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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 12:46 PM   #51
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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fb share twitter share gplus share more share my years in the "Advertising & Marketing" biz I've tried to put together "Groups" of "Exclusive" advertisers and have placed "Sample-Ads" in the piece when I show potential advertisers.

By offering "Limited" spaces and only ONE advertiser in each business category I appeal to "competitive Juices"....and....I NEVER show a "Blank" program.

Example: Set up a "Mobile Site Directory" for your Town with ONE business in each Category! One Mexican...One Italian...One of each Food Category...for starters. Then...ONE Chiropractor...ONE Dentist...ONE Carpet Cleaner...ONE Plumber...ONE of every business, professional & medical category.

Then...make a few Sample Sites showing what you can do. them HOW you will attract consumers TO your "Mobile Site Directory".

Then...when you walk into a have POWER! A STRONG REASON WHY...your prospect NEEDS TO JOIN....NOW! Because if they don't, their competitor will get their spot!

Ex: When I walk into a restaurant and show the owner one of my TV Channel Guides that is PLACED IN LOCAL MOTEL ROOMS....easily found by Room Guests (who are LOOKING FOR Places to eat)....and how easy it is to FIND my Directory ON THEIR PHONE....and THEIR Restaurant can be the ONLY Chinese Restaurant in the Directory....they join!

Here's another example of a "Group" Directory;
A few years ago I put together a ""Glove Compartment ACCIDENT GUIDE".

A Booklet with HelpFul Info and places to write in info (Other parties Name, Address, Phone, Insurance Co...etc) and a Drawing of what happened Ad for a LAWYER, Tow Truck, Locksmith, Chiropractor... etc In fact....I got a WHOLE BUNCH of biznesses to buy an Ad in the Accident Guide.

And each one was given an EXCLUSIVE (The 1st 2 were Free)

And....guess how the "Guide" was distributed; Yup...via Insurance Agents (Free to them)

So...I recently helped someone set up a "Glove Compartment ACCIDENT GUIDE".... the Ads was HOW to access a "Mobile Site Directory" ....WITH A CELL PHONE!

Again....only ONE in each Category! And....guess how many Tow Truck Operators or Lawyers or most any other category he had to call fill each Category?

At the most....TWO!

If I were to walk into a Restaurant and try and sell the owner a "Mobile Site" him what one looks like, that I had created....he'd say, "Ohhh! That looks nice! Thanks for showing it to me! Leave me your card and I'll get back to ya!"

Yeah! Sure!'ve GOT to give prospects a "REASON" for Buying! Just because there are MILLYUNS being sold and you show all the Stats... SO WHAT? What do the stats mean to him?

Set up a "Group" program offering EXCLUSIVES to participants!

Don Alm...."Groupie" from way back
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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 01:20 PM   #52
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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First of all be grateful that some of those sales didn't close. Having clients that don't value your service is a lose lose proposition and will make your life miserable.

Also be grateful that you have heard their objections. Now think about the business savvy restaurant owner versus those you spoke with.

Pick the restaurants that are advertising. They at least have a clue.

My first paid mobile client told me the Coupon Mailer gave her a better return than her mobile site and Text Club Table Tents.

Actually, the table tents were still in the back room of the restaurant and they had not even ok'd the mobile content. So of course there was no return. People can' t text them if they can't see the number inside the Kinkos bag.

Then she said she wanted to put the mobile thing on hold - I was actually estatic!!!
Mind you, they paid me and are putting this on hold with table tents sitting in the back room instead of using the QR codes and text codes on their advertising as advised. No subscribers.

Now contrast that with another paid client, ready from day one. Adding QR codes to everything, building their text list, you name it.

I am so glad that I had the experience of 2 totally different restaurant owners about 3 streets apart.
Both were cold walk-ins and totally different responses from beginning to end.

Just think of this as your time to get paid to learn. And don't quit.

I have found that having mockups to show for mobiles and doing SMS/ Text Marketing demos with owners has helped them get the connection and closed the sale.
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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 03:26 PM   #53
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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Originally Posted by Quentin View Post

Hi Mike

I tried 30 different ways at the beginning of the year and here are some that worked for me.

1. I established a QR Code site for Australia at Marketing For Australian Businesses with a generator that sends me the people who generate QR Codes for their business and this gives me 20 to 30 leads a month.


Hi Quentin - nice site!

Just one thing though - you might what to check those buy buttons that say:
"Mobile Webiste" (instead of "Mobile Website")

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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 04:02 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by carmack View Post

this video is Amazing! It has transformed my thinking. Thank you so much for posting it.
You're very welcome. It's helped me a lot. I use to teach social dance for 11 years and did it for the "why" and that's why I did so well. I forgot about that at first when selling mobile sites and then I ran into Simon Sinek. He's help put me back on track.

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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 04:23 PM   #55
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We can all take solace in the fact that even someone so successful in this field as Quentin can make errors or mistakes! Just goes to show that things don't have to be perfect for success

Originally Posted by kiwichamp View Post

Hi Quentin - nice site!

Just one thing though - you might what to check those buy buttons that say:
"Mobile Webiste" (instead of "Mobile Website")

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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 05:05 PM   #56
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Sheesh, Fladlien's tips alone probably blow most mobile WSO's out of the water.

Quentin and WillR excepted of course.
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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 05:53 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by JToneyUK View Post

We can all take solace in the fact that even someone so successful in this field as Quentin can make errors or mistakes! Just goes to show that things don't have to be perfect for success
So true Toney!!

This is a perfect example of not waiting til your product is "perfect" before you launch it - you can tweak as you go

It really is a nice site!
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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 07:53 PM   #58
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Very Nice, Jason! I understand #2 about getting customers to subscribe but could you elaborate a little more an #1?


