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Unread 13th Mar 2013, 09:41 AM   #1
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Mobile Website Objections - Overcoming Them?
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I have had some limited success, but I have stepped up the momentum and now I am having a few problems.

Created demo videos and emailed business owners, then followed up a week later when they had opened the email and clicked on the video link. Tracked this using yesware. The companies I am targeting are UK based so VERY narrow minded....

Targeted the ones that had multiple clicks on the youtube stats, called them up and out of 10 calls, I got the following responses:

"Not interested" - I replied - "Could you not handle the extra customers?" They put the phone down.

"Web guy will look at it for me" - Replied - Your web guy is costing you money in lost customers, they agreed and put the phone down!

"Can't see how having a mobile site will benefit my company" (accountant in London), I pointed out that 2,200 searches are done every month on mobile devices for London Accountants, referred him back to the video and he said no, not interested.

Any ideas on overcoming these objections??

Targeted other areas and found USA and Canadian's MUCH more receptive-it's like they care about their business, were the English companies are doing it because no one else will employ them...

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Unread 13th Mar 2013, 12:41 PM   #2
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Re: Mobile Website Objections - Overcoming Them?
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Re: "Not Interested"

One of two things are most likely happening here. Either a) you've done a poor job of pre-selling. Remember that selling is a process, and before you get them to be interested, you have to first pique their interest. Also, before you ask them if they are interested, ask them something like "does that make sense, and did you have any questions?" Open-ended questions that get them talking rather than close-ended questions where they can simply say no. b) They're really just not interested (or are broke and avoiding spending any penny they don't absolutely have to) despite you having done a good job on all that. Move on to the next one.

Re: "Web guy will look into it for me"

Personally, I would strongly advise NOT in any way insulting or challenging the work the web guy does. A couple reasons for this. One, you don't know how solid their relationship with the web guy is, so the biz owner might take that as an insult to himself and be turned off by it. Two, if you have a web guy out there that is clearly not letting his clients know about mobile, you should be looking to build a relationship with that web guy so he can send you leads of other clients he works with for a share of the profits.

How I respond to this objection is as follows:

Let the biz owner know that you value the relationship they have with their web guy and you are not looking to replace him or anything of the sort. Let him know that you just do mobile, and that you would be willing to work with their main web guy to get the mobile site done. Then close saying something like "just to let you know, from my experience a lot of "web guy's" that manage sites for clients like you are not too familiar with mobile websites just yet. After you've had a chance to chat with him, is it ok if I give you a call in a few days to follow up and see if he was able to get you taken care of?"

Re: Can't see how having mobile website will benefit.

Ask them how they are getting most of their traffic. Whatever it is (social media, SEO, ads in papers) chances are it's a scenario where the probability of a customer being on a mobile device when they see it is quite high. Then share with him some statistics about how mobile users don't typically spend much time on a mobile site, and show him what some of his competitors websites look like on a mobile device compared to his.

Just a few thoughts. Hope some of that helps. I'm in Texas and think personalities here are a little different than the UK. But hopefully still some good info there.

Looking forward to other responses.
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Unread 13th Mar 2013, 01:21 PM   #3
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Re: Mobile Website Objections - Overcoming Them?
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Thanks for that, interesting.

I had pointed out the Adwords the Accountant had been paying for and the searches in his area on mobile devices and he still could not understand how it would benefit his company.

The issue I think is I am targeting UK businesses who have a rather blinkered mind set. I have had some success with US and Canadian businesses but I thought I would try the UK, seeing I am here for a few months.

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Unread 13th Mar 2013, 06:59 PM   #4
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I understand your frustration and learned something recently that changed things for me. If it helps you great if not then it's no big deal.

Even though I have been in sales for a long time I looked back at when I was the most successful and found out that I had changed, not the customers.

I know that a mobile ready website will help my customers but they don't know that.

When I played back the conversations in my head it was not overcoming objections that was the problem, it was my attitude.

I was winning a argument without ever building value.

I know this is wrong but it creeps into your sales presentation..

Instead of painting a picture of someone searching on their mobile device for the customers business, I was "telling" them that they needed it. without any proof as to why. I was not creating value.

" Telling is not selling"

"Win the argument, loose the sale"

These are really hard for me to get away from because I like to compete, but winning a argument and telling does nothing for my bank account.
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Unread 13th Mar 2013, 09:42 PM   #5
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"thanks anyway but I contacted my web person or web host they said they can make a mobile version also so I'm having them do it"

Get ready because you'll get it.

You can try the usual responses you hear like "your current web person wasn't looking out for you" or "why didn't they help you with before" or "we specialize in mobile packages that also bring you more visitors" or some variation of this.

It's one of the hardest overcome. If you are face to face you stand a chance but if you are on phone or especially by email it's very, very hard to overcome because they most likely already gave them the ok.
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Unread 14th Mar 2013, 07:28 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by ronr View Post

"thanks anyway but I contacted my web person or web host they said they can make a mobile version also so I'm having them do it"
Objections that you will never over come! ( not for mobi)
"I have to ask my wife" "I have to ask my accountant" etc

You can't close every lead or person you speak to, if they give you one of those "I have to speak to..." All you can do is put the person to the test and try a few rebuttal lines ! If they won't move from that then it's most likely that it's a waste of time! Now you need to move on. But leave in a polite way and ask them to check you out if they ever decide to do it!

