So How Much Money Do You Want?

89 replies
People often talk about wanting 'an income'
without any specific idea of how much that
income is.

It's been said $500 a month would prevent
85% of bankrupticies in USA.

So what income level do you have in mind?
#income #income level #money
  • Profile picture of the author nuwav
    At the moment I just want enough income to replace my full time job...When that happens, I will start building my income up to a level where I am financial independent to have the life that I want. For me its not about how much money I want..its how much money do I need to live and have the lifestyle that I want..
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    • Profile picture of the author Crystal brian
      I would like to make just enough to live comfortably.
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  • Profile picture of the author HappyCommando
    I would like to make just enough to sustain my current modest lifestyle so that I may pursue more philanthropic interests. I love giving back to others and want to help more. I am amazed at how many people have the ability and resources to help others, but do not (unless there is some sort of "catch").
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  • Profile picture of the author Adrian Cooper
    Originally Posted by richpeasant View Post

    People often talk about wanting 'an income'
    without any specific idea of how much that
    income is.

    It's been said $500 a month would prevent
    85% of bankrupticies in USA.

    So what income level do you have in mind?
    People who "want" never get.

    "Wanting" is the wrong state of Mind like "try".
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    • Profile picture of the author queenbuzzy
      Right now, I want my residual income to surpass my monthly expenses.

      (yeah, I'm a devotee of Robert Kiyosaki)

      I have to admit, I don't have a set monetary amount because I live really simply and I'm not really into the "bling." I live very well on $30k/year.

      My goals and dreams, however, require funding. (I'd love to start scholarship and grant programs for artists among other things) and so for my business, I want to make a few million a year, but for me personally, I need much much MUCH less than that.

      I would never be one to have more than 2 cars, designer clothes, or 15,000sf mansions...I would much rather give that money away to help people achieve their own visions.

      Yeah, I'm a hippie

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      • Profile picture of the author total_freedom
        $5k a month in passive.
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        • Profile picture of the author richpeasant
          You can live quite well on $1000 a week virtually
          anywhere in the world. So 5k a month passively
          seems quite a reasonable goal.

          The main thing is to keep the main thing the main
          thing. And the main thing is freedom - Bob Proctor
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          • Profile picture of the author dsanchez
            Yes, I agree.

            Freedom is the main objective--there's nothing like it.

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            • Profile picture of the author Paul4180
              £2000 a month would do me nicely to start off and then build on that
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            • Profile picture of the author Adrian Cooper
              Originally Posted by dsanchez View Post

              Yes, I agree.

              Freedom is the main objective--there's nothing like it.

              Right answer
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  • Profile picture of the author debtfreehispanic
    I want my Websidual Income to be $5,000, this is on top of my full-time job
    This way I can pay for my education on my own.

    My WSO is giving 40% off WOW! There is an affiliate program with it, pays 50%. High quality videos showing step-by-step what to click and what to type in, so easy!

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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Quarter million a year. That's enough.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author Clint
    By the time I retire, I like to hit $1 billion in revenue. I believe this will be able to help my future generation for beyond my imagination. The future is where our children are going to live and I would like it to be a better place.

    This is my personal goal

    How do I quickly go from $0 to $500 a day?....
    =====> Click here to find out how (VIP)

    You only have a week to stay ahead of your competition, System To Secret Wealth is here
    =====> Click here to grab your spot (WSO)

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  • Profile picture of the author TheGodfather
    i would be happy with $500 for my self and another $500 to invest back in the business. I firmly believe in expanding and investing in my own business.... so basically I'd start with $500 a month and build on that... and if I can make it then perhaps one day have $2000 - $5000 a month would be really nice. So far I only want the $1000 or just $500 just to cover my life expenses, since this is only a part time job (I'm a student, and i do some part time job when i have the time). If i get good at this then I hope I can make this my full time job.


