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Unread 20th Mar 2013, 06:07 AM   #51
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Re: Mobile Website Objections - Overcoming Them?
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great thread.. very interesting views. Ken5000 were all your calls to the same niche? what route did you take? the quick one or the aida one? well done anyway
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Unread 20th Mar 2013, 06:24 AM   #52
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Re: Mobile Website Objections - Overcoming Them?
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Originally Posted by kpmedia View Post

Calling somebody a "web guy" is demeaning and insulting. Either learn what they are, or you'll piss them off. You don't refer to a vet a "dog guy" or doctor as a "drug guy". This is really no different.
"Grease Monkey" is demeaning to friends of mine who are auto Mechanics.
Captain Kirk calling Dr McCoy "Bones" might also be demeaning to Dr's LOL Dr. McCoy - I'm a Doctor not a... - YouTube

*just a little fun


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Unread 20th Mar 2013, 07:54 AM   #53
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I have several approaches as follows:

1) I make sure the emails I send has the persons name in it...then once I have emailed them I track it with yesware until it is opened - if after 48 hours it has not been opened I telephone and ask to be put through to "Joe", if the gatekeeper asks "what is it about?" I tell them "it is regarding the email exchange Joe and I have had"...then I am put through. Then I'm in!

2) Call them up ask for name on email Joe, and once I am put through after following above points in 1 - I just ask "Joe, I sent you an email asking if you could you handle 2 or 3 more customers every week - did you get it?" 90% of the time they say no they didn't get it (this could be to do with their spam settings etc), and they usually get the conversation back to how they can get these extra customers.

I am targeting various niches such as restaurants, dentists and lawyers.


Originally Posted by ken5000 View Post

That's awesome! What do you say to the people? Do you try to make sure you have a business owner on the phone? Are you targeting any particular group, for example, dentists or restaurants?
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Unread 20th Mar 2013, 08:03 AM   #54
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Yes I have several of WillRs WSO's and others, they are on our website and I give access to my VA to do them.

Working various niches, answered the gatekeeper question in the above post - try not sound like a sales man.

Regarding pricing I ask how many pages and do it that way, i however they "have to think about it", I do tell them the price I have quoted is an introductory offer and will go up, as I explained earlier in a post I increased the price and they still bought!

I include hosting for the first 12 months and it is a one off cost, the only ongoing is for the following years hosting and domain. Content updates are included up to 6 minor amendments such as a new offer, new coupon anything over 4 lines is charged at $85.

Originally Posted by mrtrance View Post

Do you outsource the work or use some templates from a WSO?

Are you calling any particular niche or working all niches, but focusing on one niche at a time and calling every business in that niche that does not have mobile site?

For many businesses when you call you first get a gatekeeper or some other worker that is not the DM (owner, mangager, dentist, etc.). What do you say to get to the DM and do you try to find the name of this DM beforehand or not?

The 4 sites that you sold for $879 did you quote your initial price higher than that and then gave them that price to make them feel that they got a discount? If you just quoted them that price was there any resistance at all?

Also for that price point how many pages do you include and do they get any future revisions?
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Unread 20th Mar 2013, 10:51 AM   #55
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Re: Mobile Website Objections - Overcoming Them?
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post


I have several approaches as follows:

1) I make sure the emails I send has the persons name in it...then once I have emailed them I track it with yesware until it is opened - if after 48 hours it has not been opened I telephone and ask to be put through to "Joe", if the gatekeeper asks "what is it about?" I tell them "it is regarding the email exchange Joe and I have had"...then I am put through. Then I'm in!

2) Call them up ask for name on email Joe, and once I am put through after following above points in 1 - I just ask "Joe, I sent you an email asking if you could you handle 2 or 3 more customers every week - did you get it?" 90% of the time they say no they didn't get it (this could be to do with their spam settings etc), and they usually get the conversation back to how they can get these extra customers.

I am targeting various niches such as restaurants, dentists and lawyers.

What if we bypass the email route and just did the cold calling to these businesses. How or what sort of opening would be good to bypass the GK and then once we are connected to the person who is the DM. Since we did not sent them an email what sort of opening do we use here? Have you just done the straight cold calling with no prior emails and what was your success rate and what did you say to get to the DM and then close the sale?

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Unread 20th Mar 2013, 11:27 AM   #56
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I have been trying something without email, just cold calling and it has been working rather well.

When I call, I listen and usually the GK answers the phone and includes their name, if they don't I sometimes say, "sorry I didn't catch your name?"

