Deadly Spider With Venom That Can Also Cause Painful Erection Found in Store's Banana

14 replies
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I believe that headline says it all...

Deadly Spider With Venom That Can Also Cause Painful Erection Found in Store's Banana - ABC News

I had no idea there was a spider with venom that caused painful erections.
  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    If it's venom is that strong, I would think there's more side effects than painful erections.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9939363].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      If it's venom is that strong, I would think there's more side effects than painful erections.
      Apparently, if it lasts too long, it can cause problems. If bloodflow is stopped too much, it can certainly be bad. There are some chemicals that affect a lot of PDE chemicals, one is pde5 which can cause this problem. Some PDE chemicals prevent some big problems. Of course if it affects the muscles, it can be bad. I've been looking into PDE4 based nootropics, and PDE5 negation is one of the potential problems.

      So YEAH, this may be a symptom or cause of a bigger problem.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
    Claude just ordered three tons of bananas to be delivered to his house.

    Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9939365].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Formal Shorts
      I must admit, I'm not a fan of spiders. That would have me scared stiff...
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      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Undertakers hate dealing with corpses that have died from a bite from this type of spider. They cant get the coffin lid down.

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9939416].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author BigFrank
      Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

      Claude just ordered three tons of bananas to be delivered to his house.
      Claude will take any type of erection he can get his hands on. I'm sure he feels that for once it would be nice if it was his own.

      Cheers. - Frank
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9939464].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

      Claude just ordered three tons of bananas to be delivered to his house.
      And Riffle asked me to call him, the minute they arrive.

      Originally Posted by BigFrank View Post

      Claude will take any type of erection he can get his hands on.

      Cheers. - Frank
      At my age, that's pretty much my only option.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9939619].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle

    Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

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  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    The banana is definitely the appropriate fruit for a spider with suchlike venom to inhabit.

    (That's what Sigmund Freud said)

    Project HERE.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9939651].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SteveJohnson
    Best part of the whole story was in the comments

    A man was walking down the street when he noticed his grandpa sitting on the porch, in a rocking chair, with nothing on from the waist down.

    "Grandpa, what are you doing?" he exclaimed.

    The old man looked off in the distance and did not answer him.

    "Grandpa, what are you doing sitting out here with nothing on below the waist?" he asked again.

    The old man slowly looked at him and said, "Well, last week I sat out here with no shirt on, and I got a stiff neck ... This was your Grandma's idea."

    The 2nd Amendment, 1789 - The Original Homeland Security.

    Gun control means never having to say, "I missed you."

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9939938].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
      Originally Posted by SteveJohnson View Post

      Best part of the whole story was in the comments
      A man was walking down the street when he noticed his grandpa sitting on the porch, in a rocking chair, with nothing on from the waist down.

      "Grandpa, what are you doing?" he exclaimed.

      The old man looked off in the distance and did not answer him.

      "Grandpa, what are you doing sitting out here with nothing on below the waist?" he asked again.

      The old man slowly looked at him and said, "Well, last week I sat out here with no shirt on, and I got a stiff neck ... This was your Grandma's idea."
      Steve this cracked me up.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9943032].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
    Erections? Pffft. Waste of time.

    It doesn't matter who you vote for, you still end up with a poritician.
    Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
    So that blind people can hate them as well.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9943558].message }}

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