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Unread 20th Jan 2012, 10:21 PM   #151
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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I agree it can be frustrating sometimes and some business owners will nickel and dime you.

Just find the right niche, test and tweak it, then attach at full force!

That niche can be restaurants and lodges off the highway, real estate agents, car dealerships...whatever you feel comfortable with.

I've learned a lot about pricing my sites and will do anywhere from $299-$399 and include in depth analytic reports every month. That opens the door for PLENTY of other opportunities for upsells month after month and its been very effective for me.
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Unread 20th Jan 2012, 11:19 PM   #152
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So is nobody making the money that they are talking about with mobile marketing or what? I am tying to absorb in as much info as possible, I am fairly new to marketing. Have been doing it for a while now, but not been very successful so i'm playing ketchup now.
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Unread 21st Jan 2012, 09:12 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by Perpetual Marketing View Post

The first sale I made was for $500 plus $300 in food vouchers.
Great idea!

I go out and eat all the time. If I can find a restaurant that I like eating at and who might want a mobile site I may be able to work out a deal where they get the site for x discounted dollars + free food for a whole month or some such.

For me it would be like getting paid the amount I normally spend for food since...well...I am going to spend it anyway.

I like that. An exchange. Thinking outside the box.


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Unread 23rd Jan 2012, 01:58 AM   #154
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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Originally Posted by keam28 View Post

So is nobody making the money that they are talking about with mobile marketing or what? I am tying to absorb in as much info as possible, I am fairly new to marketing. Have been doing it for a while now, but not been very successful so i'm playing ketchup now.

We'll never know what anyone is really making. People exaggerate their income even when working a salaried job. The exaggeration might be 5x worse for self-employment. I never believe any income claims made via a marketing piece anyhow. Though so long as the concept is credible, it doesn't much matter what anyone else claims they earn. It's neither here nor there.
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Unread 23rd Jan 2012, 11:08 AM   #155
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The price point is way too low, makes it seem like there is not enough value to sign on or may seem leery... The psychology of the customer/client is the obstacle here. Think of the things we all pay top dollar for. If gas is $4 a gallon and someone with a fuel truck pulled up next to you offering his gas for $1, would you buy it or would you say no becasue you think it might be tainted and damage your car? Worth it to take that risk??

The psychology is similar here...

"Obviously you are providing an excellent product, but it must not be that good or trendy because the cost is very cheap. Could seem like a waste of my time and make my company look bad..." - typical customer unaware of the power of the internet/social media/mobile marketing.

Door to door is not how to approach this. Go to meetings and caucuses of local business via the chamber of commerce or small business association in your area. Talk to the panel, ask if you can do a presentation - and use your sales skill to really drive it home. Have flyers and biz cards ready to hand out and do a Q & A, etc.

...and CHARGE MORE! NO less than $500 per site and $49 hosting. The right clients will pay that. Just my experience with mobile so far.

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Unread 23rd Jan 2012, 11:18 AM   #156
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Yep the game is simple. If you have to approach customers cold, you'll generally charge less. If you do marketing and establish some authority and they approach you, you can charge more.

Originally Posted by KingMedia View Post

The price point is way too low, makes it seem like there is not enough value to sign on or may seem leery... The psychology of the customer/client is the obstacle here. Think of the things we all pay top dollar for. If gas is $4 a gallon and someone with a fuel truck pulled up next to you offering his gas for $1, would you buy it or would you say no becasue you think it might be tainted and damage your car? Worth it to take that risk??

The psychology is similar here...

"Obviously you are providing an excellent product, but it must not be that good or trendy because the cost is very cheap. Could seem like a waste of my time and make my company look bad..." - typical customer unaware of the power of the internet/social media/mobile marketing.

Door to door is not how to approach this. Go to meetings and caucuses of local business via the chamber of commerce or small business association in your area. Talk to the panel, ask if you can do a presentation - and use your sales skill to really drive it home. Have flyers and biz cards ready to hand out and do a Q & A, etc.

...and CHARGE MORE! NO less than $500 per site and $49 hosting. The right clients will pay that. Just my experience with mobile so far.
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Unread 23rd Jan 2012, 05:44 PM   #157
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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I think websites for mobile fones are great because of the new upcoming smartphone trend.
But if you take this question about 2 or 3 years back, having websites for mobile was no good. The difference comes from the type of phones we have now a days.
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Unread 24th Jan 2012, 08:49 AM   #158
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For what its worth the thing I am seeing based on what you've posted is that you seem to not give a hoot if the prospect knows what to do with a mobile site.

Sure they look cool, sure the design work is AWESOME but the very second you communicate that they have to promote it, drive traffic to it, let existing customers know about it, you loose them.

Here's what you've said more then once in this thread:

I can only give them the venue to bring in more customers. If they don't promote
their site, or make sure their customers and potential customers know about their mobile site,
that's on them, not me.
That's on them, not on me. So basically to "me" you are communicating that you only care about selling a web site and moving on. So you're not really providing squat to benefit the business owner.

But again, the 'more customers' come from THEM promoting their mobile site properly. My problem, I think, is that they just can't see or understand how what I am offering them will bring in more business or customers. I can talk to them until I'm blue in the face, but then I start sounding like a 'fish oil salesman', and that's not my style.
Could it be that they don't get that a mobile site can help them get more customers because you aren't helping them understand how to promote the site to begin with?

So..not only have I been in sales for 25+ years I've owned several of my own brick and mortar businesses and I honestly I would not be doing business with you. I don't want just another expense because you say I need it and that promoting it is my responsibility especially if I have no clue or understanding of how to do that.


If you help provide me a means or show me a means to promote it and use the product so I get even a small chance to see a return them I'm most likely in unless you have really bad breath.

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Unread 24th Jan 2012, 05:55 PM   #159
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Ok I am new to the Forum granted, however I have tried a few things from WSOs in regards to offline marketing.

I read a page in a half and I can’t read anymore my eyes hurt. LOL. I will just put in my response on what I personally did that worked BUT it’s not something I decided to continue to do.

To me these businesses have heard it all..blah, blah, blah.. I don’t care unless you have a magic bullet that will increase my business I don’t want to hear about it,, RIGHT?

Just an FYI have been in sales for several years so I have a little bit of a clue.. Not much but a little J Anyway..

Here is an unconventional way of doing things.. Some may disagree, but in this arena you have to REVERSE the leverage in your favor. Instead of them holding the cookie you need to be the one holding it..