As I have some software that draws the business, business owners email and website I have their name usually in the email or on their "about us" page.

I then asked to be put through to "Joe", if she asks what's the call for, I just tell her it's regarding the email exchange I have had with Joe. The only time I get a no is when Joe is not in! I try not to use their full name as this SHOUTS OUT - SALES CALL!

Been working for 2 hours this morning and closed 3 up to now at $895 each and I have 5 mock ups to do for tomorrow, not even half way through the day!

You have to separate yourself from the "other sales calls" and the best way is not to sound like a salesman. :rolleyes:

It you get caught out, an old sales coach once told me, just ask the gate keeper, "if you were I, what would you do to speak to Joe?" They will then tell you the best way.

Hope it helps.


Originally Posted by mrtrance View Post

What if we bypass the email route and just did the cold calling to these businesses. How or what sort of opening would be good to bypass the GK and then once we are connected to the person who is the DM. Since we did not sent them an email what sort of opening do we use here? Have you just done the straight cold calling with no prior emails and what was your success rate and what did you say to get to the DM and then close the sale?
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Unread 20th Mar 2013, 11:43 AM   #57
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Thanks Dexter for your response. Sounds like you have a good thing going. Just one thought that I are not charging for hosting for one year, but what if you charged less up front and then went ahead and charged a monthly hosting cost. Perhaps some businesses would not be taken back so much by the initial cost? Just an idea.

Stamford, I'm just getting started and was planning to try focusing on dentists, but I've heard that several other niches would be just as good or possibly better. I'm still working a full time job and don't really have time to make calls, so I'm hoping I can get started with emails.

Last edited on 20th Mar 2013 at 11:54 AM. Reason: to correct punctuation
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Unread 20th Mar 2013, 12:51 PM   #58
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Dexter, if you don't mind sharing, what is the name of the software/scraper tool you are using that pulls the owners name? I have one I have been using but it does not pull that piece of info. It does, however, pull whether or not they have a mobile site or not. Does yours do that as well?
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Unread 20th Mar 2013, 01:54 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

I have been trying something without email, just cold calling and it has been working rather well.

When I call, I listen and usually the GK answers the phone and includes their name, if they don't I sometimes say, "sorry I didn't catch your name?"

As I have some software that draws the business, business owners email and website I have their name usually in the email or on their "about us" page.

I then asked to be put through to "Joe", if she asks what's the call for, I just tell her it's regarding the email exchange I have had with Joe. The only time I get a no is when Joe is not in! I try not to use their full name as this SHOUTS OUT - SALES CALL!

Been working for 2 hours this morning and closed 3 up to now at $895 each and I have 5 mock ups to do for tomorrow, not even half way through the day!

You have to separate yourself from the "other sales calls" and the best way is not to sound like a salesman. :rolleyes:

It you get caught out, an old sales coach once told me, just ask the gate keeper, "if you were I, what would you do to speak to Joe?" They will then tell you the best way.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the info.

If you are saying trying to reach a dentist, chiropractor, surgeon, etc. that are in the professional fields do you still use their "first" name as well? And for these types of businesses do you try to call like after 5pm or before 9am since anytime during the day most are busy with patients and the GK will most likely tell you that and try to take a message (at this point we can't really say that we are calling about an email exchange since she will be writing that info down and giving it to the dentist, chiropractor, etc. and then they might figure out that they never had any sort of email exchange with you). If they say they are not available do you ask what is the best time to reach them, but then at that time you might come off as a salesperson.

Once you get connected to the DM do you use a quick approach by just saying that you navigated to their website on your mobile phone it is hard or difficult to navigate or not mobile friendly? What do you say at this point to close the sale and get payment info? Is it pretty short (i.e. MrBill approach) and to the point or do you have to explain a bit before they are onboard?

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Unread 21st Mar 2013, 01:30 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

Been working for 2 hours this morning and closed 3 up to now at $895 each and I have 5 mock ups to do for tomorrow, not even half way through the day!
Hey Dexter,

Glad to see you having success with this. I just had a quick question about your strategy. I see you mentioned mock ups. Do you make these mock ups before even contacting the business owners to show them what their site will look like once it's mobile optimized, or do you wait until actually getting them signed up?

I've heard of people doing it both ways, so not sure how you were going about it.
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Unread 21st Mar 2013, 01:33 AM   #61
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I only charge $60 for 1 years hosting so I can't see how this would work? I am selling them so that is all that matters to me.

Dentists are difficult unless you have the either the practice manager or owners name. Where are you based?

