Fun (Yet Disturbing) Exercise...

24 replies
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Recently, I came across an interesting article and had a few "light bulb" moments along the way. So without giving too much away, let's go through a fun exercise.

Below is a list of simple statements. Once you finish reading the statements, try to figure out what I'm describing and then post your answers below. On Wednesday the 12th, I'll post the source; which I believe will surprise you.

I'll also reveal my immediate thoughts on what these statements describe as you won't be left in the dark.

Again, just read though these, and post a comment as to what you think I'm describing below.
  • Need for obedience & dependency.
  • Deliberately holding back information.
  • Keeping you so busy you don't have time to think.
  • Information is not freely accessible.
  • Leadership decides who "needs to know" what.
  • Encourages you to "tell on" others.
  • Good vs. Evil.
  • "Us" vs. "Them"
  • The use of "buzz" words.
  • Only "good" and "proper" things encouraged.
  • Rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking.
  • No critical questions about policy are seen as legitimate.
  • No alternative beliefs are viewed as legitimate, good or useful.
  • Makes you feel like if there are any problems, it's your fault.
  • Fear of disapproval.
  • So what do YOU think this describes? Be absolutely honest - there are no wrong answers here...but again, I think when you learn the source...well, you'll be surprised.

If you want to leave your comments on the Bonehead Blog, feel free to do so here:

Otherwise, feel free to leave them below - curious as to what you think. I'll still post the answer here at the WF as well.

Have a great day!

#disturbing #exercise #fun
  • Profile picture of the author Robyn8243
    My immediate thought was this sounds like most schools.

    Could probably come from some religious source or even the military.

    Could also be something from a bad marriage...reminds me of the 'Stepford Wives'

    I am curious to see where this is actually from.

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  • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
    It's actually very eye-opening. Those are some good thoughts though (and unique ones). So far I've had guesses that it's about the proposed health care policy, Bush's prior agenda and the relationship between parents & kids.

    By the way, my husband thought it was the military too.

    For the record, no one has yet hit on what I initially thought of (which I'll post on Wednesday) because I don't want to give anything away.

    But it is really *interesting* and thought-provoking to say the least.

    Thanks for replying!!
    Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucid
    My first thoughts were most westerners' ideas of what the Soviet Union was like. It could apply to any government really. I also thought of the military.

    Then Robyn made me think of religious institutions and cults. But since this forum is about SEO/PPC, maybe someone's view about Google.
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    • Profile picture of the author Stephen Crooks
      It's not the warrior forum is it? ... Just kidding!

      It has to be describing some sort of dictatorship or fascist regime.
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      • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
        Originally Posted by Steve Crooks View Post

        It's not the warrior forum is it? ... Just kidding!

        It has to be describing some sort of dictatorship or fascist regime.
        LOL!!! Good one Steve! But no, it's not the WF.
        Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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      • Profile picture of the author Robyn8243
        Originally Posted by Steve Crooks View Post

        It's not the warrior forum is it? ... Just kidding!

        It has to be describing some sort of dictatorship or fascist regime.
        Thanks for the great laugh Steve!

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        • Profile picture of the author Teresa Coppes
          That was hilarious Jared!!

          IowaGal - first, hello from a fellow Iowan. I'm right up I35 from you almost near the border. *waves*

          All the previous guesses were ones that I were thinking of as well. I'm very curious to see what the actual site is so will wait and watch for your update. Should be interesting.
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          • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
            Originally Posted by Teresa_C View Post

            That was hilarious Jared!!

            IowaGal - first, hello from a fellow Iowan. I'm right up I35 from you almost near the border. *waves*

            All the previous guesses were ones that I were thinking of as well. I'm very curious to see what the actual site is so will wait and watch for your update. Should be interesting.
            Well hi there!!! Good to meet a fellow Iowan here - there's actually quite a few of us :-)
            Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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            • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
              On Monday, I had given you a list of statements and asked what you thought I was referring to.

              Just to refresh your memory, here's the list again...
              • Need for obedience & dependency.
              • Deliberately holding back information.
              • Keeping you so busy you don't have time to think.
              • Information is not freely accessible.
              • Leadership decides who "needs to know" what.
              • Encourages you to "tell on" others.
              • Good vs. Evil.
              • "Us" vs. "Them"
              • The use of "buzz" words.
              • Only "good" and "proper" things encouraged.
              • Rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking.
              • No critical questions about policy are seen as legitimate.
              • No alternative beliefs are viewed as legitimate, good or useful.
              • Makes you feel like if there are any problems, it's your fault.
              • Fear of disapproval.

