Camtasia 8.6.0 - How to sync PowerPoint with MP3 Audio File to Create an MP4 File

by dekwxd
7 replies
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I hope this is the right place to post this.

Anyway, I have a PowerPoint presentation and an MP3 file that I want to sync together as an MP4 file. I would like for the audio to play as the PowerPoint slides change to correspond with the MP3 audio file. I do not want the MP4 file that I will create to contain any sounds other than the audio from the MP3 file that I mentioned. Does anyone know how to accomplish this using Camtasia version 8.6.0?

Thank you
#"video production" #audio #camtasia #create #file #mp3 #mp4 #powerpoint #sync
  • you will get better answers if you post the same question to camtasia support

    They will be able to help you better
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  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    I've not used this version of Camtasia, but I'm sure it's safe to assume it works the same way as the other versions.

    You should have a video track and an audio track.

    Lay down the slides on the video track, lay down the audio on the audio track.

    Cut or extend the slides to correspond with the right intervals of the audio (and/or visa versa).

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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    • Profile picture of the author Winning34
      Originally Posted by Jill Carpenter View Post

      You should have a video track and an audio track.
      My understanding is that OP doesn't have a video track yet. He has an MP3 file containing the commentary and a Powerpoint file.
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Paging Kurt please come the Isle 5 your assistance is needed
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post

      Paging Kurt please come the Isle 5 your assistance is needed

      Thanks..but there's too many variables to really give good advice. For example, is the MP3 music or a voice over?

      Generally, I would add the mp3 to PowrPoint, then "play across all slides". Then I would create the PPT presentation and sync it to the audio as I created the presentation. Once finished, I'd export the presentation as an MP4 video. No need for Camtasia.

      Another option is to use something like Audacity to split the audio into sections, then add each section to an individual PPT slide. PPT will sync the length of the slide with the length of the audio automatically.

      You don't need Camtasia. PowerPoint 2010 and later will export as video directly, although it make be helpful in some situations to help with the syncing. Just use PPT to export as MP4, then add the MP4 and the audio to Camtasia and use Camtasia's editing features to sync the two.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    If anyone needs a free alternative for creating PowerPoint (.ppt) files with audio you can use Open Office Impress and Audacity, both are free software.

    Here's a simple tutorial...

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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      If anyone needs a free alternative for creating PowerPoint (.ppt) files with audio you can use Open Office Impress and Audacity, both are free software.

      Here's a simple tutorial...

      Adding Narration to a Powerpoint Presentation in Open Office - YouTube
      I dunno about you ... but I have a hard time getting Open Office to play
      well with Camtasia.

      Specifically, when I run the slides and want to record the slides + something
      over top of the slides.

      As far as I can tell, the work around is to make a video, and then embed it
      in the slides ... and then record it all together at once .... which is a complete PITA

      Have a better way? << -- real question, not sarcastic.

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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