What kind of jobs offer the opportunity to work on your online biz?

11 replies
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Pretty much what the tittle says...

I believe that a job like this usually pays minimum wages but i would love to have a job that can allow me to have some time in the computer; where i can do something like list building, writing, web design, market / social media advertise... anyone have any good ideas were i should start looking?

I'm a bartender / waiter... I make decent cash but that's about it...just feels like a waste of time because i'm not building anything there.
#computer jobs #jobs at home
  • Profile picture of the author theendof925job
    Research is key, first a job will only pay you as much as the want and not for the work you put in. You better off starting you own business online working part time either doing affiliate marketing, Network marketing etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
    Do you seriously believe any employer is going to allow you to use their resources to do anything other than work for them?

    The only occupation that will allow you to devote time to building your own business is being unemployed, which is what you'll undoubtedly become if you spend your employer's time on your own activities.
    Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
    So that blind people can hate them as well.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10909533].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author broadcastseo
      Originally Posted by whateverpedia View Post

      Do you seriously believe any employer is going to allow you to use their resources to do anything other than work for them?

      The only occupation that will allow you to devote time to building your own business is being unemployed, which is what you'll undoubtedly become if you spend your employer's time on your own activities.
      Actually I have one now.
      Broadcast SEO the Premier SEO and Web Design Agency in Australia. We help you get more business leads through higher google search engine rankings.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10909704].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
        Originally Posted by broadcastseo View Post

        Actually I have one now.
        Member Of Parliament?
        Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
        So that blind people can hate them as well.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10909724].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Paul Giraldo
      Thanks for the reply / reminder that i shouldn't be looking for such jobs. I remember seeing my friends back in hs just taking care of a cigar shop with nothing to do but to work the cash register and play on the ipad all day, so i thought there might be something similar out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Try to find a job where you can just be present without actually doing anything, such as:

    Babysitter, House Minder, BT Customer Service Agent etc.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10909567].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      Babysitter, House Minder, BT Customer Service Agent. politician, etc.
      Added to your incomplete list.
      Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
      So that blind people can hate them as well.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10909677].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Paul Giraldo View Post

    Pretty much what the tittle says...

    I believe that a job like this usually pays minimum wages but i would love to have a job that can allow me to have some time in the computer; where i can do something like list building, writing, web design, market / social media advertise... anyone have any good ideas were i should start looking?

    I'm a bartender / waiter... I make decent cash but that's about it...just feels like a waste of time because i'm not building anything there.
    True, you are building for your boss, the one that takes all of the risks, and probably borrows large sums from the bank.

    Online you don't have to take risks like you do with a bricks and mortar business, but you still do have to invest, learn, accept failure, pick yourself up and keep going.

    Bartender, eh, l would suggest going over to Fiverr, you could probably turn bartending into some gigs over there for some extra cash?

    I know that is similar to a job, but at least you are calling the shots.

    I am doing fonts myself, but that has taken me months of failure and about $650 up front, to get close to success.

    But at least if Creative Market runs my font past their list, occasionally l can easily make a full wage from it,and then some.

    And can still go away for a week, with this coughing up in the meantime.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10909579].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Toilet cleaning is another.

    I know clean out the toilets near the food court and be scarred for life, but from what l have seen from the cleaners in the giant shopping centre, (near where l live) most of the time they hang around the most quiet toilet block, and lock themselves into a cubicle to mess about with their iphones.

    Not the best place to smuggle a 13 inch Laptop into, and mess about working on your business for an hour or more, but doable.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10910081].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

    Try to find a job where you can just be present without actually doing anything, such as:

    Babysitter, House Minder, BT Customer Service Agent etc.
    Originally Posted by whateverpedia View Post

    Babysitter, House Minder, BT Customer Service Agent. politician, etc.
    Added to your incomplete list.
    And in the UK, most MPs don't even have to be present.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10910333].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PaulSch
      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      And in the UK, most MPs don't even have to be present.
      For most of my life I thought MP meant missing person.

      Get FREE Access To Over 180 Webmaster Training Videos here. Did I mention they are totally free?

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