How are YOU? Not TOO Bad.

19 replies
I always cringe at the responses I get when I ask this question.

I remember the corporate job, and when asking others in the break room how they were, they'd often respond with one of the following:

"Not too bad."

"Same ole thing, different day" (my old supervisor's boss)

"Good...for a Monday."

"Eh, it's a Monday."

"It's almost Friday!"

"Hanging in there."

"Good, how are you?"
(that wasn't a real question or answer as they walk around in a perpetual daze and with a frown. It's a auto-response--a pleasantry)

There are a million more. But the one I liked the best was one particular individual who said "Excellent, as always." He was also the most productive and most liked of the bunch.

Think about that. Not TOO bad. What kind of life is that?

If all you can mutter is one of those phrases, it's time to reset and think about what, in life, you're passionate about. Many don't even know perhaps. They have grown to merely tolerate the cards they've been dealt in this unfair life.

But what have they done to change it? Most of the time, not one thing.

To change your circumstance, you must ACT to change them. It's more important not that you have all the details ironed out at the start, but that you DO something, ANYTHING, and be consistent with that action.
#action #bad #consistency
  • Profile picture of the author Chosen2013
    My usual response is "Everything's Great" or "Wonderful" or something like that
    I exchange E-Currencies(PP<>Payza<>PM<>Payoneer<>Skrill<>Paxum< >WMZ).
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Here's something interesting about jobs:

    You can be the best employee of the bunch but if one day they don't need you or their production goes down, they will not care who you are or how good you are as an employee. They will let you go.....

    That's what many people don't get these days.

    They say things like:

    "They would never let me go. I am one of their best employees."

    Wrong people. They will get rid of you no matter how good of an employee you are.
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  • Profile picture of the author drem
    Having the mindset that you are always doing just okay or just alright sets you up for failure. I have distanced myself from so many friends simply because they draw in such negative energy.

    Everything we do in life must be done with an open heart and with a positive attitude to breed success.

    I really like your mindset and point of view Ryan. Self-sabotage is what gets us most in trouble in life and with out business ventures.
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  • Profile picture of the author thebert
    Yeah Ryan, the most important thing is to get moving. In any direction. Complacency breeds contempt and it usually starts in the most innocuous ways. Something like "Not TOO bad"...

    Change implies dynamics. You wanna change, you gotta do something, anything, differently.

    Funny isn't it how changing your mind - the simplest change, the easiest change, one that costs no money, takes no time, and can be done right now - is the toughest one to make!
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Ryan,

    Good things are happening. I chant in mind, then share with others, and I see the good things happening all around me, now, through continual expressing of gratitude.

    Good reminder dude!
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Many times I say "Not too bad" out of humility.

    Usually, when I'm out of the house I'm socializing with "ordinary folk" (and they're wonderful) so I say "Not too bad."

    But I'm also being honest because (at the moment) things could be better.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    well i never had that you can't replace me idea ..

    but i also never worked for people who where getting rich from my effort always seemed to be some problem in the company .

    if you are going to have a job work with and for people who are getting rich..or take a job to learn a skill you will need later on .

    if someone had told me that 17 years ago ..instead of wasting time building skill in a company that did no good outside of it..and going through nervouse break downs and ruining my body ..both of which i just recovered from .

    at this point .. my answer to how are you ..i either need a coffee or another coffee ..haha .
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Originally Posted by Ryan Lindner View Post

    I always cringe at the responses I get when I ask this question.

    I remember the corporate job, and when asking others in the break room how they were, they’d often respond with one of the following:

    “Not too bad.”

    “Same ole thing, different day” (my old supervisor’s boss)

    “Good…for a Monday.”

    “Eh, it’s a Monday.”

    “It’s almost Friday!”

    “Hanging in there.”

    Those are some pathetic responses.

    Well, at least they're being honest.
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  • Profile picture of the author edragonbiz
    Originally Posted by Ryan Lindner View Post

    I always cringe at the responses I get when I ask this question.

    I remember the corporate job, and when asking others in the break room how they were, they'd often respond with one of the following:

    "Not too bad."

    "Same ole thing, different day" (my old supervisor's boss)

    "Good...for a Monday."

    "Eh, it's a Monday."

    "It's almost Friday!"

    "Hanging in there."

    "Good, how are you?"
    (that wasn't a real question or answer as they walk around in a perpetual daze and with a frown. It's a auto-response--a pleasantry)

    There are a million more. But the one I liked the best was one particular individual who said "Excellent, as always." He was also the most productive and most liked of the bunch.

    Think about that. Not TOO bad. What kind of life is that?