Originally Posted by ken5000 View Post

Thanks Dexter for your response. Sounds like you have a good thing going. Just one thought that I are not charging for hosting for one year, but what if you charged less up front and then went ahead and charged a monthly hosting cost. Perhaps some businesses would not be taken back so much by the initial cost? Just an idea.

Stamford, I'm just getting started and was planning to try focusing on dentists, but I've heard that several other niches would be just as good or possibly better. I'm still working a full time job and don't really have time to make calls, so I'm hoping I can get started with emails.
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Unread 21st Mar 2013, 03:43 AM   #62
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I have been using 2 tools, Mobile Renegade (AWESOME! it also tells you if mobile or not) and a paid search on a credit reporting site this gives me the owners full name and email address this covers small businesses all over the world and at $899 per year for 3000 searches isn't cheap but is certainly worth it.

Originally Posted by Jedi Jarrod View Post

Dexter, if you don't mind sharing, what is the name of the software/scraper tool you are using that pulls the owners name? I have one I have been using but it does not pull that piece of info. It does, however, pull whether or not they have a mobile site or not. Does yours do that as well?
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Unread 21st Mar 2013, 03:51 AM   #63
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As first I did, it took me half of the day to complete 50 mockups and the rest of the day creating emails and videos.

Now I am trying ways, the first is a cold call and if they want to go ahead I email over a full working mobile site.

The second is to email out say 100 leads using gmail, track them using yesware and in the email I put that I have created a mock up of their mobile optimized site, if they want to take a look email me back - and they do!

Out of these I can get between 4-7 asking to see the mock up, then I use WillR's Minute Mobile Mockup, once that is emailed over and it is opened (yesware tracks that the email has been opened and the link clicked to the mock up), I then call them and ask what they think? This way out of 7 I can close 5. They pay me using their credit card (I don't use Paypal) and I create the full blown site (outsourced costs me $10 per site) and upload it to our hosting.

With the cold calling, I can call more people than 100 and sales is a numbers game - don't let anyone tell you different!


Originally Posted by J23 View Post

Hey Dexter,

Glad to see you having success with this. I just had a quick question about your strategy. I see you mentioned mock ups. Do you make these mock ups before even contacting the business owners to show them what their site will look like once it's mobile optimized, or do you wait until actually getting them signed up?

I've heard of people doing it both ways, so not sure how you were going about it.
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Unread 21st Mar 2013, 09:04 AM   #64
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I just have a few quick questions...

1. What types of businesses have you been most successful at targeting?

2. When did you break through and start making sales?

3. Are you finding that cold calling brings you more business than email marketing? I have Mobile Renegade too and it's awesome. I can usually get the business owner's name from his website.

4. Is there a reason you don't use Paypal?
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Unread 21st Mar 2013, 09:05 AM   #65
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And thank you so much for you help. To your success!
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Unread 21st Mar 2013, 09:17 AM   #66
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If I cannot be on the phone, but can make and send mockups via email, would you consider that a good use of my time? Do you get a reasonable response rate that way?
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Unread 21st Mar 2013, 10:03 AM   #67
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Could I get your feedback on this?

Originally Posted by mrtrance View Post

Thanks for the info.

If you are saying trying to reach a dentist, chiropractor, surgeon, etc. that are in the professional fields do you still use their "first" name as well? And for these types of businesses do you try to call like after 5pm or before 9am since anytime during the day most are busy with patients and the GK will most likely tell you that and try to take a message (at this point we can't really say that we are calling about an email exchange since she will be writing that info down and giving it to the dentist, chiropractor, etc. and then they might figure out that they never had any sort of email exchange with you). If they say they are not available do you ask what is the best time to reach them, but then at that time you might come off as a salesperson.

Once you get connected to the DM do you use a quick approach by just saying that you navigated to their website on your mobile phone it is hard or difficult to navigate or not mobile friendly? What do you say at this point to close the sale and get payment info? Is it pretty short (i.e. MrBill approach) and to the point or do you have to explain a bit before they are onboard?

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Unread 21st Mar 2013, 01:40 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

... and a paid search on a credit reporting site this gives me the owners full name and email address this covers small businesses all over the world and at $899 per year for 3000 searches isn't cheap but is certainly worth it.
Hi Dexter,

Can you please tell us which credit reporting site you are referring to?
I've been wanting to sign up for a service like this.

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Unread 21st Mar 2013, 10:20 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by WillR View Post


You need to understand this is a little different to trying to sell pizzas at Rich's Countryside Pizza.