    Perception is reality

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  • Profile picture of the author Woody C
    Like many people in this thread, they miss the point of KNOWING what you want/need and when. They say vague things like "How much it takes to replace my job" or "Enough money to give me freedom" or "1 Billion Dollars by the time I retire", which is vague in one aspect or another.

    The mind works in specifics. Napolean Hill goes over this in Think and Grow Rich.

    What you should be saying or doing is deciding how much total or monthly you need to have the freedom you want, then deciding when you want to accomplish this goal and once the mind knows an exact amount and a time limit, it will work consiously and subconscioudly to reach that goal.

    I am the first to admit that I haphazardly come to IM with unspecific goals and needs. I just want to make a bunch of money, but when I have specifics in mind (like "I need $567 by next Tuesday so I can get my mom the negative ion mattress that she has wanted for the past year for her birthday") then I work to find ways to reach that specific goal by that specific time.

    This takes away vagueness and procrastination.

    Finally, to answer your question: I will be starting medical school in August. Tuition plus fees is $37,590. Living expenses, I expect to be $20,500. Therefore I need $58,090 by in the next year. To break this down, I need 1/2 this, or $29,045 by October and the rest by next May.

    October is 4 months away. That means I need to make $7,261.25 (assuming I'm starting from scratch) a month. That is $234.23 a day. Assuming I'm awake and available to randomly check my computer for 12 hours a day, that is $19.51 an hour.

    So I need to find a program (or create my own) that pays out at least $20 (or multiple ones) and start driving traffic to get me 12 sales/leads (if in CPA) a day.

    Now it doesn't seem so hard. I'm not saying it won't be tough, but now I know exactly how much I need to make by a certain date, and I also know what I need to do to reach this goal.

    Now, get to work brain!
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  • Profile picture of the author TheGodfather
    you know Woody, you have a point there.

    But i must say something about books by Napoleon Hill his books are, in my opinion, one big sales letter...all i got from his books was: " the next chapter I will reveal etc etc..." (next chapter) "" the next chapter I will reveal etc etc..." and i guess he explains it all in the last 2 pages so the other 500 are obsolete... i stoped listening to them ( i got my self the audiobook version) simply because I got tired of getting the next chapter, then the next chapter pre-sold and not living up to it's expectations. However some case studies that he gives in his book like the Amazon one is quite brilliant.


    Perception is reality

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  • Profile picture of the author webmatic
    Well there is no limit of earnings and desire/wishes always increase with the increase of earnings
    I prefer and wish of getting an income somewhere between $5000-10000 per month that is quite hard but not impossible so hope i will get there soon and maybe after that i will not wish of something more lol
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    125k a month with my eventual goal of a net worth of 1 billion dollars then I will semi retire

    A true entrepreneur can never fully retire
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    • Profile picture of the author Global Greg
      Originally Posted by nicholasb View Post

      125k a month with my eventual goal of a net worth of 1 billion dollars then I will semi retire

      A true entrepreneur can never fully retire
      Thats what I'm talking about right there.

      Shoot for the stars and you might hit the moon!

      19k / week is $1 million. That is what most consider "Rich."

      How many rich people do you know?
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  • Profile picture of the author TheGodfather
    if i can get from my current monthly income $0 to $50 a month and then move to $500 and so on I'd be more than happy.... just need to start making that happen....


    Perception is reality

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  • Profile picture of the author clubvikram
    Right now my objective is to make 3000$ /month as it would help me meet all my over heads and current expenses.but in the future it is my immense desire to stand in the league of super successful billionaire like bill gates and warren buffet.i am not greedy but i would like to make it really really very big.I would be happy with a net worth of around 60 billion $.
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    • Profile picture of the author Gardenbella
      My first goal is to replace my current income from my job. Once I reach that goal I want to double the income and then I will "retire" from my job. I think it is important that I keep adding to the amount I want each year. Gives me something to strive for and will keep me motivated.
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  • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
    To be honest-- I'd like to make $1,000,000,000,000

    Yes, that's a trillion.

    I mean a TRILLION DOLLARS ... All US $.

