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With the strength of ten ordinary men,
Ronda Rousey!

UFC women's bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey is a character. She'll kick Stephen Seagal's ass someday.
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    I HOPE her saying things like this is just Bravado. I mean I can't say anything about segall, and she seems nice, looks, general attitude, and success, but there comes a time when you SHOULD have humility. Anyway, she recently said she would doubtlessly win a fight, and she just won it in like 14, or was it 18, seconds. I mean GIVE ME A BREAK! Maybe go a minute?

    Let's be fair though. MOST people don't fight for a living, and probably most men would be at least SOMEWHAT hesitant with fighting a girl. Even if you "win", you lose. And bantam weight is a lower weight class. Rhonda is, NO OFFENSE TO HER, probably pushing the HIGH end of the weight class, although it is hard to tell. According to wikipedia, she is at the highest weight to be in any bantam weight class, unless she fights in King of the Cage. If she fights there, it looks like she will be up against men, since apparently they only have a women only flyweight class. If she gains another 11 pounds, she will have to go into another weight class.

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    • Profile picture of the author justinwelty
      It is interesting because Rousey is starting to become her own character. She knows, or someone is advising her, how to sell herself as a brand. Luckily for her, she can also back it up. Zingano was largely considered the best challenger out there, next to Cyborg who may never stop doping long enough to join the UFC, and Rousey handled her in 14 seconds. She also has yet to back down from any female who wants to fight her.

      You can find a videos of her sparring with male MMA fighters all over Youtube, if other female fighters aren't preparing that way it will be a long time before Rowdy loses.
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    • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      Let's be fair though. MOST people don't fight for a living, and probably most men would be at least SOMEWHAT hesitant with fighting a girl. Even if you "win", you lose. And bantam weight is a lower weight class. Rhonda is, NO OFFENSE TO HER, probably pushing the HIGH end of the weight class, although it is hard to tell. According to wikipedia, she is at the highest weight to be in any bantam weight class, unless she fights in King of the Cage. If she fights there, it looks like she will be up against men, since apparently they only have a women only flyweight class. If she gains another 11 pounds, she will have to go into another weight class.

      Steve, please stop trying to talk about sports as you don't have a friggen clue! Good grief!!!

      #1 All fighters (except heavywieghts and/or super-heavys) weigh in at the high end of their weight class --> most fighters cut between 10 and 25 pounds just to make weight. Almost all fighters weigh in at exactly the "top weight" ----> that's how it works, Steve.

      #2 Ronda will never again fight in King of the Cage as that's a very low level MMA organization. Her first MMA fight was in KoC back in 2011. Shortly thereafter she went to Strikeforce and became the champ by submitting Miesha Tate with an armbar. The UFC bought Strikeforce and then folded the good fighters into the UFC.

      #3 The UFC does not have a women's 145 pound division. Currently they have a women's 135 pound division, and a newly created women's 125 pound division. The men's 135 pound division has some of the most exciting fighters in the sport --> T.J Dillashaw, Uriah Faber, Renan Barao, Dominick Cruz etc. etc.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9918626].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

        Steve, please stop trying to about sports as you don't have a friggen clue! Good grief!!!
        I said that several times! I just was making a comment!

        #1 All fighters (except heavywieghts and/or super-heavys) weigh in at the high end of their weight class --> most fighters cut between 10 and 25 pounds just to make weight. Almost all fighters weigh in at exactly the "top weight" ---> that's how it works, Steve.
        Well, there is a range. And YEAH, I'm sure they try to hit the high end for the reason I implied. You want every advantage. JUST SAYING!

        #2 Rhonda will never again fight in King of the Cage as that's a very low level MMA organization. Her first MMA fight was in KoC back in 2011. Shortly thereafter she went to Strikeforce and became the champ by submitting Miesha Tate with an armbar. The UFC bought Strikeforce and then folded the good fighters into the UFC.
        OK, just going by the weight wikipedia said!

        #3 The UFC does not have a women's 145 pound division. Currently they have a women's 135 pound division, and a newly created women's 125 pound division. The men's 135 pound division has some of the most exciting fighters in the sport --> T.J Dillashaw, Uriah Faber, Renan Barao, Dominick Cruz etc. etc.
        YEP, and different names as well.

        Sorry if I offended because my comments may have been perceived as implying that I am an expert in something that I said many times I was not interested in and likewise know little about. I also respond in VERY view threads of this nature.

