What is the world coming too...?

by 117 replies
With so many tradgic events happening world wide what do you feel the biggest problem is and why
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  • Global Warming, if left unchecked we will have a world that is unfit to survive in within 150 years
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    • well if human keep poluting everything they way we are .. there biosphere will not support us for another 50 without a dramatic population fall off .. and if you look at the historic charts they have from ice cores.. it my be in 30-40 year we have a mini ice age.. and again those usually cause massive population declines ..

      climate change is normal.. but our actions have put us in a position that we will be unable to respond to a massive climate shift either way ..and probably not grow enough food to feed 9 billion humans .. even though currently we actually grow enough to feed 14 billion ..

      a thousand years ago or more there where europeans visting the new world and people from china .. in the 1300s a mini ice age hit both europe and the americas .. and possible the rest of the planet .. black death started hitting china in the 1330s then spread to eurpoe in the 1350s .. and kill over half the population ..

      then after columbus and the eurpoeans started coming to the americas .. there was a depopulation of close to 90 percent of native americans north and south .. quite possible or at least 50 percent ..

      basically we are screwed either way if ig get hotter or it gets colder or it stays the same and we keep polluting everything and sucking up every resource we can ..

      topsoil the main one .. down to a few inches in most of the country ..froms 4 -10 feet of it 150 years ago .. and we are running out of the water in the Aquifirs under the country .. and then with hedge funds buying up farmland .. it is only a matter of time before we we cant turn oil into food at a profit as we do now .. with synthetic fertilizers .. and mechinized farming .. or at least enough to make hedge fund investors happy ..

      Oh wait i normally try to be positive about the future ..this post seems all bleak and such ..but seeing what is coming you can position yourself to adapt and thrive through is .. people are already poisioning themselves as the go the good consumer route .. so many will die of some lifestyle inflicted disease well before the environment gives us a but kicking..

      as for the OP .. right now there are actually a lot of things getting better in the world ..but we are instinctively drawn to looking out for bad things and danger .. ad we have news agencies who's business it is to show us everything bad that is happening 24 hours a day 7 days a week .. and many more sources of news around the world..

      there are some of these bad thing that may actually effect you or will in the future that you can prepare for and learn to do something about now
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    • Please show solid proof that all global warming is manmade..
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  • Deviant vacuum cleaner salesmen.
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    • Is there any other kind of vacuum cleaner salesman?
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  • Many gnomes... only two fists.
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  • Someone let the Dogs out! The problem is so bad, Baha Men had to ask - https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q...202D&FORM=VIRE
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  • Might have to do some recalculating - In 2017, 92 volcanoes were located under the ice cap of Antarctica ....A couple months later scientists began to talk about the 'effect of this newly discovered heat source'....on the ice caps.

    Man is the greatest detriment to the planet - but global warming may not be something we can fix...and we may not be the only cause. Could be the effect of humans combined with a natural atmospheric evolution taking place.

    I watch with interest but no illusion of control.
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    • The Earth has gone through cycles of being frozen over and having a lot of volcanic activity in the past, each having the same effect, being pretty inhospitable to life.

      If we are having a resurgence of volcanoes then that only adds to the inhospitable effects of excess CO2 which traps heat. However, ironically, if the Sun is being blotted out by smoke and ash it will cool the Earth down. When the volcanism dies down then there is still a load of ash and dust up there for a long time so the ice will return.

      No sun, no growing of crops, too cold, no growing of crops.

      We, up to now, lived in a window between the two, ideal for life. Now we are artificially hastening it to be too hot.. Even if we had not been doing so, the volcanoes would have returned eventually, but perhaps not for a very long time.
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  • Shane -

    That's a good point (how often do I say that?)

    With the money being raised and blown on pet projects/products/fines/etc related to 'global warming' and 'climate changes' and 'carbon emissions' and....on and on and on.

    We could go a long way toward fixing the problems of the globe if we would use that money to provide food/water while also restricting population growth. We won't do that - but we could accomplish a lot by addressing those two basic issues.
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    • Thank you Kay, this is going straight to the Pool room, (Castle movie quote).