You may ask for the web person's contact info. And offer to help his webmaster out
this is basically to test out the person. But if the person does give you the info great call the web master, work things out! Chances are you will have to talk with the web master to be able to install the mobi site or the re-direct script!


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Unread 15th Mar 2013, 06:11 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

"Not interested"

"Web guy will look at it for me" -

"Can't see how having a mobile site will benefit my company" (accountant in London),
"Not interested?" - Thanks, good bye. I hang up.

"Web guy will look after that for me" - Thanks, good bye. I hang up.

"Can't see how having a mobile site will benefit my company" - Thanks, good bye. I hang up.

"I'm a big baby and I just **** in my pants, can you come and wipe it for me please?" - Good bye. I hang up.

I don't have time to argue with fools. I have phone calls to make. My agenda that day is to find someone receptive. The more I argue the more it's takes the edge off my attitude and the more time I've just wasted on idiots who will never buy.

I sell my custom made beautiful mobile websites in the high hundreds or more (depending on what they want). Let's say $800. If it takes me 20 calls a day to find 2 sales a week. That's $1,600 per week for 100 calls made. I have been paid $16 for every call I made. Each call costs me 50c (because I don't spend it arguing with fools) so I roughly make a 3,200% return on each call.

Now that's what I call a profitable business! It could be argued that I'm in the phone call business - not the mobile website business. Even if you sold your sites for $400 and sold 2 a week for 20 a day - you still made $8.00 a call which is still a 1,600% profit on each call!

The websites are incidental, you are there to do what you can to make a profit and eat. Sometimes I hang up on them mid sentence if I can hear they are going to be trouble. It's extremely gratifying, gives me great pleasure, assures me I AM in control and earns me a damn good living.

Posture - it's everything.
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Unread 15th Mar 2013, 07:30 PM   #8
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I like your posture Mr. Bill.

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Unread 16th Mar 2013, 01:48 AM   #9
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Re: Mobile Website Objections - Overcoming Them?
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Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

"Not interested?" - Thanks, good bye. I hang up.

"Web guy will look after that for me" - Thanks, good bye. I hang up.

"Can't see how having a mobile site will benefit my company" - Thanks, good bye. I hang up.

"I'm a big baby and I just **** in my pants, can you come and wipe it for me please?" - Good bye. I hang up.

I don't have time to argue with fools. I have phone calls to make. My agenda that day is to find someone receptive. The more I argue the more it's takes the edge off my attitude and the more time I've just wasted on idiots who will never buy.

I sell my custom made beautiful mobile websites in the high hundreds or more (depending on what they want). Let's say $800. If it takes me 20 calls a day to find 2 sales a week. That's $1,600 per week for 100 calls made. I have been paid $16 for every call I made. Each call costs me 50c (because I don't spend it arguing with fools) so I roughly make a 3,200% return on each call.

Now that's what I call a profitable business! It could be argued that I'm in the phone call business - not the mobile website business. Even if you sold your sites for $400 and sold 2 a week for 20 a day - you still made $8.00 a call which is still a 1,600% profit on each call!

The websites are incidental, you are there to do what you can to make a profit and eat. Sometimes I hang up on them mid sentence if I can hear they are going to be trouble. It's extremely gratifying, gives me great pleasure, assures me I AM in control and earns me a damn good living.

Posture - it's everything.
I completely agree... It may seem like a lost customer but its them that is losing money by NOT hearing you out... Move on to the next one in line...
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Unread 16th Mar 2013, 02:18 AM   #10
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I should add that if these are posed as questions to you in a "keep talking" or "sell me on the idea" way then I would of course keep talking. My view is that anyone who asks even one question is already 95% sold.

No need to be rude, just if they are being dicks then I hang up and move to the next call.
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Unread 16th Mar 2013, 09:59 AM   #11
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Excellent, questions answered.
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Unread 16th Mar 2013, 11:19 PM   #12
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This is the steps you need to do right from my book Car Payment Blue Print
(It teaches you how to buy a car and never make a payment from your own money)

You must sell in this order if not you will be just like Mr. Bill (Thanks, good bye. I hang up) That is not the solution below is the solution to making the sale.

The Approach
Introduce yourself / company
Establish rapport
General benefit
Reason for needing information
Ask fact finding questions for current situations

Securing Desire
Company Background
Ask need- discovery questions / problems needs
Confirm desire to satisfy need
Features, benefits, proof, visual aids
Trial close

Handling Objections
Acknowledge concern
Clarify Objections
Features, benefits, proof, visual aids
Trial Close

Closing The Sale
Ask closing question
Wait for a response
Recommend an order or plan of action
Reassure and state follow-up
Thank prospect and exit


by the way cold calling walk-ins... I now close 8 out of 10 business for a mobile site, Just by changing one thing.

5 Minute Mobile Sites... My Next WSO Comming Soon.
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Unread 17th Mar 2013, 12:16 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

...You must sell in this order if not you will be just like Mr. Bill (Thanks, good bye. I hang up) That is not the solution below is the solution to making the sale.
Yeah, just like Mr Bill who sells more sites than he can build.

