How to overcome fear of ghosts / fear of being alone in night

6 replies
i really fear alot to stay alone in night.from my childhood i feel the problem.can anybody tell me anything how to overcome.

P.Slease excuse me if you feel this topic is not related to forum / childish.
#fear #ghosts #night #overcome
  • Profile picture of the author annemb
    Perhaps you could start by clarifying exactly what you are afraid of. I see the word 'ghosts' in the tags, is this your main fear? Are there other fears in there?
    There are several techniques that have the ability to help you with this; hypnosis, EFT.
    You can PM me if you would like to discuss this further
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    • Profile picture of the author repstein
      EFT is a great way to calm down your emotions and give yourself the breathing space that you need. At a basic level, just turn your eyes left to right, left to right for a few minutes at a comfortable but fast pace.

      You can also just focus your attention on your breathing.

      Both of these techniques are great for rising above the fear you are feeling.

      Originally Posted by annemb View Post

      Perhaps you could start by clarifying exactly what you are afraid of. I see the word 'ghosts' in the tags, is this your main fear? Are there other fears in there?
      There are several techniques that have the ability to help you with this; hypnosis, EFT.
      You can PM me if you would like to discuss this further
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricardo Furtado
    Hard to overcome fear of ghosts – more so if you have seen one.

    Best to always keep the lights on in your room – even after it is dark.

    Ghosts do not go where there is light.

    Take care. Regards.

    Ricardo Furtado

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  • Profile picture of the author bigjollie
    "Ghosts" (and I use the term loosely) are nothing more than left over energy when someone has died on the earth. They are not actually haunting anywhere,all that is left behind is an electro magnetic energy force. Nothing whatsoever to be worried or scared about. You can find this information if you take a close look at Quantum Physics
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  • Profile picture of the author James Fame
    Fear is born out of the unknown. But if you do not wish to read up on esoteric texts, then practice loving-kindness mindfulness meditation.

    Posted the link here:

    Fear can only subside with a more positive emotion.

    Fire me a pm if you have a question. I build businesses and provide consulting. I do not do finance/money/internet marketing niches. Fitness, self-improvement and various others are welcome.

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