There's an art to this.
There is no art to what mr.bill says he is doing... I hang up on people like that everyday. The ones that really get the business are the real sales men.

I'm over helping out a friend in his office and they get 5 times the calls I get and people dropping in.

I was in the mortgage business for years I seen them come and go and the ones that did it like my post they were the ones that made the big sales and money like me.

The mr. bills they all left or made very little money to the true ones because in the long run that does not pay off.

No art in his way at all


5 Minute Mobile Sites... My Next WSO Comming Soon.
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Unread 22nd Mar 2013, 12:30 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

As first I did, it took me half of the day to complete 50 mockups and the rest of the day creating emails and videos.

Now I am trying ways, the first is a cold call and if they want to go ahead I email over a full working mobile site.

The second is to email out say 100 leads using gmail, track them using yesware and in the email I put that I have created a mock up of their mobile optimized site, if they want to take a look email me back - and they do!

Out of these I can get between 4-7 asking to see the mock up, then I use WillR's Minute Mobile Mockup, once that is emailed over and it is opened (yesware tracks that the email has been opened and the link clicked to the mock up), I then call them and ask what they think? This way out of 7 I can close 5. They pay me using their credit card (I don't use Paypal) and I create the full blown site (outsourced costs me $10 per site) and upload it to our hosting.

With the cold calling, I can call more people than 100 and sales is a numbers game - don't let anyone tell you different!

Thanks for the response. I like the idea of emailing them and telling them you already have the mobile mockup ready, so that way you don't waste time making mocks for people who aren't even gonna respond.

Who exactly do you outsource the full site to? If it's a personal source, do you mind sharing where you hired him from (I'm guessing oDesk or something like that?)

Do you use Will's templates for the full site too or does your outsourcer do something different?

Lastly, it sounds like you host all of your clients site's on your own servers. Howcome you do it that way instead of hosting it on the clients server?

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Unread 22nd Mar 2013, 07:52 AM   #71
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I don't target this type of cannot comment.

The only ones I have limited contact with are dentists and I use their FULL name.


Originally Posted by mrtrance View Post


Could I get your feedback on this?
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Unread 22nd Mar 2013, 08:00 AM   #72
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I outsource to someone on Odesk, all the software is on my website that the outsourcer accesses, it is backed up before they start work and after in 2 separate locations - just in case...

I use WillR's MMM and Jump Mobi (got in when it was $67)

2 months ago I targeted a particular niche in the UK and I secured 3 sites who all wanted to host the mobi site on their own hosting, so I agreed! Within the first week I had to reinstall the sites for the 3 of them AND they would not pay me for this...even though in the contract it states only minor 3 line amendments are free on 6 occasions.

If you let your clients near it and they mess up AND THEY WILL, you will be the first person they call! So to avoid this situation I host them.

Originally Posted by J23 View Post

Thanks for the response. I like the idea of emailing them and telling them you already have the mobile mockup ready, so that way you don't waste time making mocks for people who aren't even gonna respond.

Who exactly do you outsource the full site to? If it's a personal source, do you mind sharing where you hired him from (I'm guessing oDesk or something like that?)

Do you use Will's templates for the full site too or does your outsourcer do something different?

Lastly, it sounds like you host all of your clients site's on your own servers. Howcome you do it that way instead of hosting it on the clients server?

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Unread 22nd Mar 2013, 12:31 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

I outsource to someone on Odesk, all the software is on my website that the outsourcer accesses, it is backed up before they start work and after in 2 separate locations - just in case...

I use WillR's MMM and Jump Mobi (got in when it was $67)

2 months ago I targeted a particular niche in the UK and I secured 3 sites who all wanted to host the mobi site on their own hosting, so I agreed! Within the first week I had to reinstall the sites for the 3 of them AND they would not pay me for this...even though in the contract it states only minor 3 line amendments are free on 6 occasions.

If you let your clients near it and they mess up AND THEY WILL, you will be the first person they call! So to avoid this situation I host them.
So if I undertand correctly, WillR's MMM is just for the mockups, and then you (or your outsourcer) uses Jump Mobi to actually build out the full site?

Does Jump Mobi also provide hosting solutions or do you just use a regular hosting account like Host Gator or something?

Any other tools/software/services you recommend for someone just getting started? I'm trying to learn as much as I can before I start emailing people and I feel like I'm getting close, but I seem to have new questions popping up in my head every day haha.
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Unread 22nd Mar 2013, 11:45 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

There is no art to what mr.bill says he is doing... I hang up on people like that everyday. The ones that really get the business are the real sales men.

