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Unread 30th Nov 2012, 09:10 AM   #101
Skochy - Musical Salesman
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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DAY 61 OF 182 - Increasing The Value Of My Offer


I've been out demonstrating the voucher/discount/loyalty/SMS/email + mobile site system to restaurants and pubs. And the response is largely the same. Some good leads, but noone wants to pull the trigger.

Instead of going out with a menu stand, I went out with my iPad, and did all the demonstrating on there. The menu stand flyer was next to the iPad in my folder, so it was less cumbersome walking around, than carrying the menu stand, a phone and notepad.

Plus, the Internet on my iPad is quicker than my phone, the battery is loads better, and it's easier to type in the business name as the 'keys' are obviously bigger. The only downside is, obviously the iPad doesn't demonstrate the futility of their website as well as a mobile phone does.

I should've refined my script before I went out, since I've changed what I'm offering, because I was not putting it across as well as I could've. But I think this is a better offer than simply selling mobile sites. Thanks to MoBuzz and WillR for this. With what I'm selling now, it's easier to demonstrate money being made for the business. I know what I have to offer is good - I just have to keep at it.

I'm going back down south on Sunday, so I'll be in a different area for a while. It won't make a difference to what I'm doing. But over the next couple of days, I'm going to improve my offer and script a little. I have very little structure to what I'm offering at the moment - just a load of different services.

I'm going to take WillR's advice, and create a 'decoy pricing' structure (search for it on the forum - excellent), with actual packages. I need a special offer, too. I may take 4webmaster's advice in this thread and offer a free premium listing in a mobile directory. I just bought the SqueezeMobi WSO that's just come out, so it should be easy enough.

I see maybe another couple of weeks of pushing this before Christmas, before I knock it on the head for the year.

I'm by no means negative about my progress so far. I only have myself to blame that I probably wasted a good 4 - 6 weeks procrastinating, when I should have been out selling with what I had. But I've overcome that now.

If I can get at least a client or two on board before Christmas, that will be great. Having said that, I do have some good leads under my belt for the new year, so I should start next year off with a bang.

So it looks like my £10k/pm goal will have to be achieved in 3 months, as opposed to 6. Maybe this will increase my urgency. Mobuzz, earlier in this thread, said that having a long term goal like 6 months, can relieve the pressure, and diminish the urgency. I think that has been the case with me, and the long term has probably made me take my time a little.

I am already earning enough to live from SEO and email marketing, so perhaps the lack of time pressure is making me less time-efficient?

Anyway, I'm thinking can I better my approach. I may concentrate on a handful of niches, and walk around the town when I'm back down south, and actually make a ist of the businesses in those niches before doing the walk-ins - I'm thinking those that get repeat business, have some margins to offer their customers discount, and who will be busy over Christmas - restaurants, hair salons, beauty salons, fashion boutiques.

With a list of the businesses in hand, I can create mock-ups for them. Then I can walk in and actually show them a mock-up with their branding. By being a little more prepared it may be easier to close them to a meeting. That's my thinking anyway. We'll see.


Set-up Sales This Month: £0
Current Residuals: £0
Current Progress: £0pm of £10,000pm

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 2nd Dec 2012, 04:11 PM   #102
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by Jute View Post

Hi Scotty!

Thanks for the update... One thing that just hit me is that if the businesses are having a lot to do now that is great for business but we all know that January is VERY SLOW for many businesses due to people not having much money left after Christmas and New Year's then I would use that to your advantage and say something like this if I were to target a restaurant....

You have a lot of customers now right? (they say Yes) and then you say but in January business is a lot slower, then wouldn't it make sense to collect phone numbers during this super busy month and next month when Restaurants are really fighting for what little money people have left you can send out text messages with deals to people that already know your Restaurant, and know what great service and food and tasty (strong) drinks you offer and having them come back when business is slower.... Did you know that people are x times more likely to read text/sms messages than email and they are x times more likely to take you up on your offer through text than with email.....

You could also end with saying that it will take a couple of weeks for the mobile site to get indexed in Google etc. so when their business is starting to get a little slower in January then the mobile site will be indexed and working for them, attracting customers 24/7....

One last little thing....

ABC = Always Be Closing

and if you had coffee this morning remember.. Coffee is for closers only.... ( that movie.... )


Great Post Jute,

I like your approach. Good advice for anyone is this line of biz, especially this time of year. So many businesses want to "pass the buck" to next year, when this is the time of year they have a "captive audience".

Regarding "Glengarry", I haven't seen it in years, what an awesome lineup of actors. Although Alec Baldwins own approach is quite brash, the movie certainly entails what a little "motivation" can Now you have motivated me watch it again.

One of my favorite movies on sales and persistence is "The Pursuit of Happiness", with Will Smith. I think I'll watch it again as well.

For anyone who's had a long day of salesmanship, try youtubing the "Badger Commercials" to have a laugh and wind you

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Unread 2nd Dec 2012, 05:14 PM   #103
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Hey Scotty,

It's always great to read about your latest experiences and progress towards your goals...awesome work!!!

I like they way you are always working towards improving your offerings and technique.

Your persistence is they key.

I always get an internal chuckle from business folks who put off good new business to a "later date". I guess we all have a little bit of procrastinator in us. The best example was the one you encountered who claimed they "had enough" business and each their own I suppose.

Jutes "Coffee if for closers" movie quote reminded me of an experience I had quite a few years ago, the first time I walked on to a good sized telemarketing sales floor. Most of the salespeople were all housed in a huge open room, seated a couple feet from each other. But there were special salespeople, who had individual glass offices, these were called "The Closers". These were the guys who made "the big bucks".

As I toured the operation I passed one of these glass offices where the door was open. The closer was dressed sharply in a suit, ready for "business", had a portable telemarketing headset on, and was ON HIS FEET. As I passed the doorway I heard a brief part of a conversation from the salesman's vantage point, I will assume the person on the other end of the line had just responded to the sale with a variation of the response "I'll pass", to which the closer responded, with a confident demeanor, and postured like he was knowingly about to score big... "PASS?!?!, this isn't a football game..."

A little further into the tour a flashy red rotating strobe caught everyone's attention, and all heads turned towards the fist pumping closer in his glass office, indicating that he had indeed closed yet another deal.

I've never forgotten the lesson I learned that day. Persistence pays off.


It's how most successful people prevail.

I acknowledge and admire your persistence. You are a success...keep at it!

Each day: "Today is the day, through my thoughts and actions, I get that much closer to my goals"

Today is the day, every day.

Continue to feel great about what you are accomplishing. "Know" you are a success.

Of course it always helps, and for me is a prerequisite, to have full faith and confidence in whatever product or service you are representing.

One of the simplest of quotes states, "Quitters never win, and Winners never quit".

Looking forward to your next update.