I have never once gone through that much "sell". It's just not necessary. If you start a call by introducing yourself then start to go through all that you will be left talking to a dial tone faster than you can say "what the **** just happened?". Around here you'll be abused before you can even get past the first line on the first step. I'm sorry (and it might work for you) but I can't imagine this approach ever working with a small business owner - who are the people who need us more than anyone and medium and large businesses will just waste your time because that's their sport.

I'm speaking from my direct experience selling mobile websites only. I sold two last week like this and have sold at least 2 a week for almost the last year. I've used nothing but the direct fast approach and it gets me more work than I can handle because busy business owners appreciate that you are not wasting your time being fake, officious and "best-friendy". They appreciate it when you can get your entire solution to them in 20 seconds or less.

1) Ring them up,
2) tell them you've been to their website on your smart phone,
3) tell that they need a mobile website,
4) tell them you can sort it out for them,
5) ask them if they want one.

30 seconds MAXIMUM.

THAT will not only save your (and the business owner's) time but it will get you some respect for not wasting everyone's time trying to be their best friend.

I sell sites, I sell lots, I sell for a premium and I make a fantastic living and within 20 seconds I either have a sale or we wish each other a good day. No one's time is wasted.
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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 09:57 AM   #14
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Took your advice, created a list over the weekend, checked their sites to make sure not mobile optimized then called 30 up and sold 4 mobile websites at $879 each! WOW what a day....
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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 10:02 AM   #15
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Remember it's a numbers game.. Simply said, you have to keep your numbers up, and take the rejection with a grain of salt.. Remember that 80% of websites are not mobile compliant. That's a huge market. Good luck

Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

I have had some limited success, but I have stepped up the momentum and now I am having a few problems.

Created demo videos and emailed business owners, then followed up a week later when they had opened the email and clicked on the video link. Tracked this using yesware. The companies I am targeting are UK based so VERY narrow minded....

Targeted the ones that had multiple clicks on the youtube stats, called them up and out of 10 calls, I got the following responses:

"Not interested" - I replied - "Could you not handle the extra customers?" They put the phone down.

"Web guy will look at it for me" - Replied - Your web guy is costing you money in lost customers, they agreed and put the phone down!

"Can't see how having a mobile site will benefit my company" (accountant in London), I pointed out that 2,200 searches are done every month on mobile devices for London Accountants, referred him back to the video and he said no, not interested.

Any ideas on overcoming these objections??

Targeted other areas and found USA and Canadian's MUCH more receptive-it's like they care about their business, were the English companies are doing it because no one else will employ them...


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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 10:10 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

Took your advice, created a list over the weekend, checked their sites to make sure not mobile optimized then called 30 up and sold 4 mobile websites at $879 each! WOW what a day....
Excellent! Now THAT'S how you do it!
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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 10:11 AM   #17
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Stop trying to make them watch your video.

I don't have time for videos... if I land on your site and all you have to explain yourself is a video, you lose me before you ever get a chance to make your pitch. See this thread:

"There are 2,200 searches for London accountants done every month from mobile devices, right now they're only seeing your competitors - I can make it so they're seeing you instead." Shut up about the video and get their attention first... if that doesn't do it, move on. The moment you break contact and require the customer to do something other than giving you a credit card over the phone, you lose them.

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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 10:17 AM   #18
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Some videos are pretty lame - true but I'd have to guess that you're a very rare animal indeed Ron. Most people like watching videos just like most people like watching TV. Given a choice of reading a bunch of text, listening to an audio or watching a video most people would obviously watch the video. It's the best medium for getting any message proven by TV.
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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 10:27 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

Some videos are pretty lame - true but I'd have to guess that you're a very rare animal indeed Ron. Most people like watching videos just like most people like watching TV. Given a choice of reading a bunch of text, listening to an audio or watching a video most people would obviously watch the video. It's the best medium for getting any message proven by TV.
How many viewers do you think a TV network that only aired commercials would have?

Look at it from the client's perspective...

Scenario 1: You have a business to run, your own clients to manage, things to do. It's during business hours and you land on a page and a video of some guy trying to get you to buy something starts playing. You're honestly going to tell me that you're going to grab a bucket of popcorn and watch it?

Scenario 2: Some guy calls you trying to sell you something, and he says "go check out my video, I'll call you later". You're gonna jump right on that?

Scenario 3: You land on a page. Maybe there's a video, maybe there isn't, but there is text. Squeeze page style... the important points are clearly visible. You can immediately identify what the offer is and whether it's a fit for you, or at least something you're more interested in learning about.

Which of these 3 do you think will get the best response from the consumer?

I guarantee you're losing more people than you're gaining when you're forcing video into the mix. Anyone who knows how to run their own business can ascertain in a few seconds whether what you're selling is something they would want or not. Video takes that option off the table, and more often than not you never get the opportunity to make your pitch.

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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 10:40 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by ronrule View Post

How many viewers do you think a TV network that only aired commercials would have?

Look at it from the client's perspective...

