i put it in term of playing a game like world of warcraft . where you are in a raid or a room with many other people ..or many other people as they show on your computer screen.. but everyone else is viewing you from their screen and anything in the room is there but only as information untill you look at it .
      Again, a very valid point, Odahh.

      If we were to boil everything down to its roots, it is merely an interaction between chaos and order. Or Yin and Yang if you prefer. An interaction of polar opposites. Information flickers from being in order (patterned) or dispersing into chaos. That transference is what drives "change". As such, nothing in the world is really permanent.

      Talking about the concept of time, it is also just an interpretation by the consciousness. Like I said, our "life" is like a movie with many frames. Each of these frames are freeze-frames of many different parallel universes. Our consciousness is teleporting from body to body in different universes. As such, there are perception differences like time dilation and relativity etc.

      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      a lot of this use to be only theory and concepts to play with ..but in the last year i have pulled massive changes by moving to different lines ..from the very deep coniual path i wa on much of my life .

      open your mind that it might be happening then do what you can to guide it ..that how is your bit to learn
      Definitely. Science is slowly moving towards the age of understanding, but it is still rather immature in the sense where we are unable to effectively quantify things out of our reach.

      Functioning from a cartesian doubt perspective is healthy, but when 'imagination' shuts down, the roads to enlightenment are cut as well.


      Best wishes,
      James Fame

      Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8521750].message }}
    • James, I don't think life will ever deliver a smooth path. It is a journey that's gonna have some stress in it no matter what is done. Thoughts, actions, strange circumstances will all visit in their time. It just happens not matter what is practiced.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8521761].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ChloeCKimberley
    This is amazing stuff. Especially the bit on the multiple personality disorders having different diseases. I've read about cancer being on a personality and disappearing on a different personality.

    Going to take notes!

    Signed, Chloe C Kimberley

    "If you're making good money with SEO/PPC/product creation, I'll be willing to offer copywriting assistance to you so that I can learn from you."

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8521836].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    "I've read about cancer being on a personality and disappearing on a different personality."

    Then please don't read it anymore.
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