P.S. Thanks for the referrals within your posts to some of the recent offerings of other successful Warriors! I'll be checking them out.
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Unread 2nd Dec 2012, 09:32 PM   #104
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Hi Scotty,

Fantastic thread! I have been watching your progress, and although the start seems to have been slower than desired, the mere fact that you are still going says a lot about you. Keep up the good work. A favourite quote of mine that I think of often is: "No one is ever beaten unless he gives up the fight"

Not sure who said it, but I think of it when I'm being lazy and unproductive and it fires me back up. I am trying to get into the mobile scene here in Australia, so it is amazing to see someone on the same journey. I think when I develop my plan I may write something like this. I really like the whole public accountability thing. As now your fan club is rooting for you too.

Anyway, all the best with it. Don't lose faith!

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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 07:04 AM   #105
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

I feel for you mate. British small businesses are close-minded, cynical and stingy, unlike Americans.
Absolutely not true... My bank account proves this.

Every business owner in the world wants to earn more money for doing the same or less work, it may be a different way of selling but it's just a matter of working out how to sell to each person, if you can do that your millions await you.

Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.
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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 08:18 AM   #106
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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I read this thread all at once. It's amazing you are taking action, remember it's not easy to sell mobile optimized websites as some other people say.

But if not you, who? If not now, when? Keep taking action and your first sale will be closer than you think.

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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 12:52 PM   #107
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

Your bank account proves you are making money. It doesn't disprove what I said.
The amount of money I am making proves your stingy comment wrong, the diversity of services I am selling proves your closed minded point wrong and the level of some of the business I work with prove your cynical point wrong.

If you can't sell to British business owners then the problem is most likely your process, not them.

Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.
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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 02:40 PM   #108
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by JSD Global View Post

Hey Scotty,

It's always great to read about your latest experiences and progress towards your goals...awesome work!!!

I like they way you are always working towards improving your offerings and technique.

Your persistence is they key.

I always get an internal chuckle from business folks who put off good new business to a "later date". I guess we all have a little bit of procrastinator in us. The best example was the one you encountered who claimed they "had enough" business and each their own I suppose.

Jutes "Coffee if for closers" movie quote reminded me of an experience I had quite a few years ago, the first time I walked on to a good sized telemarketing sales floor. Most of the salespeople were all housed in a huge open room, seated a couple feet from each other. But there were special salespeople, who had individual glass offices, these were called "The Closers". These were the guys who made "the big bucks".

As I toured the operation I passed one of these glass offices where the door was open. The closer was dressed sharply in a suit, ready for "business", had a portable telemarketing headset on, and was ON HIS FEET. As I passed the doorway I heard a brief part of a conversation from the salesman's vantage point, I will assume the person on the other end of the line had just responded to the sale with a variation of the response "I'll pass", to which the closer responded, with a confident demeanor, and postured like he was knowingly about to score big... "PASS?!?!, this isn't a football game..."

A little further into the tour a flashy red rotating strobe caught everyone's attention, and all heads turned towards the fist pumping closer in his glass office, indicating that he had indeed closed yet another deal.

I've never forgotten the lesson I learned that day. Persistence pays off.


It's how most successful people prevail.

I acknowledge and admire your persistence. You are a success...keep at it!

Each day: "Today is the day, through my thoughts and actions, I get that much closer to my goals"

Today is the day, every day.

Continue to feel great about what you are accomplishing. "Know" you are a success.

Of course it always helps, and for me is a prerequisite, to have full faith and confidence in whatever product or service you are representing.

One of the simplest of quotes states, "Quitters never win, and Winners never quit".

Looking forward to your next update.


P.S. Thanks for the referrals within your posts to some of the recent offerings of other successful Warriors! I'll be checking them out.
Hi Jay,

Good to hear from you.

Some inspirational stuff there, with the telemarketing sales floor tour. I agree, persistence is key. And I bet those guys in the glass rooms were as hungry as you can get.

And "Quitters never win, and Winners never quit" has got to be one of my all-time favourites!

Thanks Jay, and I'll keep you posted.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 03:09 PM   #109
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by homer343 View Post

Hi Scotty,

Fantastic thread! I have been watching your progress, and although the start seems to have been slower than desired, the mere fact that you are still going says a lot about you. Keep up the good work. A favourite quote of mine that I think of often is: "No one is ever beaten unless he gives up the fight"

Not sure who said it, but I think of it when I'm being lazy and unproductive and it fires me back up. I am trying to get into the mobile scene here in Australia, so it is amazing to see someone on the same journey. I think when I develop my plan I may write something like this. I really like the whole public accountability thing. As now your fan club is rooting for you too.

Anyway, all the best with it. Don't lose faith!

Thanks for the feedback, homer343. I would say that this thread certainly hasn't hurt my progress. It does add a certain level of accountability.

Keep us posted with your own journey, and feel free to add your own updates/tips.

Originally Posted by Koffing View Post


I read this thread all at once. It's amazing you are taking action, remember it's not easy to sell mobile optimized websites as some other people say.

But if not you, who? If not now, when? Keep taking action and your first sale will be closer than you think.
Hi Koffing,

I agree with you that mobile sites aren't as easy as people say. If we believed what people say in their WSO's, we'd be sending out 50 emails with 'sneaky' subject lines, and expecting 20 sales.

But you're right, if not me, who else? No way in hell is this mobile thing not a great product. I'll find my feet and be selling these things sooner or later.

Thanks for the feedback.

EDIT: Sorry folks, I'd 'THANKS' you, but for some reason, pressing the 'THANKS' button has been disabled for me?!

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 04:47 PM   #110
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Maybe it's me but some of your posts pretty much say that you have clients for SEO and e-mail marketing.

So how come you have not sold them on mobile marketing?

Surely that is the place to start.

Why are you trying to sell to random businesses?

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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 05:28 PM   #111
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by jimbo13 View Post

Maybe it's me but some of your posts pretty much say that you have clients for SEO and e-mail marketing.

So how come you have not sold them on mobile marketing?

Surely that is the place to start.

Why are you trying to sell to random businesses?

Hi Dan,

Most of my SEO/email marketing clients are ecommerce, as opposed to bricks and mortar. Ipicked them up before I got into mobile/local. I have brought up mobile with them since, but half-heartedly.

I really want to come away from the ecommerce clients, and focus on local business, which is more of a passion for me. I want to help get rid of the empty shops in high streets. I'm not saying mobile won't work for the ecommerce clients, but for their budgets, SEO and emailing is enough for them, I have found.

Thanks for chipping in.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 05:47 PM   #112
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Okay I understand your reasoning for B&M

Do you have any town centre initiatives where you live? Do you know who owns the leases for the shops etc? Do you have any hyper local community magazines ?

Approaching these for warm introductions may be an idea for you.

eg My local shopping precinct is fully owned by one company. An empty retail unit costs them tens of thousands in lost rent plus commercial letting agents fees to find a replacement.