Scenario 1: You have a business to run, your own clients to manage, things to do. It's during business hours and you land on a page and a video of some guy trying to get you to buy something starts playing. You're honestly going to tell me that you're going to grab a bucket of popcorn and watch it?

Scenario 2: Some guy calls you trying to sell you something, and he says "go check out my video, I'll call you later". You're gonna jump right on that?

Scenario 3: You land on a page. Maybe there's a video, maybe there isn't, but there is text. Squeeze page style... the important points are clearly visible. You can immediately identify what the offer is and whether it's a fit for you, or at least something you're more interested in learning about.

Which of these 3 do you think will get the best response from the consumer?

I guarantee you're losing more people than you're gaining when you're forcing video into the mix. Anyone who knows how to run their own business can ascertain in a few seconds whether what you're selling is something they would want or not. Video takes that option off the table, and more often than not you never get the opportunity to make your pitch.
Obviously the shopping channels don't get any viewers at all (oh hang on...or do they?) but in this case the person is going to the website by choice which makes the comparison to normal TV viewing invalid.

I don't think you can guarantee that I'm losing more people than I'm gaining. You only have your opinion on that. I can tell you that people who visit my website stay for a lot longer on my video page than on the other pages and my video page has fewer bounces so that tells me that people are watching my video and do like it. Besides almost all the clients I get say they enjoyed the video.

Scenario 1. If a guy has chosen to go to my page to look for a mobile website then obviously he does have time to check out a site. My short 2 minute video is actually going to help them not hinder them. If they are so busy then they wouldn't really be sitting around browsing the web for website builders are they?

I would never do scenario two, that's just stupid. Who does that? Very few people I think.

Scenario three is what I have and it works very well. I'm sorry but that's just my real world experience. In fact a client I just got today said he thought my video was cool and it helped him make a decision to hire because none of the other guys had a video. So in a real world scenario (that ended with me making money) the video won out. Sorry.
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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 10:48 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

Obviously the shopping channels don't get any viewers at all (oh hang on...or do they?) but in this case the person is going to the website by choice which makes the comparison to normal TV viewing invalid.
Home Shopping's building is 3 blocks from my old office, we used to shoot a lot of content for them and sent our own products through there. I know the business very well - what people don't know is the viewer to sale ratio is very low. A wildly successful segment on Home Shopping might move 10,000 products with 1 million viewers tuned in. That's only a 1% conversion rate - most products don't even hit that, and 100% of that audience tuned in there voluntarily, no one "accidentally" watches live shopping TV. The revenue only exists due to their tremendous number of viewers; something most websites will never have, and HSN can't even duplicate those results on their own website.

Scenario three is what I have and it works very well. I'm sorry but that's just my real world experience. In fact a client I just got today said he thought my video was cool and it helped him make a decision to hire because none of the other guys had a video. So in a real world scenario that ended with me making money the video won out. Sorry.
See, that's what I'm talking about though - you're doing it the right way. Your bounce rates are low because there is enough text on the page for people to determine whether or not they want to watch the video.

Try putting just a video on a page, or make the video "required viewing" in order for someone to understand what you're selling and your rates will be a lot lower.

I could be wrong, but I got the impression from the OP's wording that watching the video was part of his sales process... my point is that it should compliment it, not "be it". I think in a way we're saying the same thing, I'm not saying video is "bad", I'm saying it shouldn't be forced on people in order for them to understand the product. It isn't just an opinion I'm expressing, years of multivariate testing on a variety of consumer products backs it up.

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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 10:53 AM   #22
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I agree, having just a video would not be ideal but I've also tried that and though the success rate was lower I did still get a few inquiries but that was from an email campaign. If I was actually talking to a business owner on the phone I'd close the sale right then and there. No way I'd send them off to a video only page.
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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 05:17 PM   #23
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I presume you read my post BEFORE commenting, but it appears NOT!:p

I broke the mold and tested my actions, sending emails with video (split tested) and did cold calls, the cold calls worked much better.

Like Mr Bill says, engage with them and then ask regarding a mobile site, if interested and QUESTIONED - answer them, otherwise exit the call and call someone else.

On a side note got 5 email inquiries wanting to know pricing so I called them and set a meeting to call them back tomorrow with mock ups - who knows where this could lead?

As to your question, you must be in the minority otherwise Google would have nothing to do with youtube - they only go after products/services that can be monetized and it the majority hated video content there would be little demand for youtube.

Now, I will as you say, "shut up..."


Originally Posted by ronrule View Post

Stop trying to make them watch your video.

I don't have time for videos... if I land on your site and all you have to explain yourself is a video, you lose me before you ever get a chance to make your pitch. See this thread:

"There are 2,200 searches for London accountants done every month from mobile devices, right now they're only seeing your competitors - I can make it so they're seeing you instead." Shut up about the video and get their attention first... if that doesn't do it, move on. The moment you break contact and require the customer to do something other than giving you a credit card over the phone, you lose them.
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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 05:49 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post


I presume you read my post BEFORE commenting, but it appears NOT!:p
I read this... are you saying you didn't write it?