So here is my disclosure. 1st I worked for FREE!!!! Yes FREE.. and for a little while to. I would find about 10 of the same type of local businesses in my area that didn’t have a website.. (Not sure of your technical skills) but I would send them a letter in the mail telling them I found their company and noticed they didn’t have a website.. I offered them a one time “Offer” if they are the 1st to respond I would create a site (generic review blog) for them get it ranked and drive their 1st customer to them from the site.. Normally this took me personally about 60 days. Basically the company got a FREE 60 day trial.. I was doing this with 3 – 4 sites at a time.. As you may or may not know it does take time to get a site ranked on a LOW budget and NO help.. It was a challenge

Normally I would get about 2 or 3 responses back I kept my word I would contact that business that I received back 1st. Let them know they won.. get the details from them I needed and asked if they can offer a small discount to those coming from the site? BINGO.. They now know when they will get their 1st customer.

NOW after the 60 days is up.. WHO is holding the cookie now? I would setup a meeting with them and advise if they would like to continue here are my prices.. I gave them 3 options sales tactic of course and let them point to the one that best fits their budget.

After my first 6 months I had 5 businesses lined up. To make them happy I offered free setup of google places and a free fan page.. FREE to do I know that, but they didn’t!

In month 8 I approached them about a mobile site 2 of the 5 business took me up the others said they would consider it at a later time. The odds were in my favor still as they have already paid me or were paying me monthly.. So they are used to handling me a check. BOTTOM LINE they already perceived me as an EXPERT.. HAHA. Right me.. FAR From it.

The business model worked for me.. I didn’t continue to add more businesess as it was to much for me to handle. I know a real “SEO” guy I sold the few clients to. I know they are in good hands

Anyway I hope this helps and adds a different view.


PS.. I will also add if a client decided NOT to continue after the 60 days .. The site is MINE plus its ranked PLUS I have a few other responses from my mailing right behind them.. BAM.. Out with the old in with the NEW! Lol You remain in control at all times..


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Unread 31st Jan 2012, 02:17 PM   #160
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You want a blunt approach.....
Do your RESEARCH, and find out how many people have been searching for their kind of restaurant on their phones. (Ex: Mexican, Italian, Chinese, etc.)

Say the number is 40 searches per month. Well if you have been around a while you know the majority go to the top positions.

Gather up some of your friends, post an ad on Craigslist, go door to door.... etc.
Offer people $10 or a free app or something. To go to 3 different restaurants with you and stand in the lobby. (I have one street by me that has over 25 restaurants within a 1/2 mile radius.)

Now you propose your mobile site and talk about how they can acquire more customers and by not taking advantage of the site, they are missing out on the customers. More benefits, more benefits, blah, blah....

Now, if they tell you no.. Yell, to everyone waiting. "Time to go. They aren't interested in your business. Let's go!" Because without capitalizing on your mobile site, that is what they are saying to their customers.

That will get their attention!
If they still don't care, move on. Remember you are going to 3 restaurants.
If they get your point, charge an additional $200 dollars. Let's say you normally charge $297. Well, if you paid out $10/person for 20 people that's $200. So, now you charge $497. Also, spend the money on the people at that restaurant.
If you close the deal, have everyone sit down and buy them their app or drink or whatever deal you worked out.

*Sorry, I am a little different in my approaches. I am also a little blunt. I guess watching Boiler Room isn't that great of an idea

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Unread 31st Jan 2012, 04:34 PM   #161
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Forgive me for asking Vndnbrgj (don't know what else to call you) but I have to ask did you actually do that or is this a theory that it might work but which isn't worth a (bleep) in real life?

I mean I would never personally advise anyone to do what you describe as such is just manipulating business owners into a sale but I am curious if that is a technique which you actually use and use successfully in real life.

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Unread 31st Jan 2012, 04:43 PM   #162
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Yeah that's quite the approach....I think business owners want to deal with someone who genuinely values and cares about their business. I don't think in this scenario, you are helping close the sale by this scare tactic.

This is just my opinion and I have certainly not tried this, but don't intend on it either.
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Unread 31st Jan 2012, 05:23 PM   #163
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What other companies are you using for mobile ads?

Are these effective for demonstrating to local businesses?
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Unread 1st Feb 2012, 06:03 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by Izesta View Post

We'll never know what anyone is really making. People exaggerate their income even when working a salaried job. The exaggeration might be 5x worse for self-employment. I never believe any income claims made via a marketing piece anyhow. Though so long as the concept is credible, it doesn't much matter what anyone else claims they earn. It's neither here nor there.
I never have "income" I exchange my labor for dollars at equal value.
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Unread 1st Feb 2012, 09:31 PM   #165
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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Originally Posted by Quentin View Post

Hi Mike

As you have been in sales I understand that you know that it is all about testing and measuring.

Finding the right approach can sometimes take a lot of work but once you find the right approach then you find the gold.

I tried 30 different ways at the beginning of the year and here are some that worked for me.

1. I established a QR Code site for Australia at Marketing For Australian Businesses with a generator that sends me the people who generate QR Codes for their business and this gives me 20 to 30 leads a month.

I also get a lot of phone calls for clients who just want to get a QR Code and Mobile Site.

2. There is an old saying in Internet Marketing which states the money is in the list. When I started I did not have a list so I contacted businesses that did and did some deals which got me established and also got me referrals. Printers, promotions companies, advertisers etc.

3. I hired a lady to do moc ups for businesses and walked in with a QR Code to their moc up and this converts quite well for cold calling.

4. I set up a business listing site at Australian Business Listings which has also given me a number of warm leads.

5. I do a number of free charity mobile sites which has provided a number of leads which have converted to new customers.

6. I do a small add in local papers

So this is just a few of the strategies that I have done which have allowed me do do a lot of mobile websites.

Mix it up till you find the seems of gold. You will find when you find one client then you can get others in the same niche. Some of the clients niches that I have got are:

Wineries, Mechanics, plumbers, Event managers, Retailers especially clothes and salons, manufactures who want to provide extra information such as bedding, spare parts, instruments.

Coupon mobile sites are also a good way to get more business. So retailers can add a QR Code to link to a coupon which people can redeem.

Another area is to look at current QR Codes on offer and see if they direct to a main site or mobile site and then contact them to show how their marketing is falling down.

Finally always have some upsells like looking at their current desktop site and offer your services to help get more leads etc.

Originally Posted by mak25 View Post

That's what I would love to know.

After spending the better part of one month calling on restaurants
and pizza shops, and any eatery that isn't a hole-in-the-wall, I've come
to the conclusion that Mobile sites w/QR codes just doesn't cut it.

I've done it 2 ways: setting appointments via the phone, and walk-ins
pounding the pavement.

Either way, it's grating on the nerves. Why? Simply because there is a
very SMALL window to work with.

You've got about an hour or so in the morning, then you're SOL until
after 2, when things slow down and they'll give you some time.

Then the clock strikes 4 and you're basically done for the day.
Call or walk in then, and you're told to come back tomorrow, or whenever,
but around 2.

All in all I did about 65 in person, eyeball to eyeball demos.
Some already had websites, others did not.

Either way, most responses were 'Hey, pretty nice. You do nice work'.
And I do. Attached is a sample.

