Personal Challenge: Have the 10 Small Products(To Be Sold As Package) Ready By January 10th AND Make

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So here I am after struggling(still struggling) to break it well online...its been months and months of frustration and last month the frustration has risen to a whole new level...I seriously cried and I feel like crying while I'm writing this..

So heres the challenge,it will NOT be easy...of course not provided the time its going to take...but heres the thing..I've decided to go with a mindset that if I accomplish this successfully,I will be financially independent!

Well ofcourse I won't,but you know that time when holidays are near and all you think is - oh Im gonna be free next week lets work hard this week..its just a week!

Well,thats what I aim to accomplish here,may God help me finally break it online because quite frankly this might be one of my last tries,and then ..who knows...

Thanks for reading ,here I go on my quest,well its just a week to study then its all play
#10th #challenge #january #make #package #personal #productsto #ready #small #sold
  • Profile picture of the author Joe Crosbie
    Originally Posted by Joshua P View Post

    I seriously cried and I feel like crying while I'm writing this..
    That's good, now make the decision to change. You should make a vow to yourself that you will never, ever feel like that again. From today onwards, it's all progress, no matter how small it be. You should be thinking, 2014 is my year, do I really want to waste any of it?

    Originally Posted by Joshua P View Post

    So heres the challenge,it will NOT be easy...of course not provided the time its going to take...
    It's never supposed to be easy, and I'll be honest, if you think that forcing yourself to develop a completely different in a short period of time will make you more likely to succeed, I disagree.

    Before the New Year, I spent a lot of time studying why humans fail at their resolutions and goals. What I learnt was that we as humans, have a limited source of "Willpower". This is why forcing yourself to change overnight is a bad idea, slow and steady wins the race.

    Here's a thread I wrote about how we can succeed with our New Year resolutions:

    New Year Resolutions are STUPID!

    Originally Posted by Joshua P View Post

    because quite frankly this might be one of my last tries,and then ..who knows...
    You cannot have that mindset, I know it's hard, it's not supposed to be easy and thinking "This might be my last try" shows me that you're not fully committed to making this work.

    You can do it, you should know that you can.

    There's a great quote in one of the many motivational videos on YouTube that says "Look up, get up and don't ever give up" - That sums up the mindset of all successful people.

    The problem with "success" is that most people view at as something that has just happens, why wouldn't they? It's very easy to turn on the TV or read a magazine and see countless examples of what one might describe as being "successful", it's just a shame that the media doesn't point out the years of pain, struggle and hard work it took those people to get to where they are today.


    If you want to chat and some help writing up a plan of attack, let me know! I'm always up for helping other people succeed at whatever they try!

    Joe Crosbie,
    I chose entrepreneurship over further education despite being laughed at by my friends and family..

    I recently hit the "RESTART" button on my life, read my personal blog to find out how I did it :)
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  • Profile picture of the author InfoBuzz13
    Hi I am also new to online business, I have read a lot of good advise. Simply saying that
    it takes 2 to 3 years of hard work before you can see some success. You have to keep on working hard even when you have seen some success and the most important thing is to have lots of patience. Which is very difficult when you are hoping to make money to pay your bills.

    Hi, My name is Rita and I am Entrepreneur. My niche is health & fitness. Check my blog out.Health is Wealth -

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  • Profile picture of the author retsced
    Is your goal to create 10 small products and package them up to sell? If so, no wonder you're struggling. Create "one" product. Market the bloody thing. Then create another.

    You're the reason you're not succeeding. So why on earth cry about something you have full control over? It's supposed to be difficult. If it wasn't, we'd be swarmed with half assed wannabe marketers polluting this business with crap content.

    Another thing: Stop thinking success comes from something you obtain in the future. It doesn't. Success is defined in each and every moment. Was today successful? Good. Make sure tomorrow is too. And the day after that. You could work a fraction of the time you are right now and still accomplish more. It's not how much you do. It's what you do.

    The 2 most important words in business are... Pareto Principle
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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