I'm over helping out a friend in his office and they get 5 times the calls I get and people dropping in.

I was in the mortgage business for years I seen them come and go and the ones that did it like my post they were the ones that made the big sales and money like me.

The mr. bills they all left or made very little money to the true ones because in the long run that does not pay off.

No art in his way at all

Fair call Runles.

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Unread 24th Mar 2013, 04:29 PM   #75
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I don't understand the hostility.

Mr. Bill has a system that works for him, makes sale and has done it for awhile. He was willing to share it and I can see it helping people. While it's not hard core sales, so what. It's a lot less intimidating for people who want to do cold calling but who are afraid or feel they aren't hard core sales people. In fact I shared what he was doing with a family member who was afraid to pick up the phone and make cold calls but because of what he was doing was simple they started doing it and didn't procrastinate.

There are different techniques and as long as they work so what. There are all different levels of selling. Just because you do it one way or isn't as high of level of selling as you doesn't mean the other one is wrong.


Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

There is no art to what mr.bill says he is doing... I hang up on people like that everyday. The ones that really get the business are the real sales men.

I'm over helping out a friend in his office and they get 5 times the calls I get and people dropping in.

I was in the mortgage business for years I seen them come and go and the ones that did it like my post they were the ones that made the big sales and money like me.

The mr. bills they all left or made very little money to the true ones because in the long run that does not pay off.

No art in his way at all

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Unread 24th Mar 2013, 05:55 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

There is no art to what mr.bill says he is doing... I hang up on people like that everyday. The ones that really get the business are the real sales men.

I'm over helping out a friend in his office and they get 5 times the calls I get and people dropping in.

I was in the mortgage business for years I seen them come and go and the ones that did it like my post they were the ones that made the big sales and money like me.

The mr. bills they all left or made very little money to the true ones because in the long run that does not pay off.

No art in his way at all

To those reading this thread, who would you rather listen to?

Richard who makes pizzas for a living...


Bill who is actually doing this stuff.

Bill began as a member of my course and has since been showing me all of the websites he has been creating for these local businesses in Australia. I have actually been very surprised by his success. The difference between him and most is that he just got right out there and started doing it. He didn't talk about things or worry about what might happen -- he just did it. He has been showing me the sites he has been creating for clients week after week. He is actively making these sites and banking on them each and every week. I've seen more than enough proof of that.

Don't listen to those who are not actually doing what you are wanting to do. The fastest way to suceed is to follow those that are already doing what it is you want to do. Richard isn't and Bill is. So I'm sure you can all make an informed decision as to who you should really be listening to here. If you want to flip pizzas then listen to Richard. If you want to sell mobile sites then listen to Mr Bill because he definitely has a method that is working VERY well for him.

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Thanks Will. I might also add that I would have thought that people who make sales are the "real salesmen". I have no interest in being a "hard core" salesman (whatever that means). There is one purpose and one purpose only in selling and that is to sell and make money. I'm not in this to win a "sales skill award" or to pontificate about how to twist someone's arm into buying something they don't want. If they want it, I'll deliver. If they don't, I'll leave them alone.

In my opinion there could not possibly be anything more annoying than a salesman who just wants to twist your arm, be annoying and "prove" that he can grind you down to the point where you eventually give up and hand over the cash. Where the goodness in that? By the time that's happened (which could take weeks) I've sold 10 sites and made more money and made more people happy.

Make the call, if they ask questions - by all means sell until they stop asking but if they are clearly not interested, fine. Hang up and move on. There are no awards given out for being annoying and wasting people's time.

It's been said that a "good" seller will sell anything to anyone - even if they don't want it. I call those people idiots and time wasters who make the world a worse place. I'm here to make money and I gladly exchange my sites for money with those who want them and I gladly leave people alone who don't.

And for those who are new to sales, don't listen to the losers, thieves and self title "professionals" (give me a break) who tell you the sales process needs to have some made up pseudo-scientific approach like "Approach, Desire, Objections, Closing" or any of that other garbage. They have no idea what they are talking about and need to wake up to themselves and stop trying to justify some WSO they bought that was written last century. They are NOT helping anyone! Those are the ones who feeding their egos and are usually the ones who will waste their clients time and end up feeding them some crappy 5 minute website. They are not really helping anyone and just polluting the world with their "slick" sales talk.

Be quality, deliver quality and just be yourself! Ring, tell them you can help them with their website and if they are not interested don't make their life miserable (and you look like a desperate wannabe cry baby) by rambling on and on and on and on. Just politely thank them for their time and hang up the phone. That's the SMART way to sell. Short, sharp and with a minimum of wasted time.