But when push came to shove: No deal. No sale. Not something they
want to part with their money for.

Don't call us, we'll call you. I did though, sell 2. That's T-W-O.
In a month. Geez. I just don't know where to spend all of that big time
cash I just made.

So now my brain is thisclose to giving up. But there's one small problem:
I'm not a quitter. But I am also not one to continue to have my self worth
and pride to be shown the door.

Then I started thinking that maybe this niche is just full of idiots and morons.
They're either too old to get it, or in most cases, too stupid to see the value.

In the beginning it seemed reasonable to think that this niche would be ideal
for mobile sites. Menus. Coupons. Tap-to-call. All right there for their customers
to easily use and order from.

But maybe I'm too naive. It does make sense. To me. But not them.

So now I'm thinking about others niches and getting the hell away from these
backward thinking, stuck in the past nitwits.

But who? And why?

Dentists? What's the benefit for them?
Contractors? Same question.
Retail shops? Again, same question.
Locksmiths? Ditto.
Hair Salons? Ditto. Ditto.

For eateries and the like, I get it. Menus, coupons, specials.
For anyone else, I don't really know what the selling point is.

If I owned a hardware store, why would I want one?

So what's your story? Or is it just me? Or my area? Or the niche?

Any and all responses would be greatly appreciated.


Hi MIke,

Have read your comment and it is indeed a very good point for an argument. Whilst it is true that when you go around to get customers, they would feel some hesitations and you can say a VERY tough task to do in mobile marketing.

But you have to take note also that there is a great chance that the people you had surveyed don't have a clear understanding of what "being mobile" can do for them and to their business. And that is where our "ROLE" should take place -- let us bring awareness through giving the right information to them.

At the same time, if you will just widened your search a bit more maybe, you will be glad to know that almost everyone is gong mobile and benefiting from the endless possibilities of earning from it.



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Unread 4th Feb 2012, 07:55 PM   #166
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I have not read all the comments so hope this has not been talked about...

If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?

Who says they are hot and everyone wants one?

Did you buy some slap together report that claims Mobile Sites are Hot... With title like this... How I make 2000 a day selling mobile sites they are Hot

Have you ever thought it's just theory to sell the reports... And Moblie Sites are NOT hot

My take on mobile sites I hate them the new phones show normal websites just fine. Who needs a mobile site. By your post NO ONE! Good!

If I can't go to the normal website non mobile on my phone I pass.


Now about your problem... did you check and see if there website works or don't work on your phone?

If the website was built right no need for mobile I build all my clients websites so they look good on phones.

5 Minute Mobile Sites... My Next WSO Comming Soon.
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Unread 5th Feb 2012, 06:49 AM   #167
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Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

I have not read all the comments so hope this has not been talked about...

If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?

Who says they are hot and everyone wants one?

Did you buy some slap together report that claims Mobile Sites are Hot... With title like this... How I make 2000 a day selling mobile sites they are Hot

Have you ever thought it's just theory to sell the reports... And Moblie Sites are NOT hot

My take on mobile sites I hate them the new phones show normal websites just fine. Who needs a mobile site. By your post NO ONE! Good!

If I can't go to the normal website non mobile on my phone I pass.


Now about your problem... did you check and see if there website works or don't work on your phone?

If the website was built right no need for mobile I build all my clients websites so they look good on phones.
You obviously have no idea what the purpose is behind mobile websites.

I do suggest you read through all the above posts so you can learn why mobile sites are indeed important. It has nothing to do with whether your sites look fine on mobile phones.

But then again, maybe Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, eBay, Google, and all those sites are wrong... and you are right.

Then again.. maybe not.

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You sell mobile stuff tell me if you can .... Do you sell mobile stuff because you can't do it?

You heard the saying who can't do teach...

If you can't say then looks like your are just trying to promote your link in your sig... Stop making these type of post if you have no real value to ad... saying you don't get it then not telling me why is no value...


in the real world you don't see... lets take the dry cleaner down the road from me... he does a great business you don't see him telling others how to to dry cleaning...

Or take the pizzeria they don't sell their recipe to everyone...

So why do people sell there how to something... because it really don't work but say it does.

If people are so successful why are the selling their secret? You don't see real business does this.

Next time you pick up that pizza ask them for their recipe


5 Minute Mobile Sites... My Next WSO Comming Soon.
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Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post


You sell mobile stuff tell me if you can .... Do you sell mobile stuff because you can't do it?

You heard the saying who can't do teach...

If you can't say then looks like your are just trying to promote your link in your sig... Stop making these type of post if you have no real value to ad... saying you don't get it then not telling me why is no value...


in the real world you don't see... lets take the dry cleaner down the road from me... he does a great business you don't see him telling others how to to dry cleaning...

Or take the pizzeria they don't sell their recipe to everyone...

So why do people sell there how to something... because it really don't work but say it does.

If people are so successful why are the selling their secret? You don't see real business does this.

Next time you pick up that pizza ask them for their recipe


1. I suggest you go and read through this thread:

There you will find a ton of posts from me regarding mobile websites BEFORE I had any intention of releasing a product. In fact the reason I released my WSO was because people kept asking me to document what I was doing and they wanted access to the template I was already using successfully.

2. My product has gone on to sell thousands of copies and has thousands of testimonials from people who have used it and made money. So clearly you have NO idea what you are talking about. I guess guys like Frank Kern, Anthony Robbins, Richard Branson, etc have no idea what they are talking about since they teach the business methods they use to be successful. I guess guys like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay are also crap cooks because they teach the techniques and recipes they have used to be successful.

Your ignorance makes me laugh.

3. I guess those who can't teach or sell anything have to resort to making their sole income from reviewing other people's products. Funny, you are willing to make money off all these products you condemn?

You're a walking contradiction my friend. Please go and educate yourself so we don't have to spend so much time doing it for you.

Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

saying you don't get it then not telling me why is no value...
I'm not going to spell things out for you because as I said, it has all been discussed already throughout the thread. Do you need to be spoon fed? For you to arrive at a thread and comment on it without even reading any of the posts above yours just goes to show your pure ignorance and there is no way I am going to try and help someone like that. You are one of those people who like to think they know everything and because they know they don't, they find it easier to just pass over the cold hard facts.

As I said, read through the posts before commenting. You are just embarrassing yourself.

Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

If the website was built right no need for mobile I build all my clients websites so they look good on phones.
Can I have your clients details? Sounds like they need a new webmaster ASAP.

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Originally Posted by WillR View Post


1. I suggest you go and read through this thread:

There you will find a ton of posts from me regarding mobile websites BEFORE I had any intention of releasing a product. In fact the reason I released my WSO was because people kept asking me to document what I was doing and they wanted access to the template I was already using successfully.

