by max5ty
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Now that it's almost Halloween...

and scary stories are a real thing.

Has anyone had any encounters with ghosts, or anything else they've found strange?

Any experiences, or strange stories you want to share?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I had two dogs who were best friends and had been together for years. One was older and I had to put her to sleep when her cancer was untreatable. The other dog mourned....looked inside and out for her friend...wasn't eating.

    About 2 weeks after Sheba was gone I was in my home office and my grieving dog, Gretta, was laying under my desk. All of a sudden she got up and ran to the corner of the room. She was jumping around and giving her little 'hi there' barks facing that corner. Her ears were back up (had been down since her friend disappeared).

    The dog was playing - with nothing. The corner was empty of furniture - no windows, no toys, nothing. It was an EMPTY corner yet the dog was playing as if her friend were right there in front of her.

    After about 10 minutes Gretta stopped playing. She whined a couple times, then went back to her bed and curled up. She stopped grieving right then ...ate well that night and stopped looking for the dog we'd lost.

    I saw nothing - but I've always believed the dog saw something.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    Helping Both Ends of the Leash
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I had two dogs who were best friends and had been together for years. One was older and I had to put her to sleep when her cancer was untreatable. The other dog mourned....looked inside and out for her friend...wasn't eating.

      About 2 weeks after Sheba was gone I was in my home office and my grieving dog, Gretta, was laying under my desk. All of a sudden she got up and ran to the corner of the room. She was jumping around and giving her little 'hi there' barks facing that corner. Her ears were back up (had been down since her friend disappeared).

      The dog was playing - with nothing. The corner was empty of furniture - no windows, no toys, nothing. It was an EMPTY corner yet the dog was playing as if her friend were right there in front of her.

      After about 10 minutes Gretta stopped playing. She whined a couple times, then went back to her bed and curled up. She stopped grieving right then ...ate well that night and stopped looking for the dog we'd lost.

      I saw nothing - but I've always believed the dog saw something.
      I always imagined that cats and dogs could see beings that were invisible to us. The reality is probably more along the lines that they smell something familiar...or hear mice in the walls...and they get excited.
      About weird things.

      After my Dad died many years ago, I was in my office, and looked up to see him standing in the next room, plain as day. I refused to look away, or even blink.
      After several seconds, he slowly turned into the coat rack, a few coats, and several shadows, that tricked my brain into seeing him. Had I been a different person with this experience, I would have seen this as proof or an afterlife, or ghosts.

      I was hunting with my dad and uncles when I was a teenager. A large tree had the face of an Indian chief, plainly in relief on the side of the tree. It was startling. I called for my Dad, and my dad and uncles came quickly. I pointed to the tree and told them what I saw. But....a few minutes had passed....the shadows were slightly different now, and it looked like nothing.

      My in-laws are fervent believers in ghosts. They are intelligent, educated people. But they brought over some photos they thought would convince me that ghosts are real (They are offended that I don't believe in them). The photos were mostly of people standing behind windows, with the sun shining on the window, partially causing them to vanish. One was an old photo that was a double exposure.

      When imagination and reason are in conflict, imagination wins.

      For example, I feel the wind at my back. If this were 10,000 years ago, I would have been convinced that an invisible hand was guiding me. I've seen photos of storms atop mountains. Before there was an understanding of how the weather works, I would have sworn that this was where gods and monsters lived.

      Anyway, I still pretend I'm having a real conversation with our cats.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        Anyway, I still pretend I'm having a real conversation with our cats.
        So their plan is working then?

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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    Now that it's almost Halloween...

    and scary stories are a real thing.

    Has anyone had any encounters with ghosts, or anything else they've found strange?

    Any experiences, or strange stories you want to share?
    My car has started talking back to me, (not sure if that qualify' s)?

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

    Now that it's almost Halloween...

    and scary stories are a real thing.

    Has anyone had any encounters with ghosts, or anything else they've found strange?

