ShawnKu New from Canada. Just saying hello.
I am just starting to delve into your world here and I will give you a bit of my background. I run a group of retail brick and mortar stores in Canada. Come end of December/ beggining of January I typically leave to somewhere hot until the snow melts. The previous year after my busy Christmas season was over I left until April and when I returned I started work on my first internet business.
My website I created was a similar concept to DollarShaveClub and Harry's except I was selling higher end razors made from stone and metal for DollarShaveClub prices. It was my first time I ever made a website and it looked O.K but was very basic. It had no blog or articles attached to it, no content except for products and info about them and the only way I brought people to the site was through paid advertising. I did not even know what an affiliate was
Needless to say I did not get very many customers. I imagined that with the prices and quality product I was offering they would just come but I only got a handful, far from enough to spend any real time worrying about the site especially with such small margins. After spending 2 months, 8-12 hours a day working on setting that site up and probably around $2,000 mostly on paid, barely targeted advertising I sent that site to the chopping block and decided to hit the drawing board again.
This year I decided to completely skip out on my warm get away from our Canadian winter and focus on creating something sustainable. I am planning on creating about 20 websites over the next 4-5 months, updating content daily/every other day in a very scheduled and organized fashion and seeing if any of them start getting some traffic. I am planning to use twitter, facebook and even kijiji/craigslist to start driving traffic to them but keeping paid advertising to a minimum.
I will be attempting to monetize all these sites with an "all angles" approach. By this I mean many different avenues to monetize but not necessarily all on one site. As I said I am very new to this world but I will be doing physical product sales of low ticket items, sales of services, attempting to collect ad-sense revenue on niche sites if I can get some organic traffic flowing through them, affiliate income through share-a-sale etc.
I am basically going to be trying a bit of everything and seeing what works. I have been studying for the past couple months and always end up here so I decided to make this forum my new home.
If anyone has any input good or bad let me know. If anyone needs help with anything let me know also! I would love to get a bit more experience even just helping an experienced person here out! So far I have been lone soldiering everything with input only from my girlfriend really and she is far from knowledgeable in this field lol.
Otherwise I am a runner, 2-3 months into guitar, I am addicted to coffee (seriously, nespresso in the bedroom, keurig on the main floor in the kitchen and another keurig next to work station in the basement!) and I have a little pup who is with me 24/7, I worked at futureshop about 9-10 years ago for 3 months and that is the only "job" I have ever had and since then I have been through the ups and downs of being self employed and wouldn't have it any other way.
I am a licences building contractor in Quebec, customs broker for importation of commercial goods, have my real estate agent licence in Quebec but have never worked the job I just got it to learn about their laws more in detail before I got my licence to be a building contractor. In Quebec, Canada we use the Civil Code and the rest of Canada is Common Law and I moved from Vancouver to Montreal so I needed to figure that out.
I learned french while in Montreal for 4-5 years and now my g/f got a job in Ontario so we have just moved here. We don't know a single person here, there is snow up to my knees outside right now so what better to do than work 12 hours a day trying to get that "internet money"!
Anyways, this is my journey I will be on for the foreseeable future so feel free to message me just to say whats up if you want. Otherwise I will be doing more reading of the forums rather than posting for the next little bit while I learn more, but I am still here!