              So many of you came up with some very interesting and thought-provoking ideas:
              • Democratic run health care
              • Obama's Health Care Non-Debate
              • Movies
              • Politics
              • Bush's leadership
              • Religion
              • Government
              • Parents
              • A government job
              • Guru-style Internet Marketing
              • PPC Marketing
              • schools
              • military
              • Google
              • The Rothschild Manifesto
              • Parent/Child relationship

              So, lots of good guesses and as you can tell, all over the board.

              So let me first tell you what my initial thought was....and two of you (Lucid & Tina) actually guessed correctly.


              But, that's not where the list came from. Let me explain WHY I thought it was Google the first time I read the list:
              • Need for obedience & dependency.
              • If you do anything against the "rules" your website is likely to be punished. Obedience to play by the rules or your website will suffer & dependency because Google is so large that without having a listing there, you're all but dead in the water.
              • Deliberately holding back information.
              • They give you information, yes, but not everything. Keeping important, SERP changing, pieces to themselves.
              • Keeping you so busy you don't have time to think.
              • Every time you turn around there's a new product, a new PageRank update, a new rule regarding your web pages...etc.
              • Information is not freely accessible.
              • This one I went back and forth with a bit. They do have "freely accessible" information such as Matt Cutts' videos, and plenty of FAQ sections but the information you REALLY want, the definitive answers you REALLY want, you never get.
              • Leadership decides who "needs to know" what.
              • Again, Google makes the call on what they feel you need to know.
              • Encourages you to "tell on" others.
              • This one was my favorite because recently they implemented a form that allows you to "tell on" other sites using black-hat or illegal SEO techniques. And they encourage it.
              • Good vs. Evil.
              • In a January 2003 Wired article, the founders of Google stated that they're whole premise was to "not be evil". (in the face of the other search engines available such as Microsoft & Yahoo).
              • "Us" vs. "Them"
              • The "Us" being Google and Google fans, the "Them" being fans of the "others".
              • The use of "buzz" words.
              • PageRank
              • SEO
              • CTR
              • CPM
              • SERPS
              • AdWords
              • AdSense
              • Google as in "go Google it"
              • Now, as a side note some of these terms can't "directly" be attributed to Google but there's no doubt that Google has fueled the fire to use these terms more often in our everyday vocabulary.
              • Only "good" and "proper" things encouraged.
              • Again, only using "good" and "proper" ways of getting ranked in Google.
              • Rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking.
              • Rationally you might believe that Google Street view for example is a huge violation of privacy. (this is the one example I could think of) yet Google repeatedly rejects this as they still continue to use it.
              • No critical questions about policy are seen as legitimate.
              • You can feel free to question Google all you want about their methods, however, rarely if ever, is anything done to change it.
              • No alternative beliefs are viewed as legitimate, good or useful.
              • Again, you can form your own opinions here.
              • Makes you feel like if there are any problems, it's your fault.
              • If your website has ever been delisted, you rarely know why. Additionally, if your site has lost rankings, again, you rarely know just assume that it must have been "something you did" because it couldn't be Google's fault!
              • Fear of disapproval.
              • This plays directly into the hands of AdWords. New "improvements" are constantly made to their system and you literally sit on pins and needles waiting to see if they'll "approve" your ad or not. Even if they do, will it stay that way? Or will they all of a sudden start charging you an arm and a leg only giving vague explanations as to why your costs have gone up so much?

              Now, as many of you have pointed out, these statements can describe a vast amount of's what you might be surprised to know.

              All of these statements came from a website article entitled:

              "Mind Control - The BITE Model" - which is a snippet of information from a book entitled "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves".

              This is the model that cults use in order to promote destructive mind control and the acronym BITE stands for:
              • Behavior Control
              • Information Control
              • Thought Control
              • Emotional Control

              According to the web page...

              "It is important to understand that destructive mind control can be determined when the overall effect of these four components promotes dependency and obedience to some leader or cause. It is not necessary for every single item on the list to be present. Mind controlled cult members can live in their own apartments, have nine-to-five jobs, be married with children, and still be unable to think for themselves and act independently."