Originally Posted by Jason Fladlien View Post

1) a mockup mobile site that captures PHONE leads for their customers with the optional birthday as well (people never eat alone on their birthday)

2) A mockup table tent with a QR code and a long code/shortcode that basically says "how'd you like to get 10% off this meal?". the hook is if you join the businesses's digital diner club you get an immediate 10% of your first meal.
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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 08:13 PM   #59
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At the end of the day ladies and gents its just another expense. If you can not prove the value of what your selling. You can not show the client why they need this not the business but "them" Then you might as well not even bother showing up.

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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 08:59 PM   #60
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I myself have just started in Building Mobile websites and i offer sms text messaging services. I Charge $39.99 a month plus $75.00 setup fee which i usually negotiate the setup fee to close the deal. I host the website on my reseller hosting. Its a month to month for them. They dont spend alot of money to get it going and no long term commitment. When they realize it works i become more valuable to them and can then become their go to guy for anything internet related.I always follow up and keep in touch. So far im closing sales to the tune of 3 to 4 a week.No one has really said NO yet!!

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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 09:59 PM   #61
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Hi Mike

Thanks so much for starting this thread, as I'm about to start in mobile and having got a few WSO's, I wasn't sure where to start - actually, it was going to be restaurants! I really appreciate you sharing your experiences and I thank everyone for their great ideas and contributions, which I've found very helpful.

I'm sorry I can't make much of a contribution at this time, but I do want to thank you. Perhaps I can say that I've had good success with video (Camtasia & Jing) in other market areas and I'm thinking of offering video to compliment mobile. Something like a short personal intro from the business owner - like a quick interview. People do love the personal touch. Thanks again and best wishes.
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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 10:40 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by mak25 View Post

Ricardo, I don't want to sound snide or crass BUT:

I'm going on 60 years old. I've been in sales my whole adult life, and that's
the BEST you have to offer?

Or is your mundane, rather worthless reply just an attempt to build your post count?
What is the point of having a mobile site if it doesn't bring in customers? I think his point makes more than enough sense and is good advice. My "web guy" doesn't have a problem finding clients because because he doesn't sell the websites he sells the benefits of the website. In this case more traffic is the benefit and what business doesn't want more traffic?

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Unread 7th Dec 2011, 10:56 PM   #63
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are you selling them the QR code+mobile site combination? Or are you showing them the ROI or increased traffic or other "tangible" benefits? Restaurant owners are very low-tech (barely checking email), and while the mobile site looks cool, you have to help them make that mental leap from "cool mobile site" to ROI and how this is going to make them more money.

Are you on LinkedIn? Join the "Restaurant Network" group, and follow this thread: I would love to hear some opinions on mobile marketing for restaurants. There are studies that conclude restaurants can add 15 to 25% to their bottom line. Please watch this video on mobile marketing. | LinkedIn (and there are a few others on mobile marketing for restaurants)

a few points from that thread discussion:
"We've seen ROI [mobile marketing] as high as $32 for every $1 spent, and we've seen text offers on slow nights represent as much as 41% of net revenue in one evening."

This is the info that lights up business owners.

You asked:
>> Your question about why will it bring them business? And how many customers a month it
will bring them? How can anyone REALLY answer that?

of course! Just look at any site's Google Analytics for mobile devices, and its clear that over 20% of visitors are using mobile devices. ALL of them are likely to click the back button (unless they are really desperate) if the site is not mobile-friendly, and according to google, the visitor engagement increases by 85% if the site is mobile-friendly.

Also, there needs to be a specific strategy.. Scanning a QR code just to go to a mobile site may not be enough.. Scanning a QR code to fill out a mobile form to join the club is something. Scanning a QR code to fill out a mobile feedback form and/or leave a review on their Google Place is better (drives their "google map" rankings).

Also, sell them mobile apps, not sites. Most small business owners understand "apps", but not mobile sites. A mobile site is a hybrid mobile app (can be saved on the phone's home screen, etc).

Ping me if you'd like to discuss this further : )
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Unread 8th Dec 2011, 12:06 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by mak25 View Post

Following your suggestion of giving away free sites, then showing their competition that their competitors are mobile, am I to understand that I am charging their competitors for THEIR site?

So what happens when they hear through the grapevine that their competitors got theirs for free?

What does that make me look like? How would I answer their question of why I charged them and not their competitors?

I'm not sure I like that idea. Or maybe I misunderstood you.
The idea is if you are already providing an existing client services like SEO, main website or something else, you through the mobile site in as a freebie for being a good customer, set up some analytics for yourself to track the traffic results to present to future prospects.

The $$ value bit is just a IM common add on for the person you are giving the free site to establish monetary value in what you just did for free, like the typical lead capture page opt-in "download my free ebook $47 value, yours free today".

If other businesses say, which should be few if any, "well you did it for free for so and so" the response is so and so is a good customer of yours or they have given you lots of business and you did the site up for them to show some client appreciation. Who is going to argue with that its common place for business to do "customer appreciation".

I don't know what other online business you have available but being in sales all these years you could always call on someone you have done business with in the past and set up a free mobile site for them.

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Unread 8th Dec 2011, 01:26 AM   #65
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Depending on where you live, some have areas where 3G or 4G are not popular so sure business owners will not be interested.

The only effective way to get clients it's a demo, bring your mobile phone with you, and show them their site not optimized, then talk about mobile stats....
If they don't have a website I do suggest a website design price quote and give them the mobile site free as bonus.

Is it hype like some says? NO! it's really hot!

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Unread 8th Dec 2011, 01:32 AM   #66
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So I'm just starting out and find this very useful....

However, I've had success...

Originally, I planned on targetting restaurants for the same reasons everyone does - THEY can BENEFIT greatly from it. (Hell, EVERY TIME, I want to eat out - I pull out my cell phone and type "food" in map app. Only restaurants with a red pin are considered and only those with a mobile site that I can check menu items are selected...)