    Not Pure cash--- In the form of assets, businesses' net worth, and stakes.

    But at least a trillion dollars...

    That's what it takes to satiate me...

    I want to make a trillion dollars


    HOLD ON...

    I wanna make a trillion dollars... but in what time frame? 100 years? 1000 years?

    Without That Bit of information it all sounds hokey.

    So, a trillion dollars, every...












    A trillion dollars every second.

    If you are thinking---

    What would I do with it?

    I'd say to you...

    That you are asking....



    The right question is...

    What would $1,000,000,000/second mean to me...

    It'd mean I'd serve 10 billion people (10 years down the line we could get there, I believe), every second.And my services to them would be worth $100/second.
    To each of them.

    So not only would I be rich, everyone in the world would be rich enough to pay me... $100/second...

    That's $360,000/Hour or $8,640,00o/ Per day.

    That's what they'd be paying just for my services.

    So everyone would essnetially be trillionaires. And I would essentially have enough products and services out there so everyone would buy at least $8,640,000 worth og my stuff everyday. Sounds good-- doesn't it?

    If you were to dream at all, dream big.

    So big that you'd never regret having dreamt small. Anytime down the line.

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    • Profile picture of the author wolf29
      I want more than enough to live comfortably and be a blessing to others. You can't help others if you're lacking or just have enough to live a modest lifestyle. The purpose of money IMO is not just to support yourself and your family well, but to serve others with it. Be a blessing and you will be blessed in return
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      • Profile picture of the author Danii Of Oz
        $20,000 a month would see me very comfortable, however as calculated following Bob Proctors suggestion in 'You Were Born Rich', $13,000 per week would see me living in the style I truly desire and providing financial freedom for all those I love
        Happiness and success are states of mind - what state is your mind in?
        Learn to Massage | Beat The Summer Heat
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    • Profile picture of the author AllAboutAction
      Originally Posted by lakshaybehl View Post

      To be honest-- I'd like to make $1,000,000,000,000


      So everyone would essnetially be trillionaires. And I would essentially have enough products and services out there so everyone would buy at least $8,640,000 worth og my stuff everyday. Sounds good-- doesn't it?

      I recommend moving to Zimbabwe.

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  • Profile picture of the author yukinara
    my goal: from today to the end of the year, make $100,000 and more next year
    my goal in life is not to make money, but make money to have what I want, and that goal need loads of money, that's why............
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  • For starters, enough passive income to walk or run way from my current career. After that, more money to take care of my mother (of course, she deserves it). Then pay off bad debt, reposition my life & donate to my favorite charities.

    P.S. Maybe, a Corvette & Maserati. Hey, I am from Michigan. I love cars!
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  • Profile picture of the author gus89
    I just want to be able to live comfortably...I guess I just need to make enough to replace my current income!
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  • Profile picture of the author imcmillionaire
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    • Profile picture of the author Liam Hamer
      My goal is 4 figures a month by the end of this year
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  • Profile picture of the author DietsCentral
    Hi Guys,

    $US500 a day would be nice, currently making $US5. so long way to go but getting there evantually.

    enjoy your evening

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  • Profile picture of the author MR2nice
    Enough to care for my family and replaced my job.
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  • Profile picture of the author phiROSSophy
    Enough money to be able to do what I want, when I want, whenever I want to do it. I don't need to be a glutton - I just want the freedom to live life with money holding me down.
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    • Profile picture of the author broker12
      Originally Posted by phiROSSophy View Post

      Enough money to be able to do what I want, when I want, whenever I want to do it. I don't need to be a glutton - I just want the freedom to live life with money holding me down.
      That is the best answer here by far. Don't forget, money is the root of all evil.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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  • Profile picture of the author Tracey_Meagher
    $10,000 per month. Setting that target for myself in January rather than thinking I want just enough to do x, y, z has helped me get closer to actually achieving it. Breaking my target down into 10 projects that make $1000 a month makes if far less daunting and to my suprise possible!
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  • Profile picture of the author ghyphena
    Have any of you guys seen the film "21" or read the book it's based on, "Bringing Down the House"?

