Frustrated with people selling "courses"

by tolson
3 replies
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I get it, you don't want to tell people how to ACTUALLY make money the same way you did. Good for you, you made your $20-200 bucks off me, in all reality that's probably the only money you've made, since spoofing checks is easy.

Makes me so angry that everyone leaves out KEY PIECES of information that is VITAL to "actually making it" selling online.

Everything is just general information. Techincally they might be telling you their "process" or "method" of how they are selling 100k a month on amazon, but forget to tell you the MOST IMPORTANT information because in all reality they don't want ANY COMPETITION.

UGHHH I love internet marketing and the journey but I know when I learn the key pieces of info needed to sell and market effectively I sure as hell am not telling anybody because clearly people aren't going to tell me the actual steps needed. They are sure to leave stuff out on purpose.

Thanks for listening to my rant...
#courses #frustrated #people #selling
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    I think you are misinterpreting what is happening.

    Real marketers don't leave out information on purpose. They aren't holding back.

    Most likely one of three things is happening;
    1) You are buying courses from someone who hasn't actually done anything except create courses. They leave out information...because they don't know what's important, and what isn't. And that's why it looks like general information to you, because it is.

    2) The author of the course actually knows their subject, and are teaching real methods that really worked for them. And they aren't really leaving out crucial are just blaming your inability to implement on the course you bought.

    If you bought a course that had every single minor step...every possible solution to every conceivable stepping would be thousands of pages long. There is always more to learn. If it took 5 years for a marketer to learn their entire method, it's impossible to put everything they ever learned, in that 5 years, in a course.

    3) It's a large course explaining a process, not a specific business. A process course ( a course on joint ventures, for example), has to be rather general, because it has to apply to almost any business...and product/service. So it explains the entire process...but it leaves out things that are specific to your business. Some of the best marketing courses are like that.

    Of the WSOs I've bought here, maybe half were just junk written by newbies that knew very little. And about half were written by real marketers that really had a proven process to explain. And they did it well enough to take action.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by tolson View Post

    I get it, you don't want to tell people how to ACTUALLY make money the same way you did. Good for you, you made your $20-200 bucks off me, in all reality that's probably the only money you've made, since spoofing checks is easy.

    Makes me so angry that everyone leaves out KEY PIECES of information that is VITAL to "actually making it" selling online.

    Everything is just general information. Techincally they might be telling you their "process" or "method" of how they are selling 100k a month on amazon, but forget to tell you the MOST IMPORTANT information because in all reality they don't want ANY COMPETITION.

    UGHHH I love internet marketing and the journey but I know when I learn the key pieces of info needed to sell and market effectively I sure as hell am not telling anybody because clearly people aren't going to tell me the actual steps needed. They are sure to leave stuff out on purpose.

    Thanks for listening to my rant...
    Yes, nothing new there, l did Pay Per Click Classroom, which did provide good information, but not the vital data to get the ball rolling.

    And finally after 7 months, when videos and audios were becoming repetitive, and most had left, we finally got a walkthrough of a popular product, but unfortunately it failed.

    We never got the key data, like, how do you overcome one off sales per kw group? Or get more than one sale per grouping.

    Plenty of great ideas to find them, but the one sale per issue never left.

    Obviously if we where given that answer then his lucrative products, would be threatened, or his kw costs.

    Most of the other marketers l used to follow tended to use something before it was made illegal or got lucky with a product.

    You can't exactly say, "I had dumb luck, and sold a ton of these books" and will show you how to also by buying this.

    It, (as you have said) usually goes along the lines of "l will hype up the wealth part, but in the end it will be just good advise on how to make a list" not " Do this, and make a lot".

    Explains why l don't follow IM gurus, anymore.

    Thankfully the online stockmarket area is different, and giving a hot tip is not uncommon.

    And l do follow someone, but the difference is it is free, and he does offer a paid option to look over his shoulder, but doesn't ram it down our throats.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Makes me so angry that everyone leaves out KEY PIECES of information that is VITAL to "actually making it" selling online.
    As Claude mentioned either the seller is not experienced himself - or assumes the buyer has a certain amount of knowledge to begin with.

    A course on 'how to build an email list' may give advice on landing pages or site design....but won't provide step by step instructions to building the page or site.

    A course on building and promoting your blog may advise building a mailing list - but is unlikely to give step by step on how to write an email.

    A pay per click class can give you the theories/case studies but not write the ads for you.

    Google and Youtube are your friends....I almost wore out Google 15 yrs ago - learning what I needed to know to move on to the 'next step' of whatever system I was using. What I notice is many people say they 'skip' steps in a course...with "I don't know how to do that" - rather than stopping and learning and then doing it.
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