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Unread 6th Oct 2012, 04:52 AM   #1
Skochy - Musical Salesman
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My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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For the past few months, I have been learning everything I can about anything mobile marketing-related.

I have been formulating a business model, solidifying the product/service I will be offering, sourcing the service providers that I will outsource work to, locating and testing the software programmes that will do the things I need to do, building demo sites, building a presentation, designing and ordering prospecting materials, testing the water with some cold-calling, soaking-up all the mobile marketing WSO's I can get my hands on, and generally exciting myself into a frenzy (okay, not quite) at the potential of what I now have to offer.

Aside from a few demo sites to be designed, I am ready to hit the phones and the streets of England and build the future I've always wanted, using this fantastic opportunity as my vehicle.

So, with that said, I have set myself the audacious target of earning £10,000 per month by the end of March 2013. This will be take the form of set-up fees and residuals. If I can't get there with this business, then I may as well get a job when this is over. Or jump off a bridge.


For the last 13 years, I have dabbled in all manner of hair-brained business ideas, schemes and scams, and all kinds of jobs to pay my way.

The result of this is that I have learnt that I have lived as one giant procrastinator. Up until today, I can safely say that you could never have called me a man of action.

Yep, I have spent my life waiting for all the lights to be green before even driving my car off the drive. I have over-analysed things to buggery, and I have planned, planned, planned, and then stopped before I even got going, jumping onto the next great idea.

No more.

For the last 11-or-so of those years, I have been into Internet marketing, doing nothing different to you, I'd imagine. I've done it all - AdSense sites, Google cash/Adwords, affiliate marketing, blogging, membership sites, etc., etc., etc.

And I was at the end of the road until last year, and I had to get a job as I was running out of cash. So I got a job working in a local, independent jewellers.

Well, that really opened my eyes up to this offline marketing stuff.

The owner of the shop - a lovely chap - was hopeless when it came to computers and the Internet (still is - hoping to get him on board). And one of the things he wanted help with when I came on board, was with their marketing.

So I sorted their website (it had been thrown-together by the part-time lady's son), and got them selling on eBay.

But more importantly, I realised that everything I'd learnt these past few years, was diamond information to these bricks-and-mortar businesses. So I started to get myself up to speed with offline marketing - initially with SEO, Adwords, etc., and now with mobile.

Which leads me here.

The opportunity, as far as I can see, is mind-blowing. And with what I have in mind, and how I plan to build/sell this, it should be like shooting fish in a barrel, if I keep my head down.


My goals for the past 10 years or so have been to travel the world with a guitar on my back, working from a laptop, meeting people from all corners of the globe - with someone special, ideally. I haven't got there yet, but I now have the key.

I've always been late to the party with everything else I've done. But with this mobile thing, I feel like I'm standing before the wave, with a finely waxed surfboard ready to go.

Yes, I want the fast cars, bikes, and a boat. But most of all, I want to be free, I want to enjoy my loved ones as best I can, and I want to leave the world better than I found it.


I'm doing this thing full-time. Fortunately for me, I'm making just enough to live from bits-and-bobs I have coming in, which means I have had the time to build this thing properly, and I now have the time to prospect like a mofo.

I will be spending my prospecting time during the day cold-calling, booking presentations, and walk-ins. Evenings I will be building lead lists of folks I will contact, and posting ads, networking at meetings/events, etc.

For the next 6 months, I will be eating, sleeping, and breathing this stuff. £10kpm is my goal, and I will do what it takes to get there.

That's why I will be prospecting using methods that give the biggest bang for my buck. And that's cold-calling, walk-ins, and presentations, principally. I'll likely only be emailing when I have to, or for those I simply couldn't reach via the phone, or for following-up on calls/meetings. I won't be using email as a prospecting method - merely to follow-up.

If there's one I've learnt these last few years, from my experience in all the things I've done, it's that you just can't beat getting on that dog and bone and going to see people. And with my demo sites, walking into a town centre and showing folks their crap website versus my excellent demo - with SMS/vouchers/loyalty programme/virtual tour, etc., etc., I really think that, aided by the ease of whipping out my phone and demoing, that walk-ins will be the making of my business.

Now, I should point out that I'm actually very shy and quiet - always have been, likely always will be. But I'm no stranger to these methods. And my enthusiasm, knowledge of my product, and the fact that my shyness makes me fly under-the-radar somewhat, will be my strengths.


