Fighting depressive Thoughts and Working Online

51 replies
Yes, this is one of my bad days. I don't get them as often as I used to but when that depressive feeling takes over me my online work suffers for the rest of the day.

I have dealt with depression all my life and although I am able to handle it better than I used to some days it just totally overwhelms me. It is especially stressful when I have so much online work that I need to catch up on.

I guess this thread is me trying to reach out to any others who also suffer from depression. How do you deal with the negative thoughts?
How do you work through those images of the past that you do not want to remember?

I have tried many mind techniques to understand the illness and learn to work with it. All techniques work in some form or another.

How do you continue to get through a good days work online when you have a depressive episode?

Sorry for the long post.
Thanks for reading.

#depressive #fighting #online #thoughts #working
  • Profile picture of the author The Great Gordino
    I've had experience with depression so can relate to this.

    2 answers -

    1. Work out the number one task you need to do, and focus on that one task, it helps to get rid of overwhelm.
    2. Batten down the hatches and sit the depressive episode out like a storm. It will pass, as you know, but fighting it only makes it worse.

    Those 2 tips have helped me hugely, hope they give you some help too,
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    • Profile picture of the author cindypark
      Originally Posted by The Great Gordino View Post

      I've had experience with depression so can relate to this.

      2 answers -

      1. Work out the number one task you need to do, and focus on that one task, it helps to get rid of overwhelm.
      2. Batten down the hatches and sit the depressive episode out like a storm. It will pass, as you know, but fighting it only makes it worse.

      Those 2 tips have helped me hugely, hope they give you some help too,
      great tips,thanks for your advice,ive been working for almost 4yrs online and sometimes it really feel us bad.great help for us.
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    • Profile picture of the author sharpturn
      Originally Posted by The Great Gordino View Post

      I've had experience with depression so can relate to this.

      2 answers -

      1. Work out the number one task you need to do, and focus on that one task, it helps to get rid of overwhelm.
      2. Batten down the hatches and sit the depressive episode out like a storm. It will pass, as you know, but fighting it only makes it worse.

      Those 2 tips have helped me hugely, hope they give you some help too,
      Thank for your tips.
      You are 100% right.

      I did just end up focusing on getting one thing done at a time. I eventually got that part of the job completed!

      Yes, I have to accept that today is just going to be one of those days of struggling to get things done. No point in fighting the depression as I know how powerful it can be.

      Getting something done is better than getting nothing done.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    do you have a laptop ..

    figure out what you can do on a laptop and go find some place away from your normal work environment that has sunlight and fresh air an other people working .

    i put my health in danger if i try to work through the depression.. without doing things i know improve my mood .
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    • Profile picture of the author sharpturn
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      do you have a laptop ..

      figure out what you can do on a laptop and go find some place away from your normal work environment that has sunlight and fresh air an other people working .

      i put my health in danger if i try to work through the depression.. without doing things i know improve my mood .
      This is also great advice, thank you.
      It is weird because after all these years with depression I know what to do but I still get angry and want to fight it away.
      That has never
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    when the depression is from a chemical shift and you feel it set in..

    fighting it or explaining it away are kind of useless .most of the time the best thing i can to is just get a quick half hour or hour nap ..but this time of year for me sitting in an area shaded but heated by the sun usually picks me up .

    i have rapid cycling by polar disorder and tend to call the aggravated bitch parts of the cycle over the course of a few months man periods .. then i have daily patterns that there are just best time for me to work and relax .

    depression is the first stage of your body telling you you really need tyo pay attention to it.. then it progresses into injuries and illness ..which make the depression worse and lead to more physical problems .
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  • Profile picture of the author Lurk
    a solution depends on the severity of the depression. Some things no words can solve. Nobody knows your pathology like you do.

    Such a deep topic with so little provided from you OP. All I can say is if the advice you gotten up until my post works report back. If it doesnt then PM me.


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    • Profile picture of the author sharpturn
      Originally Posted by Lurk View Post

      a solution depends on the severity of the depression. Some things no words can solve. Nobody knows your pathology like you do.

      Such a deep topic with so little provided from you OP. All I can say is if the advice you gotten up until my post works report back. If it doesnt then PM me.
      The worst is over but I can't help wondering why I still go through these feelings even after everything I have done to keep the thing at bay.

