Sometimes you just gotta laugh at yourself...

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Anymore these days people seem to be supersensitive and get bent out of shape over the smallest slight or making fun of.

With social media, it gets magnified that much more. The fact is our society seems to be composed of just thinned skin people.

I was reminded of this myself earlier tonight. I was sitting on our couch and noticed my two daughters laughing uncontrollably at something on their phone. When I asked to see it, they at first were hesitant in showing me. They finally came around and showed me their phone. Well it was a video of me sitting on that couch looking like a dork as my youngest video taped me for about 2 straight minutes.

I could have scolded them saying they were being inconsiderate and disrespectful (they really weren't) . Instead, I just laughed along with them as I thought it was rather humorous myself.

Next time someone playfully takes jabs at you, just laugh right along with them. It makes Life that much more enjoyable
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Riffle
    Couldn't they just tape you at any given moment and get the same footage?

    Raising a child is akin to knowing you're getting fired in 18 years and having to train your replacement without actively sabotaging them.

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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Dan Riffle View Post

      Couldn't they just tape you at any given moment and get the same footage?
      Well she taped me and put it on a fast motion effect on her phone.
      I think that they taped me in "secret" without me knowing it , made it more funny to them
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      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        Well she taped me and put it on a fast motion effect on her phone.
        I think that they taped me in "secret" without me knowing it , made it more funny to them
        Even your WF pic shows you just sitting on the couch. I suspect this has been going on for a number of years. That's probably where you sit and close your eyes every morning and imagine what it would be like to go for a run on a daily basis.

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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        • Profile picture of the author discrat
          Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

          Even your WF pic shows you just sitting on the couch. I suspect this has been going on for a number of years. That's probably where you sit and close your eyes every morning and imagine what it would be like to go for a run on a daily basis.
          Yeah iam a closet couch potato for sure
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    With my Kid our some one.I love that would be cool. Now if I was dealing with a stranger I wouldn't take it personal either however I will draw the line before they got carried away .

    Sometimes envy is concealed in jokes .

    Thanks for sharing your story .

    Your points were well taken
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    yes i know u have to laugh and if u are involved in a online business, laughing helps you stay motivated i believe

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Poking fun used to be a natural way to keep people's minds alert, active, and responsive via; sarcasm, constructive criticisms, comedy, etc) - whereas now; poking fun has seemingly become some "offensive trigger mechanism" these days.

    I did a few hours of recording random comedy stuff (all unscripted raw materials) - and got flagged on TikTok... they claimed it was hate speech, which none of it was as bad as Archie Bunker, Richard Pryor, or the old school Saturday Night Live skits, somehow - even trying to create comedy has tilted towards people being offended by what was once just horseplay, sarcasm, and good ole' fashioned comedy.

    (deleted paragraph verges onto political comments)
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      Poking fun used to be a natural way to keep people's minds alert, active, and responsive via; sarcasm, constructive criticisms, comedy, etc) - whereas now; poking fun has seemingly become some "offensive trigger mechanism" these days.

      I did a few hours of recording random comedy stuff (all unscripted raw materials) - and got flagged on TikTok... they claimed it was hate speech, which none of it was as bad as Archie Bunker, Richard Pryor, or the old school Saturday Night Live skits, somehow - even trying to create comedy has tilted towards people being offended by what was once just horseplay, sarcasm, and good ole' fashioned comedy.
      God forbid if we have Archie Bunker humor in today's society. People would have a fit lol

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I think people have forgotten what 'humor' is - it's become a 'make fun of' or 'sarcasm about...'...and much of what see as 'comedy' isn't very funny now.
      I disagree...'comedy' will always be about making fun of people. Just look at The Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello, Jerry Lewis, Eddie Murphy, Seinfeld etc..etc..

      But anymore people in our Society have become too thinned skin to realize the humor in all of it.
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      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Originally Posted by discrat View Post

        God forbid if we have Archie Bunker humor in today's society. People would have a fit lol

        I disagree...'comedy' will always be about making fun of people. Just look at The Three Stooges, Abbot and Costello, Jerry Lewis, Eddie Murphy, Seinfeld etc..etc..

        But anymore people in our Society have become too thinned skin to realize the humor in all of it.
        Did you know that Archie Bunkers show was lifted from a 60's and 70's UK comedy called "Till Death Us Do Part" It charted the lives of a working class family and the main character was a bigot (amongst other things) called Alf Garnet. So in the 60's he was swearing on British tv though mainly just Bloody this and Bloody that. It was hysterical and quite provocative for it's time. Archie Bunker, by comparison was quite tame when compared. They even made a feature film of it and a follow up series with just Alf and his wife years later.