"Can't see how having a mobile site will benefit my company" (accountant in London), I pointed out that 2,200 searches are done every month on mobile devices for London Accountants, referred him back to the video and he said no, not interested.
Maybe your call went a little differently than you worded it here, but I bolded the part that stuck out... to me that says while you had him on the phone you asked him to look at the video again, which is a huge mistake. That's what I meant when I said shut up about the video. You sent it, you know he opened it, shut up about the video and sell the product!

Now, I will as you say, "shut up..."

I doubt that. :p

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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 06:49 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post


I presume you read my post BEFORE commenting, but it appears NOT!:p

I broke the mold and tested my actions, sending emails with video (split tested) and did cold calls, the cold calls worked much better.

Like Mr Bill says, engage with them and then ask regarding a mobile site, if interested and QUESTIONED - answer them, otherwise exit the call and call someone else.

On a side note got 5 email inquiries wanting to know pricing so I called them and set a meeting to call them back tomorrow with mock ups - who knows where this could lead?

As to your question, you must be in the minority otherwise Google would have nothing to do with youtube - they only go after products/services that can be monetized and it the majority hated video content there would be little demand for youtube.

Now, I will as you say, "shut up..."

Google would have nothing to do with youtube - they only go after products/services that can be monetized and it the majority hated video content there would be little demand for youtube.
I don't know about that. Look at Warrior...How many people buy multiple WSOs and never do anything with it. I go on YT to have fun not be sold. Now the Coke's of the world spend a lot of money getting their message out to a younger audience.
I love Gmail but have never read one ad on the right.
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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 06:54 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by ronrule View Post

I read this... are you saying you didn't write it?

Maybe your call went a little differently than you worded it here, but I bolded the part that suck out... to me that says while you had him on the phone you asked him to look at the video again, which is a huge mistake. That's what I meant when I said shut up about the video. You sent it, you know he opened it, shut up about the video and sell the product!

I doubt that. :p
Ron, I don't think many understand that THEY are not THEIR customer. The mobile revolution is coming whether they join or not...Accountants are not on the top of my mobile hit parade. There are better categories. When you don't understand something or are just uncomfortable with the fast changes, you simple do nothing. Many BB's are NOT interested in growing their business at this point in their life...Being a BB, I always ASK the question!
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Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

Yeah, just like Mr Bill who sells more sites than he can build.

I have never once gone through that much "sell". It's just not necessary. If you start a call by introducing yourself then start to go through all that you will be left talking to a dial tone faster than you can say "what the **** just happened?". Around here you'll be abused before you can even get past the first line on the first step. I'm sorry (and it might work for you) but I can't imagine this approach ever working with a small business owner - who are the people who need us more than anyone and medium and large businesses will just waste your time because that's their sport.

I'm speaking from my direct experience selling mobile websites only. I sold two last week like this and have sold at least 2 a week for almost the last year. I've used nothing but the direct fast approach and it gets me more work than I can handle because busy business owners appreciate that you are not wasting your time being fake, officious and "best-friendy". They appreciate it when you can get your entire solution to them in 20 seconds or less.

1) Ring them up,
2) tell them you've been to their website on your smart phone,
3) tell that they need a mobile website,
4) tell them you can sort it out for them,
5) ask them if they want one.

30 seconds MAXIMUM.

THAT will not only save your (and the business owner's) time but it will get you some respect for not wasting everyone's time trying to be their best friend.

I sell sites, I sell lots, I sell for a premium and I make a fantastic living and within 20 seconds I either have a sale or we wish each other a good day. No one's time is wasted.

I guarantee you lose more sales than you get... The ones you hang up on are all mine.


I'm with ronrule videos are like testimonials there not going to tell you the real truth.

5 Minute Mobile Sites... My Next WSO Comming Soon.
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Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

I guarantee you lose more sales than you get... The ones you hang up on are all mine.


I'm with ronrule videos are like testimonials there not going to tell you the real truth.

You need to understand this is a little different to trying to sell pizzas at Rich's Countryside Pizza.

There's an art to this.

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Unread 18th Mar 2013, 10:50 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

I guarantee you lose more sales than you get... The ones you hang up on are all mine.


I'm with ronrule videos are like testimonials there not going to tell you the real truth.
Great! You see I don't care about the sales I lose. I have no ego on this at all. The point is that I make an exceptional income with the sales I DO get and I'm more than happy with the thousands I'm making every week (I'm not a greedy man) so really I couldn't give a toss about the idiots I lose and get picked up by others. More luck to you. We all win, I drop the losers, you pick them up by pandering to their ego and everyone wins. I refuse to deal with fools and idiots though so I take great pleasure in hanging up on them mid-insult.

My life and lifestyle is worth more than that to me so I deal with the pleasant people who are not rude, trying to be smart and trying to prove they are better than others by talking down to complete strangers. I make my offer, I don't waste their time, and I treat people with respect instead of wasting their time trying to fake being their best friend. If that works for you then I can respect that and I'm glad you can make a living. I think that's excellent.
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Richard - You are wrong regarding depends what is in the video, social proof from Google and the customers OPEN THEIR EYES, EARS AND WALLET...

Because they think ALL salesmen are liars, providing proof from Google makes them think, "sugar I am missing out on XX,000 searches PER MONTH for MY keyword in MY location".