      I haven't sat down to have a real think about it, but I think my thoughts, (All the stuff you can't do anything about), are at the centre of my episodes.

      I keep fit, I stay active, I try to think positively, I watch motivational videos, inspirational videos.....and yet, the deep feeling or the voice says,
      "You are dreaming"
      "You are not going to realize your goals"
      "It would have happened by now"

      LOL.....I am my own worst enemy!
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      • Profile picture of the author Lurk
        Originally Posted by sharpturn View Post

        The worst is over but I can't help wondering why I still go through these feelings even after everything I have done to keep the thing at bay.

        I haven't sat down to have a real think about it, but I think my thoughts, (All the stuff you can't do anything about), are at the centre of my episodes.

        I keep fit, I stay active, I try to think positively, I watch motivational videos, inspirational videos.....and yet, the deep feeling or the voice says,
        "You are dreaming"
        "You are not going to realize your goals"
        "It would have happened by now"

        LOL.....I am my own worst enemy!
        when you decide to have that "think about it", be sure to have handy paper and pen. Since you already watch motivational films you will already know what to do with that paper and pen I presume.


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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    ..the permaculture motto is ..the problem is the solution ..

    depression episodes will happen no matter how much work you do ..they are a reminder of why you are doing what you are doing ..something to push you forward by trying to fight it or figure out why it happens.. or go down the path of though that you might have messed something up to cause it ..

    what you resist persists are not the depression you are having feeling the are depressing

    you are not your emotions so there is nothing wrong with you have and feel emotions
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  • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
    Sometimes I find that when I feel this way, the best thing for me to do is WALK AWAY.

    I tend to fry my brain by sitting to long in the computer and that can lead to lack of productivity. When I don't feel productive, I start to feel down on myself because I am not getting anything done.

    And the reason I am not getting anything done is because I am not focusing. And the reason I am not focusing is because you can only give a strong dedicated attention span for a certain period of time. Spending hours upon hours on the computer IS NOT the way to go.

    When you feel this way, take a step back and get away from the computer to gather your thoughts and think about your overall vision of life.

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    • Profile picture of the author RichBeck
      Originally Posted by OmarNegron View Post

      Sometimes I find that when I feel this way, the best thing for me to do is WALK AWAY.

      I tend to fry my brain by sitting to long in the computer and that can lead to lack of productivity. When I don't feel productive, I start to feel down on myself because I am not getting anything done.

      And the reason I am not getting anything done is because I am not focusing. And the reason I am not focusing is because you can only give a strong dedicated attention span for a certain period of time. Spending hours upon hours on the computer IS NOT the way to go.

      When you feel this way, take a step back and get away from the computer to gather your thoughts and think about your overall vision of life.


      Excellent suggestion!

      First, have a prioritized "To Do" List. Check off each item as you you complete it. Don't scratch it it off or erase it.

      At the end of the day, review the items you completed.... Feel good about your accomplishments and have gratitude about your progress.

      Second, I've also used "task switching" successfully.

      Look at your "To Do" List and pick a high priority task you'd enjoy doing at that moment.... and jump on it!

      I've found that "mental shift" frequently re-energizes me.

      All The Best,

      Rich Beck BCIP, MCSD, MCIS
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    • Profile picture of the author sharpturn
      Omar....Excellent advice!
      I agree 100%
      The amount of times I have sat there working away hour after hour and getting more and more frustrated and exhausted.

      I now make sure to walk away from the computer at least every hour for 5 minutes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brandon Lukas
    Let me ask you this...

    How often a week do you work on Personal Development?

    By identifying depression, your giving it power because your noticing it's getting to you, and it's getting to you because your letting it!

    You said you have a lot to catch up on. That definitely can be from bootstrapping too much yourself. Trying leveraging systems, tools, or outsourcing your work.

    But back on personal development...

    What you need to do everyday is spend at least an hour listening, watching, or reading inspirational sources..

    Jim Rohn is great.. Watch some of his Youtube vids.. Watch Motivational vids.

    This is how I battled depression in my business
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Stop fighting Go ahead, try it. Sit. Be with them. Feel bad, now, then take a deep breath. Feel a little worse, breathe in and out, and you'll be at peace. Then you can see good happening, because you'll have stopped fighting, and have started to be at peace, and you'll see more good. Sending my healing loving energy to you! Just make sure, and stop fighting, to let the loving energies flow
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
    Maybe you have to do is just work and work and work, don't think much just work and work and work. Communicate to people online, have some project so that you have something to do. Work and work and have a lot of work and then if you are already successful then have some vacation.