I'm not entirely sure of my motives for starting this thread. I had the idea to start it a few days ago, when I gave myself the £10kpm goal.

But since then, I've been trying to work-out where my desire to post this stems from.

There certainly is no monetary motive. It's not like I have a product here I can promote. I have thought about starting a list/network for like-minded men in marketing. Perhaps I will. And I'll possibly add a link to that from my signature file in due course, if I set it up. But if I do, it'll be to share how I'm getting on, sharing tips, wins, losses, and ideas, as opposed to it being a pitch-fest.

I have thought that by starting this thread, in a small way, I'm adding to my own competition. But having said that, the world is a big place. And I'll certainly never take over the whole of the UK by myself. This mobile thing has always been my foot-in-the-door, too, as I also offer SEO, PPC, social media, and all that good stuff.

Besides, everyone else is building this by blasting emails out, or using sneaky methods using the latest-and-greatest technique. My bulging email inbox is testament to this. I'm surprised it hasn't blown-up, what with the most recent explosion these last few days, offering the latest, must-have WSO offering, being pitched by every man and his dog.

Yep. That's fine for me. Whilst everyone else is tripping over themselves for the latest 'weird trick', or 'sneaky tactic', ol' Scottyboy will be on the phone booking presentations and going to see people. And that's part of what this thread will be focusing on - my prospecting methods.

I have no reason to be worried about losing face on this forum if I don't live up to my goals, as I am hardly known here, with less than 50 posts to my name. So that's not the driving force.

I think one of the reasons for this post is that it will help keep me focused. By making the regular update posts, I will be holding MYSELF accountable, and my work-rate and results will be there in front of me as a reminder.

It'll be a place where we can all share what's working for each other, learning from one-another, and posting our wins and ideas.

It'll hopefully serve as a source of support for me, in my weakest moments when I want to throw in the towel, or buy the latest 'ninja email subject line' WSO instead of doing what I should be doing. So I'll be relying on you, fellow Warrior, to help remind me of my mission.

I hope it will help others to succeed, too. It's a natural thing to feel good about helping others. And being a man, I'm driven to lead and inspire, so that will also be a motive.

Whatever the reason, I think this thread will help me to stay on the path toward my £10,000 per month, and I'd like to think it will help you work toward your goals, too.


I plan to hit my local town next week, doing walk-in demos, setting mock-up mobile website presentations. So for this, I want as many demo sites set-up in as many different markets as possible. These next few days I'll be building these in preparation.

I'll keep you posted as to how it's going, and I'm happy to answer any questions as to what/how/why I'm doing, also. And if I can help you with anything, all the better.

And then I aim to report back on a regular basis with my activity and results/figures/photos of cheques.

I hope this will be of use to you, and if you have any suggestions, feel free to chime in.


P.S. Does anyone know if there are any rules against posting images of cheques/signed agreements/my bank account, etc., by way of proof and inspiring others? If I was able to do this, I really think it would not only help in holding myself accountable, but also in giving others hope. I'm just not sure if there are any Warrior rules, or laws against this.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 6th Oct 2012, 04:53 AM   #2
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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I am not a patient person. And I also have a rather brutal philosophy on life.

I say this as a warning. I'm happy to help others with their challenges, but I am all about the tough love.

As mentioned previously, I have lived with procrastination for a long time, and have now finally shrugged it off. If I seem abrupt with some of my answers, it is a mixture of my not having the time to answer in full, and the understanding that if I answer every tiny little question, I am feeding people's own procrastination. And for the sake of those people's success, I shan't do that.

So if I feel someone is over-analysing something, asking questions they can solve themselves, or asking something for the sake of putting off action, I will simply refer them back to this post.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman

Last edited on 7th Oct 2012 at 02:38 AM. Reason: Bad formatting
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Unread 6th Oct 2012, 05:28 AM   #3
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Hey Scotty ,

First of all cracking post mate and i totally agree with your sentiments.I think your posts show two things.Firstly you have finally got it and have stopped procrastinating, looking for obstacles and faffing about and are getting on with it.Secondly in a strange way what you are doing to underlining that determination by posting here.The very fact that you have made yourself accountable to nobody but have applied a little pressure to yourself by posting in here speaks volumes and i have a feeling that with your motivation and determination and ideas you are going to blow it out the water.Congrats mate and if you are ever down in London give us a shout.Keep posting your progress here

All the best

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Unread 6th Oct 2012, 01:13 PM   #4
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Hey Scott,
Great post. I understand where your coming from. I'm just getting into this mobile market myself. I do have a full time day job, so I will be utilizing email, direct mail and telemarketing (outsourced), to get the ball rolling.