An old sales coach told me, "if you say it, they don't believe you - but if an external third party says it, it must be true!"

I am trying 2 approaches to see what is working best and I am finding the cold calling works best, however the emails are bringing in lots of inquiries, that I follow up with on the phone and close.

Emailed out in the past 24 hours 150 emails, 75 had a video link in them and 75 only had an image of the website in question - same subject line.

The emails with just the image got 27 opened and 3 inquiries.

Emails with video got 25 open, 15 clicks for the video link and 7 inquiries.

Go figure.

Proof in itself, if you are saying it doesn't work you must be doing something wrong. We all must use every sales tool we have to maximize profit.

Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

I guarantee you lose more sales than you get... The ones you hang up on are all mine.


I'm with ronrule videos are like testimonials there not going to tell you the real truth.
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Unread 19th Mar 2013, 07:48 AM   #31
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A very good thread here, has taken me a while get through it! I am looking to sell mobile websites also (really hate picking up the phone!!) my route was to use email and video also. Recently lost a good salesperson so that doesn't help!

Having read through I think a start will be made just as Dextergallagher mentions re split testing emails some with image and some with video, using Will's MMM should help with this also. Will see what happens and if it comes to it will definately have to do the dreaded calling but I will certainly use Mr Bill's no nonsense approach, why waste time on people you are not going to convert! Like has been stated the mobile market is huge.

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Unread 19th Mar 2013, 09:46 AM   #32
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Derek were the videos custom or generic mobile videos?

Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

Richard - You are wrong regarding depends what is in the video, social proof from Google and the customers OPEN THEIR EYES, EARS AND WALLET...

Because they think ALL salesmen are liars, providing proof from Google makes them think, "sugar I am missing out on XX,000 searches PER MONTH for MY keyword in MY location".

An old sales coach told me, "if you say it, they don't believe you - but if an external third party says it, it must be true!"

I am trying 2 approaches to see what is working best and I am finding the cold calling works best, however the emails are bringing in lots of inquiries, that I follow up with on the phone and close.

Emailed out in the past 24 hours 150 emails, 75 had a video link in them and 75 only had an image of the website in question - same subject line.

The emails with just the image got 27 opened and 3 inquiries.

Emails with video got 25 open, 15 clicks for the video link and 7 inquiries.

Go figure.

Proof in itself, if you are saying it doesn't work you must be doing something wrong. We all must use every sales tool we have to maximize profit.
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Unread 19th Mar 2013, 10:04 AM   #33
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Who's Derek? :confused: I'm called Dexter

The video I created is in 3 parts, the intro showing the specific customers site (around 30 seconds), mid section on social proof as well as keyword tool (5 minutes) and the end part using WillRs MMM (1 minute)

The bulk of the video was in the mid section, I had someone create the mock ups and I created the the intro's, we can churn out 500 videos per day (for 3 days then have 1 day off).

I split tested and I find if you add a titles page to the video end that can be used on all videos the inquiry response is 7% higher when the contact page is there.

I offer a toll free number for US/Canadian Prospects, and a free phone number for UK, with my skype ID too, company name, website url and I put clearly our office hours, been disturbed twice at 3am last week! My wife was not too happy!

Originally Posted by ronr View Post

Derek were the videos custom or generic mobile videos?
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Unread 19th Mar 2013, 10:06 AM   #34
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oops thanks Dexter

Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

Who's Derek? :confused: I'm called Dexter

The video I created is in 3 parts, the intro showing the specific customers site (around 30 seconds), mid section on social proof as well as keyword tool (5 minutes) and the end part using WillRs MMM (1 minute)

The bulk of the video was in the mid section, I had someone create the mock ups and I created the the intro's, we can churn out 500 videos per day (for 3 days then have 1 day off).

I split tested and I find if you add a titles page to the video end that can be used on all videos the inquiry response is 7% higher when the contact page is there.

I offer a toll free number for US/Canadian Prospects, and a free phone number for UK, with my skype ID too, company name, website url and I put clearly our office hours, been disturbed twice at 3am last week! My wife was not too happy!
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Ron, you where asking questions that had already been answered.

No you misunderstand, when I reminded him of the video I sent (my tact is much different now!) he then said he couldn't remember and I said it was a video on his website and he said he remembered it, then he said he could not see how it would help his actual response was, "could he handle 2 or 3 more customers per month?" He said "sure" and I said "I can help get those 2/3 extra customers with a mobile website converting the missed opportunity that he has now" then he repeated, "he couldn't see how it would benefit his business" - I said "thank you and good bye.."

I will (try) and shut up now...

Originally Posted by ronrule View Post

I read this... are you saying you didn't write it?

Maybe your call went a little differently than you worded it here, but I bolded the part that stuck out... to me that says while you had him on the phone you asked him to look at the video again, which is a huge mistake. That's what I meant when I said shut up about the video. You sent it, you know he opened it, shut up about the video and sell the product!

