Is WWE wrestling fake?

24 replies
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Someone told me it's not real and that it's all scripted. is this true?
  • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
    Originally Posted by BluesPlayer View Post

    Someone told me it's not real and that it's all scripted. is this true?
    Sorry to burst your bubble, it is 100 percent fake, entertainment for the masses.

    Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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  • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
    Wow is it still on TV? It's been ages since I've seen it. It is completely fake, the fights aren't real.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by BluesPlayer View Post

    Someone told me it's not real and that it's all scripted. is this true?
    I'm almost 100% sure you are joking. That secret has been out for 20 years or so.

    But I remember maybe 40 years ago, when the fact that it was always scripted, and choreographed was a closely guarded secret.

    I remember mentioning to me Dad (who was an ardent wrestling fan) "If these guys are fighting each other every day...why don't we ever see bruises or black eyes?"

    There are plenty of wrestlers that give real interviews, and they don't even try to hide it anymore.

    On the other hand, it's not exactly fake. After all it's very hard work, these people are trained stunt people. Highly skilled acrobatic actors.
    One Call Closing book

    What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11653297].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      I'm almost 100% sure you are joking. That secret has been out for 20 years or so.

      But I remember maybe 40 years ago, when the fact that it was always scripted, and choreographed was a closely guarded secret.

      I remember mentioning to me Dad (who was an ardent wrestling fan) "If these guys are fighting each other every day...why don't we ever see bruises or black eyes?"

      There are plenty of wrestlers that give real interviews, and they don't even try to hide it anymore.

      On the other hand, it's not exactly fake. After all it's very hard work, these people are trained stunt people. Highly skilled acrobatic actors.
      What was your wrestling persona name back in the day?

      Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

        What was your wrestling persona name back in the day?
        My wrestling persona name and my real life super hero name just happen to be the same.

        I am the Alabaster Tallywhacker!
        One Call Closing book

        What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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        • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          My wrestling persona name and my real life super hero name just happen to be the same.

          I am the Alabaster Tallywhacker!
          Did you give up on "Buck Naked"?

          One among many clues is that when they hit someone, many times they also stomp their feet. That's for dramatic effect to make the hit sound loud. Have any of you popped someone in the face before and stomped your foot at the same time? LOL

          I grew up in the time of innocence watching it with my grandparents. The one that I remember the most is Dusty Rhodes. I still refer to him every so often (mostly joking with my brothers) like this: "If you don't wipe that smirk off your face, I'm going to give you a Dusty Rhodes upside your head".

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          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

            Did you give up on "Buck Naked"?

            One among many clues is that when they hit someone, many times they also stomp their feet. That's for dramatic effect to make the hit sound loud. Have any of you popped someone in the face before and stomped your foot at the same time? LOL

            I grew up in the time of innocence watching it with my grandparents. The one that I remember the most is Dusty Rhodes. I still refer to him every so often (mostly joking with my brothers) like this: "If you don't wipe that smirk off your face, I'm going to give you a Dusty Rhodes upside your head".

            They had a microphone under the mat just to catch the sound of the stomp, and the sound of the body hitting the mat.

            One thing the wrestlers hated was the trap door in the floor of the ring. It didn't give like the rest of the mat.

            When I was a kid, I would see the promotions "We'll settle this thing once and for all!".
            But I noticed that no matter how often they fought, nothing was ever settled.

            Did you know that two of the worst wrestlers were The Ultimate Warrior and Goldberg?

            Two huge powerful men that had almost no skill in the ring. The wrestlers they fought had to almost put themselves in a hold, or throw themselves to the mat.

            Many of the mid range wrestlers were actually quite talented. Their job was to almost win, and make their opponent (The Star) look great.

            One match I remember, Bret Hart (a phenomenal wrestler) was accidently seriously injured during a match. He couldn't get off the mat. But he was supposed to win. His opponent had to pretend to accidently "trip" over Hart (as he lay helplessly on the mat) and then pretty much lay there with Hart's arm laying across his chest.

            They sold it was well as they could.
            One Call Closing book

            What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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        • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          My wrestling persona name and my real life super hero name just happen to be the same.

          I am the Alabaster Tallywhacker!
          Not to mention the other names you went under: Bulk Hogan, The Block, Giant Fatstacks and Claudie The Giant.

          Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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  • Originally Posted by BluesPlayer View Post

    Someone told me it's not real and that it's all scripted. is this true?

    Even the costooms are fake, poppet.

    Plus also, when you watch propah wrestlahs, it is more Writhe & Grunt than Strut & Proclaim.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    it is more Writhe & Grunt than Strut & Proclaim.