If you could approach one of these types of landlord then by helping their tenants you are helping them.

Therefore there may be an interest in them introducing you or bundling your service into their rates.

Helps if you know accountants as well. Average practice has 400 clients. Again free access. You increase their clients profits they can charge more.

My advice is to let these third parties white label your services as their own.

It is true that some of the largest companies around are the ones you have never heard of.

They have no ego.

eg Foxcom make iphones. Apple has the ego, Foxcom doesn't care if you have heard of them. It is only because of suicides and low pay that you have but you get the point.

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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 06:27 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

You ought to cease and desist with your totally unwarranted personal comments at me.

You still haven't disproved my point. You've only given your own, personal, individual experience. I maintain that British businesses are tougher to sell to and this is borne out by aggregate experience of many UK marketers (and not just a single experience).

You may choose to deny this fact, but this is an important point I am highlighting because a different approach to the norm might get Scott more results. Localisation is always important. No two markets are identical.

Now please chill out.
Huh? I haven't made a single personal comment towards you.

From what I saw you did not highlight anything you made a comment about an entire nation based on other people experiences that added nothing to this thread, no advice, no help, just derogatory comments about British business owners.

I also assure you that I have no need to calm down but cheers for the concern.

I actually suggest that you cease posting pointless nonsense.

Scotty, English business owners are there to be sold to, fully willing to buy, they just need to be sold to right.

Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.
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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 07:09 PM   #114
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Ray is right. I couldn't be bothered answering the other guy as Ray already did it.

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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 10:39 PM   #115
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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im getting better at this too Scotty,
today six pitches with a flyer showing mock up
2 sales (Deposit on each)
2 good prospects(gotta talk to the right peeps)
and two emphatic No's
my verbage is getting better and im relaxing more .
Hang in brah it can be done ( no kidding if i can you can)
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Unread 4th Dec 2012, 01:02 AM   #116
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by jimbo13 View Post

Okay I understand your reasoning for B&M

Do you have any town centre initiatives where you live? Do you know who owns the leases for the shops etc? Do you have any hyper local community magazines ?

Approaching these for warm introductions may be an idea for you.

eg My local shopping precinct is fully owned by one company. An empty retail unit costs them tens of thousands in lost rent plus commercial letting agents fees to find a replacement.

If you could approach one of these types of landlord then by helping their tenants you are helping them.

Therefore there may be an interest in them introducing you or bundling your service into their rates.

Helps if you know accountants as well. Average practice has 400 clients. Again free access. You increase their clients profits they can charge more.

My advice is to let these third parties white label your services as their own.

It is true that some of the largest companies around are the ones you have never heard of.

They have no ego.

eg Foxcom make iphones. Apple has the ego, Foxcom doesn't care if you have heard of them. It is only because of suicides and low pay that you have but you get the point.

Hi Dan,

Some great advice here, thanks. I'd never heard of going in at this angle.

I'm going to consider this going forward.

With regard to accountants, that's been on my list of folks to approach, but I guess I put it off until the new year, in favour of those that would more likely buy my services this side of Christmas.

Some great stuff here, thanks Dan.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 4th Dec 2012, 01:11 AM   #117
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by massiveray View Post

Huh? I haven't made a single personal comment towards you.

From what I saw you did not highlight anything you made a comment about an entire nation based on other people experiences that added nothing to this thread, no advice, no help, just derogatory comments about British business owners.

I also assure you that I have no need to calm down but cheers for the concern.

I actually suggest that you cease posting pointless nonsense.

Scotty, English business owners are there to be sold to, fully willing to buy, they just need to be sold to right.
Originally Posted by jimbo13 View Post


Ray is right. I couldn't be bothered answering the other guy as Ray already did it.

Originally Posted by MarcMcroy View Post

im getting better at this too Scotty,
today six pitches with a flyer showing mock up
2 sales (Deposit on each)
2 good prospects(gotta talk to the right peeps)
and two emphatic No's
my verbage is getting better and im relaxing more .
Hang in brah it can be done ( no kidding if i can you can)
Hi lads,

Thanks for the great feedback and time. I'll find my feet and get a rhythm going if it kills me.

I'd press the 'THANKS' button, but I seem to be restricted in doing that for some reason (anyone know why - are there limits in using it?).

Marc, 2 sales from 6 pitches is just showing off. Seriously, nice one. And well done for getting money in the bank at the first meeting. Is that a personalised mock-up for all 6?

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 4th Dec 2012, 06:39 AM   #118
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Hi scotty

i read your post and it is very interesting and i would like to put my 2 cents

try to analyze the situation with calm, try to think about the reasons why they are not jumping on your great offers and order mobile sites like crazy , the answer might be this:

1. they don't know/trust you- what makes you different from all the other guys that are wasting their time with other products/services all day...
2. they don't understand the benefits of the product or the service, they don't understand what you are talking about are not selling mobile site you are selling a solution to problems that can bring them more clients.
3.timing- enter the shop not in the right time-try to find the right time to enter...maybe when there is no clients or only few not the busy hours.. and try to invite the owner to seat with you for 5 minutes...not pitching wile standing ,yes this little things are very important. are speaking not with the right person-try to make sure you are talking to the right person, if not try next time
5.your prices don't fit their budget- check your prices, make few packages, make a pay per month package-40 $ a month for one year or so...
another point to think....if it takes you one hour to build a site for clients maybe you can price it for 75$ ?,100$?, 200$? .. what is wrong making 100$ for one hour of work if you could sell 4 a day with that price .. think of it as foot in the door than can up sell them almost anything.
regarding foot on the door- try to find something you can offer for free, gain their trust ( facebook fan page, google places and maybe most valuable thing you can create for them is a simple ppc campaign with google giving you 300$ to start. (try google engage program),why it is so great cause you show them immediate results almost for free)

scotty try find your own answer to each reason and plan your strategy accordingly.


1.find some valuable service you can offer for free-show them immediate results

2.walk into the business at the right time and talk to the right person-

3.think again about your prices and make different price packages to suit all kind of business

4.try to make smaller goals for example- i need to find this week 3 businesses that i can give them something free...not seem so difficult isn't it ?

you have another 3 month...go for it !
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Originally Posted by elis View Post

Hi scotty

i read your post and it is very interesting and i would like to put my 2 cents

try to analyze the situation with calm, try to think about the reasons why they are not jumping on your great offers and order mobile sites like crazy , the answer might be this:

1. they don't know/trust you- what makes you different from all the other guys that are wasting their time with other products/services all day...
2. they don't understand the benefits of the product or the service, they don't understand what you are talking about are not selling mobile site you are selling a solution to problems that can bring them more clients.
3.timing- enter the shop not in the right time-try to find the right time to enter...maybe when there is no clients or only few not the busy hours.. and try to invite the owner to seat with you for 5 minutes...not pitching wile standing ,yes this little things are very important. are speaking not with the right person-try to make sure you are talking to the right person, if not try next time
5.your prices don't fit their budget- check your prices, make few packages, make a pay per month package-40 $ a month for one year or so...
another point to think....if it takes you one hour to build a site for clients maybe you can price it for 75$ ?,100$?, 200$? .. what is wrong making 100$ for one hour of work if you could sell 4 a day with that price .. think of it as foot in the door than can up sell them almost anything.
regarding foot on the door- try to find something you can offer for free, gain their trust ( facebook fan page, google places and maybe most valuable thing you can create for them is a simple ppc campaign with google giving you 300$ to start. (try google engage program),why it is so great cause you show them immediate results almost for free)

scotty try find your own answer to each reason and plan your strategy accordingly.