2. My product has gone on to sell thousands of copies and has thousands of testimonials from people who have used it and made money. So clearly you have NO idea what you are talking about. I guess guys like Frank Kern, Anthony Robbins, Richard Branson, etc have no idea what they are talking about since they teach the business methods they use to be successful. I guess guys like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay are also crap cooks because they teach the techniques and recipes they have used to be successful.

Your ignorance makes me laugh.

3. I guess those who can't teach or sell anything have to resort to making their sole income from reviewing other people's products. Funny, you are willing to make money off all these products you condemn?

You're a walking contradiction my friend. Please go and educate yourself so we don't have to spend so much time doing it for you.

I'm not going to spell things out for you because as I said, it has all been discussed already throughout the thread. Do you need to be spoon fed? For you to arrive at a thread and comment on it without even reading any of the posts above yours just goes to show your pure ignorance and there is no way I am going to try and help someone like that. You are one of those people who like to think they know everything and because they know they don't, they find it easier to just pass over the cold hard facts.

As I said, read through the posts before commenting. You are just embarrassing yourself.

Can I have your clients details? Sounds like they need a new webmaster ASAP.

These guys you mention have years of experiences and are masters of their field.

They did not compile a few theories and slap it together.... they are true masters.

How dare you think you are even close to doing what the ones you have mention you are not even close to any of them.

Tony Robbins has dedicated his life to doing what he teaches for many years.

Jamie Oliver did not just find some recipes from internet and compile them, he is a professional chef who has worked for many many years...

You mean you compiled some info from the WF and selling it as a course?

You're charging for info that one can get for free... I see.

You're no where close to any of the people you mentioned. So don't think you are.

you have only been on the WF for less than 2 years and have 5,000 that tell me you have nothing else to do like make money. So take a lesson from your elders.

Like I said in my post to the OP people lie and just compile crap and try to pass it off as the latest great thing.

A salesman for 20 years trying to sell mobile websites and can't sell them...

This tells you it is not easy and what people say in there sales page should be taken apart so they quit scamming noobs into buy crap products.

My product has gone on to sell thousands of copies and has thousands of testimonials from people who have used it and made money.
Send it over to me for my review if it does what you say it does.

Put your product where your mouth is.



Paying for reviews... ok... begging... ok... require a review for 10.00 off... anyone that had to give you a review because you gave them a discount is not a real review... Fake Reviews

Like I told the OP people tell half truths and full lies Proven by WillR and his fake reviews

you did not get real reviews if you gave someone a discount or mandatory made them give you a review...

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Unread 5th Feb 2012, 11:16 PM   #171
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Once again I suggest thinking things over before posting them.

Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

How dare you think you are even close to doing what the ones you have mention you are not even close to any of them.
I never once compared myself to them so stop putting words in my mouth. You said that people who teach are people who can't do. I was proving your theory wrong and succeeded in doing so.

Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

you have only been on the WF for less than 2 years and have 5,000 that tell me you have nothing else to do like make money. So take a lesson from your elders.
Yes, spot on. How did you know? I'm making no money...

Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

A salesman for 20 years trying to sell mobile websites and can't sell them...

This tells you it is not easy and what people say in there sales page should be taken apart so they quit scamming noobs into buy crap products.
If you truly believe that then THAT is why you have not succeeded at anything you try. Since you love your sayings so much, here's one for you...

"A bad workman blames his tools..."

The fact that plenty of other people are out there right now selling mobile websites proves it is possible. If one person can not do it that says more about the person than the technique. People can only teach you so much, the rest is up to you.

Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

Send it over to me for my review if it does what you say it does.

Put your product where your mouth is.
Put my money where my mouth is? Doesn't even make sense but no thanks. Why on earth would I waste my time sending it to someone who blames their lack of success on everything else but themselves. Haha, no thanks. I don't value your opinion, only those of my customers.

Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

Paying for reviews... ok... begging... ok... require a review for 10.00 off... anyone that had to give you a review because you gave them a discount is not a real review... Fake Reviews

Like I told the OP people tell half truths and full lies Proven by WillR and his fake reviews
Begging? Haha. Someone got out of the wrong side of the bed today or knocked their head. If you had any common sense you would realize that giving someone a discount BEFORE they purchase means they only have to leave a review, whether the review is positive or negative is totally up to them since they already have the discount and have nothing to gain from leaving a positive review... and nothing to lose by leaving a negative review.

Everyone else on this forum seems to grasp that concept as it has been discussed numerous times. Just read over it a few times and I am sure the light bulb will go off eventually.

Good day to you sir. I have a business to run so I can't sit here chatting with you all day.

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THAT is why you have not succeeded at anything you try...
Have you heard of eCover actions... You can thank me for inventing them.

Have you heard of Plugin Sales Generator common name thank you page ads... Me also

Many many more...

I set trends and set new ways of doing things... People compile my stuff and sell it.

no matter how you want to think or how many people started threads.. A real review is when someone buys then they contact you to tell you their thoughts. You should never have to ask for a real review, or give a discount to get one.

I have never once seen anyone post a review that was bad.

Put my money where my mouth is? Doesn't even make sense but no thanks. Why on earth would I waste my time sending it to someone who blames their lack of success on everything else but themselves. Haha, no thanks. I don't value your opinion, only those of my customers.
Again I'm sure you have or hired a designer that uses eCover actions to create a cover for you, again you can thank me. That is why I have lack of success LOL

I have more success in my baby toe than you will ever have.

You lose Again Good Day Sir


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I really appreciate this thread, I went to a webinar, that I was invited to, where they talked about how you can make lots of money with a mobile app business.

I see the mobile movement potential like I did eBooks years ago, before the Kindle and such, where IMers were the only ones I knew of that used them.

I remember telling my husband..."Would't it be great if actual book stories would be put in eBook format? Back then eBooks were predominately in .exe not PDF." His thought was, as a book lover, "I do not think that eBooks will become very popular."

All this to point out that you are a mobile marketing pioneer...I cannot imagine that it is as easy as fellow marketers say. I believe it will become popular in time but right now most restaurants, dentists, retails shops, etc just don't understand or see a real need for why they should have a mobile site.

It will take effort to convince the target market...but are they a target yet if they really don't want a mobile site?

I don't know, I am still learning...but this is what I am being taught...find a market and see what that market is looking for / needs.

I believe, right now, mobile sites are hot in the eyes of marketers that know that other marketers are hungry to make money on the next big thing...

Yes, the mobile movement IS going to be big but until then I wish everyone the best who endeavors as a pioneer in the mobile world.
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Unread 6th Feb 2012, 01:33 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post


You sell mobile stuff tell me if you can .... Do you sell mobile stuff because you can't do it?

You heard the saying who can't do teach...

If you can't say then looks like your are just trying to promote your link in your sig... Stop making these type of post if you have no real value to ad... saying you don't get it then not telling me why is no value...


in the real world you don't see... lets take the dry cleaner down the road from me... he does a great business you don't see him telling others how to to dry cleaning...

