Funding your retirement online when you are short on funds.

8 replies
I'm at retirement age and not all that comfortable with the amount of income I am bringing in. Seeking to generate supplemental income through online marketing. Have found some success, but have a concept in mind and I am seeking some feedback.

My son and I are working on a project and I wanted to put some feelers out there. Would anyone be interested in a network for those ages 50 and up who are concerned about retirement, and looking to supplement it through online marketing?

It would be kind of a social network for like minded people. They can network, share ideas, access special training. It would also serve as a point where there can be a communication as to what works and doesn't work. For example. Before one spends money on some online business opportunity, they could ask the group if anyone has tried it out and have any advice. Basically, we would look out for each other, and try an accelerate success through cooperation.

In some ways like the Warrior forum, but specific to the demographic. There would also be an income opportunity attached. However it would be free to Warriors.

Any Interest?

#funding #funds #online #retirement #short
  • Profile picture of the author InfoBuzz13
    Hi Alan, Thanks for your purposely I am nearly 60, due to illness had to leave my very well paid job few years back. As I am feeling much better now. I have started a small online business. Which is not very successful yet. As I don't want to start looking for a job. I am depending on my private pension, which is not a lot. I will be interesting in joining. Please let me know your future plan.

    Thank you

    Hi, My name is Rita and I am Entrepreneur. My niche is health & fitness. Check my blog out.Health is Wealth -

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    • Profile picture of the author onlineretirement
      Sorry to hear about that. I hope your health has improved. Thanks for expressing your interest. I will be in touch.

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  • Profile picture of the author ColdWritingLLC
    Originally Posted by onlineretirement View Post

    My son and I are working on a project and I wanted to put some feelers out there. Would anyone be interested in a network for those ages 50 and up who are concerned about retirement, and looking to supplement it through online marketing?
    Not an awful idea but it's been tried a lot before with little success. Even as 50+ are now comfortable using computers they still seem to be a hard market to capture online. Not to say that you are out of luck, however...

    I think you would need to have a pretty solid method of attracting customers via offline methods and only introducing the online community after you already have developed a relationship with them, but structured so that you could create accounts for them and simply provide them with the login access.

    Good luck either way, hopefully you find a way to get your market. I will say as a closing note that you are being very specific about which people you want to target and that is a good thing.
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    • Profile picture of the author damiensuccess
      Originally Posted by ColdWritingLLC View Post

      Not an awful idea but it's been tried a lot before with little success. Even as 50+ are now comfortable using computers they still seem to be a hard market to capture online. Not to say that you are out of luck, however...

      I think you would need to have a pretty solid method of attracting customers via offline methods and only introducing the online community after you already have developed a relationship with them, but structured so that you could create accounts for them and simply provide them with the login access.

      Good luck either way, hopefully you find a way to get your market. I will say as a closing note that you are being very specific about which people you want to target and that is a good thing.
      I will agree that this has been tried before, but again, "Now" is different time, and Now 50+ is not a technically deprived age group. In fact, This age group created what we see today! So I wouldn't think less on this group.

      Personally I look up to these genius individuals just 20 years ahead of me.

      Alan, Learning the right skills for the right trade works the same online as you know. Tell us, What are your strong points right now with online marketing? Where do you feel that you can learn well and be interested in succeeding? Information relay? Website Search Engine Optimization? Campaign Management?

      Love your idea, and I love the fact that your desire to help others match your desire to help yourself.
      Damien Parsons
      Success Coach | Writer
      Join me on Successful Lifestyle Secrets
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  • Profile picture of the author funds4biz
    Hi Alan,
    First of all, thank you very much for this type of post. It's the best idea and your thought is too well, there are only few people saying like this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    why not ditch the idea of retirement altogether ..

    instead of the getting rich focus with many online businesses ..compile several business opertunities that can easily be built to add a few hundred to a thousand or so a month.

    and then get into like a medical tourism practice you can advise people who may want to travel where they can stay that has top notch medical much lower cost than in the US the biggest expense in retirement becomes medicle bills and prescription co pay

    medical tourism is probably going to be one of the big fields comming out in the next decade
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    • Profile picture of the author Gijsbertus
      Great idea Alan,

      I saw that your thread is from november last year, any news on this?

      I am your man for further discussion.

      Talk soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
      Hi Allen,

      Agora publishing has a whole division called Income Abroad which specializes in helping people to fund their life overseas. The newsletter is actually called Fund Your Life Overseas.

      It's got a membership of over 100k from what I saw about a year ago. They started it in response to a massive wave of people wanting to leave the country but not being able to do so without and income.

      I would imagine the majority (although I don't have the demographics on their list) would be 50+.

      You could use Google's keyword planner for free to see what number of people are searching for extra retirement income or other such things. Get creative with the keywords and you should find lot's of folks interested.

      Thank you, Patrick
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