Anyway... I used to work for a couple different restaurants and found that low margin argument to be true when I asked myself if my boss would buy from me.

So, TRY this on for size and see if it works for you.

I went to Craigslist and made an ad for some young folks (which I, too, am 26) to contact me. I don't drink and don't know much of anything about the bar and night club scene.... but I figured most 18-25 yr olds do.

Turns out, these bars and clubs are HOT in my area. They are buying mobile sites like wildfire.

$197 setup with an annual hosting contract which includes domain ($29/mo) billed monthly.
Includes a listing for google places, if they don't already have one.

Hope that works for you.
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Unread 8th Dec 2011, 01:02 PM   #67
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All these techniques seem great. BUT the real question is:

Do they work if you're old, ugly and have bad teeth? I ask this question because I believe these things are holding me back.
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Unread 8th Dec 2011, 02:22 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by AustralasianLadyBoy View Post

All these techniques seem great. BUT the real question is:

Do they work if you're old, ugly and have bad teeth? I ask this question because I believe these things are holding me back.
Of course it work what matter person you are, the best thing is nice presentation, credibility and good marketing knowledges. I'm none of you describe but I know that young beautiful woman have also similar effects than for old ugly.... because who can trust on a top model like selling mobile website? But if she do have credibility and marketing knowledges I say YES!

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Unread 8th Dec 2011, 04:06 PM   #69
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Thanks to all for the great thread.

I'm not working with offline clients, but I want to present my theoretical approach and to summarize all tips discussed earlier.

mak25 you wrote:

I can only give them the venue to bring in more customers. If they don't promote
their site, or make sure their customers and potential customers know about their mobile site,
that's on them, not me.
The questions you ask are sound, I have no idea how many customers it could bring in.
That's so abstract. There's so many factors that THEY have control of to make it
worthwhile and profitable for them.
IMO that's your main Problem! If your clients have no idea why the need a mobile website or what mobile promotion/marketing is (some of them don't even know about websites), how do they can make ROI if they pay you 350$ and have no clue what to do after they give you the money?

It's not about hot or not, it's about to solve the problem to the end. That means don't let your clients down.

Instead make packages/offers with marketing/seo/coupon creation/... support. It would be great if someone could post an example with prices.

Make a split test with different methods.

I think the best way to start is to speak to clients who are on the same level with you. It means: client who already has a website and try to market his business but do it wrong or just not enough.

You can find this type of clients on You can contact them and offer to buy your mobile site AND your HELP to promote their business. Tell them that you also offer a research report "5 big mistakes you should avoid promoting your business on groupon" (you can find the info yourself or hire a copywriter) [Don't say it's free, it's in the price!]
Or offer other research reports. I'm sure you can find a lot Mobile-PLRs.

You can also offer as bonus Video creation or other services and outsource them.

I'm not 60 years old and I don't have big experience in sales. But I was in this "niche" and I figured out that you can't use the same techniques for every niche (no-ever-green-method).

If you try different things and tips in this thread, than you will definitely close a deal.

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Unread 8th Dec 2011, 05:23 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by ToniK View Post

You can find this type of clients on
I no longer agree with this. It was fine half a year ago but now everyone is using Groupon as a lead source so I would go elsewhere. Using Groupon now to find leads is a bit like going to the first page of Google to find leads - you will be competing with a whole bunch of other offline marketers who have already contacted that lead. You want to go where others are not. Drill down to the 6th, 7th, 8th page of Google. Look for smaller and less popular coupon type sites in your neighborhood. These sites are still going to have clients who are looking for more customers and sales but you will be competing with far less people to get their business.

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Unread 8th Dec 2011, 10:39 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by theaer View Post

I went to Craigslist and made an ad for some young folks (which I, too, am 26) to contact me. I don't drink and don't know much of anything about the bar and night club scene.... but I figured most 18-25 yr olds do.

Did you post the ad to get advice on what's hot, or to have the 18-25 yr olds do something for you?
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Unread 9th Dec 2011, 06:14 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by 4webmaster View Post

Of course it work what matter person you are, the best thing is nice presentation, credibility and good marketing knowledges. I'm none of you describe but I know that young beautiful woman have also similar effects than for old ugly.... because who can trust on a top model like selling mobile website? But if she do have credibility and marketing knowledges I say YES!
Thank you for your kind response and positive input. I feel more motivated than ever (that dentist visit can wait) - Me love you long time.

Stay tuned for my new 5r gig: "me so horny, me love you long time 5 dollar..."
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Unread 9th Dec 2011, 03:39 PM   #73
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Hey cool post man. I've been selling mobile sites to local small biz and yeah it is a tough sell sometimes for sure.

This is what has worked for me though...I will set up a demo site ready...and put it on a subdomain that I have and will actually walk into the store and demo it for the owner.

So you first show the owner how crappy his site looks on your smartphone when you pull it up...having to scroll around...can't read anything etc...point out all the negatives...

Then show him your demo-mobile optimized site and how good it looks on your phone. The show him how easy it is to click on buttons to navigate around etc.

After that, if they don't see the value or understand the importance of having a mobile optimized site...then move on to the next one. Price shouldn't be the obstacle.

You also want to talk about getting them more people search local on their smart phones...and how to utilize QR codes for coupons and how owners can send push notifications ( this is where having an app comes in) and tell them they NEED to get with the times and the trends or be left in the cold.

You have to make the presentation like you're talking to a buddy....not selling...but showing the owner that they need to get on-board with optimizing their site for smart phones.
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Unread 9th Dec 2011, 03:59 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by mak25 View Post

Ricardo, I don't want to sound snide or crass BUT:

I'm going on 60 years old. I've been in sales my whole adult life, and that's
the BEST you have to offer?