    That's it! I said don't think too much, you will never solve the world. The world itself has it's own complication just accept it and just do your part. If you will feel better message me and then go back to work again.
    Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
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  • Profile picture of the author JakeRhodes
    I've found that writing helps.

    First off you should write down a set of business target goals for both the short term and the long term. For example you might want to grow your list by 500 people this month. A longer term goal would be to build a list of 50,000 within a year. This will help to keep yourself working hard to achieve those definable goals.

    Secondly writing down your negative thoughts can have a very uplifting effect. You can dump those thoughts and feelings down on a page and then tear it up. It's incredibly therapeutic.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Andy, I also suffer from depression but it is not as bad as it used to be (and I work towards it never being at rock bottom ever again).

    My medication is nowhere near as strong either.

    Here are some tips:

    Change what you're doing so you can focus on something that may not make you depressed.
    Do something fun.
    Go for a walk.
    Phone a friend.
    Have a sleep.
    Have some food.
    Do some exercise.
    Take your dog for a walk (assuming you have one or more).
    Play with your dog.
    Join online chat forums where people with similar problems can chat anonymously.
    Talk to your doctor. If you're getting worse, maybe there's something he can do to help you.
    Listen to music.
    Watch TV.

    There are probably more things to add but that list should be a good start for you.

    Don't fight the feelings because sometimes you just have to let them come, pass through and then go again. But don't do anything to aggravate them either.

    PM me if you wish to chat privately.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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    • Profile picture of the author sharpturn
      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      Andy, I also suffer from depression but it is not as bad as it used to be (and I work towards it never being at rock bottom ever again).

      Don't fight the feelings because sometimes you just have to let them come, pass through and then go again. But don't do anything to aggravate them either.

      PM me if you wish to chat privately.
      Thank you for your advice.
      Thankfully today I feel much better. It is just the way it is. Some days I just get hit bad but it hasnt been as bad as it used to be many years ago.

      Back then I was on meds too but I hated it. I came off them and just worked through the bad times as best I could.

      Anyway I am glad you have your way of getting you through the bad days.
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  • Profile picture of the author sharpturn

    Yes, after what happened yesterday I decided to spend some time each day to get back into surrounding my free time with motivational stuff.

    I used to listen to a lot of audios from Anthony Robbins and Led Brown, etc....all of which helped me.
    So yesterday I downloaded the book Phycho-Cybernetics and just started reading.

    In the mean time I will also be watching some of the videos of other motivational speakers.
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  • Profile picture of the author JessicaBurde
    For a short-term, get past the depression right now solution, the best thing I've found is music. Upbeat, energetic music that gets my adrenaline flowing. It gives me the energy boost to 'get moving' on my work, and once I am working, momentum tends to carry me through the day.

    When work is done, then it's time to sit down and work through the depression itself, especially if something specific triggered it. Some great suggestions here I'll be trying in the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamiller
    For me there are two things that help most of the time.

    1. Meditate - Just get up out of my chair and head to a nice quiet place where I will have no distractions. Start by closing your eyes and focusing on things that make you happy...and then let those thoughts leave your mind just as they came. Then feel the peaceful bliss of nothingness.

    2. Music - Usually some calming and soothing instrumental music will do the trick. If it doesn't help I tend to go with a bit more upbeat and uplifting songs.

    These two things don't always work. But they are the most effective ways for me to handle the situation when it arises. All the best to you.


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  • Profile picture of the author Jarvis Edwards
    Do you have "Haters" in your life?

    ...people whom you know, don't want you to succeed?

    People who would LOVE to see you fail?

    Have you acknowledged who these people are yet? I'm sure you have at least ONE?!!

    Once you acknowledge WHO the haters are in your life...the naysayers...

    ...people who think you'll never make it? You can then...

    Count the voice in your head as one of those haters!

    When the voice speaks up and tells you how you WON'T succeed, that should be the fuel to your fire to MAKE you succeed.

    The problem is, you're probably not "channeling" your fears and anxiety properly.

    Take that fear, and doubt, and cynicism; and use it to your advantage!