I look forward reading about your journey, keep posting.
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Unread 6th Oct 2012, 09:30 PM   #5
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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well I'm not sure about the images you talk about but you could start a simply blog with a link which I would think would allow you a bit more freedom.

I will say your post has made me write down my next 6 months goals this weekend which I have been wanting ..going and never did for the past2 months

I have found out unless they are written down I seem to just keep putting them off.

thanks for the kick in the rear and best of luck!
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Unread 7th Oct 2012, 02:44 AM   #6
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by webcashuk View Post

Hey Scotty ,

First of all cracking post mate and i totally agree with your sentiments.I think your posts show two things.Firstly you have finally got it and have stopped procrastinating, looking for obstacles and faffing about and are getting on with it.Secondly in a strange way what you are doing to underlining that determination by posting here.The very fact that you have made yourself accountable to nobody but have applied a little pressure to yourself by posting in here speaks volumes and i have a feeling that with your motivation and determination and ideas you are going to blow it out the water.Congrats mate and if you are ever down in London give us a shout.Keep posting your progress here

All the best

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the feedback.

I'll bear you in mind if I'm in London, then - thank you for the offer.

Originally Posted by wagsgraphx View Post

Hey Scott,
Great post. I understand where your coming from. I'm just getting into this mobile market myself. I do have a full time day job, so I will be utilizing email, direct mail and telemarketing (outsourced), to get the ball rolling.

I look forward reading about your journey, keep posting.
Sounds good. Also feel free to let me know how you're getting on.

Would be great to swap ideas.

Thank you.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 7th Oct 2012, 04:17 AM   #7
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Hi Scott,

Your project is very interesting. You look very motivated, well prepared and with good skills. all the ingredients for success. I wish you the best.

I'm starting as well the same business here in France.
I have walked in some businesses, made demos. the first ones are like difficult, hesitating and the more you visit, more you adapt your pitch and more confident. I haven't closed any deal yet but with more practice I'm sure I will.

It's very motivating for me to see similar project in other countries , share ideas, compare methods and results.

I will follow how things go for you.

(sorry for my bad english)


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Unread 7th Oct 2012, 04:56 AM   #8
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Hey scott,
Really liked reading your post. Massive action is what will create success, just keep failing forward and learning from all those mistakes. Sounds like you've built up some good experience from it all tho.


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Unread 8th Oct 2012, 01:47 AM   #9
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by SergeParis View Post

Hi Scott,

Your project is very interesting. You look very motivated, well prepared and with good skills. all the ingredients for success. I wish you the best.

I'm starting as well the same business here in France.
I have walked in some businesses, made demos. the first ones are like difficult, hesitating and the more you visit, more you adapt your pitch and more confident. I haven't closed any deal yet but with more practice I'm sure I will.

It's very motivating for me to see similar project in other countries , share ideas, compare methods and results.

I will follow how things go for you.

(sorry for my bad english)


Hi Serge,

Thanks for the feedback. I hope you close that deal soon. Let me know your progress.

Thanks for sharing.

Originally Posted by matt282 View Post

Hey scott,
Really liked reading your post. Massive action is what will create success, just keep failing forward and learning from all those mistakes. Sounds like you've built up some good experience from it all tho.

I agree, it's all about the action.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 8th Oct 2012, 07:12 AM   #10
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Congratulations and good luck. Be persistent and you will succeed and I think once you have a deal with a business and earn their trust you could sell them more services to help their business.

Btw, maybe from your experience you could help me somehow.
I live outside US/UK and i want to approach businesses by email/phone based on "your competitor is doing this,that .. and you're missing" but i'm not that good with copywriting and I don't know how to formulate my approach to get the business interest and close them.
I have several niches where i found business on the first page that have mobile websites and their competitors don't.So I plan to approach them to sell an mobile friendly website.
How would you do that if you can't meet the client face to face, only by phone or email? What words would you be using?