Or is your mundane, rather worthless reply just an attempt to build your post count?
Its just to build his post count but he does have a point..

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Unread 9th Dec 2011, 04:05 PM   #75
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Great ideas, but these apply only WHEN you actually reach the owner! What do you do to get past the gatekeepers? That would be a WSO that would sell!!


Originally Posted by tylerjaysen View Post

Hey cool post man. I've been selling mobile sites to local small biz and yeah it is a tough sell sometimes for sure.

This is what has worked for me though...I will set up a demo site ready...and put it on a subdomain that I have and will actually walk into the store and demo it for the owner.

So you first show the owner how crappy his site looks on your smartphone when you pull it up...having to scroll around...can't read anything etc...point out all the negatives...

Then show him your demo-mobile optimized site and how good it looks on your phone. The show him how easy it is to click on buttons to navigate around etc.

After that, if they don't see the value or understand the importance of having a mobile optimized site...then move on to the next one. Price shouldn't be the obstacle.

You also want to talk about getting them more people search local on their smart phones...and how to utilize QR codes for coupons and how owners can send push notifications ( this is where having an app comes in) and tell them they NEED to get with the times and the trends or be left in the cold.

You have to make the presentation like you're talking to a buddy....not selling...but showing the owner that they need to get on-board with optimizing their site for smart phones.
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Unread 9th Dec 2011, 05:28 PM   #76
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Why not hire a pretty lady to get the deals done with business owners. Look sex sells your ugly mug is not attractive to male business owners. Your selling the wrong way, hire a sexy lady train her about sms how the business owner should be targeting every customer by providing a discount by joining there vip sms discount club. Once you do that for 12 months, do the math and explain how it works even if they only sign up 10 people a day 10 x 7= 70 people per week. 70 x 4weeks in a month = 280 a month X 12 month= 3,360 customers on his sms list after a year. People will move, leave the list or whatever, but keep building the list. Now if he could send a message with a click of a button to 3,360 with a 95% read rate of the text message,what do you think his response rate would be. If direct mail has 1 or 2% response rate then i think he should get at least 15% every time he sends a message out. Now if the business owner does not have a boner yet after telling him that, then this guy is thinking with his wrong head. Now lets calculate 15% X 3,360 = 504. So if he could get 504 people in that week offering a special discount all they would have to do is show the discount code or coupon in their phone to the waitress to get the discount, no printing required or no forgetting coupon unless you did not bring your cell phone, instead of his employees picking there nose most of there shift, maybe they can be busy working and lets calculate his profits. 504 X 20$ avg meal ticket = 10,080 extra which he would have never gotten that week. So if you can explain i can increase your revenue by 10,080 every week next year are u willing to listen to me. Forget about selling 300 website sell them how your going to bring in extra money big time. Tell them you only pay me 100 a month for me to create and maintain the list and a % of profits you make off the marketing i do. First time you send of the sms he gets flooded for that week and makes good money, ask him to show you the sales for that week. If he says he did bad, say ok not problem i will delete the list and you go on your way, but if he does really good you have him by the nuts so you hold the bargaining chip. He will negotiate 10% to 25% of profits because he was not doing that before your were there. Once he has a big list tell him i can make more money buy using the list you have in your sms datebase by joint venturing with a non competing business. That's where the big money is making the list and using it to make a an offer to another business and you take % of the profits. its called joint venturing.

This is one thing you will use out of this post the most important thing you will ever tell a business owner.
What business owners don't know is that if they increase there repeat business by 5% they will increase there profits by 35%.

Don't be a bitter old man enjoy your time on this earth.
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wow, in sales your whole life... or whatever time frame you said. maybe you treat your prospects like you treat these people who are offering suggestions. all i see is you are outstanding at insults. what a sad way to live...
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Unread 9th Dec 2011, 07:02 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by Michael Milken View Post

The sellers of mobile marketing programs are always going to hype it up to make it seem as if the product/service is in extremely high demand. I'm sure that with the right presentation and the right approach, you could sell most people that are already familiar with the web and how it may affect their businesses. Other than that, you should never judge a market's "temperature" based on what the product seller says.
This is not hype. Someone's inability to sell does NOT equate to a product not being needed. It equates to a poor salesman or a client who refuses to see the potential of that service. Mobile is here and it's here to stay. There's plenty of third party data and figures to back that up. Very soon there will be more people using mobile phones than desktop computers.

To think mobile websites are not essential to the future online success of business is a HUGE oversight. The fact that every business needs to think about creating a mobile optimized web presence and that only around 5% of all domains registered currently have a mobile optimized version, means there is a HUGE market out there for this service. You can call it hype, I call it reality.

It's always going to take a little extra work when you are selling something that is relatively new and unknown to most. But if you would rather wait around until mobile websites are mainstream and every business already has one then you may as well get back to your day job asap.

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Unread 9th Dec 2011, 07:21 PM   #79
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Holy Camoly....Just "Think" for a minute. Imagine you have just sat down at a restaurant get handed a look at it....decide what you want to give your order to your waitperson and then....WHAT?

You sit there, waiting for your food to come and....your eyes are looking around....looking at your dinner partner....looking around the restaurant.... looking at what's on your see a 6 by 4 Card stuck in the slot of a small card holder, next to the salt, pepper etc.

On the Card is the following; "Scan Here for a Discount on your meal!" whip out your little Mobile Device and SCAN the Code and WHALA!....up comes a Discount you can show when you pay your bill. Now, this Discount could be 10% off....a Free piece of Pie....a Free Drink or Free French Fries...etc.

Now....why would a Restaurant pay to have YOU set this up for them?