    Because here's the thing I've learned:

    EVERYONE has that negative, doubting, 'depressing' voice in their heads. The ones who succeed, are the ones who take action regardless, and overcome fear by planning, action and perseverance!

    We are all only human!

    When I get in a depressive state, I get ANGRY. And I no longer allow that anger or self-doubt to cause me to hold myself back. I learned to take it as a cue to work even harder. To prove that useless, negative, clueless voice inside my head, that I am the kind of THIS ship. Not it.

    And as a poster suggested above, Jim Rohn is VERY good for motivation. He helps you get out of the zone of "you-the-victim," and into the mind state of "possibilities."

    I personally listen more to Les Brown. Priceless motivation and actionable tactics to get your mind right. Because it ALL starts in the mind, right?
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    • Profile picture of the author sharpturn
      Originally Posted by Jarvis Edwards View Post

      Do you have "Haters" in your life?

      ...people whom you know, don't want you to succeed?

      People who would LOVE to see you fail?

      Have you acknowledged who these people are yet? I'm sure you have at least ONE?!!
      Yep, I grew up listening to naysayers and as an adult I became my own naysayer. I am my own worst enemy and I realize this but it is so hard trying to work around that negative voice within.

      I think your technique of "not backing down" and using that negativity to drive your forward is a good one.
      Thanks for your advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author repthareal
    There is nothing that a little meditation a few deep breaths can't fix.
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  • My sister was recently diagnosed with depression. And one of the things we do to help her keep working when she's going through a bad time is to set up work dates. We get together to "work" in a nice coffeeshop or next to pool. We don't get a lot done, sure, but it helps us relax, have fun, and take advantage of the fact that we work online and can work anywhere we want.
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    • Profile picture of the author sharpturn
      Originally Posted by John Jonas Phil VA View Post

      ...and take advantage of the fact that we work online and can work anywhere we want.
      So both you and your sister work online; that's great!
      Thanks for your input. Getting out and away from the same environment really does help. I don't have a laptop but I can bring a paper and pen or just read with my tablet.
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  • Profile picture of the author MrTwoFister
    I have struggled here also. Look into mindfulness. It changed my life!
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  • Profile picture of the author JSammy
    I think everyone goes through forms of depression throughout there life. Obviously, some are tougher than others. WIth that said, what I have found is when it hits, you can NOT sit around and wait it out. I found that sitting home alone made it much worse. I am not saying to get out and socialize. What I am saying is you need to get out, go to mall for walk, do something. be a bit active. Sitting home lets your mind run wild. Give it something else to think about.

    Sometimes it's easier said then done. But it will make a difference.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    Usually if I sit down and read a motivational book or go work out for a little bit it helps to get out of any kind of depressive state or lazy mindset.
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  • Profile picture of the author dgui123451
    You must fine something to look forward to that would bring you joy at the end of each day, and concentrate on achieving your set plans for the day.
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  • Profile picture of the author N4PGW
    Like tonight? I am not depressed, but had I continued trying to get work done on the book I am writing, I could be stressed out, but accepting the fact that it will be here waiting for me tomorrow is OK with me.

    Instead of stressing out, I take a break. Sometimes I go to bed early so I can get up earlier than normal to get to work on something.

    When I do get depressed, I find a tall glass of Gatorade or Poweraid and sit in an easy chair, drink my aid and think about positive things.

    Sometimes our bodies and brains just need a day off to rest. Unless what you need to do is visit your dying grandmother at the hospital, chances are really good that it will be there in the morning. And it is a pretty good bet that you will be there too.

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  • Profile picture of the author IntuitiveMonkey
    I used to be depressed very frequently around 20 years ago. Now, I don't have a bit of that anymore and am constantly in positive energy (joy, love, excitement, positive expectation, etc.)