              Source: Freedom of Mind Articles and Links

              So there you have it.

              I hope that this has been somewhat eye-opening and has stirred up more than a little emotion and creative thought in you.

              As always, I'm interested to hear any additional comments and see what you might think.

              Have a fantastic day!

              - Kristine
              Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Motley
    sounds like the government.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
    I thought you meant disturbing exercises... like this...

    or this...



    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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    • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
      Jared! That was the best laugh I've had today!!! Thank you.
      Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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    • Profile picture of the author Killer Joe

      My wife bought that first one when it came out years ago...

      I think it was at that very frame on the vid that she decided a refund was in order.



      This describes Obamanation to a tee.

      Originally Posted by Jared Alberghini View Post

      I thought you meant disturbing exercises... like this...

      YouTube - Best workout video ever

      or this...

      YouTube - Dixie Carter's "Exorcise" Video
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  • Profile picture of the author garyv
    Originally Posted by IowaGal View Post

    Recently, I came across an interesting article and had a few "light bulb" moments along the way. So without giving too much away, let's go through a fun exercise.

    Below is a list of simple statements. Once you finish reading the statements, try to figure out what I'm describing and then post your answers below. On Wednesday the 12th, I'll post the source; which I believe will surprise you.

    I'll also reveal my immediate thoughts on what these statements describe as you won't be left in the dark.

    Again, just read though these, and post a comment as to what you think I'm describing below.
    • Need for obedience & dependency.
    • Deliberately holding back information.
    • Keeping you so busy you don't have time to think.
    • Information is not freely accessible.
    • Leadership decides who "needs to know" what.
    • Encourages you to "tell on" others.
    • Good vs. Evil.
    • "Us" vs. "Them"
    • The use of "buzz" words.
    • Only "good" and "proper" things encouraged.
    • Rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking.
    • No critical questions about policy are seen as legitimate.
    • No alternative beliefs are viewed as legitimate, good or useful.
    • Makes you feel like if there are any problems, it's your fault.
    • Fear of disapproval.
    • So what do YOU think this describes? Be absolutely honest - there are no wrong answers here...but again, I think when you learn the source...well, you'll be surprised.
    If you want to leave your comments on the Bonehead Blog, feel free to do so here:

    Otherwise, feel free to leave them below - curious as to what you think. I'll still post the answer here at the WF as well.

    Have a great day!

    Often times professors and other "intellects" will pull together a string of phrases like that to describe "mind control" - w/ the ulterior motive of debunking religion or politics.

    Did this come from a "famous" mind control theorist?
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg124
    It seems like either the government or some religions. Another possibility is some employers.
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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Sounds like a JOB.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    It's the Rothschild Manifesto.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
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      • Profile picture of the author morris451
        A typical IM gooroo sales pitch
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Kristine - it is the Rothschild Manifesto which the Bite model comes from. You might want to take a look at it as it is the model of society that the top elite structure their control of society upon. In it Rothschild uses electricity to explain like reactions of large groups of society.

    It's frightening but you can see how the evolution of society is reacting to control stimulus just as Rothschild said they would.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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    • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      Kristine - it is the Rothschild Manifesto which the Bite model comes from. You might want to take a look at it as it is the model of society that the top elite structure their control of society upon. In it Rothschild uses electricity to explain like reactions of large groups of society.

      It's frightening but you can see how the evolution of society is reacting to control stimulus just as Rothschild said they would.
      Very interesting. I'll probably read that just out of sheer curiosity. Thanks for the info!
      Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paulie Ciara
    Interesting read. Obamanation came to mind at my first read through, then considered school systems and government in general.

    This describes George Orowell's governmental system in his book 1984 to the tee.
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  • Profile picture of the author christftw
    I thought government or religion. I didn't really see how there could be an answer, but I was thinking the wrong way. Mind control makes sense. Cool topic!

    Psalm 46:1-3

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  • Profile picture of the author haikuangel
    Hmm this has really given me a good mental exercise. Initially i thought it had something to do with the Holocaust but then I changed my mind and went with the oppressing public school system in the United States. I ended up keeping my final inference to: The Bush Administration ;D
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