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    • Profile picture of the author Floyd Fisher
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      I HOPE her saying things like this is just Bravado. I mean I can't say anything about segall, and she seems nice, looks, general attitude, and success, but there comes a time when you SHOULD have humility. Anyway, she recently said she would doubtlessly win a fight, and she just won it in like 14, or was it 18, seconds. I mean GIVE ME A BREAK! Maybe go a minute?

      Let's be fair though. MOST people don't fight for a living, and probably most men would be at least SOMEWHAT hesitant with fighting a girl. Even if you "win", you lose. And bantam weight is a lower weight class. Rhonda is, NO OFFENSE TO HER, probably pushing the HIGH end of the weight class, although it is hard to tell. According to wikipedia, she is at the highest weight to be in any bantam weight class, unless she fights in King of the Cage. If she fights there, it looks like she will be up against men, since apparently they only have a women only flyweight class. If she gains another 11 pounds, she will have to go into another weight class.


      If you have any doubts, read the late Freddie Blassie's autobiography. He has a whole section devoted to him (the LeBell family once ran a wrestling promotion in Los Angeles Ca.).

      Gene LeBell is definitely not someone you mess with.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    One thing that has always impressed me about Rhonda, is that when she first started training, she sparred with other men AND she got good enough where she was beating them.

    She also has a crazy work ethic and she learned a lot from training with men. Impressive fighter with an impressive skillset.

    She can judo flip me any day!

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      She's the epitome of, "Do one thing, and do it better than anyone else in the world"

      She beat Zingano so quickly, because Zingano made a mistake.

      But there is no denying that she is the best in the world....by a lot.

      I would love to see her fight Cyborg.

      And Seagal is a blowhard, but he is highly skilled, and he does consult with some UFC fighters.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    While I paid $60 for the UFC 184 PPV my nephew and his wife paid the big money for seats in row 5 at Staples...

    He is not a fan of Ronda so he was bummed after driving over from the Mesa, Az. area. He purchased the tickets prior to Weidman being scratched from the card.

    I am a Rousy fan so I was laughing my 14 second a$$ off.

    If the Cyborg fight happens, I bet it happens at 135 and Cyborg prolly misses weight to make it a non-title fight.

    After watching Cyborg lose to undefeated (Kick Boxing and Mauy Thai) Jorina Baars at Lion Fight 14 I am convinced Ronda will beat Cyborg, probably by submission.


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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    A few pics my nephew and his wife grabbed at UFC 184...

    Adam with Vitor Belfort --> this guy has been in with legends (Couture, Liddell, Wanderlei Silva, Tank Abbott, Ortiz, Overeem, Dan Henderson, Franklin, Anderson Silva, Rumble, Jon Jones, Bisping, Rockhold etc. etc.) and he is currently ranked #3 in the UFC at middleweight. Vitor was supposed to headline this event fighting the middleweight champ Chris Weidman, but Weidman was injured during training which bumped the Rousey vs. Cat fight to the top of the card.

    Here is Alicia with Rumble Johnson, this guy has a date set with light heavyweight champion Jon Jones. Rumble just broke the hearts of Swedish (and Gus) fans around the world by beating Alexander Gustafsson in Stockholm.

    Alicia cageside with UFC lightweight champ Anthony "Showtime" Pettis.

    The lovely couple...

    Here is the view from row 5 just prior to the Holly Holm fight getting underway.


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    • Profile picture of the author JagSEO
      Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

      A few pics my nephew and his wife grabbed at UFC 184...

      Adam with Vitor Belfort --> this guy has been in with legends (Couture, Liddell, Wanderlei Silva, Tank Abbott, Ortiz, Overeem, Dan Henderson, Franklin, Anderson Silva, Rumble, Jon Jones, Bisping, Rockhold etc. etc.) and he is currently ranked #3 in the UFC at middleweight. Vitor was supposed to headline this event fighting the middleweight champ Chris Weidman, but Weidman was injured during training which bumped the Rousey vs. Cat fight to the top of the card.

      Here is Alicia with Rumble Johnson, this guy has a date set with light heavyweight champion Jon Jones. Rumble just broke the hearts of Swedish (and Gus) fans around the world by beating Alexander Gustafsson in Stockholm.