    If all you can mutter is one of those phrases, it's time to reset and think about what, in life, you're passionate about. Many don't even know perhaps. They have grown to merely tolerate the cards they've been dealt in this unfair life.

    But what have they done to change it? Most of the time, not one thing.

    To change your circumstance, you must ACT to change them. It's more important not that you have all the details ironed out at the start, but that you DO something, ANYTHING, and be consistent with that action.
    I used to speak like that. Not even because I felt like that but because others were speaking like that. Until I realized that I don't have to feel sorry if I have a good day. More even, I make my day by what I say (cool! it rhymes!) and think
    So if you ask me, I'm ALWAYS AWESOME! (funny how you really feel like it after saying it )
    Hi, I'm Ladislav Smrtnik.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gavin Stephenson
    Here's one - How's life treating you?

    No my friend it's "How are you treating life?"
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  • Profile picture of the author damiensuccess
    I have grown absorbed into noticing how people greet. Yes, more often I hear,,, "Not Bad"

    "Not Bad" I am practicing an approach that might help people think about that greeting before they actually say it.. I respond very hesitant as follows.
    "Oh,, well,, um,,, that's better then bad,, right?"

    The remarks I get are very noticeable. You can see them looking back into their heads thinking about it.

    Gavin - You had me absorbed into your comment, and nearly forgot what I was going to write before I started.
    - How's life treating you?
    - "How are you treating life?"

    This is something I am taking to the field. I would love to see how people react to this.. Though I am sure it will help them realize more about how they think. This is my ultimate goal. Living in a town of 15,000 people where a high number of them perform on a negative and judgmental lifestyle. I am sure I can turn this town right side up, and make a difference here.

    Thanks for that one!
    Damien Parsons
    Success Coach | Writer
    Join me on Successful Lifestyle Secrets
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Damian ,

    it is not your job to turn them around's to make sure you do not turn into them

    here is the key to the question of how you are doing..very few people actually want an answer outside the is just a way to have a basic interaction .

    it is real difficult or taxing to make people feel better ..think about how misserable many stand up comics are ..

    if you want to make other people feel better you provide environments that lift a persons mood..most people spend much of their day in stressed environments
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    Once upon a time I got fed up with these auto responses and tried to do something about it. I would evaluate how i felt before i responded. Well most people I would try to tell how i really felt did not have the patience to wait for the response. Others simply did not expect my response and were left dumbfounded. Well I finally realized I could not change the system. I tried to change myself and ended up changing my faith or religion.
    Signature Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I like the one I use sometimes... "Excellent...and getting better!"

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dain Supero
    How am I?

    Better than I was yesterday and worse than I will be tomorrow.

    Visit for proven advice and techniques to elevate your mind, body, and self-image.

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    • Profile picture of the author damiensuccess
      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      I like the one I use sometimes... "Excellent...and getting better!"
      My principle in elementary says this. Still do when I see him actually!

      Originally Posted by Dain Supero View Post

      How am I?

      Better than I was yesterday and worse than I will be tomorrow.
      Good one Dain. just put that one on my phone. One of those that will make people think.

      I know what you mean, and I do know I have to be careful not to do so. "Turn into one of them"
      Its not my job, but it is my desire. I like to change just how a few people think, I don't care if I ever get anything from it, its just how I want to connect with people.
      Thank you for pointing that out though.. I will think about that more. It is easy to change how we think.. Overtime maybe, if not careful, I would be no better then they are from a slow change of attitude.
      Damien Parsons
      Success Coach | Writer
      Join me on Successful Lifestyle Secrets
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      • Profile picture of the author Ryan Lindner
        When people ask those questions ("How are you?") they don't really want an answer.

        How would it be if you answered "awful"? They will probably look at you like you're crazy, or to paraphrase Office Space, "Each day is worse than the day before, so each day you see me is the worst day of my life." (haha)

        No, when you respond you are not providing an answer, but an ATTITUDE.

        When I say something like "Excellent, as always," others will turn heads because they weren't expecting that either.

        My circumstances may not be excellent. In fact, I was going through some awful stuff, but I think think by responding in that way you are CHOOSING to be excellent, as always.
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  • Profile picture of the author JensSteyaert
    Thes type of answers aren't really the true refelction of how a person really feels, it's something like a mandatory answer they don't even think about, some like a mental tic...

    Just changing the words won't make you feel differently i think
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  • Profile picture of the author MrTwoFister
    I agree with you! I truly believe that many people are so unaware of how they are feeling. Living day to day, without stopping to think about how they are feeling. Not just up or down, but how and where it comes from. I always talk about what is truly on my mind. Not in an inappropriate manner though. I live mindfully and it has changed my life.
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