ARE YOU A CONSULTANT? Do you have clients who could use MORE LEADS?
Get them a MOBILE WEBSITE PLATFORM built to stay up with their clients habits.
More than 50% of their customers buys from their mobile devices now!

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Unread 8th Oct 2012, 12:59 PM   #11
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Way to go Scotty, committing to yourself, setting up a goal, taking action and holding yourself accountable through this thread sounds like a winning formula for success. Keep us updated on your progress, I would love to hear how it all goes for you. Cheers.

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Unread 8th Oct 2012, 03:21 PM   #12
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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All the best Scotty, you'll definitely enjoy a lot of success with such determination. I'm in the stage of studying everything about mobile sites and soon will establish the demo sites and a mobile site design website.
Please keep us informed of your progress cause we all can learn from your experiences.
Good Luck!

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Unread 9th Oct 2012, 05:56 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by TequilaShot View Post

Way to go Scotty, committing to yourself, setting up a goal, taking action and holding yourself accountable through this thread sounds like a winning formula for success. Keep us updated on your progress, I would love to hear how it all goes for you. Cheers.
Thanks for the feedback.

Originally Posted by AF54 View Post

All the best Scotty, you'll definitely enjoy a lot of success with such determination. I'm in the stage of studying everything about mobile sites and soon will establish the demo sites and a mobile site design website.
Please keep us informed of your progress cause we all can learn from your experiences.
Good Luck!
Good luck, and keep us posted.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 10th Oct 2012, 01:25 AM   #14
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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WOW!! I think you just described most anyone who would frequent these forums and hasn't been able to claim their success yet ... and I can totally relate, especially the chasing after the next BIG thing promising easy money.

I hope this isn't considered poor taste, but I would love it if you would join our Facebook group and keep us posted with your progress, you can even post the images you were asking about ;-)

Hope to see you there ... signed "a fellow Scott"

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Unread 13th Oct 2012, 09:27 AM   #15
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How you doing with this Scotty?

You must have sold some sites by now?

I'm interested in your price points etc because I've been selling mobile sites for a while now and 10k a month is a huge reach. Especially on residuals.

In 2012 I've sold close to 300 mobile sites at various price points and only about 30% pay any residuals, those that do are only willing to pay £10-20 per month.

Of course this is just for site development, are you selling SMS etc?

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Unread 14th Oct 2012, 03:39 AM   #16
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by Scott Prock View Post

WOW!! I think you just described most anyone who would frequent these forums and hasn't been able to claim their success yet ... and I can totally relate, especially the chasing after the next BIG thing promising easy money.

I hope this isn't considered poor taste, but I would love it if you would join our Facebook group and keep us posted with your progress, you can even post the images you were asking about ;-)

Hope to see you there ... signed "a fellow Scott"
Thanks Scott (great name). I'm going to look at your group, now. Great idea.

Originally Posted by massiveray View Post

How you doing with this Scotty?

You must have sold some sites by now?

I'm interested in your price points etc because I've been selling mobile sites for a while now and 10k a month is a huge reach. Especially on residuals.

In 2012 I've sold close to 300 mobile sites at various price points and only about 30% pay any residuals, those that do are only willing to pay £10-20 per month.

Of course this is just for site development, are you selling SMS etc?
Hi massiveray,

First of all, GREAT effort. Clearly you are in the field actually doing it. I salute you.

I have a handful more demo sites to build over the next couple of days, then I'm going out into the town to demo and book some mock-up presentations.

Regarding my price points, they're not yet set in stone. I'll nail this down once I get some presentations booked.

But I will be charging set-up, and then residuals, and the residuals are:

Hosting/stats/maintenance/security pack (they get more than just hosting)
Loyalty programme (SMS and/or email)
Tell-a-friend/VIP loyalty programme bolt-on (SMS and/or email)
Email/blog tips pack (2 tips articles per month posted on their blog + emailed to their list)
Joint venture pack (each month I'll source potential partners of them, and list-share)
Customer tutorial vids (they will shoot videos from their phone that will be of use to their customers - I'll YouTube them and add to their site)
Portfolio/test drive/virtual tour vids (any new properties, completed work, vehicles listed, etc., will be added to their site)
Testimonial competitions (a way to get their customers to leave testimonials/feedback in exchange for rewards)

These are some of my ideas. I always said I wanted to get the most from each customer as I can, as long as I'm offering value.

