Do You Lead A Full Life?

by 38 replies
There are people who are under the impression that to lead a full life you have to do a lot of different things. I offer a different perspective. A full life is whatever each individual feels makes their life a full one.

My full life?

Magic The Gathering
TV, Radio and Internet

That to me is more than a full life. I don't have nearly enough hours in the day for even that little.

I don't go on trips. I don't go to fancy restaurants or plays. I don't go hiking or jogging. I don't work out at a gym. I don't race cars or even collect them. I don't go to comic con or Cannes.

I can list 10,000 more things that I don't do than I do. But that doesn't mean I don't have a full life.

What about you? Do you feel you lead a full life? If not, are there things you want to do that, for whatever reason, right now you can't do?

Have you ever even given this any thought?

Why am I bringing this up today?

My daughter just turned 26 on the first. I remember when I celebrated my 30th birthday thinking that my life is half over. And now I'm going to be 57 in a week and i don't know where the last 27 years went.

It goes very fast folks. And as you get older, it goes even faster. My childhood crawled. And yet, I look at my daughter and I hope to God her 26 years didn't go as fast for her as it did for me.

When she hits 50, that's when I'll really know that life is just a short dream.

Something maybe you want to think about today IF you feel that maybe you've wasted precious time that could have been spent doing something else to make your life more full.

And if you're one of the lucky ones who feels that your life is indeed full, then count your lucky stars.

My gut tells me that there are a lot of people in this world who would trade places with you in a heartbeat.
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  • No. Not anywhere near full.
  • If the question is living a fulfilling life, then yes. If you are asking about being happy in life, then yes again.

    Full life? Depends on the day. Between family, my off line business, my on line business and all that, I stay busy. TV is relegated to one show a night I watch with my wife and one show a night I watch with my 11 year old.

    I read a LOT - 1 - 2 books a week. Which is a lot for me.
    I cook a lot too. Which means I eat a lot
    I run, kickbox, play the drums, do yard work and other projects around my house...

    So yeah, most of the time it's pretty full.

    My oldest is also 26. I turned 50 this year and I can see how fast it's gone, but I look forward to the coming chapters. Specifically, I look forward to being a grand parent

    Still have a LOT to do in life
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    • When people say "a full life", I don't really know what they mean.

      I write, read, and still practice my martial art.

      My wife gardens, reads, and creates beautiful artwork.

      We both still work in our store, and I do speaking and consulting, whenever I'm asked and willing.

      I don't know how full it is, but it's the life I've chosen.
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  • Yes, I do lead a full life. For me life is given similar to every body. Everyone has different perspective regarding life. I like to perform my duties daily.

    I work for my company. Give time for my family and children. Like to do my hobbies.

    For me successful life is that we balance our life with every good and bad times coming on our way and stand still until it is been sorted.
  • I don't lead a full life. I skip three hours a day. I plan on adding them on at the end to gain a few extra years.
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    • I strongly suspect that your's is one of the fuller lives here.
    • They say it is healthier not to make yourself too full.
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  • Banned
    Pumping Iron makes me feel like a God. So my life is Godlike.
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    • Banned
      we know....
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    • Wearing a Superman costume makes me feel Godlike. So my life is full of delusions.

      And, by the way...the next person that posts "We Know" to something WalkingCarpet says...whose name is not Claude getting sued for copyright infringement.

      Ipso is now the law.

      But, I can still say "You are the ruiner of everything". All included, no reverses.
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    • The forum participants are aware of this
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  • I attempted the lead free life, but the paint chips are tasty.
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  • My life will be full again when I can get someplace that I can have the dog of my choosing again. While I have a lot of very fulfilling stuff going on generally - there's just a hole where a best friend should be.
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  • I have three daughters so I find myself braiding hair, hula hooping, singing along to pop songs, buying pads and doing other girly stuff. Does that qualify as living a full life?
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  • I don't like feeling "full".
    It makes my mind and body feel "heavy" and slow.

    That's why I stick mostly to:
    1. Fruit for breakfast,
    2. Salad for lunch,
    3. Sushi/Shashimi for dinner.
    • [1] reply
    • NO, KIDDING???

      Yes, l go down to my secret lab, and work on my antigravity free energy spaceprobe, (leave it alone Claude) so l can go to the moon, zero in on something interesting and take endless HD videos, then post it online somewhere!

      And watch the socialpaths run for cover!

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  • 57

    There are people who are under the impression that to lead a full life you have to do a lot of different things. I offer a different perspective. A full life is whatever each individual feels makes their life a full one. My full life?