I doubt that. :p
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Closed 4 sales from the 7 inquiries, I got the other day! Then a personal trainer I quoted and did a mock up for 2 weeks ago (while I was "playing" at selling these sites) called and wanted to buy it, told him the price was $989 - he was confused at I had quoted him at the time $879, told him it was an early bird offer and he bought it!
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Unread 19th Mar 2013, 11:33 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

1) Ring them up,
2) tell them you've been to their website on your smart phone,
3) tell that they need a mobile website,
4) tell them you can sort it out for them,
5) ask them if they want one.
I love this approach...quick and simple. I am now ready to sell mobile sites, but wasn't sure how to approach it. I was debating whether to make phone calls or send emails. I'm out in the country, so doing walk-in's isn't really an option for me.

So regarding your approach, Mr. Bill, I just have a few questions if you don't mind...

1) Do you ask for the business owner when you call?

2) If interested, do you send them an email with a paypal button to pay you before building their mobile site?

3) Do you target dentists, restaurants, or who?

4) What do you say when they ask about pricing?

5) Do you give them the option to pay you monthly for hosting?

6) Have you thought about outsourcing the calling?
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Unread 19th Mar 2013, 12:37 PM   #38
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I agree with Mr bill on the on the basic formula here. You have to quickly qualify the client and stir up their interested. You have to get their attention and not be like the other 10 calls they just got! However I will never offend or get obnoxious! Even they are being an ars!
Originally Posted by Mr Bill View Post

1) Ring them up,
2) tell them you've been to their website on your smart phone,
3) tell that they need a mobile website,
4) tell them you can sort it out for them,
5) ask them if they want one.

30 seconds MAXIMUM.

THAT will not only save your (and the business owner's) time but it will get you some respect for not wasting everyone's time trying to be their best friend.
If the potential client is not interested and they just won't play with you and if you can't control the conversation to a certain point then that guy/woman is Wood and you guys can have all those cause they wont buy!

Now video is good if you used on your site or an email followed buy a phone call cause now you can bang the phone and have them look at what you are talking about!

Ok but are all talking about one call close or a 2-3 calls? Are you trying to just sell a mobi site or are you trying to get a client and sell many other services? This is important to think about as you start to make the calls. You may just want to get some one in - by offering a low price on a mobi site and then sell other more expensive services., there are many ways to do this but use your third ear and see and hear if it's worth spending more calls and time with the call!


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Bill is the Man!

The KISS Principle works every time. Keep It Simple - Stupid. In this case Keep It Simple for the Stressed!

Business owners are stressed. Get to the point quickly. Cut out all the crap and ask the question immediately after you set off their loss alarm. They need to see the potential loss if they don't have a mobile website. They are already channeling their thoughts in a certain manner and struggling to achieve gain, and they see a green light in their current thought processes. Trying to add to that flow is a nuisance to them because it is just traffic getting in the way of the progress of their current thoughts, and those are the thoughts that are driving their business.

They need a red light to cause them to pause for a moment and hear your brief and to the point pitch, then off they go again putting their foot to the peddle. No time to waste, so don't waste it.

"Excuse me sir. Your website is not functioning for multiple millions of mobile web users. You are going to lose business, if not now, soon. This is a certainty. I can fix this for you real quick. When do you want to see me?"

Also, price point is a big killer for new media. Not all SMBs have the flow to gamble on the mobile web. When the price of mobile sites come down to an offer they cannot refuse, then the flood gates will open for mobile website sales. Sure, a small percentage have the flow and take the gamble and spend $7-800 (or pounds), but this will always be the exception, and not the rule. Sites need to become ridiculously affordable before the majority jumps on the bandwagon, and the owners want the power to edit them themselves to coordinate the mobile site with their marketing efforts that change weekly, monthly etc.

Mobile marketers are not thinking like business owners. This is a big mistake.

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Unread 19th Mar 2013, 02:16 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Bizzoom View Post

Also, price point is a big killer for new media. Not all SMBs have the flow to gamble on the mobile web. When the price of mobile sites come down to an offer they cannot refuse, then the flood gates will open for mobile website sales. Sure, a small percentage have the flow and take the gamble and spend $7-800 (or pounds), but this will always be the exception, and not the rule. Sites need to become ridiculously affordable before the majority jumps on the bandwagon, and the owners want the power to edit them themselves to coordinate the mobile site with their marketing efforts that change weekly, monthly etc.
Mobile sites have already become ridiculously affordable if you look in the right place. You can even get one off of fiverr. Mobile website builders are just hoping that businesses don't discover our much cheaper competition out there.
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Unread 19th Mar 2013, 02:29 PM   #41
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Here's the problem I've been having...

I call up dentists (for example) and some secretary answers the phone. They are not qualified to make big marketing decisions. And the person that is is not available at the moment.

Also, should I be making their website first or taking payment first? Which is better?
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Originally Posted by ken5000 View Post

Here's the problem I've been having...

I call up dentists (for example) and some secretary answers the phone. They are not qualified to make big marketing decisions. And the person that is is not available at the moment.

Also, should I be making their website first or taking payment first? Which is better?
1-Some recommended reading:

2-A lesson on risk reversal. In any transaction one party is assuming more risk than the other. The more risk you put on the customers plate, the more resistance you will face, the fewer sales you will make. The more risk you assume, the less resistance you will face, the more sales you will make. So always get them squared away, then take payment, then get referrals.
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Originally Posted by ken5000 View Post

Mobile sites have already become ridiculously affordable if you look in the right place. You can even get one off of fiverr. Mobile website builders are just hoping that businesses don't discover our much cheaper competition out there.
I laugh at that. A mobile website builder that can spit them out quickly? And cheaply?