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    • Protecting Earth from rampant environmental devastation, will provide more food and water at much less cost as there wouldn't be as large a need for man-made intervention to remedy the situation - which is incredibly expensive and is only going to get more so as time goes on.

      Once a crop-producing area is destroyed from environment effects, it's impossible to make it fertile, again, without spending massive amounts of money and even then, the results could be barely effective and very short-lived.

      "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." I Googled a conversion chart for that, but was unable to find one.

      As long as we are going to spend umpteen trillions of dollars to produce weapons of mass destruction that can kill everyone on the planet 1000x, and in the process render it incapable of even growing a friggin' weed, we need to stop pissing and moaning about spending billions to keep mankind alive by providing clean air, clean water and abundant, nutritious food.

      We have but one home. You want your grandkids to have to move to Mars, fine! Just make sure they're not afraid of spiders.
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  • My bid for King of the Earth was foiled...again. Oh, the humanity!

    I think it's a really good time to get the **** out. Fortunately, I'm old.
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    • Old? That's funny. Compared to me you're still poopin' yellow!!!
  • Bad coffee once I leave home.

    P.S. Sorry mods. I deleted this by accident - unless you deleted for me. If you did I did not repost it out of defiance - just confusion, which is my normal state of mind, lately. No offense intended. Delete, again, at your convenience.
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  • A big trade war which already started.
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    • 3rd world war coming soon besides global warming increasing day by day.
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  • Human catastrophe increasing so fast. Soon the world face a big human catastrophical problem.
  • Here is a lesson to the O.P. as you can see people disagree about different things like the last several posts. So that is where the problem starts it all goes back to almost the beginning of the human race. The first person disagreed with the 2nd person on this planet and the battles have been shaping up ever since. At the end of the day - Eat, Drink and be Merry! Before you wind up in Utah
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    • Always remember that people in West Virginia refer to Utah as paradise.
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  • Human beings buy into the illusion of fear and do stuff that leads to chaos.

    As for natural phenomena, it is...natural We are just in the way. Totally 100% perfect, as Nature just does as it does to maintain harmony. But if we are living among the harmony and balance we need to accept these events.

    Love is real guys. Fear is the hologram. Keep thinking on that one, the light bulb goes off, and we progress together, in peace, one person at a time.

  • Banned
    Believe it or not we are actually living in one of the most peaceful times. Something to consider is (as Gandhi said):

    "Be the change you want to see in The World."

  • True, certain countries have wars to present day, as they tend to act or react on emotions or ingrained beliefs taught to them since childhood, instead of rationally thinking it through and considering long term options..

    Someone who has learned that a certain action requires another reaction, and is presented with other evidence, that that isn't true, will be 100% against that new or correct way to react to that issue.

    So if one city gets destroyed, (nuclear exchange) then we launch the lot at that country, and totally destroy it asap, so they have no chance of destroying another one, and that teaches them, probably comes into it.

    This reminds me of War Games, doesn't matter how many times it is played out it end the same way.

    Or ingrained beliefs, supported by authority figures creates barriers that using the Wright Brothers example can only be broken by the physical action.

    Leading up to that event, there were numerous sightings, but none believed that it was a plane but something else.

    The Wright Brothers knew that it worked, and quietly ignored all of the experts garbeging their initial flight, and kept perfecting it, knowing that it was only a matter of time before it was proven.

    Nicely put Ryan.

    I see that quite a lot, elsewhere, the evidence leads to an obvious conclusion, but the conclusion is too hard to accept, so avoiding the obvious at all costs is taken.

    Some try to reason it all out, eventhough they tend to ignore the contradictions, and others out of fear, tend to become aggressive.

    But they are really fighting themselves in the end.

    Clear cut evidence speaks volumes, and aggression speaks pages, and retaliation speaks words.

    Usually three, lol.

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    • Not a word. Go with 'deprecating.' :-)
    • I wish you would quit using the Wright brothers as an example.