(Let's say the restaurant you're at is a Mexican Rest.) Because you have put together a "Diners Club" where there are only ONE of each type of Cuisine. One BBQ...One Chinese....One Greek....One Mexican restaurant...etc.

And....each restaurant participating in your "Diners Club" can SEE the Discount Offers at all the other participating participating restaurant in your "Diners Club" is SENDING BUSINESS TO THE OTHER RESTAURANTS IN THE CLUB!!!" my calculations....there are at least 15 different types of Cuisine in most towns. Offering an EXCLUSIVE to each of these 15 for $150 a Month can bring in $2,250 a Month....just for providing a Mobile Site and some Cards and Holders on the tables.

Then...go to the next town OR....Another Group of 15 Different Restaurants!...for another $2,250! are offering each restaurant an EXCLUSIVE for their Cuisine Category AND....each participating (NON-Competing) restaurant can be sending each other....Diners from the other participants.

A WIN-WIN and a BIG Win for you because once set up (the restaurants pay for the Cards & Holders)....the only "Maintenance" is when a restaurant want to change their Discount.

Note: The $150/mo is just a guestimate. I think a "Diner's Club" like this should be worth at least $250/mo!

$250/mo x 15 = $3,750/mo! becomes "Interesting"!

"Exclusive" SELLS!

Don Alm
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Ok, so you don't feel your target community is too forward thinking with their marketing and you feel like you're banging your head against a wall as no one is buying into your product.

Go back to basics ..... research your market. Is there not one food establishment with an optimized mobile site in your area?

If there isn't, change niche as your market isn't ready yet.

Other niches have been suggested, research those by checking for mobile sites.
Once you have found a niche with one, you have your market.
If you're unsure of the benefits of that particular niche having a mobile site, back to basics again ...... call or visit them and let them tell you!!

Now I don't know your area at all so don't know what the catchment area for particular businesses are, but mobile searches for italian, chinese, indian, mexican and even vegetarian restaurants in south jersey do show searches (18% of mexican restaurants in south jersey searches are on mobile devices!!).

Let's say you do find a restaurant with a mobile site. Use it thoroughly, noting down how you would improve it and ask yourself honestly if you can better it (very important). You can .... great.

Next, prepare your numbers (more a simple maths formula). As an example, mexican restaurants in south jersey came up with 58 mobile searches.

So your formula looks something like this:

monthly searches x % that convert x avg. bill

Pitch along these lines:

Demo the restaurant with the mobile site first and then demonstrate and compare how theirs appears on a mobile, tell them straight up that the user will click back straight off their page as soon as they see it involves scrolling. No need to mention the name of the other establishment. They will have noticed.

Run through various scenarios of your formula having determined the avg bill from the owner/manager. Let's say the avg bill is $60. Not per head but per table. Very likely to be higher.

Do the figures for three percentages (e.g 100%, 35% and 10%). Focus on the fact that, at the moment, all this business will more than likely go to the mobile optimized site. In short, show them the numbers they are potentially missing out on. Start with the maximum figure but focus more on the most realistic figure. Sell the pain in cash of not buying from you, not the product.

You may get asked whether the other site is your own work. Here's your chance to point out the flaws and increase your value by convincing them that their site will be better (goes without saying that it had better be!!!)

**Note to the OP**
- with all your experience in sales I'm not patronising you with this
all of it you know already, most of the message is for hopefully someone's benefit that's looking for a pitching style. To you, it's just a reminder to go back to basics.

- would however, follow the advice of those saying to keep it simple just offer a mobile site without qr codes etc.
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Mobile marketing isn't some sort of fad that will be here today and gone tomorrow. It's the way marketers will be able to reach their target groups who are no longer sitting ducks. Your market is on the move. And so to are the customers of the business owners who you are targeting.

Going forward into the future, if a business want's to reach their target group they will have to tailor their message to device in which their market is using at that moment. As we speak smartphones are that device that is always on and with customers. Behind that are tablets. And soon you'll see watches start to come along with data enriched features.

So as I like to tell my clients, mobile doesn't just mean cell's means catching your target market who is now on the go.....and presenting your offer wherever they are, using whatever device they are carrying with them.

**Learn how to profit from mobile marketing and web 3.0 marketing in under 2 hours
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Prosperwithdnb, hi

You made some good points there, but you'd be better off breaking your text up into paragraphs. Your one block was too daunting to read.
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Originally Posted by bryson View Post

The idea is if you are already providing an existing client services like SEO, main website or something else, you through the mobile site in as a freebie for being a good customer, set up some analytics for yourself to track the traffic results to present to future prospects.

The $$ value bit is just a IM common add on for the person you are giving the free site to establish monetary value in what you just did for free, like the typical lead capture page opt-in "download my free ebook $47 value, yours free today".

If other businesses say, which should be few if any, "well you did it for free for so and so" the response is so and so is a good customer of yours or they have given you lots of business and you did the site up for them to show some client appreciation. Who is going to argue with that its common place for business to do "customer appreciation".

I don't know what other online business you have available but being in sales all these years you could always call on someone you have done business with in the past and set up a free mobile site for them.

I agree, but what if someone who has no past customers is thinking of the same strategy and has the same concern, or if the op has some reason for not wanting to contact past customers about it?

It still doesn't have to be a problem, because there are more ways than one to handle it, if it ever comes up that someone finds out that the thing they just paid for was free before, and resents it.

The simple answer is that you had a one time, special giveaway to get the ball rolling when you were starting up, and that they would have gotten the same deal then, but it was a special event, and of course no business can run indefinitely by giving away their main offering-that would not be a business at all, but a charity.

That is all they need to know, although if you want to offer further explanation, you could always say you needed to gather testimonials, or do beta testing, or build your portfolio, but that's over now.

