Another Hilton makes headlines for all the wrong reasons

9 replies
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The 20-year-old great grandson, and namesake, of the Hilton hotel founder Conrad Hilton, has been charged with assaulting and threatening an airline crew following an incident last year.

The charge, if proved, can carry a 20-year jail sentence.

Hilton, the younger brother of the socialite and reality TV star Paris Hilton, was a passenger on a British Airways flight from London to Los Angeles on July 31 last year.

According to a criminal complaint filed in the US District Court this week, Hilton began disrupting cabin service and threatening members of the flight's crew and smoking aboard the plane.
Heir rage: Conrad Hilton charged with threatening, assaulting British Airways crew, calls passengers 'peasants'

I wonder what sort of "slap on the wrist" he'll end up receiving
  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
    Airlines are getting very keen, these days, on "pursuing" people who behavior causes problems on board. Rightly and understandably, I dare say. (I bet his shoes aren't as good as his sister's?).
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    They've got enough money he's not going to get slammed too hard. Laws aren't for the 1%.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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    • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      They've got enough money he's not going to get slammed too hard. Laws aren't for the 1%.
      I dare say that if you or I behaved half as obnoxiously on a plane, we'd be looking at the full 20 years inside.
      Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
      So that blind people can hate them as well.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        His parents must be so proud.

        I'm sure Daddy will buy him out of the punishment. Too bad as a dose of real life might do wonders for this 20 yr old child.
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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        • Profile picture of the author AprilCT
          He's just following the well-worn path already trod by his sibling, do whatever and expect no real repercussions. It's unfortunate that a lot of people have more money than brains.

          I've known people who have money, they and their kids are very decent people, staying low key, out of trouble and some helping the unfortunate. Money is no excuse for stupid brat behavior as a lifestyle.

          I remember Leona Helmsley saying that only little people pay taxes. She was quite wrong, I refuse to consider even someone homeless or dying in a charity hospital to be part of her "little people" putdown. She made some stupid assumptions, obviously due to her warped personality facilitated by a fat wallet that only others as nasty as her could agree with. She was way too old when she made that remark to not know better manners.

          People that act out their insecurities are to be pitied.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by whateverpedia View Post

        I dare say that if you or I behaved half as obnoxiously on a plane, we'd be looking at the full 20 years inside.
        Wow, that would be some long flight: you'd get to Mars, in that time?!

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      • Profile picture of the author Formal Shorts
        Originally Posted by whateverpedia View Post

        I dare say that if you or I behaved half as obnoxiously on a plane, we'd be looking at the full 20 years inside.

        To be fair, we really wouldn't. This is one of those situations where it works against him being famous.

        The vast majority of these cases end up in a nominal fine and a stay sober in airports order.
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  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    What are you peasants babbling about in your crude peasant-lingo?

    But, seriously, who actually talks like that?

    Project HERE.

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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    Frankly, the best thing that could be done for this guy, and apparently many are considering such things for THEIR kids, is to clean out his trust fund, and pay it to appropriate external organizations.

    If I were that rich, and he did that with ME, I would say "LISTEN! Your trust fund is FULLY FUNDED! Any payment for attorneys, pay offs, damages, etc... will be coming out of that trust fund, along with other payments to prevent this in the future, etc... When that runs out, you will no longer be covered in this way. The sooner such funds are paid out, the more the payments will negatively affect the balance of your trust fund. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Any remainder will be distributed to others FIRST!

    I GUARANTEE he would be FAR more careful!

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