Barter, Leverage, and become a Prostitute for that #1 Joint Venture which pulls in millions...
I'm in need to spread some knowledge today, woke up this morning with no passenger side mirror, but that can happen from time to time. In any case, I wanted to make a post to discuss ways to grab that #1 Joint Venture, now first let me explain what a #1 Joint Venture is not.
A #1 Joint Venture is not:
- The person with the biggest list
- The person with the biggest business
- The person with the biggest balls
- an instant pay day
- one that will expand both your business's not just one or the other.
- one that holds more incentive then just making money
- one that will provide knowledge and create buyer confidence
- one in which you complement each other on your strengths and cores
- one in which you understand each other and how you both do business
- one that in the end will create a long-lasting business relationship for future ventures.
Now that we laid out the basic bullet points let's look into it a bit more. Sometimes the biggest list or business will mean nothing compared to a smaller list and better mind on the shoulders of that owner. I have completed many JV's some with 2,000 person lists some with no lists, some with 100,000 person lists. The goal in finding a JV partner is to expand your business, not to just get a hold of what they worked so hard to create and your to lazy to do it yourself.
So, how do we go about getting that #1 Joint Venture?
You need to barter, leverage and prostitute your skills to your potentials. However, before you even contact a potential you should have an understanding of their business, maybe even have read some of their product, but with out a doubt definitely be on their list to see how they market products... you don't want an unethical marketer that is spamming your product to lists...
What skills do you have to offer, what can you barter?
Well, for example, in the past, I have developed relationships offering services, advice, and answers for free.
My JV strategy back in the day was to first develop 10 strong relationships with marketers in my niche. To do this, I sent them an email giving them some pointers on their site design, ad placement, revenue streams, etc. I explained that I am a consultant, and even attached a mock up of their design with my contributions.
At the end of the email I shared that I am giving this information to them simply because I like the way they handle business and I like their products.
In the end... a new business relationship sprouted up...
Sure, I was emailed with more questions and I went back and forth with them for a week or two, but finally the doors opened, my prostituting skills were no more, because they asked the question...
" Are you working on any current projects? "
Let me tell you, the power is now in your hands, they don't necessarily owe you because you were doing them a favor, but since you showed good business knowledge they will be intrigued in knowing more...
Now I follow up with a .... Well... here are my ideas and this is where we are at in development. Right now we are looking to create some strategic partners around the globe and the incentive they are receiving is this...
The power of this response is that I am not soliciting them... they asked... I'm telling, I'm explaining where we are at and what we want to do.
Generally, results of my prostitution have created many successful partners, most of them fill in the missing pieces such as
- Copywriting
- PPC Management
- Moderation
- List Building
- Promotion
The bottom line... do not solicit JV partners, yes it is a numbers game, but do you really want to email 300 JV potentials for 3 to respond that will bring in maybe 50 sales over creating a true business relationship that can pull in millions!
Last thing before I go... think about the big players that you know. Product launch after product launch, thousands after thousands, do you really think they did this soliciting JV partners...
NO! They created their circles by creating relationships.
We all have something to offer you need to recognize your skills, below is an example of how my most recent JV came together.
David Chamberlain: A warrior forum member, that purchased a product of mine. After the purchase, he would ask me some simple specific questions that I can answer in a paragraph ( this is really important, don't ask questions like how do I make money?). David would approach me with the work he has done such as salespages, his business strategies, etc.
I realized that even know he does not have a huge list to profit from, he had the "eye of the tiger", but had no resources.
David and I are JVing on the website in my signature, he will be doing moderation and concept development for future features.
He's the bomb.
David had no list, no $100,000 in earnings to prove to me he was a good partner, but he did have the heart for marketing, good ideas, and is an accountant which I can leverage in the future for budgeting projects correctly.