    The #1 thing that helped me make the shift to a higher, funner energy is journaling exactly what I was feeling. That means if I was feeling really, really terrible, dark, evil thoughts, I did not try to escape from that. I wrote them down exactly. Word for word. Feeling by feeling. I expressed it out on paper. Just the act of writing it down took the negative charge out of the negative energy so over time I could be more accepting of it. I allowed it and accepted it completely. Over time I realized it was not really me, just some negative energy. That filled up pages and pages in my journal. Soon I filled up many, many notebooks full of this black negative energy. As I kept doing this for days and months, I found that not only did this break the depression patterns completely but I also had my Higher part of me want to write in the notebook also some higher or better feeling thoughts about what I was going through. This way I started creating a bond with my Higher Self also over time. Slowly, slowly, slowly my entire inner space changed. Now it is 20 years later and not only am I constantly living in higher funner vibration, but my entire reality has changed also! I am living exactly the life I always wanted. I am so grateful and constantly receiving more and more great things to feel fantastic about daily! Hope this method helps. Try it! It will break your negative feeling habits! It will take the charge out of the negative energy and connect you to your Higher Self or Spirit over time if you keep doing this. It worked for me!

    MUCH better than Law of Attraction and it's Free -

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  • Profile picture of the author rania090
    If you get depressed because you see people making huge income then you don't have to fight depression, you have to fight doubt. because successful people are sure of their success now or later.
    If you get depressed for no reason then I recommend reading books especially Self Help books, I personally suffered from depression for 5 years and now I feel the happiest person on earth.
    What actually learned from my experience with depression:
    Humans need to be attached to something, you cannot live without a source of happiness, the unlimited source of happiness is God.
    Ask God or the universe to give you happiness.
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  • Just have a plan of action for all that you are doing so that you your are not destructed and does not end up getting frustrated for your failure to get started in all the most important tasks that you where supposed to do. This is because the major cause of depression is your failure to fulfill all the major tasks that you wanted to do on that particular day.
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  • Profile picture of the author JackAllan

    Some really great info on here and very helpful. Its good to hear how some have managed to beat depression.
    I have suffered with depression for about 10 years. I have often struggled because i have tried advice which has not worked. I am now making great progress, without getting carried away. I try to take one day at a time. The method which works for me is lifting weight, daily. This has been incredible for me. Its totally realistic for me which helps. Go to the gym and get it done. I still get good and bad days but i feel more focused and disciplined which helps me take control a little better.

    A few months ago i started coaching people with depression who are ready and wanting to give this method a go. Its been pretty successful so far. Feel free to check out my free video about "depression and lifting weights" i'll put the link below..

    Thanks again for the advice!
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    • Profile picture of the author Sangfroid
      Hey Guys,

      I have some mentally ill relatives.

      Medication is usually very helpful.

      Of course you need to find the right meds
      and the right dosage.

      I am not a doctor of anything but I have
      been educated in the school of life.

      Just a thought....................

      Be Well

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  • Profile picture of the author C G
    For me the cure for depressive thoughts is simply working. When you focus on work. You don't have time to think about depressive thoughts. I choose work but it can be anything as long as you focus.


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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Most people suffer from depression and won't admit it.

    Look at the famous actor - Robin Williams. He was one of the most successful actors in the world because he could make us laugh.

    He made a lot of money so success wasn't an issue.

    He was actually 'crying' inside and put on a 'game face' on the outside that fooled the world.

    You will never be 'at peace' until you look at what is causing the depression.

    My father suffered from severe depression and no amounts of medication would help him. He still suffers from depression and is a very stubborn man.

    Others are telling you to 'distract' yourself from the depression by doing more work but that will be like trying to 'hide' it from yourself.

    You said above that you have many self limiting thoughts that hold the great majority of people back from living the life of their dreams.

    You can not suppress it because it will keep coming back to haunt you time and time again.

    You will need to meditate [everyday] because meditation is 'quieting' the mind and communing with God or 'Source' Energy. Billions of people go to church but meditation is REAL Prayer.

    Once you begin quieting that mind, you will have to LOOK at what is causing these negative conditioning thought patterns.

    The great majority of people who try to become successful can do 'everything' that successful people do and still not succeed because they never really became 'Clear' on their dreams and goals.

    Being clear does not mean to Know exactly what you want in life.

    Being clear means that you have to identify the 'blocks' to Loves presence (your divine power) and birth right.

    "You Must Go Into the Dark in order to Bring Forth Your Light" - Debbie Ford

    You will discover that below these deep negative feelings are 'memories' that are playing in your subconscious mind over and over.

    How did they get there?

    1- Let's say you had a problem with money as an example. And let's say that when you were a little boy, you observed your father and mother always fighting over money. Maybe one day you saw Dad giving Mom hell because she lost her purse containing a hundred bucks.

    Maybe Dad was just angry because she always misplaced her things like car keys and even her glasses and was more mad at her for those reasons than losing the money.