    The part where the main character says he "only wants $300,000 and then he'll quit"?

    It's one thing to discuss goals that are in the future for us - interesting question is, when we all eventually get there, will be happy with it or will we want more?


    Gil-Ad Schwartz

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  • Profile picture of the author Tracey_Meagher
    I imagine that once you have succeeded at making a fixed amount that it might be difficult to stop, knowing that you are capable of repeating what you've achieved to double or triple your income. If the balance is maintained between making the money and living your dreams, that's fine but when it becomes all about the money, I do think that quality of life and ultimately happiness will suffer!
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  • Profile picture of the author ghyphena
    That's what I worry about - I'll reach $x/month and think "wait, now that I've worked so hard learning how to do it, it'll be easy to double or triple what I'm making".

    It seems the further up you go, the easier it becomes to go further.

    Personally, I imagine it will take a lot of self-discipline to drag myself away from that... even though I know what you say about quality of life / happiness is entirely true!


    Gil-Ad Schwartz

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    • Profile picture of the author Entropy4
      $10k a month. Shooting for 2010.
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  • Profile picture of the author forestmarie
    50k as of now by dec 19, 2011

    have already broken 20k, so it will happen sooner..

    then I will adjust to maybe 500k a month, get the 50k first...
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  • Profile picture of the author shatner
    125k a month...
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  • Profile picture of the author smartclick
    would be nice to get 5k a day !!! that means an hour work per day? and around 25-35 income streams?
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge. " so what you got for signature?
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  • Profile picture of the author babushka99
    I'll be realistic. $100/day! Really that is my goal right now that I aim at achieving.
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    • Profile picture of the author shoaibonline
      Requirements are different from person to person.As regarding to me i want 750$ per month so that i could live comfortably.
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  • Profile picture of the author robert25
    As a business men, setting goal is a good thing but begin satisfied with it, is not that good.
    Currently my target is to achieve $300 a day, and after achieving that goal, I will set a new one for me.

    I don't believe in destination, I believe in the journey.
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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Kent
    I agree, we must to define the objective in order to achieve it.
    But in my case, what a want is freedom. I think 10.000 each month will be enough.
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    • Profile picture of the author aQsa08
      for me is enough to buy a house,a car,a lot of deposit in bank..
      My goal is $3000 a month..
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  • Profile picture of the author bobwalk
    Woody's post in my opinion is spot on. Have a tangible goal a car, a plasma tv,
    a college tuition fee. Break it down to a manageable dollar amount and a time
    frame it is much easier to attain your monetary goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author eienblue
    $1500 a month is already enough for me ^^
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  • Profile picture of the author mydavis3
    20k a month in my account after I have give to various charities and paid all the bills. I still be riding in the 2004 minivan (wish would be Paid off )
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  • Profile picture of the author darvon
    Enough to stop all the bull**** I just read from gagging me half to death.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matt D.
      It may be bull**** for you, but it is reality for them. My goal is to have soo much money to not care how much you have it, if that makes sense. To have and do whatever you want, anytime you want, anywhere in the world. I think it is really important to be ambitious. You can say oh I want only $5k per month, passive... but then there will still be things you couldn't afford. If you think of the possibility, who you can become and if you know you have all the power to change yourself then I don't know why are people so modest. Modesty is a sin, if you ask me. You can gag as much as you want and say, "You will never achieve that ...." I don't really care, because my goal is to have everything I want and will desire in the future and I'm not willing to change my mind just because you say so.

      Remember, you always have all the power.

      Take care
      Hard work always pays off.
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    • Profile picture of the author archiebunk
      I'm retired, who don't need a lot. Mostly would like to make enough to know IM works so I can teach it to my kids. And anyone that would like to learn without all the bull.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jon MacPherson
      Originally Posted by darvon View Post

      Enough to stop all the bull**** I just read from gagging me half to death.
      I found that strangely amusing.