I think that it doesn't make you look bad in the first place though, and anyone who resents you for not continuing the giveaway is likely going to be a pain in the behind anyway, so another way to deal with it would be to "Bart Simpson" them-tell them to eat your, or "Jason Bourne" them-give them the beat down of a lifetime.

(Disclaimer: Anyone who follows that last bit of advice is a fool, and I refuse to take the blame for their unwise decision to take the advice of a person who's been "drinking and posting". If you beat someone down because of something I allegedly said, do not bring up my name during the interrogation, or I will send Matt Damon after you)
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Unread 10th Dec 2011, 05:05 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by YellowGreenMedia View Post

My tip would be to stay away from QRcodes, except from some techies and us IMers 90% of the normal population has no clue of what QR codes are... you will be wasting your time wit it... more on that here

The way i do it is i use postcards, here is how i do it

I search 10/15 restaurants/bars, dinners
I go for the businesses that advertise online/offline first but if i have had then all i will go after all the others to.

Then i create the websites, i have a system in place where i easily change the colors to the color of the original website and ad the logo of the business, the pages are already there and i don't change that, i have a menu page, wine-page, Google maps with address info, contact page, business hours page and about us page

When i am done i take a screenshot of how their site look in a iPhone emulator and i take a screenshot of the new mobile site, i put them together on a postcard with a good headline and a personalized URL to a landing-page with a video, where i explain all of the benefits of this mobile website...

I show them the Google keyword tool.. i show them a report by the government planning agency telling that mobile internet is exploding, i show them articles from newspapers and i tell them how they will get more clients into their establishment, that is really important

I also have a live demo of their mobile site on the landing-page that they can play around with....

Then i sent these postcards out, most of the time i get about 2/3 calls right away and i always sell them, if they call i know they will buy because i have taken away all the barriers even before speaking to them... (i belief it's cold pre-selling) and after 24/48 hours i follow up with a call or a email and often i sell about 2 more, so out of the 15 i create, i sell about 4/5 mobile sites on average.

I hope you get what i am trying to say, as you can see English is not my fist language, if you have any questions let me know

Hi Dave,

Great stuff here, I'm getting ready to do something similar.

Care to share what your good headline says that is on your postcard?

Much appreciated!

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Unread 10th Dec 2011, 05:31 AM   #85
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then just make them wants it..
nobody wants it if you cant persuade them right
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Unread 10th Dec 2011, 06:45 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by imBilly View Post

Hi Dave,

Great stuff here, I'm getting ready to do something similar.

Care to share what your good headline says that is on your postcard?

Much appreciated!

Really my headline is super simple, translated from Dutch

"Congratulations You Mobile Website Is Live"

Then i have 3 bullet-points with reasons why they should have a mobile site

Below that i have a URL with the personalized URL and of course the screenshot with the mobile site i created


For the postcard i use one the the WSO's here
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Originally Posted by YellowGreenMedia View Post

Really my headline is super simple, translated from Dutch

"Congratulations You Mobile Website Is Live"

Then i have 3 bullet-points with reasons why they should have a mobile site

Below that i have a URL with the personalized URL and of course the screenshot with the mobile site i created


For the postcard i use one the the WSO's here
Thanks Dave, seems like a simple yet effective headline; gets right to the point. Have you done split testing with different headlines to determine that this was the best one to use?

Magic Mailers is the wso that I have for postcards. It was a great investment.

I'm considering using bullet points such as...

* 25% Of Customers Use Smartphones to Find Where to Eat!
* Mobile Allows Customers to Find You, Filling Your Tables!
* Your Competitors are Already Mobile, Shouldn't You Be To?

What do you think?

Also, do you use 4x6 postcards or larger?

Thanks for all your insight!

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Unread 10th Dec 2011, 10:04 AM   #88
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Yeah something like that, you have to do your testing of course, i always test in batches of 50 and i am not at the point that they are almost perfect lol.... i use 10cm x 15cm cards, i have tried bigger cards but i haven't seen any difference between them (except the cost)

But you have to test them for yourself because i life in Holland and that is different than the US, way different
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Originally Posted by Michael Milken View Post

Thanks for typing a whole bunch of nothing, especially on the assumption that I said something which I didn't. I said that he shouldn't let WSO sellers overhype the need for this service. Re-read what I said and rethink your response.
Maybe Will isn't the one who needs to rethink his post. You're apparently mad because some of the stuff he said wasn't a direct response to your words.

Quoting a post doesn't mean you can't extrapolate a little to support your point, which is what he did. It wasn't all about you, but it was on point. I guess it has to all be about you.

Ironically, while objecting to him responding "on the assumption that I said something which I didn't", you actually misrepresented your own post, as saying something which you didn't. You didn't say someone "shouldn't let WSO sellers overhype the need for this service".

What you actually said in the first sentence, is "The sellers of mobile marketing programs are always going to hype it up to make it seem as if the product/service is in extremely high demand." That statement only makes sense if the sites really aren't in high demand.

So you're accusing him and other mobile marketers of dishonesty (which "hype" is), while asserting that mobile sites aren't really in high demand.

Gee, I wonder why he would be so obstinate as to argue with that?
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I thought of this thread just now as I was reading this short Jay Abraham report:


On page 2, I found that, under market drivers, his first subheading was "Strategy", and all he wrote under it was: "Change of strategy is the fastest, easiest, most powerful way to change your results."

That might sound simple and obvious, but do not make the mistake of taking a dismissive attitude toward it because of that-sure it's simple, but nevertheless profound.

If your current strategy is yielding frustratingly lackluster results, it's time to brainstorm a new one, or at least a shift-and the most useful posts in this thread can jump-start that process.

When reading threads like this, I often ask myself "which posts would Jay Abraham find most worthwhile, and most strategic"?

There have been several that really interested me as I read them the other day. The one that still stands out most for me is #53, by Dave Zegers, aka Yellowgreenmedia; the combination of before/after screenshot postcards, with personalized URLs the postcard directs the prospect to.