    Then maybe you saw and heard this as a little child and 'interpreted' as your parents fighting over money. This would be like feeling that money was 'evil' in some way. And when ever you have put those types of feelings into money, it will be harder to make it.

    So you may have seen or heard of something that bothered you when you were young and then you gave it 'meaning' - Good or Bad.

    It wasn't so much what happened that causes you pain to this day, it is the MEANING that you gave it at the time.

    I am just using this money problem as an example.

    2- Not Deserving: Back to the past again, somewhere you could have gave meaning to situations that you saw or heard and interpreted as you not feeling deserving.

    3- Collective Mind: The collective mind (the real mind) has been filled with negative Crap ever since man has walked this planet. A lot of the mental noise we all hear all the time can come from us collectively as a whole and also before you entered this life if you believe in reincarnation.

    Some of the memories can also be from your past lives.

    This is why so many of the MOST Successful Internet Marketers speak so highly of having the 'Right' Mindset. Having the right mindset doesn't mean thinking and acting like a successful person. That is part of it but not all of it.

    You could never truly think and act like a successful person if you don't FEEL it 'inside' and those internal blocks will never let you raise your vibration up to the level of true success energy - "Spirit".

    Motivation will only get you so far. For Real Magic to happen in your life you will need to become 'Inspired' (or in spirit as Wayne Dyer calls it).

    When you are inspired, you will never need to seek out 'motivation' again.

    I just realized that I typed all this stuff out 'effortlessly' and that is a direct RESULT of being Inspired.

    Everything just flows effortlessly!

    I didn't get here overnight, I had to work on myself more harder than my business. But I had some help. I read the following books that helped me become 'clear'.

    When you become really clear, you become an Unstoppable Entrepreneur!

    This is a very good book By Dr Joe Vitale Called "The Key":

    Here is a link to Amazon so you can see a brief video with Joe explaining these his book and these concepts (no I am not an Amazon Affiliate):

    You Will Never Get Your Piece of the Pie Until You Get 'Peace of Mind'!

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    • Profile picture of the author Sangfroid
      Originally Posted by Rory Singh View Post

      Most people suffer from depression and won't admit it.

      Look at the famous actor - Robin Williams. He was one of the most successful actors in the world because he could make us laugh.

      He made a lot of money so success wasn't an issue.

      He was actually 'crying' inside and put on a 'game face' on the outside that fooled the world.

      You will never be 'at peace' until you look at what is causing the depression.

      You will need to meditate [everyday] because meditation is 'quieting' the mind and communing with God or 'Source' Energy. Billions of people go to church but meditation is REAL Prayer.

      Once you begin quieting that mind, you will have to LOOK at what is causing these negative conditioning thought patterns.

      The great majority of people who try to become successful can do 'everything' that successful people do and still not succeed because they never really became 'Clear' on their dreams and goals.

      Being clear does not mean to Know exactly what you want in life.

      Being clear means that you have to identify the 'blocks' to Loves presence (your divine power) and birth right.

      "You Must Go Into the Dark in order to Bring Forth Your Light" - Debbie Ford

      Nice post Rory! Very thoughtful!

      I don't really disagree with much of what you posted.

      I have been meditating for 36 years every day and it helps
      me tremendously. Without it, I would be a drug addict.

      However, I believe that as awesome as meditation is, for
      SOME meditation plus medication is the answer. Others
      are so troubled that they cannot meditate.

      I think each has to experiment and see what works for
      them. But, as you said, shoving it back into the subconscious
      is a dangerous way to not deal with it. And it can have
      suicidal consequences. Sadly. My heart bleeds for those
      suffering such afflictions.

      Be Well

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      • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
        Originally Posted by Sangfroid View Post

        Nice post Rory! Very thoughtful!

        I don't really disagree with much of what you posted.

        I have been meditating for 36 years every day and it helps
        me tremendously. Without it, I would be a drug addict.

        However, I believe that as awesome as meditation is, for
        SOME meditation plus medication is the answer. Others
        are so troubled that they cannot meditate.

        I think each has to experiment and see what works for
        them. But, as you said, shoving it back into the subconscious
        is a dangerous way to not deal with it. And it can have
        suicidal consequences. Sadly. My heart bleeds for those
        suffering such afflictions.

