Bought a Roku 3, signed up for Netflix, started watching season 1 episode 1...

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... of Breaking Bad two days ago. Now, I'm into season two and am having trouble breaking away from the TV. What a great show!
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Blades
    I watched all the seasons in 2 days, on my t'.v, laptop, tablet and phone, it's addicting for sure. As a matter of fact, I watched it twice

    " I knew that if I failed, I wouldn't regret that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
    Now start watching the first two seasons of Orange is the New Black and you're all set.

    Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

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    • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
      Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

      Now start watching the first two seasons of Orange is the New Black and you're all set.
      Yeah, that's another one I think I'll start watching from the start. Heard it was excellent.
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      • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
        Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

        Yeah, that's another one I think I'll start watching from the start. Heard it was excellent.
        Stock up on microwave popcorn and beef jerky. Your weekend is shot.

        Might I add, if you're not already a viewer, I believe Netflix has all but the current season of The Walking Dead.

        Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

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        • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
          Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

          Might I add, if you're not already a viewer, I believe Netflix has all but the current season of The Walking Dead.
          I've watched a couple episodes of it and liked it, but not to the extent I liked Breaking Bad when I caught a couple episodes a few weeks back during one of those marathons.
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  • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
    Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

    What a great show!
    And it gets better as it goes along.

    I got the dvd boxed set last Xmas, and I've watched it all the way through 4 times this year. Each time I've picked up something new about it. One thing that gets overlooked is the amount of subtle slapstick in the show due to Walt being such a klutz. One of the best shows ever made.

    I'm looking forward to the spin-off series Better Call Saul too. (Saul is a character that gets introduced in Season 2 and is brilliantly portrayed by Bob Odenkirk.)
    Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
    So that blind people can hate them as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author Electrical
      The Roku is awesome, I gave up on cable 5+ years ago when I got my first Roku.

      I use Netflix, Amazon Prime streaming, and I also use HBO-GO and Showtime Anytime. The last 2 are available if you subscribe to those channels on a cable service (or know someone else who does ).

      HBO will be making it's GO service available for a standalone subscription in the next year, which will help to kill cable.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
    Originally Posted by TimPhelan View Post

    ... of Breaking Bad two days ago. Now, I'm into season two and am having trouble breaking away from the TV. What a great show!

    Watched it this year. Loved it. I wish there were more seasons.

    I'm waiting for season 3 of House of Cards. Another good one.

    Are you protecting your on line business? If you have a website, blog, ecommerce store you NEED to back it up regularly. Your webhost will only protect you so much. Check out Quirkel. Protect yourself.

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    • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
      Originally Posted by MikeAmbrosio View Post

      Watched it this year. Loved it. I wish there were more seasons.

      I'm waiting for season 3 of House of Cards. Another good one.
      Another solid show. I think season 3 starts in late February?

      "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
      - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    All the shows mentioned are great. Well, I've heard two mentioned here but I haven't been able to get into them yet. Orange is the New Black and House Of Cards. I've attempted the first episode of each and just haven't been able to sit through them yet. But I haven't given up. Sometimes it takes me two or three attempts or eve episodes to get into the meat of the show.

    I'd like to add one I didn't expect to like but do. Game of Thrones.

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  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Did the exact same thing a year ago. I think it took me about a week to watch it all - and then a week of zombie like existence to recover. What an awesome show! I too have watched it 3 more times since then, and pick up something new each time.

    My favorite show of all time. And I thought that no show would ever come close - but I have to admit that I marathoned through Game of Thrones this year, and it actually comes close.

    The thing I love about Breaking Bad is the way they wrap it up so neatly. Most TV shows with a long running plot end in failure or confusion. This one ends brilliantly and is wrapped in layers of symbolism all throughout.

    I'm waiting now for the spin-off "Better Call Saul" coming out in February.
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  • Profile picture of the author onSubie
    I loved Breaking Bad and based on this thread I downloaded Game of Thrones.

    Of course, I've heard of the series (and a few spoilers) but never watched.

    I just finished Season 1 Episode 2 and it already looks like I'll get no sleep this weekend.

    So excited I have four whole season to wade through!

    Also downloaded Orange ITNB but it didn't pull me in so I'm afraid it will have to wait in line behind GOT.
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    • Profile picture of the author TimPhelan
      OK, I finished Breaking Bad a couple days ago and still have Badfinger's song running in my mind. What a great series! I'm not sure if I'm going to watch the whole series again from beginning to end, but I will likely watch an episode here and there in the same way someone would listen to a certain song from an album. Tonight I think I'll watch season 5 ep 7 again. Loved that one!

      So, I took Dan's advice and started watching Orange is the new Black. So far I watched the first episode and it has caught my attention for a few reasons. Female nudity and lesbian sex among them. I'm not sure why, but those two themes seem to work for me usually. But lets see where it goes from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    I'm on the last season of Breaking Bad. I agree, what a great and entertaining series. For those that have Netflix, they've come out with some really solid original programming. I just started watching Marco Polo and Peaky Blinders, both are well-made shows.

    I'm on my 3rd (or 4th) episode of Orange Is The New Black, what a well-written, funny show. There are a bunch of characters on that one. I'm on the fence on getting Roku. I just invested in a Xbox One and use that as my main entertainment center now.

    I downloaded the Netflix, Hulu, Youtube apps and have my cable service connected to it to. So I can now watch most of my favorite shows all in one place on one tv. What a great device!

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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