1.find some valuable service you can offer for free-show them immediate results

2.walk into the business at the right time and talk to the right person-

3.think again about your prices and make different price packages to suit all kind of business

4.try to make smaller goals for example- i need to find this week 3 businesses that i can give them something free...not seem so difficult isn't it ?

you have another 3 month...go for it !
Wow, great feedback, cheers elis.

I'm looking at doing some of these things, particularly offering something for free to get my foot i the door. I've been reading this thread over here for good ideas:

Basically, it involves interviewing a business, and giving them a free directory page on a local site (built by me). By offering them free marketing advice, too, the idea is that they will trust me enough to hire to do the work for them.

Some great tips you've given me here, thank you.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 4th Dec 2012, 10:39 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by MarcMcroy View Post

im getting better at this too Scotty,
today six pitches with a flyer showing mock up
2 sales (Deposit on each)
2 good prospects(gotta talk to the right peeps)
and two emphatic No's
my verbage is getting better and im relaxing more .
Hang in brah it can be done ( no kidding if i can you can)
Marc, would you be interested in sharing a copy of your flyers? Also, what are you saying to the people? Do you just walk in with the flyers or set up an appointment? I'd love to hear more about this! Great job!!! Rather impressive!

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Unread 4th Dec 2012, 11:05 AM   #121
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I have been following this thread religiously for the past month. I love all of the advice and support offered here. Scotty and I have similar goals and results (LOL), but like you, Scotty, I have not, cannot, and will not give up. I am vowing to make this work. So my commitment and game plan for this week (Tuesday - Saturday) is as follows...

Create 10 mockup sites a day and email them to prospects (cold-emailing).
Follow-up on the emails that I've sent the following day (should I follow up the same day).
Cold-call 40 prospects a day to inquire as to whether they would be interested in a risk-free site - build the sites of the interested.
Finalize design of logo/business card design and have them printed (logo should be finalized today).
Attend local network meetings (I've already made contact, but because I didn't take the initiative with the business cards, I haven't followed through with this, but will find at least one meeting to attend this week).
Close one deal.

These are my action items and goals for this week. While I don't have a set pricing structure, I'm going to try to go lower, and build relationships to gain referrals. That's my goal.

Scotty, you're my hero!

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Unread 4th Dec 2012, 01:11 PM   #122
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Why don't they buy from me?

Hi Scotty,

I have asked myself the above question, too, and did some research - I just asked them as well as third parties what the problem is. Here the main reasons, maybe it helps you, too.

1 They don't know what I am talking about. I learned here on the WF one should pick the low hanging fruit first, so I don't try to educate them and move on.

2 They don't like any recurring payments, so I totally cancelled that.

3 They don't like that they need me for later changes and will be billed for that, so I will use a mini CMS, and hopefully they can do edits themselves.

4 My pricing was too low. One prospect even rang me to tell me for that price it did not sound like a qualitiy offer. A salesman told me the same, and he would happily offer mobile websites for me for a commission but first I needed to double the price.

#3 and #4 fit together very well. I almost doubled the price and included a mini CMS so the higher price can even be justified.

Dan Hower

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Unread 4th Dec 2012, 02:51 PM   #123
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cool dan, what kind of mini cms are you using?
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Unread 4th Dec 2012, 03:45 PM   #124
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Thanks Dan, I would also like to know what mini cms you are using?

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Unread 5th Dec 2012, 08:44 AM   #125
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That was a good day, I'll admit but i did spend two weeks on the phone trying to do it from a seated position. Then I took it to the streets because i do believe in the products. and wanted them to tell me yes or why not.
If its alright to say I went to builder, wolfsnagged a quick build, and took my phone in to show the dramatic difference. my flyer was one I took liberties with from all the online information. I gotta say the call to action feature is my hot buttons. Not the site itself but the user interaction with the potential client. They owe their potential relationships an easier more receptive landing platform. Kinda guilt them I guess. and I also show competition using the properly formatted mobi site and it pretty much closes itself.

One of the things I have said with the restaurant folks is the directory approach. I'm creating a mobile directory and I want them in it, BUUUT i only include mobile sites.. along with the directory for a small fee Ill create the properly formatted mini
and maintenance on the site again a small monthly fee(discounted if paid for the year of course)
After getting a warm audience on the directory I do ask for referrals who would they like to be associated with in a business directory... the names come a rolling along with a center of influence name to drop.

To be to be honest, I think I'm in a warm receptive market, no kidding its 73 in dec, go figure and the very start of a tourist season so I do think i'm fortunate there. but on the other side I do have competition in my immediate market. so Im kinda earl birding it and getting in front of the people.
To any this can help, I strongly believe this is a great great opportunity.
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Originally Posted by Dan Hower View Post

Why don't they buy from me?

#3 and #4 fit together very well. I almost doubled the price and included a mini CMS so the higher price can even be justified.

Dan Hower
Mini CMS? Can you provide more detail?

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Unread 13th Dec 2012, 04:03 PM   #127
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Good Luck Scot i now you will do it mate, you sound and think just like me.
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Hi Scotty,

WELL DONE in taking action

How is your progress going ?

I have been building and selling mobile sites myself for nearly a year now and I have found that the climate has changed. Many businesses now will only go for an extra service if they can really see that it will add to profits.

This has moved my work more into the "business expansion specialist" role rather than just the "mobile site salesman" role. And its a lot more fun !!

I tend to make my pitch around the idea of
"If I can bring in more sales and at the same time reduce your expenses, would be interested in doing that?"

Increasing a businesses profits comes in two ways

1) Reducing existing expenses.

2) Increasing Sales.

Your mobile website can do both of these things !!

How does it reduce expenses ?
If the new mobile website advertises the business and gets more inquiries than the yellow pages advert or other magazine advertising which costs a small fortune, then they can cut that expensive advertising bill.

That is one way of showing how to reduce expenses.
( Of course in reality they would only do this if the YP is not giving a positive ROI, same with other media advertising )

As for increasing sales, a mobile website can be a pivotal tool in achieving this. BUT as with any tool, it is only effective when used properly.