      Alicia cageside with UFC lightweight champ Anthony "Showtime" Pettis.

      The lovely couple...

      Here is the view from row 5 just prior to the Holly Holm fight getting underway.



      Nice Photos, Thank you for sharing it. You don't want to mess up with Ronda Rousey.
      Hooked To Success -Personal development For People Who Wants Success.
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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

    With the strength of ten ordinary men,
    Ronda Rousey!

    UFC women's bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey is a character. She'll kick Stephen Seagal's ass someday.
    Ronda Rousey defends her "Uncle" Gene LeBell after Steven Seagal called him delusional - YouTube
    I remember that video from the other thread you opened with it.


    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

    She's the epitome of, "Do one thing, and do it better than anyone else in the world"
    While fighting is obviously what Ronda does best, and is what has catapulted her professional career, she is no one-trick pony. She is becoming somewhat multi-talented rather quickly as she is doing endorsements, commercials, movies, and even magazine shoots showing how physically fit and/or sexy she is.

    I think it is quite impressive that she can take time out to do movies and remain so dominant when she climbs back into the UFC cage.


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    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

      I remember that video from the other thread you opened with it.


      Oh. yeah hah! That thread is still there? I wrongly assumed that it had been deleted. Steven Seagal brought that notorious incident on himself, mistreating people in his employment, on film sets, beating his wife and all sorts of scumbag things, and often boasting that no one could best him. Gene LeBell took the challenge and decisively beat him good, resulting in Steven Seagal literally pooping his pants.

      Project HERE.

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  • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
    From a while ago....4 busted ribs for MMA reporter Aaron Tru. Not enough strength (and/or technique), eh? Stick to the mic, Aaron!


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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

      From a while ago....4 busted ribs for MMA reporter Aaron Tru. Not enough strength (and/or technique), eh? Stick to the mic, Aaron!


      When I was in my early 20s, I had the same attitude. No woman could beat me...because men are stronger than women.

      And then, in my Kung Fu class, a short girl, maybe 22 years old, came over from another school, and started training with us.

      I had several years of hard training. She was maybe 5' 1"..maybe 110 pounds. And when she blocked my punch, she left a bruise. Her power, when punching... was frightening.

      None of the guys wanted to spar with her. And none of us laughed when one declined her offer to fight. I asked her one day what her secret was. She said "8 hours of hard training a day, and no sex".

      I took her at her word.

      And any man thinking that Ronda Rousey is easy to beat, no matter how big they are...is in for an education. And high level Judo is no joke.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9921318].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ThomM
      Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

      From a while ago....4 busted ribs for MMA reporter Aaron Tru. Not enough strength (and/or technique), eh? Stick to the mic, Aaron!

      Ronda Rousey vs Man Busted Ribs - YouTube


      I was just going to post that video
      I'm guessing other reporters are filing that under "things not to say to Rhonda".

      Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
      Getting old ain't for sissy's
      As you are I was, as I am you will be
      You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

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  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
    Does anyone know if there is a Mr. Rousey??

    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      What I think a lot of people overlook about Ronda is that she won a silver medal in Judo in the Olympics. That is some high level serious ability.

      Most fighters do not train any kind of Judo. BJJ has some similarities to Judo, but the throws and takedowns of Judo are so technical and hard to defend. The people she is fighting against have no chance once she gets her hands on them.

      It is one of the reasons Fedor was so dominant in his career. He was a multi-time Sambo champion. Sambo shares a lot of similarities to Judo. Fedor's heavy hands did not hurt at all either.

      Unless another Olympic level Judo fighter enters into MMA or someone catches Ronda with a lucky punch/kick, I do not see her losing any time in the near future.
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    • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
      Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

      What I think a lot of people overlook about Ronda is that she won a silver medal in Judo in the Olympics. That is some high level serious ability.
      Actually, I think most MMA fans know this. I think a large number of fans also know her mom was a judo great as well, and many probably know she was also an armbar expert. Ronda's mom was the first American to win a judo gold at the World Championships when she won gold at the 1984 games in Vienna. In-fact Ronda brought her mom on one of the TUF episodes she was coaching.

      I think a couple of the things people may not know about Ronda is at one point during 2010 she was living out of her car in Los Angeles, and she once bailed on her mom and her coaches and "self-trained" for a while.

      A few other active judo fighters in MMA are...