Often the brilliance of Abraham type ideas, is simply putting a couple of elements together in ways others haven't thought of, are too lazy to do, or for whatever reason, have generally overlooked.

I think Dave has done that in the particular combination of mediums he used to create a strong impression (not saying nobody else has-but Dave gets credit for introducing it to me, and to the thread).

Of course he could be making up his results, but even so, the idea seems to have merit, just because it makes sense. Obviously, only testing will tell.

When what we're doing isn't working, most of us often either get discouraged and give up, or get bull-headed, and try the same thing even harder. But there's a third choice that makes a lot more sense from an Abraham inspired viewpoint: change strategies, as the quote suggests.

Several excellent posts point the way to do just that, and Dave's happens to have stuck out in my mind, as one I can imagine winning the Abraham seal of approval.
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Not too long ago I thought I'd try an experiment. On speculation, I built a complete custom website for a restaurant, with all the bells and whistles. I completed the site and made sure it was getting traffic before I tried to sell it to them. When they turned it down, I kept dropping the price (over several contacts with them), until I got all the way down to $50 (total, not recurring). They wouldn't even pay that much, even after I showed them it was already getting around 100 visitors per month.

I'm talking about an entire custom website, not just a mobile-friendly version. And I'm not deficient as a salesman, nor as a website builder. I've been selling to offline customers for a long time. It's just that there are many business owners out there who are simply too stupid to understand their own situation. After all, these buffoons didn't even seem to care that they were losing out on an existing 100 visitors per month (and growing) traffic. Which they chose to blow off, rather than pay a measly $50 (one time cost...not recurring...and it even included a domain name they really liked).

They do spend money on advertising, flyers, etc. Stuff they already understand and believe in. And this was an upscale restaurant with two locations...not a tiny hole-in-the wall.

No amount of technology or salesmanship will be effective on a lot of these people. You have to pre-qualify them in some way. I already knew how much they spend on advertising and promotion, but I guess that wasn't enough in the way of pre-qualification.

Bottom line: Restaurants can be tough customers, no matter what you're selling.

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Interesting experiment. May I ask if you got them as a client? I've been looking at the restaurant business for mobile, but I think I might look elsewhere. Whats your view?
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Unread 14th Dec 2011, 10:45 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Jason Fladlien View Post

Restaurants ARE one of the hottest businesses to sell mobile sites to. You're either not targeting correctly or botching the sales presentation or both.

What I show local restaurants...

1) a mockup mobile site that captures PHONE leads for their customers with the optional birthday as well (people never eat alone on their birthday)

2) A mockup table tent with a QR code and a long code/shortcode that basically says "how'd you like to get 10% off this meal?". the hook is if you join the businesses's digital diner club you get an immediate 10% of your first meal.

Marketing is done on the backend via text messaging.

You've solved all their problems. They don't have to market the website. It markets itself via the table tents placed on every table. It answers the question of "what's in it for me?" because this is an obvious way that any business owner with half a brain would realize could be a money maker.

Plus this is a service you can sell for much, much more than $350.

Thanks for your comments in this thread. Very helpful to me at this point in time.

I'm focusing on QSR's at the moment. Your table tent idea is an excellent one. I'll expand on that and have bag stuffers made up for drive thru customers. Have your clients had any feedback from customers who don't have smart phones?

I'm also going to pitch an SMS service where the client will be able to send out texts at say 11AM with an offer for a special running that day until 2PM. I'll direct them to the mobile site for a coupon. Something that has me baffled a bit, though. How do customers redeem a mobile coupon? Is it as simple as the customer showing the server / cashier the coupon on their mobile device?

I can see that working well operationally, even in drive thru operations. But, from the operator's perspective, there wouldn't be any way to track these sales. Sure, there could be a button set up on the register to provide the discount, but there wouldn't be any way for them to validate the discounts given vs. how many people actually came in with a mobile coupon. Cashiers could simply give the discounts out to whomever they wanted to knowing there was no way to validate the figure.

I think the table tents / QR codes on bag stuffers / SMS service would be a great idea. As long as I can show them a way they can match up / validate the number of mobile coupons vs. the # of times the discount key is being used, I have no question this will be a winner.


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Have you done any research to see if there are similar companies that are currently using mobile sites and mobile marketing. If you can locate real life examples that may also be competitors, it might give your prospects more to think about.

Mobile marketing is hot, but hot rarely translates into easy sales. The majority of the prospects you encounter simply haven't made the connection. While $29 is not a huge sum, I would hardly call it "paltry". To your prospects, it's an additional $29 on top of what they already payout in expenses.

The great part is you have two new clients. Once you help them turn a profit with their new mobile site, it's relatively easy to introduce them to other mobile marketing ideas and offer additional services.

Best of Luck!

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Unread 14th Dec 2011, 12:46 PM   #95
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Mobile strategy=

A) Multiple mobile websites that cater to specfic sources of visits:
1 site for customers who come from google maps
1 site for those from social media
1 site for those coming from google mobile search
1 site for those coming from main site

B) Text message marketing
Use mobile web to garvest email addresses and phone numbers of their customers and keep them informed of specials etc.

C) QR codes on table tents, business cards, window advertss, offline advertising etc offering discounts, contetsts, --again harvest emails and phone numbers

D) Email Newsletters (OPTIMZED FOR MOBILE)

E) Twitter, and Facebook Posts with links to mobile optimized landing pages --gain followers

F) Vanity Phone number and text message answering services (i.e. grasshopper and google voice)

---kick the door down with a package like that --- they'll buy. Mobile version of their site and a QR code wont get you much... people need to start addressing mobile as ONE BIG OBJECTIVE... not small peices.