        I have no problem with comedians mocking different stereotypical traits of the people of different countries because they do them all with equal veracity. As to individual celebs and politicians etc, I like impersonators dressed up like them and do their voice and mannerisms and lampoon their sometimes, outlandish lives. as long as it's clever and satirical.

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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        • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
          Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

          Did you know that Archie Bunkers show was lifted from a 60's and 70's UK comedy called....
          Interesting never had that before, no mention of it when Norman Lear passed away last month.

          From Norman Lear -

          "The show was groundbreaking for openly talking about serious issues of the day. While other shows featured surface-level plots, All in the Family's storylines often involved deeper discussions of racism, women's rights, the Vietnam War, etc....

          "I had a father who was a bit of an Archie Bunker," says Norman Lear, who created the show. Lear says his father would use racist terms for Chinese people and Black people. "He was, in my mind, a long way to what became Archie Bunker."

          Writer Jim Colucci says that despite producers writing the main character the way they did, the actual atmosphere on set was that of respect, based on what guest stars on the show told him.

          "Even people who just came in for an episode or two or three remarked about how collaborative the show was,"....

          More of the story is in the link above.
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        • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
          Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

          Did you know that Archie Bunkers show was lifted from a 60's and 70's UK comedy called "Till Death Us Do Part" It charted the lives of a working class family and the main character was a bigot (amongst other things) called Alf Garnet. So in the 60's he was swearing on British tv though mainly just Bloody this and Bloody that. It was hysterical and quite provocative for it's time.
          No mainstream channel would touch it today, but the original TDUDP series did show up last year on a cable channel here - even the early black & white episodes. They hold up surprisingly well.

          I wish TV programmers would get that for attacking bigotry, parody will always beat preaching.

          Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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      • I disagree, I think its about the context of the joke
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      Poking fun used to be a natural way to keep people's minds alert, active, and responsive via; sarcasm, constructive criticisms, comedy, etc) - whereas now; poking fun has seemingly become some "offensive trigger mechanism" these days.

      (deleted paragraph verges onto political comments)
      Well I have no trouble poking fun at others or myself.i interact with enough people and know when I'm trying to be funny or purposely making a stinging jab to be offensive. It's usually more shocking to me who gets offended very easy. The easiest people to offend are hyper masculine men constantly trying to prove how much of a man they are.

      Anyway I laugh at myself all the time. I am a very hairy dude tend to introduce myself as wolfman or short sasquatch because it's easier to get people to remember that than my real name. Which annoying enough somehow people call me my brother's name even if I have never told them my brother's name.

      If people don't find your jokes funny but do find them offensive then you are probably just being offensive. If many people find them funny and a few get offended that is comedy.
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

        Well I have no trouble poking fun at others or myself.i interact with enough people and know when I'm trying to be funny or purposely making a stinging jab to be offensive. It's usually more shocking to me who gets offended very easy. The easiest people to offend are hyper masculine men constantly trying to prove how much of a man they are.

        Anyway I laugh at myself all the time. I am a very hairy dude tend to introduce myself as wolfman or short sasquatch because it's easier to get people to remember that than my real name. Which annoying enough somehow people call me my brother's name even if I have never told them my brother's name.

        If people don't find your jokes funny but do find them offensive then you are probably just being offensive. If many people find them funny and a few get offended that is comedy.
        Anyone got a silver bullet
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        • Profile picture of the author Odahh
          Originally Posted by discrat View Post

          Anyone got a silver bullet
          Oh if I was just this hairy when the moon was full. And if the hair on my head grew in as thick as it used to. But instead of the hair line receding that stopped now sections of the hair on my head grow at different rates.

          Now that I cut my nose hair with scissors I don't have people backing away when I talk to them out of fear my nose hair will reach out like tentacles and grab them.

          Any time I need an EKG done not only do the nurses or paramadics need to shave where the probes need to be attached. But they leave me to pull them all off and more than once I have heard references to the popular scene from 40 year old virgin

          I don't have to make up jokes to be funny with all the misadventures and strange stuff that has happened to me in last 8 or ten lots of stories I can make sound funny.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I think people have forgotten what 'humor' is - it's become a 'make fun of' or 'sarcasm about...'...and much of what see as 'comedy' isn't very funny now.

    I used to love comedians like Gallagher - who made fun of everything without making fun of everyone.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Thing is, we homo sapes're such a diverse buncha fkrs we don't gaht too much need for aliens.

    So it is kinda natchrl, purely bcs stats before'n we evin figure the heart-mind-amygdala stuffs, that we ain't always guaranteed to agree on nuthin' too much more important than 'ssenshwl stoowardship of the nurturin' globe upon which we all spin in our loves an' losses.