Hope that helps.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 14th Oct 2012, 04:31 AM   #17
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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I wish you luck and think what you're doing is cool. Just keep that momentum going!

Just a heads up. "Follow me" threads like this are generally deleted without warning. I won't get into exactly why except to say they've been abused in the past. I'm not a moderator I've just seen it happen.

You may try this out in this part of the forum though and see if it gets accepted:

Member Contests & Challenges

That's the only place where these type of threads are welcome these days. If this had been on the main forum I bet it would have been deleted by now.

Good luck!

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Unread 14th Oct 2012, 10:09 AM   #18
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Wow, thanks, J. I genuinely didn't know. I'll have to move the thread over there.

Thanks for the heads up.

Anyone know how to change forums, or will I have to re-post?

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 14th Oct 2012, 02:14 PM   #19
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Haha I do very little selling myself, I have a sales team that sell mobile when we're having a slow week, conversion rates are crazy in comparison to our other services.

That's a pretty bad ass residuals package. Keep us updated on how much you're selling at, this looks like a couple of hundred a month in value easily.

Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.
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Unread 16th Oct 2012, 04:05 AM   #20
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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So, it's been more than a week since you started the thread.... How are things going for you?


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Unread 16th Oct 2012, 02:41 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Jute View Post

So, it's been more than a week since you started the thread.... How are things going for you?


Hi Jute,

Thanks for the interest. I'm currently building demo mobile sites to do walk-in demos.

It's slow-going, as I can't settle on a builder/software. Still, with that said, I aim to be out by the end of the week doing demos.

Just got to keep my head down the next couple of days.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 16th Oct 2012, 05:52 PM   #22
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Hi Scotty! Are you just like me targeting a niche market (I'm going after dry cleaners)? That way you can make a couple demo sites. I am not doing more than 3 because if I did, then they will most likely have problems choosing one style. Just my 2 cents....

Good luck!
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Unread 16th Oct 2012, 11:43 PM   #23
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Re: My £0-10kpm 6 month challenge - selling mobile to local businesses (deadline 31st March 2013)
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Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

Hi Jute,

Thanks for the interest. I'm currently building demo mobile sites to do walk-in demos.

It's slow-going, as I can't settle on a builder/software. Still, with that said, I aim to be out by the end of the week doing demos.

Just got to keep my head down the next couple of days.
I just bought Mobi Maker Pro and think it will be the best WSO I have ever bought. I like the way I can create a mock site and send a marketing email and landing page in a few clicks.

Jay Traylor
Houston, TX
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Unread 17th Oct 2012, 04:03 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Jute View Post

Hi Scotty! Are you just like me targeting a niche market (I'm going after dry cleaners)? That way you can make a couple demo sites. I am not doing more than 3 because if I did, then they will most likely have problems choosing one style. Just my 2 cents....

Good luck!
Hi Jute,

Great idea, and that makes good sense.

My original idea was to not target any niche in particular. There is a busy tourist town near me, and I think there will be plenty of different businesses there - jewellers, salons, coffee shops, pubs, B&B's, restaurants, etc.

I want to hit them all and see which area I get the best results from, and then perhaps focus on that.

Let me know how how you're getting on, Jute.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 17th Oct 2012, 04:05 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by tracourt View Post

I just bought Mobi Maker Pro and think it will be the best WSO I have ever bought. I like the way I can create a mock site and send a marketing email and landing page in a few clicks.
Hi Jay,

Yes, I saw Mobi Maker Pro - it looks pretty tasty.

How are you getting on?

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 17th Oct 2012, 08:49 AM   #26
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It just launched and is having server issues. So, haven't able to use it much yet. I sent out about 8 mock sites yesterday, then they migrated to new server and don't see the sites in my dashboard. I really like the product, but see poor planning went into the launch.

Jay Traylor
Houston, TX
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Unread 18th Oct 2012, 04:59 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by tracourt View Post

It just launched and is having server issues. So, haven't able to use it much yet. I sent out about 8 mock sites yesterday, then they migrated to new server and don't see the sites in my dashboard. I really like the product, but see poor planning went into the launch.
Sure. Hope it sorts itself out. Let me know.