The usefulness of the mobile website is something you CAN prove.
This can be done by creating a promotion for the business that uses the mobile website to gather customers and build a list.
This can be a telephone number list for SMS texts or an Email list.
I find both to be effective for business building especially when combining it with mobile coupon offers.

Scotty, from what wrote, you are going to be offering coupons and texting etc. Maybe you will also offer QR Code generation to link printed promotions to your mobile web site ?

This is the way I have gone and it has been the most effective.
It is quick to set up and gives provable results very quickly.

I hope that gives you some more ideas to work with.

Just a couple of questions for you ..

When you do your cold calling do you leave them with any kind of leaflet for the owner to mull over ?

Do you have your own website, that has examples of you work ?

These things are pretty vital for your business and will complement all the leg work you are doing.

Again, well done for getting out there and talking to business owners.

I am looking forward to your next update.
All the best
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Unread 14th Dec 2012, 05:31 PM   #129
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I like what you said.

QUOTE=Tim_Hawksworth;7477294]Hi Scotty,

WELL DONE in taking action

How is your progress going ?

I have been building and selling mobile sites myself for nearly a year now and I have found that the climate has changed. Many businesses now will only go for an extra service if they can really see that it will add to profits.

This has moved my work more into the "business expansion specialist" role rather than just the "mobile site salesman" role. And its a lot more fun !!

I tend to make my pitch around the idea of
"If I can bring in more sales and at the same time reduce your expenses, would be interested in doing that?"

Increasing a businesses profits comes in two ways

1) Reducing existing expenses.

2) Increasing Sales.

Your mobile website can do both of these things !!

How does it reduce expenses ?
If the new mobile website advertises the business and gets more inquiries than the yellow pages advert or other magazine advertising which costs a small fortune, then they can cut that expensive advertising bill.

That is one way of showing how to reduce expenses.
( Of course in reality they would only do this if the YP is not giving a positive ROI, same with other media advertising )

As for increasing sales, a mobile website can be a pivotal tool in achieving this. BUT as with any tool, it is only effective when used properly.

The usefulness of the mobile website is something you CAN prove.
This can be done by creating a promotion for the business that uses the mobile website to gather customers and build a list.
This can be a telephone number list for SMS texts or an Email list.
I find both to be effective for business building especially when combining it with mobile coupon offers.

Scotty, from what wrote, you are going to be offering coupons and texting etc. Maybe you will also offer QR Code generation to link printed promotions to your mobile web site ?

This is the way I have gone and it has been the most effective.
It is quick to set up and gives provable results very quickly.

I hope that gives you some more ideas to work with.

Just a couple of questions for you ..

When you do your cold calling do you leave them with any kind of leaflet for the owner to mull over ?

Do you have your own website, that has examples of you work ?

These things are pretty vital for your business and will complement all the leg work you are doing.

Again, well done for getting out there and talking to business owners.

I am looking forward to your next update.
All the best[/QUOTE]

Jay Traylor
Houston, TX
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Unread 15th Dec 2012, 06:04 AM   #130
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Originally Posted by desgreen View Post

Good Luck Scot i now you will do it mate, you sound and think just like me.
Thanks, Des!

Originally Posted by Tim_Hawksworth View Post

Hi Scotty,

WELL DONE in taking action

How is your progress going ?

I have been building and selling mobile sites myself for nearly a year now and I have found that the climate has changed. Many businesses now will only go for an extra service if they can really see that it will add to profits.

This has moved my work more into the "business expansion specialist" role rather than just the "mobile site salesman" role. And its a lot more fun !!

I tend to make my pitch around the idea of
"If I can bring in more sales and at the same time reduce your expenses, would be interested in doing that?"

Increasing a businesses profits comes in two ways

1) Reducing existing expenses.

2) Increasing Sales.

Your mobile website can do both of these things !!

How does it reduce expenses ?
If the new mobile website advertises the business and gets more inquiries than the yellow pages advert or other magazine advertising which costs a small fortune, then they can cut that expensive advertising bill.

That is one way of showing how to reduce expenses.
( Of course in reality they would only do this if the YP is not giving a positive ROI, same with other media advertising )

As for increasing sales, a mobile website can be a pivotal tool in achieving this. BUT as with any tool, it is only effective when used properly.

The usefulness of the mobile website is something you CAN prove.
This can be done by creating a promotion for the business that uses the mobile website to gather customers and build a list.
This can be a telephone number list for SMS texts or an Email list.
I find both to be effective for business building especially when combining it with mobile coupon offers.

Scotty, from what wrote, you are going to be offering coupons and texting etc. Maybe you will also offer QR Code generation to link printed promotions to your mobile web site ?

This is the way I have gone and it has been the most effective.
It is quick to set up and gives provable results very quickly.

I hope that gives you some more ideas to work with.

Just a couple of questions for you ..

When you do your cold calling do you leave them with any kind of leaflet for the owner to mull over ?

Do you have your own website, that has examples of you work ?

These things are pretty vital for your business and will complement all the leg work you are doing.

Again, well done for getting out there and talking to business owners.

I am looking forward to your next update.
All the best
Hi Tim,

Great response - thank you.

I read this twice. I completely agree with what you're saying. Mobile is my main baby, as well as SMS/email/loyalty programme. But my company is a marketing consulting company, and this is the angle I will be approaching at from now on.

I've been extremely busy with my current SEO clients the last couple of weeks - one in particular, who has gone on holiday and increased my work for him whilst he's away. Fine by me.

But at the same time, I've been building a list of businesses near me that are advertising. I will be concentrating on these from now on, because if they are advertising, they are already spending money. This will stack the odds more in my favour, as opposed to doing walk-ins for each and every business in town.

Secondly, I'll be going under the radar from now on. If you read JohnSpangler's 'Jobless Dad' thread here, you'll see what I mean. I'll be more of a consultant showing them how to increase their business from the Internet and mobile - and I'll be focusing on mobile.

I'm sure by going down this route, I'll have better fortune.

I'll keep you posted.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 15th Dec 2012, 08:47 PM   #131
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[QUOTE=Scotty Stevens;7409319]DAY 61 OF 182 - Increasing The Value Of My Offer


I've been out demonstrating the voucher/discount/loyalty/SMS/email + mobile site system to restaurants and pubs. And the response is largely the same. Some good leads, but noone wants to pull the trigger.

Instead of going out with a menu stand, I went out with my iPad, and did all the demonstrating on there. The menu stand flyer was next to the iPad in my folder, so it was less cumbersome walking around, than carrying the menu stand, a phone and notepad.

Plus, the Internet on my iPad is quicker than my phone, the battery is loads better, and it's easier to type in the business name as the 'keys' are obviously bigger. The only downside is, obviously the iPad doesn't demonstrate the futility of their website as well as a mobile phone does....