You're not there to marry them or build a "long term relationship" your job is sell a mobile website then move out of the way. If you do a good job (the only thing that matters) they will come back to you. Don't listen to them! You don't need some massive sales dance and wank to be an effective seller.
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For some the right tone on selling mobi sites is a little soft type of sale and move on to the next call, what ever works! In may ways it is a numbers game. Maybe even look for a lay-down lol which would be nice! If you make enough calls you will get some easy ones!

Selling mobi sites is not nor should be a hard core/one call, boiler room type of close! It just isn't because there is no greed or urgency why they should get one today! Also because it is another "website" it is an old service with some hype in the eyes of the client.

You pitch should come across more like an expert, educating and giving the client many reasons and benefits to get the mobi site. In this case i would say it's like playing or being a professional, authority or a web Dr. giving advice. This is why you need a lot of patient with type of sale - most people don't get it and you have to be able to take a lot of time with every close.

I personally like to push a little more but you have to know when to stop and maybe leave things open so you can call back after they digest some of the info! Get the client in your sales funnel and sell them more services later!


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I find that if I have done a website for competitor in their field say plumber, I tell them that I have an appointment with another plumber in the same town regarding setting up a mobile website and 7 out of 10 times that gets their attention. They usually ask "what are you doing for them?"

I tell them a mobile website and SEO for the mobi site. They usually respond with "how much is that then?" My counter is, "depends on what you want? Now lets take your website...for a 7 page mobile optimized website we would charge $895 plus $99 per month SEO services. I can have your mobile site up in 3 days, is that good for you?"

They normally respond with "yes", then I say, "OK payment is with credit card that way you are protected" and I take credit card payments on a virtual terminal (NOT paypal!)
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

Thanks for that, interesting.

I had pointed out the Adwords the Accountant had been paying for and the searches in his area on mobile devices and he still could not understand how it would benefit his company.

The issue I think is I am targeting UK businesses who have a rather blinkered mind set. I have had some success with US and Canadian businesses but I thought I would try the UK, seeing I am here for a few months.

Where are you from, Dexter?

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 19th Apr 2013, 07:03 AM   #81
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Hi guys,

Loving all your input into this thread. I would like to ask your thoughts on the following and apologise if I am going over ground covered.

I am from the UK, I think in general we like a softer sell to other parts of the world having said that I see some very rich hardcore salesmen around.

I am not a natural cold caller but will give anything a go if required but the recent thing I have been mulling over is trying to be in the bussiness owners mind and not our 'I have a brilliant product for you mind'.

On doing some research and looking at companies/restaurants etc that do not have a mobile presence or are flash based etc I notice the following two most common scenarios.

1) Website is made by yell therefore from the owners point of view it's I have just paid or are paying yell £xxxx for a website and pay them a monthly fee why do I need your service or they can do it for me.My business is trying to save and make money not spend on something we already have paid for.

2) Website is designed by a webite/seo company, they can do a mobile site for me, why do I need you? Why would you employ another web service when you are already employing/using one?

Any thoughts guys and thanks in advance and once again sorry if I have missed anything in the previous posts.


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Unread 19th Apr 2013, 02:04 PM   #82
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Thanks for the input! How does having a mobile website increase sales, if the customer website is not optimize or SEOd. Lets, say the customer is not receiving any visitors to their current website. How can we help increase their customer base with a mobile website?

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Unread 23rd Apr 2013, 08:43 PM   #83
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Great work, do you have resistance with their existing web developer, for script insertion and redirection
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Unread 23rd Apr 2013, 08:56 PM   #84
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Hey Dexter, i like your sales strategy, it sound very encouraging, do you have any obstacles with the existing web developer in regards to script and redirection to mobisite
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Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

"Not interested?" - Thanks, good bye. I hang up.

"Web guy will look after that for me" - Thanks, good bye. I hang up.

"Can't see how having a mobile site will benefit my company" - Thanks, good bye. I hang up.

"I'm a big baby and I just **** in my pants, can you come and wipe it for me please?" - Good bye. I hang up.

I don't have time to argue with fools. I have phone calls to make. My agenda that day is to find someone receptive. The more I argue the more it's takes the edge off my attitude and the more time I've just wasted on idiots who will never buy.