I've just got EZMobile Site Generator. Plus SqueezeMobi and WillR templates. Already had WPMobilePro, which builds the sites in WordPress, but I heard WP mobile sites are unnecessarily big and slow. EZMobile Site Generator builds them in WP, but then you export them as html.

Determined to get some demos done to get out there and present - want to hit these businesses before they blow their Christmas budgets. I'd say right now is the time to get in front of them, in time for the Xmas season.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 18th Oct 2012, 08:22 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

Sure. Hope it sorts itself out. Let me know.

I've just got EZMobile Site Generator. Plus SqueezeMobi and WillR templates. Already had WPMobilePro, which builds the sites in WordPress, but I heard WP mobile sites are unnecessarily big and slow. EZMobile Site Generator builds them in WP, but then you export them as html.

Determined to get some demos done to get out there and present - want to hit these businesses before they blow their Christmas budgets. I'd say right now is the time to get in front of them, in time for the Xmas season.
Couple of ideas, restaurants are keen to promote their christmas deals, give them some tips on how to achieve maximum exposure.... facebook events, google plus events, and leaving a comment on google plus local page, show how mobile can be part of this, and suggest that in future having a list of customers would be a great advantage ( if they do not have one ). Maybe even
a mobile landing page especially for Christmas.
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Originally Posted by philboy uk View Post

Couple of ideas, restaurants are keen to promote their christmas deals, give them some tips on how to achieve maximum exposure.... facebook events, google plus events, and leaving a comment on google plus local page, show how mobile can be part of this, and suggest that in future having a list of customers would be a great advantage ( if they do not have one ). Maybe even
a mobile landing page especially for Christmas.
Some greta ideas there. Thanks for sharing, Phil.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 18th Oct 2012, 12:30 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

Hi Jute,

Thanks for the interest. I'm currently building demo mobile sites to do walk-in demos.

It's slow-going, as I can't settle on a builder/software. Still, with that said, I aim to be out by the end of the week doing demos.

Just got to keep my head down the next couple of days.
Hi Scotty great thread.

Not to be negative but be sure your statement that I have highlighted above does not turn into another form of procrastination. I understand that having a great builder is important but there are tons out there. Just choose one and make a couple demos. This should not take you more than a couple hours. Most likely the platform you start with will not be the only thing you use anyways.

The most important thing is to hit the streets and or phones ASAP. There is going to be a learning curve as far as how you will present, what the most common objections you are going to hear ect. IMO this is way more important than testing every builder out there to find the "perfect" one.

One last thing and I will shut up ; ) Although your goal of 10 000 a month within 6 months is awsome, be careful. Giving yourself a large window such as "6 months" in a way relieves the urgency. Try creating smaller, short term goals leading up to your ultimate goal. For example your first could be to walk into the first business by Friday. Check these small goals off as they are completed and I think it will help to get you where you want in 6 months. I am only speaking from my own experiences and how I overcame my own issues.

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Unread 19th Oct 2012, 04:00 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by MoBuzz View Post

Hi Scotty great thread.

Not to be negative but be sure your statement that I have highlighted above does not turn into another form of procrastination. I understand that having a great builder is important but there are tons out there. Just choose one and make a couple demos. This should not take you more than a couple hours. Most likely the platform you start with will not be the only thing you use anyways.

The most important thing is to hit the streets and or phones ASAP. There is going to be a learning curve as far as how you will present, what the most common objections you are going to hear ect. IMO this is way more important than testing every builder out there to find the "perfect" one.

One last thing and I will shut up ; ) Although your goal of 10 000 a month within 6 months is awsome, be careful. Giving yourself a large window such as "6 months" in a way relieves the urgency. Try creating smaller, short term goals leading up to your ultimate goal. For example your first could be to walk into the first business by Friday. Check these small goals off as they are completed and I think it will help to get you where you want in 6 months. I am only speaking from my own experiences and how I overcame my own issues.
Hi MoBuzz,

Great feedback.

I've taken on board everything you've said.

I've seen you leave some good and valuable threads on this forum, and I really appreciate your comments.

Thanks again for sharing, my friend.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 22nd Oct 2012, 02:24 PM   #32
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Your story is interesting. I am eager to learn more.
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Unread 24th Oct 2012, 05:52 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by eternalsongbird View Post

Your story is interesting. I am eager to learn more.
Thank you. I'm pumping out demo sites at the moment.

Want to get out there before shops spend their xmas budget...

