Hey Warriors
Just yesterday I wrote this post -
http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...nline-yes.html Telling that I had just handed in my notice of resignation from my job to go full time online.
The post was well received so I thought why not now let you all know what I have done in the last 8 months that has led me to quit my job.
Hope this is helpful to you ....
Here Goes .....
Well although I state above after just 8 months thats not the whole picture. What I meant to say was after 8 months from when I figured it all out I quit my job.
You see Im just like any other story really that you ever read. I have tried for SO long to make money online but all I ever did was keep buying products and getting no-where ! In fact I lost a LOT of cash doing this for some time. It seems thats the done thing though right ?!
About 8 months ago though I paid for a good mentor to teach me. I was trained weekly on aspects of online BUSINESS, things such as blogging, getting traffic, squeeze pages, list building, marketing etc ...
Notice I capitalised the word BUSINESS .... If theres 1 major thing I learned its that this is business ! For real, as a newbie you must realise that this online 'stuff' is real business.
"Its Not Get Rich Quick, It's Get Rich Forever"
A favourite quote my mentor said to me and just read it... Thats how it is. If you are serious about making money online then you must get into the mindset that this is business.
Here's something else I struggled to get my head around ........
STOP trying to make money !!!
Huh ?? What ??
Yeah you got it, stop trying to make money. When I actually stopped trying to make money online guess what happened ? I made money !!
Crazy right ? But here's the thing, what I did and what you must do is HELP OTHER PEOPLE ... You might think you have no way to help others but once you have done just 1 thing I guarantee you that you do have a way to help.
Get this, I set up a blog ... Simple ?? Well yes, once you know how !!
So I wrote a short ebook on how to setup a blog... And then ?
I built a list giving that away for free !
8 months on that book continues to build my list with over 1100 downloads.... But guess what ???? That guide also had some affiliate links within ... So I have made a few 1000 dollars from it too !
More recently I wrote another ebook telling people my methods of getting traffic to my blog, again gave it away free and built a list ... and made a little more cash.
With email promotions and affiliate stuff on my blog I have now over the last few months made close to $10,000 online, have over 1500 comments on my blog and a growing list over 1300.
See how you can start from something so small and seemingly minor !
So heres what you do....
Start off somewhere, however small... You can then blog about it or write a report or ebook .... Every time you LEVERAGE the previous action or result. Just continue to build a business around helping others and giving value.
You must get a blog started, keep adding content to your blog. Then go out for the traffic ... To begin with this will be a daily consistant effort but stick to it for long term results. Post in forums regularly in your niche, visit other popular blogs in your niche...
DO NOT go out promoting yourself !!!! !!!!!
Thats important, you need to get to be recognised as someone that offers good value and as someone worth listening to. That is MEGA vital !
This will begin to pull traffic in your direction, get the comments on your blog... Begin to build a list of your own.
We all know the money is in the list so that is a main focus for your online business. But you must have a good RELATIONSHIP with your list to get them to listen to your message so give them good value.
You could use giveaways to build your list also. Once your list is growing into the 100's get involved in adswaps with others in your niche to grow even more.
As long as you give your list good value you can also begin to promote to them 1 a week for example... As your list grows you will begin making some money when your email them
All the while you just keep leveraging what you do to grow your online business....
And that my friend takes you to where I am now !
I am 24 years old and just quit my job to be my own boss. Let me ask you this ... Is there anything above that you dont think you could do ? I'll promise you this, all it takes is time and consistant effort !
The money will come and although it is everyone's end aim it should not be your beginning goal.
Everyone loves a little motivation right

I hope my story can help you
Best of luck
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