I just had this thought pop into my head that I think I'll be trying. Make QR codes of the URLs of the businesses you're going to visit. Put several on the same page with the biz name below so you know which is which. Then instead of typing in the URL for your demo scan the QR code on your phone in front of the biz owner. This does three things. (1) Saves you the time it would take to type the URL so you don't interrupt the presentation. (2) Introduces the biz owner to QR codes if they are unfamiliar with then. (3) Shows the biz owner you're going to offer his competition the same offer next without you saying a word since he can see the other codes. (I'm going to make two different pages with the QR codes in different orders so whoever I'm talking to won't be the last on the list.)

Thanks for the inspiration.

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Unread 15th Dec 2012, 09:37 PM   #132
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Good post. Hard work will pay at the end.

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Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

DAY 61 OF 182 - Increasing The Value Of My Offer


I've been out demonstrating the voucher/discount/loyalty/SMS/email + mobile site system to restaurants and pubs. And the response is largely the same. Some good leads, but noone wants to pull the trigger.

Instead of going out with a menu stand, I went out with my iPad, and did all the demonstrating on there. The menu stand flyer was next to the iPad in my folder, so it was less cumbersome walking around, than carrying the menu stand, a phone and notepad.

Plus, the Internet on my iPad is quicker than my phone, the battery is loads better, and it's easier to type in the business name as the 'keys' are obviously bigger. The only downside is, obviously the iPad doesn't demonstrate the futility of their website as well as a mobile phone does....

I just had this thought pop into my head that I think I'll be trying. Make QR codes of the URLs of the businesses you're going to visit. Put several on the same page with the biz name below so you know which is which. Then instead of typing in the URL for your demo scan the QR code on your phone in front of the biz owner. This does three things. (1) Saves you the time it would take to type the URL so you don't interrupt the presentation. (2) Introduces the biz owner to QR codes if they are unfamiliar with then. (3) Shows the biz owner you're going to offer his competition the same offer next without you saying a word since he can see the other codes. (I'm going to make two different pages with the QR codes in different orders so whoever I'm talking to won't be the last on the list.)

Thanks for the inspiration.
Great idea.

I may borrow this one if you don't mind, Steve?

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 16th Dec 2012, 10:49 PM   #134
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Be My guest. I posted it to share and to see if others thought it was a good idea.

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Unread 17th Dec 2012, 03:59 AM   #135
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Hi Scotty,

Keep going, you are very inspiring to all the Warriors.

An important point about QR code marketing.

I went over to New York State 2 months ago with my wife and we spent
three weeks touring. We spent a few days in Boston, then some towns
around the Finger Lakes region and Niagra Falls and then a full week in
the Big Apple : New York City itself.

We had a great time and the scenery was spectaculary beautiful - the leaf
color change was at its peak during October.

Anyway - One thing REALLY stood out.
The amount of QR-code marketing I saw.
How much ? Zilch, Nada, Nothing.

Now - I am not saying there isn't any.
Obviously I didn't travel every street in NYC !!

But I did not see anyone using QR-Codes linking to
mobile vouchers or mobile websites.

What does this mean ?
Well it could mean that everybody knows about them already and
they all think it's a rubbish way to market.

Or it could mean that the market is still wide open for you
and thousands of others to help small and large businesses to promote
themselves to smart phone users.

Personally I go with the latter.

And if that is the situation in NY - then I am sure that most other
places in the world are also very slow to using this marketing method.
That's great for us !!

I have been developing my presentation to focus more on the business development
side and emphasizing the use of QR-code images and linking them to Mobile Coupons.
With the right system in place your client can build up customer lists and get new
customers into the business automatically and for a few low marketing budget.

Scotty - I am glad you are also focusing on the "Business Building" aspect as well.
I think this is the area that is easiest to open up.

We are getting very high acceptance rates when we go in and offer to set
everything up for the client. We are developing and streamlining the process at the moment.

I read the JohnSpangler's 'Jobless Dad' thread, great read, thanks for sharing

An interesting point is that we start off with coupons and then later get to a
mobile site sale. But we make good money on the "business building" service anyway.

I'll share some of my new presentations with you as soon as I get time to write them down.

Keep up the work of talking to local businesses, it the BEST thing you can do.

Remember that most people don't go for something new straight away, so call back
every so often on the ones that rejected you. Maybe share your developments, tell
them that you have got some local business sign-ups ( when you have them, ofcourse)
but without being pushy at all.

Looking forward to hearing more of your progress.

All the best.

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What the hell have I been reading? You're trying to tell me that you're 2 whole months into this already and you don't even have one sale? When I started selling mobile websites this year I sold my first one for $700 in 1 week by cold calling and coming in for an appointment. I probably could have done it in 2-3 days if I wasn't a pussy and dialed more than 25 numbers per day. Reading this makes me sick to the core as to how people can talk the talk (or type the type) on Warrior Forum and not even make a single dollar after MONTHS going by.

Get off the forum...pick up the phone...hit the streets...and be the best you that you can be.
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Unread 18th Dec 2012, 01:23 AM   #137
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Hey Max,

What the hell have I been reading? You're trying to tell me that you're 2 whole months into this already and you don't even have one sale? When I started selling mobile websites this year I sold my first one for $700 in 1 week by cold calling and coming in for an appointment.
I know what your saying, but not everybody is made the same !
Everyone has differing amounts of knowledge, ability and confidence.

At least Scotty HAS got out there and spoken to business owners. That's a BIG start. He himself admits that he is a procrastinator - and is doing his best to push himself.

Actually not having got a sale in the first week AND DESPITE THAT he has carried on is a big positive for him.

Your final advice: "Get off the forum...pick up the phone...hit the streets...and be the best you that you can be."

Good kick up the backside ! Just what we all need from time to time

Max - are you still selling mobile websites ?
What have you found to be your best introductory comments to getting the sale off to a good start ? Any good closer statements that might help Scotty ?

All the best.
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Yes. Watch this speech every morning.
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The boiler room speech is OK if you want to scare the hell out of someone. I think is a lot better motivator.

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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by maxrezn View Post

Yes. Watch this speech every morning.
Glengarry Glen Ross speech - YouTube
Very motivating. Thanks for the feedback.

Originally Posted by Steve1776 View Post

The boiler room speech is OK if you want to scare the hell out of someone. I think this one is a lot better motivator.
Also very motivating - thank you.

Have been busy since the run-up to Christmas with one of my SEO clients giving me more work.

Will post updates soon.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 3rd Jan 2013, 06:28 AM   #141
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Happy new year to you,

Just wanted to say something.

There are some people on this thread who have left some not so overly positive comments. That is fine, and expected. But I just want to clarify that I am not simply 'talking-the-talk', as has been suggested. In fact, I'm quite the opposite, if you read the thread.

I have been up-front in this point in that I have been a master procrastinator, and have struggled to shrug off this 'disease'. I have given myself a challenge, and posted it on this forum for the following reasons:

- To help motivate myself with the added accountability/pressure the exposure on this thread provides.