Or take the pizzeria they don't sell their recipe to everyone...

So why do people sell there how to something... because it really don't work but say it does.

If people are so successful why are the selling their secret? You don't see real business does this.

Next time you pick up that pizza ask them for their recipe

Your logic is flawed Richard. This is an internet marketing forum where ideas are circulated, and yes, sometimes packaged and sold as a training guide. Educating yourself on methods to succeed is always a good thing and always benefits the student who applies what he learns. So you will definitely get people who are here to teach, people who are here to sell, and people who are here to learn.

Do you honestly not think the same thing exists in the dry cleaning, pizza, or any other industry? Look closer and you will find franchise training, books, and seminars all over the place.

The bottom line is that there is knowledge available, and you can choose what you do with that knowledge that is available to you.

It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
- Benjamin Franklin
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 08:36 AM   #175
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Originally Posted by Daniel LaRusso View Post

Your logic is flawed Richard. This is an internet marketing forum where ideas are circulated, and yes, sometimes packaged and sold as a training guide. Educating yourself on methods to succeed is always a good thing and always benefits the student who applies what he learns. So you will definitely get people who are here to teach, people who are here to sell, and people who are here to learn.

Do you honestly not think the same thing exists in the dry cleaning, pizza, or any other industry? Look closer and you will find franchise training, books, and seminars all over the place.

The bottom line is that there is knowledge available, and you can choose what you do with that knowledge that is available to you.

Yes... when franchising a business you get extensive training because they don't want you to fail, and they just don't sell to anyone try getting a McDonald's franchise with out qualifying... and you have to go to hamburger university and they won't just let you open a McDonald's on any street corner in any town. They want you to have success. and they go the extra mile they will go to your location and help train help in what ever it is to have success.

They don't just hire a person from free lance with the lowest bid to slap together some compile recipe... and sell it to anyone.

Slap some crap together, make some sales, some people fail some never do anything, some will ask for their money back some won't... and you move on to the next fad and start over. slap some crap on

People like Big Dave Ostrander (pizza) he has dedicated his life to helping others in the pizza business... and he has been very successful with his own pizza shops... tried and tested for years before he started to teach...

He did not just research on the internet then slap a how to open a pizza business.

There is a big difference... in the training, experience, and doing what they teach.


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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 09:00 AM   #176
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Dick, tried to access your site at: - got smashed with virus/malware notifications left right and center.

Can you add lube to your site so my A-cheeks can recover?

Thnx - going for a pizza.

Stay tuned for my new 5r gig: "me so horny, me love you long time 5 dollar..."
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Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

Yes... when franchising a business you get extensive training because they don't want you to fail, and they just don't sell to anyone try getting a McDonald's franchise with out qualifying... and you have to go to hamburger university and they won't just let you open a McDonald's on any street corner in any town. They want you to have success. and they go the extra mile they will go to your location and help train help in what ever it is to have success.

They don't just hire a person from free lance with the lowest bid to slap together some compile recipe... and sell it to anyone.

Slap some crap together, make some sales, some people fail some never do anything, some will ask for their money back some won't... and you move on to the next fad and start over. slap some crap on

People like Big Dave Ostrander (pizza) he has dedicated his life to helping others in the pizza business... and he has been very successful with his own pizza shops... tried and tested for years before he started to teach...

He did not just research on the internet then slap a how to open a pizza business.

There is a big difference... in the training, experience, and doing what they teach.

So what exactly is your problem or concern here, Richard?

Do you have a problem with people being able to sell a WSO here with very low barriers to entry? I sure hope not, because the hypocrisy of that, considering your own signature link, is just too obvious.

Do you think that selling mobile websites to local business owners is not a valued service for that business owner?

Do you have a problem with something else?

Because I'm just not seeing what the end game is here. I don't want to get into an arguing match with you or anyone else here, because I have better and more productive things to do, but I'll say that having a scarcity mentality will get you nowhere. If you are enticed enough to buy a WSO, no matter if it's your 2nd or 32nd WSO purchase, you obviously saw enough value in what you knew of the WSO to purchase it. What you do to apply it to your own business and life, and how you profit from it, intellectually and materially, is up to you.

It is unwise to trust all you read on the internet.
- Benjamin Franklin
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 10:26 AM   #178
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Great thread.

For a comparison, go to on your computer. Then go to on your phone.

It makes sense if a website is difficult to read on a phone, you hit that back button and find one that is easy to read.

We are a fast paced society and even if research and studies show that mobile phones are on the rise, take a walk through a mall or a populated area. It doesn't take long to see how many people are using their phones.

Thank you all for the valuation information - the time you spent posting on this thread.

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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 11:20 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by AustralasianLadyBoy View Post


Dick, tried to access your site at: - got smashed with virus/malware notifications left right and center.

Can you add lube to your site so my A-cheeks can recover?

Thnx - going for a pizza.
Thanks for the heads up

YEP... what happens when you buy crap scripts and plugins... the only place I have been buying stuff is the WSO... my point again proven by a hack job.

People are in such a hurry to make a new script or plugin then they have holes in them because they don't fully test things.

This could not be the case here but you want to think it was the last thing you installed that WSO for cheap price plugin good buy.

Buy crap and crap happens it's not the first time won't be the last time.


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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 11:44 AM   #180
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Originally Posted by Lori Kelly View Post

Great thread.

For a comparison, go to on your computer. Then go to on your phone.

It makes sense if a website is difficult to read on a phone, you hit that back button and find one that is easy to read.

We are a fast paced society and even if research and studies show that mobile phones are on the rise, take a walk through a mall or a populated area. It doesn't take long to see how many people are using their phones.

Thank you all for the valuation information - the time you spent posting on this thread.

I'm not sure if all phones are created equal... I use sprint I have a HTC EVO 4G using Miren Browser.

I just went to the site on the computer and on the phone

the phone auto went to a search page I typed in my zip code and non was found... There is one about 12 miles from me. So I typed in the state found nothing... not sure why it don't pull up the one that is not that far from me.

there is a link to view classic site i clicked that and it looks just as it does on my computer.

So I have no problem with the normal website viewed on the HTC EVO 4G.

Just from this test I encountered that the mobile site could not find the chilis that is 12 miles from me... could just be there webmaster needs to fix the search option.

If I was at home and wanted to check out chilis the website looks amazing on my computer.

I like it to look the same on my phone because I have the visual of what the site looks like in my mind... If I then go to a site that does not look the same as the computer or does not act the same it's frustrating.

I do believe the browsers and phones are getting better.

Samsung galaxy s2 by sprint, My friend has one and it is amazing browsing the internet is like doing it from the computer until the darn mobile sites pop up...