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 24th Oct 2012, 06:57 PM   #34
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You're a wonderful inspiration. Thank you for being authentic, transparent and generously sharing your evolution.

Know that I, among many others, are rooting for you regardless of your income, accomplishment or success.

It's just your willingness to openly share your journey that I applaud regardless of your outcome.

I know the internal mind-game of procrastination all to well as I struggle with it too. So, I respect your approach to overcoming inertia and letting the better version of yourself flourish.

Yours...mecum et incipio et finio,
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Unread 28th Oct 2012, 04:22 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by 1Constant View Post

You're a wonderful inspiration. Thank you for being authentic, transparent and generously sharing your evolution.

Know that I, among many others, are rooting for you regardless of your income, accomplishment or success.

It's just your willingness to openly share your journey that I applaud regardless of your outcome.

I know the internal mind-game of procrastination all to well as I struggle with it too. So, I respect your approach to overcoming inertia and letting the better version of yourself flourish.

Yours...mecum et incipio et finio,
Glad to inspire you.

Feel free to share your progress.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 28th Oct 2012, 09:16 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

Glad to inspire you.

Feel free to share your progress.
How are you progressing?

Talked to any businesses? Closed any deals?
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Unread 31st Oct 2012, 11:09 AM   #37
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Hope it's all going well, Scott!

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Originally Posted by d0rhk View Post

How are you progressing?

Talked to any businesses? Closed any deals?
Originally Posted by MalBryc View Post

Hope it's all going well, Scott!
Thanks for the interest.

Have been building demo sites the last couple of weeks. I'll be starting to do walk-ins from next week, setting meetings/presentations, etc. This will be when the rubber meets the road.

Will keep you posted with stats and figures...

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 1st Nov 2012, 08:08 PM   #39
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Demo sites for a couple of weeks? How many have you built?

I think when I started selling mobile I had 3 demo sites full of dummy data that took about a day to make.

Your time would be better spent talking to prospects, how many demos do you think they look at? 1, maybe 2 at most.

Sounds like you're procrastinating to me, just get out there.

Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.
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Unread 3rd Nov 2012, 05:21 PM   #40
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Fail fast forward, build authority. Mobile is crushing it go after residual numbers to get there.
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Unread 4th Nov 2012, 03:31 PM   #41
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The only way you could earn £ 10k a month selling mobile would be to employ a team of outsourcers banging out mickey mouse mobile sites. There are people on fiverr that have jumped on the bandwagon selling sites at $5.00 - or you could become a mobilejquery html5 css3 pro and develop 4 top notch apps a month.
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Unread 5th Nov 2012, 04:32 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by ignatius9 View Post

The only way you could earn £ 10k a month selling mobile would be to employ a team of outsourcers banging out mickey mouse mobile sites. There are people on fiverr that have jumped on the bandwagon selling sites at $5.00 - or you could become a mobilejquery html5 css3 pro and develop 4 top notch apps a month.
I'm not just offering mobile sites at the front end. I'm also offering them a regular website, SEO, ecommerce site, Facebook/Twitter/YouTube design, and the following residual stuff:

Hosting/stats/maintenance/security pack (they get more than just hosting)
Loyalty programme (SMS and/or email)
Tell-a-friend/VIP loyalty programme bolt-on (SMS and/or email)
Email/blog tips pack (2 tips articles per month posted on their blog + emailed to their list)
Joint venture pack (each month I'll source potential partners of them, and list-share)
Customer tutorial vids (they will shoot videos from their phone that will be of use to their customers - I'll YouTube them and add to their site)
Portfolio/test drive/virtual tour vids (any new properties, completed work, vehicles listed, etc., will be added to their site)
Testimonial competitions (a way to get their customers to leave testimonials/feedback in exchange for rewards)

Tonnes of ways to get more residuals + more up front.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 5th Nov 2012, 06:09 AM   #43
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great post well done but one thing i would just advise you to do is add value as opposed to following cash, the cash will follow, well done and best of luck...
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Unread 5th Nov 2012, 06:43 AM   #44
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Good luck mate..

Im actually moving to london right away to go out there and contact businesses, make it or break it, NO-NO-NO-NO- or walk..

Go crush them !