I sell my custom made beautiful mobile websites in the high hundreds or more (depending on what they want). Let's say $800. If it takes me 20 calls a day to find 2 sales a week. That's $1,600 per week for 100 calls made. I have been paid $16 for every call I made. Each call costs me 50c (because I don't spend it arguing with fools) so I roughly make a 3,200% return on each call.

Now that's what I call a profitable business! It could be argued that I'm in the phone call business - not the mobile website business. Even if you sold your sites for $400 and sold 2 a week for 20 a day - you still made $8.00 a call which is still a 1,600% profit on each call!

The websites are incidental, you are there to do what you can to make a profit and eat. Sometimes I hang up on them mid sentence if I can hear they are going to be trouble. It's extremely gratifying, gives me great pleasure, assures me I AM in control and earns me a damn good living.

Posture - it's everything.
Hi Bill,

Great post - thank you.

If you don't mind my asking, where are you getting your leads? Are they paying advertisers?


Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 24th Apr 2013, 04:40 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

Where are you from, Dexter?

I am from Charlotte NC, but currently in the UK on secondment for 6 months - hate the weather...

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Unread 24th Apr 2013, 04:45 PM   #87
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1) website on yell is for desktop point out how many potential customers they are missing who are browsing on mobile devices- it works

2) You are a specialist in mobile development, if their existing web guy could do a mobile site why have they not suggested it before? Then say, I can get you a mock up in X, take a look at it and if you like it buy it - what do you say? Then shut up.


Originally Posted by vnr406 View Post

Hi guys,

Loving all your input into this thread. I would like to ask your thoughts on the following and apologise if I am going over ground covered.

I am from the UK, I think in general we like a softer sell to other parts of the world having said that I see some very rich hardcore salesmen around.

I am not a natural cold caller but will give anything a go if required but the recent thing I have been mulling over is trying to be in the bussiness owners mind and not our 'I have a brilliant product for you mind'.

On doing some research and looking at companies/restaurants etc that do not have a mobile presence or are flash based etc I notice the following two most common scenarios.

1) Website is made by yell therefore from the owners point of view it's I have just paid or are paying yell £xxxx for a website and pay them a monthly fee why do I need your service or they can do it for me.My business is trying to save and make money not spend on something we already have paid for.

2) Website is designed by a webite/seo company, they can do a mobile site for me, why do I need you? Why would you employ another web service when you are already employing/using one?

Any thoughts guys and thanks in advance and once again sorry if I have missed anything in the previous posts.


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Unread 24th Apr 2013, 04:48 PM   #88
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Wow, if you are asking that question, you are in the wrong section...

Just ask them could they cope with 2 or 3 extra customers this month? Most will say yes - then tell them you can bring the extra business to them (do your homework make sure there is mobile traffic AND they are already spending on seo or PPC!

Then ask them what the value of 2 -3 new customers would be to the business. 3 sales at $500 = 1500 per month x 12 months...compared to an investment of $1200 for a mobile website - Get it now?


Originally Posted by goodbuys View Post

Thanks for the input! How does having a mobile website increase sales, if the customer website is not optimize or SEOd. Lets, say the customer is not receiving any visitors to their current website. How can we help increase their customer base with a mobile website?

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Unread 24th Apr 2013, 04:50 PM   #89
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Not really, as I try to help them and I even offer them commission if they get me a lead that turns into a sale....

Originally Posted by okdelivered View Post

Great work, do you have resistance with their existing web developer, for script insertion and redirection
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I am getting my leads from a credit source company, these give the MD's name and telephone number, no email or website though I am trialling 2 pieces of software to scrape yellowpages etc and it seems promising - it also emails to the selected businesses pretty cool.


Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

Hi Bill,

Great post - thank you.

If you don't mind my asking, where are you getting your leads? Are they paying advertisers?

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I was in a restaurant last night and I struck up a conversation with the owner and he said to me point blank - "Why would I need a mobile website? I have customers!" I then saw a young couple around 20 ish and they where both no their Blackberry's, so I just said to the owner - "wait one minute".

I went to the couple and asked if they had looked at the restaurants website on their phones, they replied "yes", by this time the owner was right behind me. I then asked them what they thought, the guy said the site was hard to navigate, zoom in etc and the lady said that it was hard to get information from it. I then arranged 2 drinks to be sent over.

I then turned to the restaurant owner and said, "take a look out their" - opposite was another restaurant that had a large queue outside (1 hour - we had initially intended on going there but couldn't wait!) around 40 people waiting outside drinking wine/beer waiting for a table most using their mobile phones. And I finished with, "would you not like that queue?"

