Best Procrastination Tip Ever

14 replies
Many people fall into Procrastination for different reasons that can be avoided if we have guides or similar like this one and I'm one of them that's why I posted it here to help people like me. To be honest it works!

1. Identify the most important thing you have to do today.

2. Decide to do just the first little part of it -- just the first minute, or even 30 seconds of it. Getting started is the only thing in the world that matters.

3. Clear away distractions. Turn everything off. Close all programs. There should just be you, and your task.

4. Sit there, and focus on getting started. Not doing the whole task, just starting.

5. Pay attention to your mind, as it starts to have urges to switch to another task. You will have urges to check email or Facebook or Twitter or your favorite website. You will want to play a game or make a call or do another task. Notice these urges.

6. But don't move. Notice the urges, but sit still, and let them pass. Urges build up in intensity, then pass, like a wave. Let each one pass.

7. Notice also your mind trying to justify not doing the task. Also let these self-rationalizing thoughts pass.

8. Now just take one small action to get started. As tiny a step as possible.

9. Get started, and the rest will flow.
#procrastination #tip
  • Profile picture of the author dani0157
    , Yes true. When you start a task you get in a flow and finish the whole thing at once. Sometimes urges do build but I just focus on my task and they pass away.

    Good tips

    Here are some more
    - Create an urgency. Your time is limited. You only have X amount of minutes before you pass on. You do not get back the time that has already passed.
    - Write down in a journal every time you procrastinate. When you feel like procrastinating again. Open that journal and read through it.
    - Commit to changing. Be a different person - a better person. Say to yourself - I am not going to be that person anymore.

    Try some self-affirmation too - Repeat 50 times - Do it now, Do it now, Do it now...
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    • Profile picture of the author slingingshot15
      so are you saying to just work for one minute and that is it????

      I help young adults who are struggling physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and relationally to take steps today to see results in a matter of weeks without having to go through the pain of buying thousands of books, courses and counseling sessions.

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      • Profile picture of the author Jon Sullivan
        Originally Posted by slingingshot15 View Post

        so are you saying to just work for one minute and that is it????
        I believe the point is more about momentum.

        "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step" - Laozi

        "The hardest part of any journey is the first step" - (I believe this one is unknown)

        By starting the project, as much as I loathe to do it, that first step clears all the resistance, all the procrastination.

        I decided to stop playing a game one day and read just the first section of a new book on copywriting. I ended up reading about 100 pages, because I just took that first step, instead of wasting the day away.

        I like the recommendation about just sitting there and letting the urge flow past you. Let the intensity die off and then get back to work.

        The information may not be new, but sometimes we just need a solid reminder. You never know when that reminder will connect with someone and help them finally stop procrastinating.

        Thanks Joel
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        • Profile picture of the author slingingshot15
          thanks a lot i get what you are saying now

          I help young adults who are struggling physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and relationally to take steps today to see results in a matter of weeks without having to go through the pain of buying thousands of books, courses and counseling sessions.

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  • Profile picture of the author RobinWms1983
    Great post JoelDean…One thing that worked great for me is setting aside about an hour or so to go over everything I know I have to do and Write it Down! Your mind becomes at ease if you know you have it all written on a piece of paper…or electronically if that's what you prefer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Young Financier
    That validates the saying that "starting things and not finishing them is a failure habit."
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  • Hi JoelDean, What a light clean refreshing look at how to get past procrastination. I especially like the way you just kept stressing "simply getting started for 30 seconds, but start" sort of approach, . . . just good encouraging common sense.

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  • Profile picture of the author trusodesign
    addition of I 1. remember dreams and future targets that we are motivated

    Wory Kharisma
    C.E.O Truso Design

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Ten
    Nice tips Joel. You put it quite concisely. Just start.
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  • Profile picture of the author slingingshot15
    There is a saying I heard once that says 'it's the start that stops most people! Don't let the start stop you!!!!

    I help young adults who are struggling physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and relationally to take steps today to see results in a matter of weeks without having to go through the pain of buying thousands of books, courses and counseling sessions.

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  • Profile picture of the author RyanTH
    ^Nice quote! Going to put it on my wall.

    The luxury of self-discipline.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tony Fairminer
    There is a good side to procrastination. It is called "Positive Procrastination" or Brinkmanship.
    When faced with too many choices if you wait a while some of the choices disappear. It is also a great negotiating tool. More of an art form than a discipline and takes a lot of practice.
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  • Profile picture of the author justhumza
    Thanks for the input, another thing you should also develop is your ability to stop over analysing the task. Don't worry about perfection and just start the task. I've learned the worse part is when you over analyse everything you have to get done.

    Change your life by changing your mindset. Learn the mindset of excellence at Boldest Visions

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  • Profile picture of the author eldib3
    Procrastination is a real problem in this thanks for the advice.
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