        Be Well
        Don, I hear you man! It's different for everyone. We all go through these things differently
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  • Profile picture of the author JustAnotherOwl
    Originally Posted by sharpturn View Post

    I guess this thread is me trying to reach out to any others who also suffer from depression. How do you deal with the negative thoughts?
    I was depressed for years. Just... miserable, all the time, for no good reason.

    Now I barely remember what that felt like. I just feel the usual range of emotions, for actual reasons.

    Your mileage may vary, but... I highly, highly recommend seeing a psychiatrist and finding out if antidepressants will work for you. They certainly do for me.

    Best of luck, whatever path you choose.
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  • Profile picture of the author noxterorange
    We all have Ups and downs in our life, So pl dnt depress yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author AleksanderSuave
    what do you like to do, that you gain no profit out of, that doesnt feel like work? I have some obsessive hobbies that earn me nothing, but are incredibly fun and a great escape(gun range, restoring wooden furniture, working on my house, a nice cigar and a strong drink)

    the brain needs a restart period every now and then.

    However, nothing works for me better than going to the gym, or exploring outdoors with my dog. Im a loner by nature, and I get into moods where I dont want to leave the house period, I focus manically on work, Ive ruined relationships this way over years. Having something else living around you, that loves you unconditionally (like a dog) really helps with this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    I think I wrote a book up there.

    But what 'serves' me best when I am depressed is 'acceptance'.

    I did deeper or look at what is causing depression and 'accept' it. Then I start feeling better little by little.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave147
    How about some meditation techniques, combined with an exercise program and a change in diet. The change in diet could be the key. Also setting business goals and following through with commitment and focus.

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    • Profile picture of the author Sangfroid
      Originally Posted by dave147 View Post

      How about some meditation techniques, combined with an exercise program and a change in diet. The change in diet could be the key. Also setting business goals and following through with commitment and focus.
      Hi Dave,

      Sounds like a good balance.

      I always find a nice walk to be therapeutic.

      And, I find being a vegetarian helps to keep me
      happy and healthy.

      And meditation is most important to me.

      Be Well

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9772652].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author dave147
        Originally Posted by Sangfroid View Post

        Hi Dave,

        Sounds like a good balance.

        I always find a nice walk to be therapeutic.

        And, I find being a vegetarian helps to keep me
        happy and healthy.

        And meditation is most important to me.

        Be Well
        Hey Don,

        Yes it is a nice balance. You could take it further with good nutritional supplements and plenty of filtered rain water, or at least filtered water!

        Be Healthy

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  • Profile picture of the author Simextrades
    I always keep myself busy by optimizing my campaigns, creating manual back links. investing into other business's that i own offline and working them, going for a run, ect. my best advice would keep yourself busy by working toward your future.
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  • Profile picture of the author harpo
    Recognize first of all, that we are ALL our own worst enemy. We all do it! Whether or not we are suffering from depression, we all hold ourselves back.

    So, recognizing that, knowing that when you feel yourself doing that, know that others are doing the same thing even while you are doing it. We bathe in negative energy alone... together!

    Then, one thing you can do is just do some small thing to help someone else... just do some little something to make someone's day a little better, just a kind word, a smile, anything.

    Adding some positive energy to someone else's life can't help but make us feel like we have value, we have a purpose, there is a reason we are here... to add our two cents worth to help another person. Who knows, maybe their day is worse than ours... so just going out of our way to do something positive, however small it may seem, is good for you and the other person at the same time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Trujillo
    What I have learned is to filter out bad negative thoughts that do no good for me. Look at this way, your mind is like your inbox. You can either choose to receive good quality emails or you can choose to let spam ruin your inbox. Every depressive thought is equal to spam, you must learn how to identify your negative thoughts and whenever one appears you must cut it off. Learn to develop good habits everyday for 30 days straight, this will make you forget old habits and before you know it you will be stuck in a pattern of good traits and good thinking. Your mindset will determine your outcome of your situations. Remember that everybody gets depressed at one time or another it is normal, it's when it starts to consume your everyday life and accomplishing everyday goals is when it become a problem. You should take some time to relax and go to the gym, pray, hang out with friends, if you need to get on antidepressants than do that. You shouldn't let depression consume your life and hold you back. Remember everybody goes through obstacles and it's not just you, always take time to be thankful as it could always be worse!
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