      The experts weren't the ones "garbeging" (whatever the hell that means) their flight. The experts were the Wright brothers and other people who studied applied physics.

      It was the uninformed superstitious public that had no understanding of how heavier than air planes could possibly fly.

      In the Wright brothers example, you are not one of the Wright brothers...you are one of the deniers that the plane will fly, even though every expert in applied physics knows that it will.
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  • So these mythical models (which you would never had access to anyway) were gliders and a prototype that couldn't support itself.

    And from that information that you would never have had access to you would've been convinced a flying machine was possible.

    Instead of saying other people should do research you should actually read the items you post as proof of your claims.

    And ROFLMAO at someone who gets their information from the Murdoch owned Herald Sun complaining about the MSM. I bet you don't even know how to spell irony.
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  • Banned
    Wait... did they put tagiscom as a mod here...? That's like making Claude head of security at the ACME doughnut factory
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    • Oh yeah? Well it's like making you captain of .....um.....

      Shut up!

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  • I am lost as to why this turned into a discussion about the Wright brothers ..who cares what even experts though was possible .. based on the tech ability of the day ..powered flight was basically impossible unti about the time the Wright brothers flew and a few teams where close to it at the same time..

    The same way dozens of people invented a lightbulb about the same time as edison..he just got to the patent office first and was the most popular ..

    there was plenty that was imposible 30 years ago .. that is now possible based off tech advances most people did not see coming ..

    what was it 10 years ago that autonomous cars where though to have been impossible as driving requires many skills the experts didn't think computers could replicate ..

    as for what is in the mass median and what isn't .. there a reason why news is based off the term if it bleeds it leads .. and CNN really stands for crisis news network .. so if there is no crisis there is no story
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  • "what's the world coming to?" in English. something you say that means that life is not as pleasant or safe as it was in the past: What's the world coming to when you can't leave your house for five minutes without someone trying to break in and rob you?
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  • Droppin' my forensic specertakyewls fronta my innately uberdiztoid eyeballs, ima figurin' we meandered OFF Tahpic together so sublimely we all beached out in our favo kinda FFS Comfort Zone.

    Either this means li'l ol' Moi is SPREADEAGLED on a BEACH TOWEL, raisin' her ASS IN THE AIR to offer safe passage for sum STOOPID CRAB


    or I lodge a pernickety complaint to WF that OFF Tahpic as a concept is a kinda backwater far as maxin' IM smarts is concerned, even in jest ffs.

    (Acid test in alla this schwango is ... do invadin' aliens care? An' would a zaaahmbie Apocalypse make any kinda diffrence?)
  • People that is the reality , live your life and do the things you like to do !
  • Global warming and human ignorance. All in all, the planet will survive. The other question is humanity.

    True. However, if you do have children, you kinda want them to have the choice of yours. Even tho out kids will have the opportunity, that might be not as easy for their children tho. This is where it might get worrying and not only "Live your life and do the things you like to do" (Personally I would love to). Or just do not have kids then...
  • I think our Emotional and Social inter-connectivity is being traded for techi - future. It's major...
  • Even though there are a lot of problems in the world as entrepreneurs it's our job to focus on creating solutions to help people live better, enjoy life, save the planet, make money, etc...
    Look at all of these challenges as opportunities to create a product or service that will enable people to overcome these obstacles.
    I don't know if the changes in the climate are due to natural events or human activity but if global warming is something you're concerned about then maybe pick one area like how to clean up all of the plastic in the ocean or clean up our contaminated waterways and bring a solution to that situation.

    It's important to notice a particular problem but as entrepreneurs let's focus on solving these problems and empowering people to overcome challenges. Even if you don't have the expertise to solve a problem you can educate people on a particular situation if you feel there is not enough being said or done about a situation.
    Creating solutions is what we do as entrepreneurs. I just want to encourage everyone to realize that we can be the ones to turn a situation from negative to positive, have a great impact on people's lives, and make some money too.

    Focus on solutions!

    Enjoy your outcome!
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    • Take your meds!!!
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