      Karo Parsiyan
      Stun Gun Dong Hyun Kim
      Hector Lombard
      Satoshi Ishii
      Manny Gamburian
      Rick Hawn
      Judo Jim Wallhead
      Shinya Aoki
      Zenko Yoshida
      Jimy Hettes
      Kas Nakamura

      In many MMA circles, Judo has not been considered to be especially effective in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts --> until Ronda put Judo back on the map.

      She’s right about that, by the way. Before Rousey showed up on the scene, most practitioners of the grappling arts were willing to give judokas credit for having a couple of cool throws and not much else. Judo was considered especially ineffective in a sport like mixed martial arts,
      Is Ronda Rousey the savior judo has been waiting for? | MMAjunkie

      I do think Ronda's judo has been dominant, and her throws are the best in the business. I also think her scrambling is top notch and we all know how great she is when she grabs an arm. The only time I have seen her vulnerable so far in the UFC was when someone had her back. And yes, I was a Fedor fan, and he was dominant until he ran into age issues and back to back to back loses against Werdum, Antonio Silva and Dan Henderson.

      Does Ronda love Fedor? She sure does, she wants to have 57 babies with him...

      “Do I want to have 57 of his babies? It’s true,” Rousey said. “I think he’s married, though, so I’m not allowed.”
      Ronda Rousey talks love of Fedor Emelianenko, desire to have ’57 of his babies’ | MMAjunkie

      Originally Posted by TLTheLiberator View Post

      Does anyone know if there is a Mr. Rousey??
      She keeps that pretty private. In the past some have linked her to Middle Easy reporter Michael Mardones and UFC fighter Brendan Schaub, neither of which she still dates. I know her mom calls all of her boyfriends Bob... Bob 1, Bob 2, Bob 3, etc.

      Her father committed suicide after breaking his back while suffering from a blood disorder that did not allow him to heal properly.


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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

        Actually, I think most MMA fans know this. I think a large number of fans also know her mom was a judo great as well, and many probably know she was also an armbar expert. Rhonda's mom was the first American to win a judo gold at the World Championships. She won gold at the 1984 games in Vienna. In-fact Rhonda brought her mom on one of the TUF episodes she was coaching.
        Okay, maybe not knowing it was the wrong phrase. What I meant more was most fans do not appreciate the level of skill involved to be that good to win silver.

        Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

        A few other active judo fighters in MMA are...

        Karo Parsiyan
        Stun Gun Dong Hyun Kim
        Hector Lombard
        Satoshi Ishii
        Manny Gamburian
        Rory McDonald
        Rick Hawn
        Judo Jim Wallhead
        Shinya Aoki
        Zenko Yoshida
        Jimy Hettes
        Kas Nakamura
        I do not believe that any of them have the kind of Judo skills Ronda does.

        Karo was pretty darn good, but never reached his potential in MMA, His anxiety issues may have been the reason. in my opinion. I really thought he would be a force to mess with. He got robbed in that decision against Diego, and never really looked quite the same after that.

        Ronda trained a lot with Karo. I don't know if she still does at all.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9927133].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ForumGuru
          Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

          Okay, maybe not knowing it was the wrong phrase. What I meant more was most fans do not appreciate the level of skill involved to be that good to win silver.
          That makes a little more sense.

          She also has the heart of a lion, supreme confidence, and seemingly almost unparalleled determination. She still trains with Manny and some of the other Team Hayastan fighters, I am not sure how much training she still does with Karo. Manny and Edmund do train with Ronda at the Glendale Fighting Club. Some may not realize that Manny and Karo are cousins...

          Listen to Karo talking some stuff here:

          Karo Parisyan talks comeback, hints at friction between Ronda Rousey and old gym

          I do not believe that any of them have the kind of Judo skills Ronda does.
          Seriously? Ishii was about as good as it gets back in the day.

          Satoshi Ishii - 6th dan in Judo

          Olympic Judo Gold 2008 Beijing +100 kg
          World Championship Judo Gold 2007 +100 kg


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          • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
            Originally Posted by ForumGuru View Post

            That makes a little more sense.

            Seriously? Ishii was about as good as it gets back in the day.

            Satoshi Ishii - 6th dan in Judo

            Olympic Gold 2008 Beijing +100 kg
            World Championship Gold 2007 +100 kg


            No, you are right about Ishii. I missed him on the list.
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