- To gain any advice/support from those further along the journey.

- To help any others in the same boat as me, that suffer from analysis paralysis/procrastination/related fears.

To all you who don't suffer from this dreadful mindset, well done. Call me a pussy, fine. I have been. And I don't want to be one any more. That's why I made this thread, as well as hoping to help those that are like me.

Is it something you can flick a switch? Yes, but finding that switch is the hardest thing.

As a procrastinator, I have devoured countless WSO's, and pondered and pondered some more about which method to use, which product/service to provide, etc., etc.

I use Evernote (excellent), and in it, have crafted the most amazing procedure process you could find, from a hundred WSO's/threads. I have spent countless hours making it perfect, giving myself the pressure that I had to have the entire sales process/outsourcer solutions, etc., perfect before even stepping out the door.

This is what goes through the head of a procrastinator, and unless you have suffered from this, you cannot relate. I'm not going to say the negative comments don't help, because they do in their own way. But just realise that you wouldn't criticise someone for having a drinking problem - you would try to help, wouldn't you?

There are some people who don't struggle with procrastination, and just get on with it. The following thread is a good example (and a great read) of one who just got on with it:

This next one, too, is a great thread, that I have just read this morning:

I hope these threads will help any of you fellow procrastinators. I need to take a lead from them if I'm going to be any sort of success in life.

I'm not giving up on my goal. If I give up on my goal, I give up on my life, because I accept defeat, and choose a life of mediocrity. And that's not fair on myself, nor my loved ones.

Life is too precious for that, as are the people in my life I want to share it with.

I'm sitting here looking at my 'death clock' I got for Christmas, here on my desk. It basically counts down by the second/minute/hour/day, depending on what day you programme into it.

So I have entered my 80th birthday, and it is now counting down to that day, as a way of reminding me how brief life is.

Yes, I know: crazy. But this is the sort of thing you have to do to help yourself when you're a procrastinator. Some of you will relate.

I've also done some numbers for the months ahead, and if I don't get some sales in soon, I'm in trouble. So perhaps that will add a fire underneath me, too.

I have spent Christmas doing some reflecting, and I've realised that up until now, I have been approaching my business/potential clients as a bit of a desperate salesman, and possibly scaring people away.

I have decided to adopt more of a giving midset. I will be offering free face-to-face online marketing critiques as a way to win people's trust (as per the John Spangler thread above), and also free sites to charities, and other organisations/foundations I believe. Pay it forward. Less in terms of how much money I can earn, and instead, how much I can help people.

Also, I will be recruiting sales reps. I have done this before for another business I had, but it was a bit of a disaster. Some people helped me out in another thread I made about this, and someone gave me a review copy of a recruitment process they use for finding reps. This can only help.

I have joined a local networking meeting for IM'ers. And I have thought about putting on a free seminar for local businesses, where I will give them loads of tips and advice for getting their marketing sorted. I am stretching my comfort zone.

I am nowhere nearer my goal, and I am now halfway to the deadline day. But I have all I need to be a real success. I have the knowledge, tools, outsourcers, etc. I have just unsubscribed from pretty much all lists I was on, because that is a distraction, and I really don't need any more tools or methods.

I am sitting on a gold mine. So let's come back in 3 months and see where I am then.

If the thread has fizzled-out, then we can all have a good laugh at my expense.

But if I am making good progress, then hopefully it will instill some belief in others that are struggling.

Because if I can do it, anyone can.

Thanks to Jay and maxrezn for recommending Glengarry Glen Ross. I have bookmarked this to watch tonight on Netflix.

Now if you don't mind, I have some more procrastinating to go and do.

Will update shortly.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 8th Jan 2013, 05:10 PM   #142
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Hi Scotty, love your honesty man. Most of us have all been where you are at some point. Just remember we all have the same tools and we can not offer anything that you can not offer as well. Do not worry so much about the details man, this will work itself out with experience. Quit over thinking everything : )

Set a couple days aside to hit the streets but do it with no intentions of selling. Just to go out an introduce yourself and that's it. While your saying hi maybe drop a card and a flyer. Take the pressure off.

Offer a free consultation to see if you can help the business reach their goals. If you go in planning to close without even learning about their biz and to see if you can really help them, well your going to hit a wall of unhappy clients at some point.

You should never sell anything.. talk to them about their needs and find out where they are hurting.. then offer a solution using one of your programs. If you do not have a solution that fits then thank them for their time and point them in the correct direction if you can. I have done this and ended up getting referral from them because they appreciated the honesty.

Anyways good luck in 2013 man. You will get there

Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

Happy new year to you,

Just wanted to say something.

There are some people on this thread who have left some not so overly positive comments. That is fine, and expected. But I just want to clarify that I am not simply 'talking-the-talk', as has been suggested. In fact, I'm quite the opposite, if you read the thread.

I have been up-front in this point in that I have been a master procrastinator, and have struggled to shrug off this 'disease'. I have given myself a challenge, and posted it on this forum for the following reasons:

- To help motivate myself with the added accountability/pressure the exposure on this thread provides.

- To gain any advice/support from those further along the journey.

- To help any others in the same boat as me, that suffer from analysis paralysis/procrastination/related fears.

To all you who don't suffer from this dreadful mindset, well done. Call me a pussy, fine. I have been. And I don't want to be one any more. That's why I made this thread, as well as hoping to help those that are like me.

Is it something you can flick a switch? Yes, but finding that switch is the hardest thing.

As a procrastinator, I have devoured countless WSO's, and pondered and pondered some more about which method to use, which product/service to provide, etc., etc.

I use Evernote (excellent), and in it, have crafted the most amazing procedure process you could find, from a hundred WSO's/threads. I have spent countless hours making it perfect, giving myself the pressure that I had to have the entire sales process/outsourcer solutions, etc., perfect before even stepping out the door.

This is what goes through the head of a procrastinator, and unless you have suffered from this, you cannot relate. I'm not going to say the negative comments don't help, because they do in their own way. But just realise that you wouldn't criticise someone for having a drinking problem - you would try to help, wouldn't you?

There are some people who don't struggle with procrastination, and just get on with it. The following thread is a good example (and a great read) of one who just got on with it:

This next one, too, is a great thread, that I have just read this morning:

I hope these threads will help any of you fellow procrastinators. I need to take a lead from them if I'm going to be any sort of success in life.

I'm not giving up on my goal. If I give up on my goal, I give up on my life, because I accept defeat, and choose a life of mediocrity. And that's not fair on myself, nor my loved ones.

Life is too precious for that, as are the people in my life I want to share it with.

I'm sitting here looking at my 'death clock' I got for Christmas, here on my desk. It basically counts down by the second/minute/hour/day, depending on what day you programme into it.