I then sat down and finished my meal with my wife and when we went to pay the owner asked how much would it cost to create a mobile site, I told him I would do an introductory price of $199 if he could recommend my companies services to 10 of his business friends and I gave him 11 business cards.

By the time I got home I had already had a text from one of them, asking for a meeting to discuss their mobile website.
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post


I am from Charlotte NC, but currently in the UK on secondment for 6 months - hate the weather...

I hear you, bro.

Well done on the success.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 25th Apr 2013, 02:15 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

Not really, as I try to help them and I even offer them commission if they get me a lead that turns into a sale....
Great idea. I'd thought about doing this.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 25th Apr 2013, 05:05 AM   #94
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Also found a company who does outbound sales calls and I will give them a try, initially they wanted paying £100 per 100 calls, however I have negotiated £3 per lead NOT per call.
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

Also found a company who does outbound sales calls and I will give them a try, initially they wanted paying £100 per 100 calls, however I have negotiated £3 per lead NOT per call.
Nice one.

I once met with a company that does this. I think they charged £5k for a set period, but can't remember how long.

They came recommended, and were very professional, driving 2 hours to meet us:

Telemarketing, Telesales and B2B Telemarketing Services for UK Companies

Don't know if that will be of any use.

Yours in prosperity,
Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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Unread 25th Apr 2013, 06:04 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

Wow, if you are asking that question, you are in the wrong section...

Just ask them could they cope with 2 or 3 extra customers this month? Most will say yes - then tell them you can bring the extra business to them (do your homework make sure there is mobile traffic AND they are already spending on seo or PPC!

Then ask them what the value of 2 -3 new customers would be to the business. 3 sales at $500 = 1500 per month x 12 months...compared to an investment of $1200 for a mobile website - Get it now?

Unfortunately, my question probably is in the wrong section, but I like your suggestions, now it is time to get busy, this is something that I never really recognized, especially the PPC.

Man, Enjoy
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I think you are missing a big point here. Your approach if I understand it, is a follow up call after an emailed video. The first thought will be what we all think when we get marketing calls. They are trying to sell me something.

You are just a voice on the phone. They have no trust in you. As soon as you start to tell them about your services, you have confirmed their suspicions, you want to sell them something and they hang up.

Perhaps when you call you could say something like" Hello did you get a chance to see the video I sent you a few days ago? Great! Could we set aside about 10 minutes of time on Monday to prove to you exactly how we go about adding a ton of more sales for your business." ( or something along those lines)

The phone call should be just to get the appointment only, not to pitch. Would you buy something from a voice on the phone? It's much more likely that if your in person pitch can show the business owner how it will add to his bottom line and is actually an investment and not another expense, you will close the sale.

If your selling just mobile sites alone, are they getting any business from their destkop site? If not, why would they be interested in a mobile site? Try to think as if you owned the business. They would welcome someone who they could trust is trying to help them grow their revenue. They hate being sold something. Hope this helps.
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My approach at the beginning of March was as you outlined, however I have moved on now from that, I may suggest that you read the thread fully to get the bigger picture.

I was wasting time creating videos and doing mock ups, I only now do mock ups for people who are biting at the bit and ready to order. At this stage we have discussed price and how long it will take.
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

I find that if I have done a website for competitor in their field say plumber, I tell them that I have an appointment with another plumber in the same town regarding setting up a mobile website and 7 out of 10 times that gets their attention. They usually ask "what are you doing for them?"

I tell them a mobile website and SEO for the mobi site. They usually respond with "how much is that then?" My counter is, "depends on what you want? Now lets take your website...for a 7 page mobile optimized website we would charge $895 plus $99 per month SEO services. I can have your mobile site up in 3 days, is that good for you?"

They normally respond with "yes", then I say, "OK payment is with credit card that way you are protected" and I take credit card payments on a virtual terminal (NOT paypal!)
Stealing this.

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Skochy - The Musical Salesman
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I find in the UK that the business owners of small companies are very skeptical when they get a cold call...they think how much will it cost me? But by mentioning their competitors in the SAME town or city they want to "protect" their turf so will do (within reason) anything to protect their livelihood.

One builder told me to sling my hook (using other words...) so I did what I said and contacted 4 other competitors of his in HIS town and got 3 of them to buy mobile websites, 2 weeks later the same builder who told me to go away called me asking how long it would take to build a mobile site as his competitors are getting all the enquiries - I explained that I had created mobile websites for them and he confirmed that was the reason he was calling...I told him £1300 and he paid! If he had not been rude I would have done it for £500 - his loss my HUGE gain.
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