      Ah, money. What a trip.

      When asked once, "How much money is enough money?" He replied, "Just a little bit more."--John D. Rockefeller
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay_Mueller
    Enough to pay off all my bills, retire, and travel. I'd then give any additional money to charity.
    Jay Mueller - JayLynne Enterprises | Making Money On The Internet | Our Green Life Biz
    WP Website Design, Builder, Mentor | Internet Marketing Membership Training | Green Technology Blog and Info
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  • Profile picture of the author Sumit Menon
    My ultimate goal is $30 million dollars/ year. Sure, I'm not banking on IM to do it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Matas
      I want to make enough money to travel to the most beautiful places around the world several times per year. This is my dream and I believe it will come true. Wow, this topic is so motivating.

      Hey everyone, try to post here, it helps!

      Looks matter.

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  • Profile picture of the author HomeComputerGames
    I got so involved with the excitement of building the business I never really considered the income for myself. I had figures for my business but non for myself. I guess my goals weren't money but gaining success in a swiftly growing market. All my thoughts on money always has to do with hiring staff and writers and growing the business.
    Are my priorities skewed here?

    yes, I am....

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  • Profile picture of the author David@Lurn
    Enough to be free to get and do whatever you what, whenever you want, and however you want. ever much that is will be fine
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  • Profile picture of the author MALifeinsurance
    I want enough money to live free. I want enough money so that I can work when I want and travel all over the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author cheesy
    Id like just enough to live a happy life and go travel, not when im too old, tats why im starting young at 15, hopfully make enough money up until im around 30-40, then go travel. That would be my dream, gotta make it happen though.
    *NEW* Automatic Social Bookmarking Sofware? coming-soon Q3...
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  • Profile picture of the author jjbalagosa
    I don't know if there is a specific number for me. But I'll try my best to paint a picture.

    I want so much money that it would make it so I couldn't even spend it all if I tried. My income would just come in too fast for me to spend it all.

    So much money that my grandson's great grandson will be reaping the benefits from it.

    So much money it makes me feel like everything in the world is free.

    So much money that people get angry with me for nothing other than the fact that I have so much money.

    If I can't dream big then why dream at all right!?

    Some will say that I'm not being realistic. But the "realistic" is subjective in my opinion. I bet at least one person told the Wright Brothers that it isn't realistic to build a heavier than air flying machine.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Mcalorum
    As stupid as it may sound, I can't actually say a number. I'm not working for money. I don't do my internet marketing for the money. I do it to buy my LIFE. Too many people waste their WHOLE lives working jobs that they hate or absolutely don't want and this is something I love to do. In terms of money, enough to do whatever in the hell I want to do within reason. If that means all I can ever amount to is a middle-class father who can provide his family with an education, food, shelter, and gifts now and again without having to spend his days away from home working for everyone but himself, so be it.

    Although reaching that benchmark of $100,000 a year would just make me THE happiest person around. =)
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  • Profile picture of the author chitika
    $4k a month is good enough
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  • Profile picture of the author WealthWinners
    $2 mil year
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  • Profile picture of the author tommygunn
    My first goal is to work for myself in online ventures.
    Build on this income and save until I can buy a new car and house outright
    Goal = 300,000
    Build an idea and implementation company (Sounds odd, I know, but too much description would be needed to elaborate)
    Goal = 1,000,000
    Goal = 10,000,000

    But there is no amount of monthly income that would satisfy my hunger to expand and grow.
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  • Profile picture of the author edmltw
    i am looking for 1k per month for the first year. working part-time as a IM-er..

    Once i am working full-time, i wish to earn at least $3k plus per month..

    Some one willing to be my mentor? haha..


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  • Profile picture of the author forrar
    I would like to get money that I could pay all the bills and a bit could go to a piggybank

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  • Profile picture of the author adamchandler
    Great question Rich..

    I've just recently been learning about how important this is.. Getting crystal clear on the exact amount of income you desire.