My package for restaurants includes so much more than just spitting out a cookie cutter site.

Mine are coded by hand, with custom made graphics, that look and act just like a native app. With their own homepage icon and splash screen.

Right in front is an incredible offer to save them money with a mobile coupon that gives their customers an incentive to keep their site/app on their phone. Plus that mobile coupon acts as a tracking device.

All the meta tags are done with local seo in mind, to get their mobile site/web app to the top of Google for various keywords.

Their Google + Local listing is verified and optimized with the url for their mobile site/web app included. Also the link to their mobile site/web app is spread around the web in places such as Yelp, Yellowpages, Urbanspoon, Menuism etc.

Not to mention getting a drop card template with a custom qr code to be given out with every order, that puts their mobile site/web app right on peoples phones.

A full package for my restaurant clients, and in doing so they are getting between 500-600 people visiting their mobile site/web app per month.

With Google saying that about 87% of mobile users that visit a mobile site place an order and buy, that equates to about 522 orders on 600 visits a month.

With an average ticket of say $20, that equates to $10,000 a month in sales.

Do you think they have a difficult time in paying me $1000 or more for a mobile site/web app?

And do you think a gig from Fiverr, or some quickie mobile website builder is going to do all that I do?

I don't think so.

Create big value, and deliver that value and you will get paid well for it.
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I know how to add meta-tags and make qr codes. But as far as Google is concerned, I would not guarantee to anyone that they will be to the top in searches. I hate to admit it, but if I understood Google, I would have been much more successful as an affiliate marketer. I have a website. After waiting several months, I finally reached page 3 or 4 on Google for some searches and I have no clue how to make it come up higher.
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Unread 19th Mar 2013, 04:37 PM   #45
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Educate people, most of them do not know what's a mobile site or never heard of.
I've been invited by the biggest local newpaper for a full page interview about mobile website. And because this is the leading newspaper, I will educate people by explaining wha's a mobile site, benefits of having one.... I won't try to promote my business as it's an article about new technologies and internet even if they will add my website link.

I will also talk about QR codes and how even today I saw a publisher redirect his code to a plain regular site rather than a mobile site or mobile landing page.

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Unread 19th Mar 2013, 05:10 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

Took your advice, created a list over the weekend, checked their sites to make sure not mobile optimized then called 30 up and sold 4 mobile websites at $879 each! WOW what a day....
That's awesome! What do you say to the people? Do you try to make sure you have a business owner on the phone? Are you targeting any particular group, for example, dentists or restaurants?
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Originally Posted by ken5000 View Post

I love this approach...quick and simple. I am now ready to sell mobile sites, but wasn't sure how to approach it. I was debating whether to make phone calls or send emails. I'm out in the country, so doing walk-in's isn't really an option for me.

So regarding your approach, Mr. Bill, I just have a few questions if you don't mind...

1) Do you ask for the business owner when you call?

2) If interested, do you send them an email with a paypal button to pay you before building their mobile site?

3) Do you target dentists, restaurants, or who?

4) What do you say when they ask about pricing?

5) Do you give them the option to pay you monthly for hosting?

6) Have you thought about outsourcing the calling?

I'd also like to get your feedback on these questions.

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Unread 19th Mar 2013, 11:23 PM   #48
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Re: Mobile Website Objections - Overcoming Them?
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Originally Posted by DexterGallagher View Post

Took your advice, created a list over the weekend, checked their sites to make sure not mobile optimized then called 30 up and sold 4 mobile websites at $879 each! WOW what a day....
Do you outsource the work or use some templates from a WSO?

Are you calling any particular niche or working all niches, but focusing on one niche at a time and calling every business in that niche that does not have mobile site?

For many businesses when you call you first get a gatekeeper or some other worker that is not the DM (owner, mangager, dentist, etc.). What do you say to get to the DM and do you try to find the name of this DM beforehand or not?

The 4 sites that you sold for $879 did you quote your initial price higher than that and then gave them that price to make them feel that they got a discount? If you just quoted them that price was there any resistance at all?

Also for that price point how many pages do you include and do they get any future revisions?

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Unread 20th Mar 2013, 03:50 AM   #49
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Re: Mobile Website Objections - Overcoming Them?
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Calling somebody a "web guy" is demeaning and insulting. Either learn what they are, or you'll piss them off. You don't refer to a vet a "dog guy" or doctor as a "drug guy". This is really no different.

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Unread 20th Mar 2013, 04:07 AM   #50
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Re: Mobile Website Objections - Overcoming Them?
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Originally Posted by kpmedia View Post

Calling somebody a "web guy" is demeaning and insulting. Either learn what they are, or you'll piss them off. You don't refer to a vet a "dog guy" or doctor as a "drug guy". This is really no different.
A lot of local business owners refer to their web guy as their 'web guy'.

So you want to talk the language of your local business owners, you call them a web guy.

I've even heard some of them market themselves as web guys so that's what they get called.

It's only demeaning if it's a girl.

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