This has helped me do well online for 13 years

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Here's what I've used in order to survive and prosper for over 13 years online.

You'll see there's no magic pill, just a lot of hard work.

First off, KNOW what business you want to be in and what you want to do.

Then, find someone who is the best in your field and copy/model them to start. That should help cut out some of the learning curve and give you a head start.

Then, the REAL work comes in.

Start trying stuff. Seriously, take action and try as much shit as you can.

If it works, good... keep doing it WHILE trying to get better. Never settle.

If it doesn't work? Try something else. Keep trying stuff to see what works. Try as much as you can, to see what sticks.

Like a baseball player, you may have to swing 10,000 times during a season to get 200 hits and 10 home runs.

But seriously... find out what you want to do. Then find someone who is doing it well.

Model them, try your own stuff, and if it works... do more of it while trying
to get better.

If it doesn't work... don't stop and quit, or get down on yourself.

Just try something else. Keep trying.

Sooner or later, the more stuff you try, the more chances you'll find something that works for you.

Also, I try to take more of an analytical and systematic approach to my marketing... where i'll try something and if it doesn't work, I move onto the next thing.

Some marketers I know will get so down on themselves if something doesn't work... and it stops them from taking action again immediately.

For me, the best remedy is to try and take all emotion out of it, so I don't get so down on myself for a flop/failure.

Not only that, but I found a good remedy for failing at something is taking more action and trying something else.

That way, I don't give myself time to wallow in pity... too busy trying the next thing.

I know... this isn't a magic pill, and it's been overly simplified... but it
has helped me out for the last 13 years.
#helped #online #years

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