Sure have a mobile site, but please leave me the option to go to the classic site and I will always favor the classic over the mobile.


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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 01:43 PM   #181
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"Mobile, Schmobile!" People do NOT care about..."internet"...Face Book, "Twitter-Schmitter"...."websites"..."mobile sites"...THEY DO CARE ABOUT GETTING PEOPLE IN TO THEIR PLACE OF BUSINESS TO.....BUY....THEIR GOODS OR SERVICES!"

If little ol' YOU can SHOW businesses, professionals, they can GET MORE CUSTOMERS, CLIENTS, can "Name Your Own Price"!

Example: People are checking into local Motels/Hotels in YOUR town... every day! Here's what these Travelers/Tourists HAVE....

1) A "Mobile Device" (If you doubt this...go ask the Front Desk Mgr of ANY Motel/Hotel in YOUR town. Ask 3 or 4 or more...and they will ALL tell you...."100% of their Guests, checking in, HAVE a Mobile Device!)

2) A "HUNGER" for Something To Eat! (Most travelers/tourists today do NOT bring food in their vehicles)

3) "CASH" either Order a Pizza delivered to their room or to spend at a Sit-Down restaurant. local restaurants/pizzerias....WANT?

So....knowing WHAT....Travelers/Tourists and Local Eating Places.... can little ol' YOU....satisfy....these WANTS!

Now....I've discovered HOW to "satisfy these WANTS!"

YOU can figure it out also!

Don Alm...."Finding WANTS and ways to Fill them!"
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Last thing I want to see on my smartphone is a "mobile" site.

Really don't see the use for them unless you have a crappy phone.

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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 01:47 PM   #183
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Don Alm has put it best.

Find the NEEDS and WANTS of the business then fill in the blanks with the services you can provide be it mobile websites, SMS, or social media. Simply cold calling or approaching businesses about internet marketing services won't get you very far.

It's about being genuinely interested in bringing more business to them through your area of mobile websites fulfill that need? In the case that Don Alm just described....I think it does.
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 01:54 PM   #184
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qcreek...great idea! use the system you're selling to find people who need no education...the low lying fruit of moble...good stuff!
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 03:45 PM   #185
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Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

(Let's say the restaurant you're at is a Mexican Rest.) Because you have put together a "Diners Club" where there are only ONE of each type of Cuisine. One BBQ...One Chinese....One Greek....One Mexican restaurant...etc.

And....each restaurant participating in your "Diners Club" can SEE the Discount Offers at all the other participating participating restaurant in your "Diners Club" is SENDING BUSINESS TO THE OTHER RESTAURANTS IN THE CLUB!!!" my calculations....there are at least 15 different types of Cuisine in most towns. Offering an EXCLUSIVE to each of these 15 for $150 a Month can bring in $2,250 a Month....just for providing a Mobile Site and some Cards and Holders on the tables.

Then...go to the next town OR....Another Group of 15 Different Restaurants!...for another $2,250! are offering each restaurant an EXCLUSIVE for their Cuisine Category AND....each participating (NON-Competing) restaurant can be sending each other....Diners from the other participants.

A WIN-WIN and a BIG Win for you because once set up (the restaurants pay for the Cards & Holders)....the only "Maintenance" is when a restaurant want to change their Discount.

Note: The $150/mo is just a guestimate. I think a "Diner's Club" like this should be worth at least $250/mo!

$250/mo x 15 = $3,750/mo! becomes "Interesting"!

"Exclusive" SELLS!

Don Alm
Trying to understand how this works are you adding all the people to one big master list and allowing all restaurants to blast to that list?

Also how does the customer see the offers for the other 14 restaurants when he initially scans or opts in?
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 05:03 PM   #186
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Hi there!

Just a few ideas/ observations :

If you don't mind me asking is your background a sales background? It SOUNDS as though it's a sales issue rather than a product issue. Mobile sites definitely ARE hot. As a few pointers:

1. Businesses are not interested in what a product LOOKS like or 'DOES' they want the benefits- if they think it is going to earn them extra $$ they will buy- simple as.

2. Focus on the 'Local Search' angle. i.e. approx 50% of users looking for your business look on a mobile device- is your website working for that 50%?


Ask: 'how much is your AVERAGE customer worth to you per year?' (get them thinking, applying the logic to their own business...) if they say, for example $200 p/y (low end for restaurant)

then ask- 'can you see how this could EASILY bring you a couple of new customers a month- if it brought you ten over the year (EASY) you've made an extra $2000. We offering the mobile site for just $297 right now- shall I get it coded, and uploaded for you?


"How much did you pay for that advert if you don't mind me asking?"

"Around $400- Why?"

"And that went to print just once, on ONE day?"


"O.K- well with mobile sites you're getting targeted marketing EVERY day, indefinitely- but for $297- around 8 cents per day- you see how it could work out better when these people are already searching for your business?"

I hope that is of help? PLEASE let me know, and try it!


;5186775]That's what I would love to know.

After spending the better part of one month calling on restaurants
and pizza shops, and any eatery that isn't a hole-in-the-wall, I've come
to the conclusion that Mobile sites w/QR codes just doesn't cut it.

I've done it 2 ways: setting appointments via the phone, and walk-ins
pounding the pavement.

Either way, it's grating on the nerves. Why? Simply because there is a
very SMALL window to work with.

You've got about an hour or so in the morning, then you're SOL until
after 2, when things slow down and they'll give you some time.

Then the clock strikes 4 and you're basically done for the day.
Call or walk in then, and you're told to come back tomorrow, or whenever,
but around 2.

All in all I did about 65 in person, eyeball to eyeball demos.
Some already had websites, others did not.

Either way, most responses were 'Hey, pretty nice. You do nice work'.
And I do. Attached is a sample.

But when push came to shove: No deal. No sale. Not something they
want to part with their money for.

Don't call us, we'll call you. I did though, sell 2. That's T-W-O.
In a month. Geez. I just don't know where to spend all of that big time
cash I just made.

So now my brain is thisclose to giving up. But there's one small problem:
I'm not a quitter. But I am also not one to continue to have my self worth
and pride to be shown the door.

Then I started thinking that maybe this niche is just full of idiots and morons.
They're either too old to get it, or in most cases, too stupid to see the value.

In the beginning it seemed reasonable to think that this niche would be ideal
for mobile sites. Menus. Coupons. Tap-to-call. All right there for their customers
to easily use and order from.

But maybe I'm too naive. It does make sense. To me. But not them.

So now I'm thinking about others niches and getting the hell away from these
backward thinking, stuck in the past nitwits.

But who? And why?

Dentists? What's the benefit for them?
Contractors? Same question.
Retail shops? Again, same question.
Locksmiths? Ditto.
Hair Salons? Ditto. Ditto.

For eateries and the like, I get it. Menus, coupons, specials.
For anyone else, I don't really know what the selling point is.