GoMobile Enterprise : Enterprise Grade Mobile Content Management Software for Everyone


Watch a video of the founder building a site with the platform here
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Unread 15th Dec 2011, 12:40 AM   #96
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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Originally Posted by WillR View Post

I no longer agree with this. It was fine half a year ago but now everyone is using Groupon as a lead source so I would go elsewhere. Using Groupon now to find leads is a bit like going to the first page of Google to find leads - you will be competing with a whole bunch of other offline marketers who have already contacted that lead. You want to go where others are not. Drill down to the 6th, 7th, 8th page of Google. Look for smaller and less popular coupon type sites in your neighborhood. These sites are still going to have clients who are looking for more customers and sales but you will be competing with far less people to get their business.
This is a great idea Will. I will be putting this into practice.

"You can have everything you want in life if you'll just help enough other people get what they want" Zig Ziglar
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Unread 16th Dec 2011, 09:48 PM   #97
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I hear where you are coming from. My credibility may not seem like much considering my post count. And my age and experience may be a drop in the bucket compared to yours...

I know marketing, I know web development, and I know video production. I also know a thing or to about mobile.

We are still selling to a lot of potential clients that are still very much computer illiterate. Much less knowing anything about websites, mobile devices, and how they work. That's not what they specialize in. It's my job to educate them in the simplest possible way of how they will benefit by having a mobile site. Mobile globally is still in it's infancy and all of these business owners will never see the value in this until mobile marketing and mobile site are at their peak of demand. It's like this for everything. It was only 15 years ago people were still on dial up because DSL and Cable did not have a lot of demand. This made websites harder to sell as production was not that efficient. Not to mention websites look horrible then.

I have actually had a pretty good amount of success in offering mobile sites to new clients using a very different approach in the form of a unique service... I am the only firm in my area or probably in my state that has a complete mobile CMS platform. When I mention this and explain to them that they have complete control of adding and removing content on their mobile site, the value is HUGE! Especially clients who are already familiar and use a CMS. (No it's not WP)

That's my 2 cents and a little success story. I am planning on releasing my first WSO on it the first on the year.

Last edited on 16th Dec 2011 at 09:52 PM. Reason: typo
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Unread 17th Dec 2011, 02:56 PM   #98
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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Your are a bad salesman. I have no problem selling mobile sites and qr code solutions. Why? Because im not selling the product im offering a solution to make their business more profitable.

I sell the dream not the service. And btw i charge at least 4 times what you charge.

Do you have a good webiste? Do you have testimonials? If you dont have good video testimonjals go buy some from fiverr.

My atitude when i sell my service is i am first q paying customer. I get to know who the owner is as a satisfied customer. I then mention to the owner how much i love thier business and wish i had knkwn about it earlier because this is the first time i ever heard of this place.

Btw i typed this on my ipad so my spelling and gramar bad

I say i have lived in my city for x years and this place is new. Its a shame because if more people knew about their business they would have a lot more satisfied customers. Imply that their place is a diamond in the ruff.

then you off handedly mention you do online marketing for a living and yoj would love to help them out and give them your professional coaching you usually charge for. Then you say i wish we can talk now but im in a hurry. Then you schedule an appointment on the spot with the owner.

Wam bam thank you mam..

Then you go to your scheduled meeting and you position yourself like your doing them a favor being there. You give them free advice then you mention the service you are selling....then and only then do you talk price and your service. Only after you have built a relationship.

I hope this makes you six figures like it has for me brother....dont give up...
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Unread 18th Dec 2011, 02:02 AM   #99
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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Originally Posted by Aermud View Post

Your are a bad salesman. I have no problem selling mobile sites and qr code solutions. Why? Because im not selling the product im offering a solution to make their business more profitable.

I sell the dream not the service. And btw i charge at least 4 times what you charge.

Do you have a good webiste? Do you have testimonials? If you dont have good video testimonjals go buy some from fiverr.

My atitude when i sell my service is i am first q paying customer. I get to know who the owner is as a satisfied customer. I then mention to the owner how much i love thier business and wish i had knkwn about it earlier because this is the first time i ever heard of this place.

Btw i typed this on my ipad so my spelling and gramar bad

I say i have lived in my city for x years and this place is new. Its a shame because if more people knew about their business they would have a lot more satisfied customers. Imply that their place is a diamond in the ruff.

then you off handedly mention you do online marketing for a living and yoj would love to help them out and give them your professional coaching you usually charge for. Then you say i wish we can talk now but im in a hurry. Then you schedule an appointment on the spot with the owner.

Wam bam thank you mam..

Then you go to your scheduled meeting and you position yourself like your doing them a favor being there. You give them free advice then you mention the service you are selling....then and only then do you talk price and your service. Only after you have built a relationship.

I hope this makes you six figures like it has for me brother....dont give up...
I agree with the gist of this post-except the idea to buy fake testimonials. If you do that, you are not an honorable business person, but a liar, plain and simple.

If your potential customers can't trust you not to lie to get their business, you are a scammer.

Other than that spectacularly bad advice, I think your strategy makes a lot of sense.
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Unread 18th Dec 2011, 11:13 AM   #100
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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I've read every post on this thread and it's been a really good read.

Alot of people seem to have problems 'selling' the idea to the business owner. Posters are saying they are baboons and stupid to those who are not willing to understand.

Many, if not all of us are very computer literate on this thread and you have to understand yourselves that most offline business owners are computer stupid.

I suggest totally focusing on pure benefits on a mobile site and what it means to potential leads and sales, not confusing people with the technical side of things.

There are lots of facts out there that mobile is an significant factor to sales, use those! Smartphone use is taking over desktop use for example.

Pre-qualify aswell! Make sure the people you contact have a nice website that looks like it's updated regularly - means that the business owner knows that online works for them.

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