NLP advice for mindset?
I recently attended a free seminar and it really got me set on the idea of NLP and hypnosis to change our mindset/beliefs etc. I signed up to the full course and received some hypnosis/nlp audios.
One was an anchor stacking exercise. You pick three related states, anchor one then second then third, then feel all three expanding, doubling in size, and anchor again. Afterwards when I applied the anchor I felt this huge amount of energy in my body and involuntarily arched my back and grinned as I felt it buzzing through me. Then after a while I noticed hte effect wasn't as strong when I wasn't 100% focused on the anchor.
And now I only feel the effect occasionally. Is this a sign that my mind is adapting to the new states so it's not such a big jump? Or do I need to repeatedly induce the anchor?
I applied my anchor stack of confident, charismatic, and irresistible while heading to a date. All of my thoughts and feelings became relaxed and confident, yet for a while I still had a nervous ache in the centre of my chest, except everything else was gone so it wasn't linked to anything. Is that normal?
I also went to another seminar and I found, again, that I became better but I want to reach the next level. They also did a guided emotional clearing medtiation which was phenomenal. It wasn't spiritual, just had us go back 5 year increments, let the feelings/emotions rise and let them go through us. Everyone was glowing.
I also received in my package some guided NLP to go back in the past and re-decide a limiting decision as this apparently lets it go so our mind doesn't still consider it. Then to see that change affect our future.
I'm looking to shift my mindset to a more confident, charismatic, outgoing direction. Any thoughts? Should I keep inducing the same anchors on a daily basis?
Thanks heaps!
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