If I owned a hardware store, why would I want one?

So what's your story? Or is it just me? Or my area? Or the niche?

Any and all responses would be greatly appreciated.

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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 05:53 PM   #187
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

Samsung galaxy s2 by sprint, My friend has one and it is amazing browsing the internet is like doing it from the computer until the darn mobile sites pop up...
Brilliant advertising videos at the samsung galaxy s2 website. I really enjoyed how they wove stories into advertising certain features of their phone.

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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 06:32 PM   #188
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Originally Posted by KingKuba View Post

Last thing I want to see on my smartphone is a "mobile" site.

Really don't see the use for them unless you have a crappy phone.
One of the BIGGEST mistakes you can make as a marketer is basing your decisions off of what YOU like or what YOU want. It's not going to get you very far.

The statistics out there speak for themselves. But don't be blind-sighted by the fact you don't like to look at mobile websites... remember you are just ONE person and I like to make my marketing decisions based on what the majority like not the minority.

As Dom said, you are not selling mobile websites. Mobile websites, SMS, seo, all of that stuff are just tools you use to help businesses get more customers and make more money. THAT'S all businesses are interested in.

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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 06:54 PM   #189
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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It just blows my mind that some people have such a h@rd on against a mobile site! Those who do are 100% the MINORITY!!!!
I want my site to load quickly, be easy to read, large font, user friendly, etc.....I am not doing loads of research on my Iphone.....I am not sitting there for hours comparing apples to oranges...I need info, I need it quick, and I search on lets say Google, and go from there....Why are some so against what only is common sense????
I do not care what phone you have it is not a laptop or desktop which the regular site is made for. I just do not get the negative attitudes some folks have. Resisting what is here and around the corner??? Not the smartest thing to do. It is the wave, it is happening now and will not stop because 1 out of 10 people like to see a regular site on their HTC! The screen quality on that phone is not so great anyway. It is a cloudy looking display. Not clean and clear. Just embrace it and get used to it. It wastes a lot of time and energy....just be glad we have this option and quit hating....It gets so irritating hearing all the negative sh!t on this forum. It is only ever a precious few who like to run off at the mouth and spread the negative energy! I for one love a mobile site! And know its here to stay.....they are just getting started!
Best of luck to all who sell mobile sites and are thinking about doing so! And to all who like to look at a desktop on your 4 inch smartphone....good luck with that! Soon you won't have a choice really.....
it is called we do, with technology, and all the great things we learn as we get smarter and better as a human race!
There was a day I swore I never would give up a cassette tape too! Well......needless to say.....25 plus years I am with Ipods and Mp3s and everything but a tape deck!
Its called disruptive technology!
It replaces the trend prior and we are just in the beginning phase. I am happy and blessed to be a part of this. To witness all this awesome technology that we have before us!
Please people be happy and stop spreading the bad stuff around here! It gets old....
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 07:02 PM   #190
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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Originally Posted by Lmr1 View Post

I want my site to load quickly, be easy to read, large font, user friendly, etc.....I am not doing loads of research on my Iphone.....I am not sitting there for hours comparing apples to oranges...I need info, I need it quick, and I search on lets say Google, and go from there....Why are some so against what only is common sense????
Finally someone with a bit of common sense. Well said.

They have done plenty of research on this and the stats show that mobile visitors stay on websites much shorter than a PC visitor. The reason being the typical mobile user is looking for very specific information. All they care about is being able to access that information quickly and easily.

I like your reference to MP3's and even CD's. These guys above who are whining and saying they only like to look at normal websites will be the ones still using CD's when everyone has moved on to MP3's. Yes, you can still listen to your music on a CD, no one is debating that, but the advantages of an MP3 are far greater.

Your clients are not going to think you are very cutting edge when you walk in and try to sell them a CD player. Don't be scared of being on the front side of technology for a change, it's where most of the money is made. Yes, it takes a little more time to convince people because it's usually stuff they have never even heard of before but that is not a reason to throw in the towel and say it doesn't work.

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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 07:12 PM   #191
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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Originally Posted by KingKuba View Post

Last thing I want to see on my smartphone is a "mobile" site.

Really don't see the use for them unless you have a crappy phone.

You hit the nail on the head and drove it in with one swing

Phones are getting better and better. Can't wait till march so I can upgrade to the best phone on the planet Samsung galaxy s2


5 Minute Mobile Sites... My Next WSO Comming Soon.
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 07:58 PM   #192
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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Just a couple of thoughts here - I've been silent and just observed this banter, but LMR1 makes some great points that I feel compelled to add to.

How many stores on Main Street USA have a hitching post in front of them today. How many blacksmith shops do you see? How many buggy whips are sold each year?

I'll bet the answer to all of those questions is a lot fewer than there were 150 years or so ago.

When cars came on the scene those who adapted to the "new fad" and evolved their business continued to have a business. Those that stuck with the "tried and true" of horses slowly lost their business.

When I used to give live seminars, we quoted some of the most foolish quotes from some very smart people over the past couple hundred years. One was the head of the US Patent office in 1899 advocating shutting down the US Patent Office because he believed "Everything that can be invented has been invented." Or Thomas Edison stating, "I have determined that there is no market for talking pictures." Or a final one: Television won't last. It's a flash in the pan.
Mary Somerville, radio presenter, in 1948.

All these people felt that the situation as it was would remain forever. They chose not to adapt and were totally wrong in their conclusions. I used to have a poster in my office that had about 50 of these people and their quotes.

I personally knew people that couldn't understand why I had a cell phone when they first came out and said I was just trying to be "faddish". Well, I still carry a cell phone (carried as many as three at one point) and I'm usually ahead of the curve when it comes to mobile in our area.

Yes, selling anything is hard - selling mobile (text, mobile websites, etc) is even harder. But, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it and you couldn't make as much money doing it. Zig Ziglar said that "Sales is the highest paying hard work and the lowest paying easy work.". Well, he was exactly correct. When I was recruiting a number of years back, the people I recruited that actually worked hard made the most. Those that didn't work hard, usually washed out.

As for why WillR can sell something (whether he has it from personal experience or research is irrelevant) it's because people will pay for information that they can get if they don't have to work hard for it. Yes, I could spend hours (or days, or weeks, or months) researching how to do something in mobile. Or, I can buy WillR's mobile program and a dozen more, glean a few good points from the, or even get nothing from them except what NOT to do. Regardless, if they've done the research instead of me, then I'm ahead of the curve by buying their products and learning from them.

As for mobile websites, it's my personal opinion that a well designed mobile website should have a quick link on it to take you to the "regular" website if that's what you want. That should be a prominent or easily found link. But, most people that I know with a smart phone use it for quick information - place of business, what they have, hours, location, etc. Not for serious research for a 100+ page proposal. If you need to do that much research, get an iPad, laptop, or go to a desktop.