    * bullieve Moi, I would only wish to get persnl on most ishoos if'n it led to benevolently exotic maximum smoochie -- but rn there is absurdly efficient firepowah in jus' bein' a c*nt.*

    What helps us always in all we wanna do is how the open pathways before us will ALWAYS numbah more than the stuff behind us.

    The past is one; the fyootyoore is intrinsically uncertain.

    An' it is here, in the perpetyool nowspace, when we may best appreciate the dual swipe of our fears an' opportoonities in a catalytically constructive an' smile-enhancin' way.

    Bcs evin a step backward in hope or jest gaht more TAMARA stuff on it than a leap made outta hate or that thing whenya jus' upya own ass an' terminally abominable bcs FFS.

    You can get forward on that kinda stuff, whereas hate an' ill will jus' stifles the hooman bloodstream -- surely as if Gahdzzilla took a big ole reptilian foot to yr aorta as an isometric exercise.

    So ... anyways ... here is my HA HA HA story from las' week.

    If'n you don't wanna hear bout no PANTY STORY, then please look away now.

    (Tightrope walkahs addicted to checkin' their socials an' stuff while hot on the job: for safety reasons, this don't necessarily apply to YOU.)

    Thing is, like most shit I buy, any panties I figure would look neat on Moi come with LABELS.

    So, you kinda slice 'em off before you don -- surefire advice for most gals, I would wantchya to bullieve.

    Don then slice typically comes with legal risk -- less'n you 83.3% certain.

    Anyways, there are certain brands figure they so exotic their labels're like miniature bank cards.

    An' that is a real peril moment if'n you whooshy on yr latest purchase without prunin' 'em for label stuffs.

    Bcs that flag-on-a-string will fly wherevah it will!

    An' fkn jeezis it hurts when it cuts deep close in yr gusset areah.

    Dunno who the Dollar Shave Club folks of the fanjo fraternity are bcs I ain't no fan of the nerfed muff, but if'n they srsly intrested in winnah follicle slicin' equipment, I gotta tell 'em the ansa is here bcs I almost bald down one sidea my thigh.

    Bleedin' half to death also, but I would hope any razor guys can figure that in their promo.

    Hey, so that is my FUNNEE STORY for this week -- "darn near sliced my ovaries in half with a luxury panty label!" -- dredged from outta the hellhole of my persnl sufferin' for the benefit of your amusement.

    Hadya actschlly been AROUND when I flicked my label-enhanced panties round my ass, course'n things mighta been DIFFRENT.

    You mighta tempered my enthoosiasm for my noo panties so's I nevah put myself at risk of SLICIN' MUSSELF APART.

    Or, when I hyperventilatin' on guillotine nightmares bcs sliced blendyjuicies, mebbe you coulda helped out with eithah a wrench or jus' like yr bare frickin' teeth?

    (Actschwlly, that las' optschwaahn sounds like the prelood to romance on a good day. So that is where mebbe the laughter ends and the sordid filth begins ... but for the miracle of QUALIFYIN' PARENTHESES!)

    Thing is, laughter reigns soopreme between evryplace from misfit to perfect fit.

    It is with us in our dooms an' our dreams.


    Carryin' us forward so's we don't descend into despair, malice, or that thing where you lookit baby animyool pix an' fail to be amused.

    * sniff *

    My view?

    The diffrence between mosta the best laughter an' mosta the best despair is kinda indistinguishable if'n you merely measurin' squirt of liquid from tear ducts.

    * waaaah *

    Jus' for the record, is it actschwlly troo guys get hospitalised for pokin' stuff down their dicks bcs this seems to Moi like perfectly avoidable misery?

    "Yeah but you NEVER CUT OFF THE LABEL -- so whose fault is it your negligence resulted in injuries labial?"

    Moral of the story (such as it is)?

    I can still walk straight -- which, I gotta tellya, is a major advance on the week before last.

    So ... if'n I prompted even the merest quiver of anywan's lips here regardin' laughter --

    remembah always how anythin' BIG always starts SMALL.

    The diffrence buttween a smirk an' actschwl pee squirtin' downya legs ain't evah too evident until you figure uh oh actschwlly it is.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jamie5
    Laughing at yourself can be incredibly therapeutic and humbling. It helps to maintain a sense of perspective, lightens the mood, and fosters resilience in challenging situations.
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  • Profile picture of the author lyricraven19
    It is really good. Laughing at us can be Unbelievably healing and extremely humbling.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raz
    Different people have different personalities, some are more sensitive than others. It's hard to change your own personality overnight.
    Create content in mere seconds for your online business (Lifetime Deal):
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