So I have entered my 80th birthday, and it is now counting down to that day, as a way of reminding me how brief life is.

Yes, I know: crazy. But this is the sort of thing you have to do to help yourself when you're a procrastinator. Some of you will relate.

I've also done some numbers for the months ahead, and if I don't get some sales in soon, I'm in trouble. So perhaps that will add a fire underneath me, too.

I have spent Christmas doing some reflecting, and I've realised that up until now, I have been approaching my business/potential clients as a bit of a desperate salesman, and possibly scaring people away.

I have decided to adopt more of a giving midset. I will be offering free face-to-face online marketing critiques as a way to win people's trust (as per the John Spangler thread above), and also free sites to charities, and other organisations/foundations I believe. Pay it forward. Less in terms of how much money I can earn, and instead, how much I can help people.

Also, I will be recruiting sales reps. I have done this before for another business I had, but it was a bit of a disaster. Some people helped me out in another thread I made about this, and someone gave me a review copy of a recruitment process they use for finding reps. This can only help.

I have joined a local networking meeting for IM'ers. And I have thought about putting on a free seminar for local businesses, where I will give them loads of tips and advice for getting their marketing sorted. I am stretching my comfort zone.

I am nowhere nearer my goal, and I am now halfway to the deadline day. But I have all I need to be a real success. I have the knowledge, tools, outsourcers, etc. I have just unsubscribed from pretty much all lists I was on, because that is a distraction, and I really don't need any more tools or methods.

I am sitting on a gold mine. So let's come back in 3 months and see where I am then.

If the thread has fizzled-out, then we can all have a good laugh at my expense.

But if I am making good progress, then hopefully it will instill some belief in others that are struggling.

Because if I can do it, anyone can.

Thanks to Jay and maxrezn for recommending Glengarry Glen Ross. I have bookmarked this to watch tonight on Netflix.

Now if you don't mind, I have some more procrastinating to go and do.

Will update shortly.

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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by MoBuzz View Post

Hi Scotty, love your honesty man. Most of us have all been where you are at some point. Just remember we all have the same tools and we can not offer anything that you can not offer as well. Do not worry so much about the details man, this will work itself out with experience. Quit over thinking everything : )

Set a couple days aside to hit the streets but do it with no intentions of selling. Just to go out an introduce yourself and that's it. While your saying hi maybe drop a card and a flyer. Take the pressure off.

Offer a free consultation to see if you can help the business reach their goals. If you go in planning to close without even learning about their biz and to see if you can really help them, well your going to hit a wall of unhappy clients at some point.

You should never sell anything.. talk to them about their needs and find out where they are hurting.. then offer a solution using one of your programs. If you do not have a solution that fits then thank them for their time and point them in the correct direction if you can. I have done this and ended up getting referral from them because they appreciated the honesty.

Anyways good luck in 2013 man. You will get there
Kind words as ever, MoBuzz. Good advice, too.

I'm having some luck now booking some appointments giving people a free face-to-face online marketing analysis/critique, with the hope some will want me to do the work for them.

My focus is now on those that are advertising, offering the freebie. I want to approach things in more of a giving/generous way, as opposed trying to sell, sell, sell to every man and his dog, like a desperate man.

Will let you know how I get on with the appointments, of course.

I'd like to set-up some small local workshop seminars in town, too - again, with the hope that some will hire me to carry out the work. Then perhaps set-up a business breakfast, if there isn't already one.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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hey, how goes it? are you enjoying it?

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Unread 15th Jan 2013, 05:04 AM   #145
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Hi all,

Just a quick update to say I have a new client, and it's not just mobile. It's a jeweller I used to work for, doing marketing work in-house, as well as helping out around the shop. I've been trying to get him signed-up ever since I was working for him, and he approached me just before Christmas.

We negotiated, and I've signed him up on £500 per month + 10p per subscriber per month. I'll be doing mobile, SMS, loyalty programme, email marketing, etc. I'm not charging him what I'd charge anyone else, since we have a relationship that goes back a bit.

I'm posturing myself as more of an Internet/mobile consultant, now, and the response is a lot better. Going to be a great year.

It's a start, anyway.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 15th Jan 2013, 08:20 AM   #146
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Hi Scotty,

Glad you have a client now, I was in your position before but what I quickly discovered was you have to go after businesses that understand what mobile is and you need to be doing this online for eg.

I used to target local businesses that had competitors that I had created a site for already and I armed myself with their google analytics of how many visitors were viewing their competitors site via a mobile device as this would give them a great insight into what their competitors website was like via a QR code that I made up that they could use for offline marketing aswell.

If they were interested straight away I would go online and find other competitors and sure enough once I did a couple of them then it spread like wildfire as they were getting appointments and calls through the mobile site.

Hope this tip helps, I have others if you need them just didnt want to fill up your thread
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Originally Posted by MobileMarketingMogul View Post

Hi Scotty,

Glad you have a client now, I was in your position before but what I quickly discovered was you have to go after businesses that understand what mobile is and you need to be doing this online for eg.

I used to target local businesses that had competitors that I had created a site for already and I armed myself with their google analytics of how many visitors were viewing their competitors site via a mobile device as this would give them a great insight into what their competitors website was like via a QR code that I made up that they could use for offline marketing aswell.

If they were interested straight away I would go online and find other competitors and sure enough once I did a couple of them then it spread like wildfire as they were getting appointments and calls through the mobile site.

Hope this tip helps, I have others if you need them just didnt want to fill up your thread
Genuinely good tip - thanks for sharing.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 16th Jan 2013, 07:33 AM   #148
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MobileMarketingMogul ,can you share more how do you find and get in touch with your potential customers? is it by mail? postcards ? cold calls?
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Unread 16th Jan 2013, 09:00 AM   #149
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Hi Elis,

I simply type into google the niche and local area I am after and see what comes up, this will allow me to see who is ahead of their competitors and who is lagging behind.

I then either find an email on the website or ring them up and simply say see that (competitor), I know why they are more successful than you just now and I can help you fix it, that usually gets them interested. Get me on skype or something if you require more help
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Unread 20th Jan 2013, 12:12 AM   #150
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Hi Scotty,
First, let me say congrats on making an effort and also for getting your 1st client.

I could easily ramble on here for pages but I think it would be more productive if I just make a few points:

1) Educating prospects is hard work and most of your prospects simply don't get that they should have a mobile site. Therefore you must (as the Godfather Marlon Brando said) make them an offer they can't refuse . . . What EXACTLY is your offer?
2) Buyers Buy. In your case, look for businesses that use Google Adwords and have Facebook pages/Twitter accounts/LinkedIn Profiles etc. These are businesses that get it . . . stop wasting time and energy on those that don't get it.
3) 100 x 100 = 10,000 Figure out what you can offer 100 businesses in exchange for $100 per month. That's your goal, right?

To your prosperity,

Jim Bettke
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