"Aiyyo I'm gonna be on ti-dop, that's all my eyes can see..
Ill put in work, and watch my status escalate"
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Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

I'm not just offering mobile sites at the front end. I'm also offering them a regular website, SEO, ecommerce site, Facebook/Twitter/YouTube design, and the following residual stuff:

Hosting/stats/maintenance/security pack (they get more than just hosting)
Loyalty programme (SMS and/or email)
Tell-a-friend/VIP loyalty programme bolt-on (SMS and/or email)
Email/blog tips pack (2 tips articles per month posted on their blog + emailed to their list)
Joint venture pack (each month I'll source potential partners of them, and list-share)
Customer tutorial vids (they will shoot videos from their phone that will be of use to their customers - I'll YouTube them and add to their site)
Portfolio/test drive/virtual tour vids (any new properties, completed work, vehicles listed, etc., will be added to their site)
Testimonial competitions (a way to get their customers to leave testimonials/feedback in exchange for rewards)

Tonnes of ways to get more residuals + more up front.

So.. have you sold anything yet?
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Unread 5th Nov 2012, 01:10 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by jamtrading View Post

great post well done but one thing i would just advise you to do is add value as opposed to following cash, the cash will follow, well done and best of luck...
Thank you for the reminder, and thank you for the feedback. Appreciated.

Originally Posted by ownergolan View Post

Good luck mate..

Im actually moving to london right away to go out there and contact businesses, make it or break it, NO-NO-NO-NO- or walk..

Go crush them !
Sounds exciting, and what a city to do it in. Good luck to you - hope you crush it yourself!

Originally Posted by d0rhk View Post

So.. have you sold anything yet?
Thanks for the interest.

Tomorrow will be my first day prospecting for mobile proper, and I'll be doing hair salon walk-ins. All preparation done, software working, outsourcers in place, business model sorted, presentation ready, demos built, prices pretty much finalised, script down.

Have some SEO/email marketing clients under my belt from before, that I do work for, but tomorrow is day one for mobile prospecting, and I'm really looking forward to it.

I'll be posting the results here...

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

I'll be posting the results here...
Awesome, looking forward to your updates
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Unread 6th Nov 2012, 03:19 PM   #48
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DAY 37 OF 182


So Mr Procrastinator finally went out today to start demo-ing his mobile sites. I walked around the town, and walked into all the hair salons that were open, which amounted to 5. The rest had closed for the day - I'll do these tomorrow.

It was slightly nerve-wracking if I thought about it too much, so walking straight in without over-thinking it worked best for me.

But walk-ins and cold-calling have always been my favourite method of approach, because most people won't do it, and it's just damn effective. And although I've done walk-ins in the past, that was selling SEO. So doing these demos on my phone was a new thing for me.

The script was effective, people were receptive, and I got a good lead from it, which I'll follow-up on. I feel like my testicles have grown slightly, too.


Walk-in Leads Spoken To: 5
Walk-in Decision-makers: 2
Mock-up Demonstrations Booked: 0
Mock-up Demonstrations Done: 0
Presentation/Closes Booked: 0
Presentation/Closes Done: 0
Sales: 0


Obviously, 5 walk-ins a day isn't going to get me my £10kpm, but I'll be ramping-up the prospecting as I move forward, and I'm looking at getting some salespeople in, too - probably commission-only at first.

My procrastinating self was getting the better of me at first, with me wanting to build lots of demos for lots of different markets, before I set out the door, so I could walk around town armed with demo sites for many markets.

But I've since decided to make prospecting the 'big rocks' of my day, leaving time for meetings/presentations and any client set-ups, too. I'll keep adding to my demo portfolio as I go, and I'll concentrate on the markets I have demos for, and increase my markets one-by-one.


Set-up Sales This Month: £0
Current Residuals: £0
Current Progress: £0pm of £10,000pm

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 6th Nov 2012, 03:32 PM   #49
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Thanks for the update Scotty!

One thing that helps me is to call 2-3 businesses one town over before I hit the road to get me into selling mode.... And you might just sell to one of them...

Good luck and keep us updated

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Unread 6th Nov 2012, 07:30 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

I feel like my testicles have grown slightly, too.
Hahahaha if this happens a little each day, you'll smash 10k a month.

What did you decide on pricing wise for your monthly fee? I'm thinking for what you're offering you'd have to charge at least 200-300 a month and maybe hair salons are not the right market for this kind of pricing.

Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.
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