Sorry to ramble on, but I had held my tongue as long as I could. But, as for me and my business, we offer mobile in many flavors and are quite busy doing it. Our clients love it because their customers demand it.

Originally Posted by Lmr1 View Post

It just blows my mind that some people have such a h@rd on against a mobile site! Those who do are 100% the MINORITY!!!!
I want my site to load quickly, be easy to read, large font, user friendly, etc.....I am not doing loads of research on my Iphone.....I am not sitting there for hours comparing apples to oranges...I need info, I need it quick, and I search on lets say Google, and go from there....Why are some so against what only is common sense????
I do not care what phone you have it is not a laptop or desktop which the regular site is made for. I just do not get the negative attitudes some folks have. Resisting what is here and around the corner??? Not the smartest thing to do. It is the wave, it is happening now and will not stop because 1 out of 10 people like to see a regular site on their HTC! The screen quality on that phone is not so great anyway. It is a cloudy looking display. Not clean and clear. Just embrace it and get used to it. It wastes a lot of time and energy....just be glad we have this option and quit hating....It gets so irritating hearing all the negative sh!t on this forum. It is only ever a precious few who like to run off at the mouth and spread the negative energy! I for one love a mobile site! And know its here to stay.....they are just getting started!
Best of luck to all who sell mobile sites and are thinking about doing so! And to all who like to look at a desktop on your 4 inch smartphone....good luck with that! Soon you won't have a choice really.....
it is called we do, with technology, and all the great things we learn as we get smarter and better as a human race!
There was a day I swore I never would give up a cassette tape too! Well......needless to say.....25 plus years I am with Ipods and Mp3s and everything but a tape deck!
Its called disruptive technology!
It replaces the trend prior and we are just in the beginning phase. I am happy and blessed to be a part of this. To witness all this awesome technology that we have before us!
Please people be happy and stop spreading the bad stuff around here! It gets old....

James Dunn
Athens, GA
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 08:16 PM   #193
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Re: If Mobile Sites Are So Hot, Why Is It That Nobody Wants One?
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"The last thing I want to see on my smartphone is a mobile site"......WOW!!!
That to me is like saying.....
The last thing I want my manual car to do is go into gear when I shift.....
Makes no sense! You all need to wake up and use your sense and know it's only the beginning for mobile.....
Really? Am I missing something? The smartphones are only going to get so big and the technology is only going to follow what trend has already been set people!
You are going to have to bend to like the mobile sites that are coming your way!
They are not going to turn this ship around for the 2% 's who want to see a normal site on a 4" screen. I am all about using common sense and those who are so opposed need to wake up and know that it's a coming and coming are the few who think that way and to be quite honest makes no friggin' sense to me at all!
Maybe I just assume everyone has some sense about them.....please give me one reason you would want to see a regular site on a mobile phone? The link at the bottom will be for those who agree with you. But the majority will be re-directed where they need to be! To THE MOBILE SITE FOR THE MOBILE EXPERIENCE!!!!!!
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 08:35 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by Lmr1 View Post

Bingo again.

It's kind of like the iPhone and iPad apps. Sure, you can use iPhone apps on your iPad but most of them look like crap because they were not designed for iPads. It's exactly the same thing. Regular websites were built for PC computers and PC computers only. They were never built for mobile devices. Considering mobile is THE next big thing, everyone is going to have a mobile phone eventually so it only makes sense that people re-adjust and re-think their website accordingly. If you only have a PC optimized website then you are basically optimizing your website for the MINORITY nowadays not the MAJORITY.

Smart marketing? Me thinks not.

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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 08:46 PM   #195
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Originally Posted by WillR View Post

Bingo again.

It's kind of like the iPhone and iPad apps. Sure, you can use iPhone apps on your iPad but most of them look like crap because they were not designed for iPads. It's exactly the same thing. Regular websites were built for PC computers and PC computers only. They were never built for mobile devices. Considering mobile is THE next big thing, everyone is going to have a mobile phone eventually so it only makes sense that people re-adjust and re-think their website accordingly. If you only have a PC optimized website then you are basically optimizing your website for the MINORITY nowadays not the MAJORITY.

Smart marketing? Me thinks not.
Will you said it bud!!! Once again. It's nice to hear someone with sense! Thanks and best of luck!
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 09:18 PM   #196
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Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

You hit the nail on the head and drove it in with one swing

Phones are getting better and better. Can't wait till march so I can upgrade to the best phone on the planet Samsung galaxy s2

You might not want to see a mobile site but 20% of the internet browsing population do. Out of billions of people browsing the web, 1 in 5 people is a huge number.

But enjoy living in your bubble.
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 09:51 PM   #197
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Yeah. People are more interested in mobile apps then mobile sites even though there are more advantages to having a mobile site than a app. I guess apps got a head start and getting more exposure. So we just need to wait till mobile sites gets that kind of attention. Maybe pray that some tech giant will do crazy stuffs to push it forward. Meanwhile, we just need to push harder with our little efforts :S
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Unread 7th Feb 2012, 10:51 PM   #198
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Originally Posted by WillR View Post

If you only have a PC optimized website then you are basically optimizing your website for the MINORITY nowadays not the MAJORITY.
Right on WillR.

If it's your client that only has a PC optimized website, then prepare to lose your client because I (and a lot of people like me) are going to take that client from you, improve the website you built for them, and then get your old client on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and Oh MY, FORBID, get them a mobile website so their potential clients can find them. And while we're at it, we'll be setting up their SMS Text Marketing Campaign, developing a mobile app for their business....and the list goes on.

Why? Because you didn't feel that mobile was a viable option for their business. Well that's fine. I'll show them how it is.

Do you still build websites with Front Page????

James Dunn
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Unread 8th Feb 2012, 02:16 PM   #199
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I'm in shock this discussion has 5 pages... :-s You should be concentrating on selling the service, not intellectualising all the reasons that make you feel as though you have justified your failing... Not meaning to sound harsh- but even if you had just taken the advice I gave earlier and rolled with it you'd have easily churned a few sales... As has been said a scarcity mind-set is not helpful...

By all means keep thinking these don't sell- let me clean up behind you! ;-p

(Just trying to encourage you into action..)
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Unread 8th Feb 2012, 04:54 PM   #200
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Originally Posted by WayneMoore View Post

I'm in shock this discussion has 5 pages...
Hey...don't knock it. This is my daily entertainment.

I mean it's better than reading the news (where it's mostly doom and gloom these days) and other such things.


By all means keep thinking these don't sell- let me clean up behind you! ;-p

(Just trying to encourage you into action..)

If I may say so...such "encouragement" rarely if ever works. I mean in the sense that your form of "encouragement" is more likely to cause someone to get defensive and to rise up in self-defense than in helping them do something constructive.

Just saying.

Carry on...

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