Let's Form a Mastermind Group

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Hey Everyone,

I am looking for other internet marketers who are interested in forming a mastermind group. It is for the sole purpose of helping each other make money. It is also for helping each other get into the right mindset, provide accountability, and to prevent procrastination. I am looking to have weekly meetings on sunday or monday.

If you are interested in this too, here is what I'm looking for:

- You are already making at least 500/month online. Basically this simply means you are not a complete beginner. I have been doing this for years and just want people who have had time to go through some failures and trial and error.
- You are not in any adult or porn niches.
- You can meet on skype or some other online meeting platform and are going to commit to it.
- You are comfortable with the ideas of the law of attraction. Or at least believe your mindset and beliefs have a lot to do with success.

If you are interested in this then please pm me or respond on here with your contact information. I'm looking to get started right away.
#form #group #law of attraction #mastermind #mastermind group

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