    Perfect analogy - but then same analogy would work for quite a few things in real life, right??? I'd say it's a 'guy thing' but the female versions are the same... Now I'm wondering if those are females or female 'versions'....
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Welcome to social media....a person who does not understand humor will contact you shortly.
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  • Profile picture of the author klixion
    Yes it's fake and scripted but the injuries are real. In sports, it's pretty easy to tell if it's fake or not. If you can't bet/wager on it, it's most likely fake.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Milk Man
    LOL. It may be fake, but the hype and the revenues are real.
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  • Profile picture of the author nihitthakkar
    Yes, WWE is not real. It is all scripted stories shown to the audience. Even the fight matches are also scripted, if you see fight scenes carefully you can easily recognize that it is fake.
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  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    This is post is great lol! "Glow", a Netflix series, is a funny show that portrays a women's wrestling league in the 80's. Perhaps you can gain some insight there while binging a pretty good show.
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  • Balestra struggles to breathe beneath the weight of Luridly Colored 10 Ton Flop Guy -- as the crowd undecides on ...

    "Uhm, yeah -- so this is actschwlly theater, k? For the real deal, I gotta go up top -- which is all perfectly possible bcs if'n I got yogah smarts to wriggle out from undah ya, surely I sweetest poppet evah to glide as a dream 'pon your Flat Earth Theory horizon."

    Luridly Colored 10 Ton Flop Guy: You mean ... I gotta move?

    "Less'n you don't shift soon, your entire existence prolly questionable from a variety of angles."

    Luridly Colored 10 Ton Flop Guy: Fine. Let me call my crane guy. He's built a billion dollar business shipping out hippopotamuses from places they will never survive to dream homes full of ultra rich gay guys who outgrew cats when they were like 3.


    (Here's when HIPPO SWATS shows -- an' the faux referee ain't got no clue 'bout decidin' nuthin' calls for Cathlick Goils from outta the audience to start prayin' so's I don't DIE. Simultaneous with alla this happnin', Beardo Rifflepoppo advances into the dark night anothah SIGNIFICANT % of any scale whatsoevah WILDER. Natchrlly, this is way more detail than anywan would evah wish for from parentheses -- but whose frickin' fault is that? Back to the fundamental question of whethah WRESTLIN' IS FAKE!!!)

    So, hey, yeah -- this is where the guy rolls ovah an' I get the hell out -- despite my legs yogahly split so I can't actschwlly run anyplace real easy.

    As a writah person, I can always lick muh way along with muh tongue.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Diego Aguirre
    When I compare WWE fights with UFC fights I see a big difference of what is real and what it not.
    I know, It is not fair to compare those but that is what came to mind
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  • Profile picture of the author allegandro
    It's so fake, but o so entertaining, if you want to have an evening without thinking and in the mood for some overkill in testosterone.


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  • Profile picture of the author Old Molases
    Most of the fights that you see are fake. One man punches whirls miles away from the target. However, I would love to know about the main events and the people competing in them for instance hell in a cell is the blood coming out from bodies fake too?
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Old Molases View Post

      Most of the fights that you see are fake. One man punches whirls miles away from the target. However, I would love to know about the main events and the people competing in them for instance hell in a cell is the blood coming out from bodies fake too?
      They are not competing, they are performing. They are told who is going to win, and how. These bouts are rehearsed ahead of time, especially the main evets.

      They sometimes use small packets of fake blood. The wrestlers used to hide a small sliver of razer blade and would cut their own foreheads with it. The sweat made it bleed profusely, with minimum scarring.

      All the matches you see are rehearsed. The "referee" is the one telling the wrestlers what moves to use, or when it's time to end the bout.

      Some of the stunts are truly dangerous though, like landing on a glass pane, or jumping off the top of a cage. Injuries are common.

      But the wrestlers purposely trying to hurt each other? Never. That's one way to get fired.

      When they are throwing each other, the point is to soften the landing, or slow the descent. The first rule in wrestling is to "protect your opponent".

      I remember, as a kid, asking my Dad "How come these wrestlers never have bruises, or swollen lips, or black eyes? I get in a fight, and you can see the damage for weeks".

      That's back in the day when the most closely guarded secret was that the fights were staged.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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  • Profile picture of the author Bella zanny
    It's obviously not real. 100% scripted
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  • Profile picture of the author erwinthedevil
    Yes, wwe is fake, because it is controlled by the script. But the wounds suffered by the actors are real.
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  • Profile picture of the author Usman Aziz
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    • Profile picture of the author Brackwom
      Is sad, but it is pleasure to watching WWE & I love the Roman reigns fight.
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  • Profile picture of the author escobarrr
    I also think that .. No I'm also 100% SURE that it's totally fake.
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