    For me and my desired lifestyle I require at least $300,000 per year in passive income. I believe I can create this within about a year..

    Writing it down as much as possible helps to burn it in to my subconscious so thank you for the post!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Tommy Turner
    I've heard that most people online make less than 2K per month.

    10k is a good figure for online marketing.

    I'm discovering the better I get at selling I can name my own income within reason.

    The fact is: You are either "talking" to sell or "writing" words to sell.

    Learn to sell and choose the income you want.


    Create Expert Level Products In 24 Hours Or Less! Rags To Riches PLR Formula

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  • Profile picture of the author armani
    I would settle for $1,000,000 a month
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaleniie Devi
    I want 1 billion dollars but I'm going to break it down to bite size steps first.

    so my first goal is to make $100/day consistently for 3 months and then move up from there. I want to achieve this by 31st March 2010.

    Of course to achieve my billion dollars....I will have to use other avenues in tandem with IM. The whole purpose of making money for me is so I can live how I want, buy what I want and more. Money is not the end goal for me but the means to the ends for me.

    Shoot for the stars!
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  • Profile picture of the author techinik
    At least 1 million a year. Won't compromise with anything less than that.
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  • Profile picture of the author harlem
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    • Profile picture of the author robhud1
      Originally Posted by harlem View Post

      I'm happy with my tactics...I have actually an average of 100$/day with one website...I will of course rinse and repeat to have 300$/day, I think beginning of next year I will reach it easily
      Good job, mate! $100/day is my goal for 2010. Then, I will quit my job, and give it to someone who really needs it.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryantmalone
    Originally Posted by richpeasant View Post

    People often talk about wanting 'an income'
    without any specific idea of how much that
    income is.

    It's been said $500 a month would prevent
    85% of bankrupticies in USA.

    So what income level do you have in mind?

    I'm unemployed at the moment, so a full time wage would be great! But we al have to start from somewhere, so as long as I can cover my hosting, I'm alright. Ultimately, I would love to be living comfortably, say some 10k per month, but that is easier said than done.

    /me lurks and listens more
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1400318].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Thai
    Enough for me to have financial freedom
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1401360].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author simon fowler
    Money is a mind set. Get your mind set right and the money will never be an issue. You will earn and achieve what ever you like.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1411647].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author colaman86
    Enough to buy a house for myself and to feed myself.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1411669].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jreyes2265
    Enough for me to not have to get a Just Over Broke job, I'm 17 so hopefully I can work for myself.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1412289].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cg101
    With every new project that I look at online in terms of building a site I always do it in mind to "JUST PAY A BILL". I always remain conservative in what I want to achieve. I work a full time job but I I don't have any unrealistic income goals. I just want to pay the bills and be content. Outside of what I do monthly I just want an extra 2000 a month and so far I'm at 500 a month from one site so I'm working my way up there.

    Originally Posted by richpeasant View Post

    People often talk about wanting 'an income'
    without any specific idea of how much that
    income is.

    It's been said $500 a month would prevent
    85% of bankrupticies in USA.

    So what income level do you have in mind?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1439307].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author priyatham
    $ 3 Millions by 30th Dec 2010. And I know I can achieve this easily.
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  • Profile picture of the author Arun Kumar
    I want about $1k/month to live a happy life.
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  • Profile picture of the author gross100
    Between 10 and 15k is my goal and it will be achieved before the end of 2010
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  • Profile picture of the author run_g
    Halo everyone... my goal at least 7k permonth... I'm sure I'll be there
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  • Profile picture of the author hally0301
    My first goal is $100K per year.

    I will achieve this in 2010.

    Rest assured I still have a long way to go but that is the goal I have set for myself.

    At that point in time I will still continue to go to work in my day job because I love doing what I do on a day to day basis. But at least I will have the freedom to choose.
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  • Profile picture of the author loenex
    I want to earn as much as $3k per month. I guess that would satisfy all my needs.
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