    Any experiences, or strange stories you want to share?
    Well several people claimed the house I lived in a good chunk of my life was haunted. But other people just mentioned they could feel how toxic the emotional energy was in the house .

    In any case I attract or find myself around people who believe that stuff or have multiple personalities.

    One of my friends I learned to spot the physical triggers when she shifted from one personality to another. So I'd just start talking and interacting with the different personality accepting it was a different personality. And avoiding drawing out the the one who may have killed people.l. But the main personality of my friend didn't have memories of what the other personalities said or did many times.

    I have been told I have a strong aura so a lot of that stuff just doesn't happen around me but when the environment or energy lets me know I should not be there I go.

    I have been around a number of people who where far more scary than any ghosts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I haven't really encountered anything strange recently other than seeing a flying object in the air the other night that appeared to be a UFO until it got closer and I realized that it was a small plane
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Don't worry Claude when it comes to to pretending to have a conversation with your cat. I'm surrounded by schizophrenic people. Even talk to a few of them.

    Pet owners do tend to believe their pets actually understand what they are saying part of the time. Ir not actually weird for people to talk to pet or even plants.

    As long as you are talking to something other people can see. And most of the time talking like you are talking to a small child

    There are weird things normal people do and then there are weird things people do to make it clear they are no where close to normal.

    Where you are rich it's called being eccentric

    As far as humans of the past scientists a few decades ago had no trouble creating nuclear waste that will last tens of thousands of years. And many of those primitive cultures who believed in mystical things created monuments that have lasted thousands of years years.

    A thousand years from now if we go through one of those massive declines in civilization that happen on the regular. Because of the gold and silver in other precious metals that are in technology. Ther must be some massive world wide religion today whit some god that is symbolized by an apple.

    Well that is what it will look like a thousand years or 2 thousand years from now
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11808585].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      As far as humans of the past scientists a few decades ago had no trouble creating nuclear waste that will last tens of thousands of years. And many of those primitive cultures who believed in mystical things created monuments that have lasted thousands of years years.

      A thousand years from now if we go through one of those massive declines in civilization that happen on the regular. Because of the gold and silver in other precious metals that are in technology. Ther must be some massive world wide religion today whit some god that is symbolized by an apple.

      Well that is what it will look like a thousand years or 2 thousand years from now
      I would say the key thing people in a thousand years will take from the 21st century is how much power corrupts!
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  • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
    I saw my grandmother shortly after she died, she was in an open doorway of my room lit by a hall light, it was what you would call a full bodied apparition but very brief. It dissipated quickly, I was 7 at the time.

    I saw and photographed the Bragg Road light 4 times, back in 2005. Mentioned this before here, put some pics up on a blogspot site, still up

    Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

      I saw my grandmother shortly after she died, she was in an open doorway of my room lit by a hall light, it was what you would call a full bodied apparition but very brief. It dissipated quickly, I was 7 at the time.
      A real nasty one?

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      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

        A real nasty one?

        My grandmother died in the room directly below me. She was ill and incapacitated for several years and somehow, (NHS better back in those days?) she had a nurse come in and tend to her needs each day. She had not walked for several years.

        Her apparition showed her at the age she was when she died, fully clothed but standing up unaided. Pretty unremarkable and not frightening in any way. I waited a few days to tell her daughter (my mother) that I had seen her. Around that time, for a while, the stairs made a creaking sound like someone was slowly ascending them. This stopped abruptly as it had started. She must have moved on.

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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        • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
          Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

          My grandmother died in the room directly below me. She was ill and incapacitated for several years and somehow, (NHS better back in those days?) she had a nurse come in and tend to her needs each day. She had not walked for several years.

          Her apparition showed her at the age she was when she died, fully clothed but standing up unaided. Pretty unremarkable and not frightening in any way. I waited a few days to tell her daughter (my mother) that I had seen her. Around that time, for a while, the stairs made a creaking sound like someone was slowly ascending them. This stopped abruptly as it had started. She must have moved on.
          Damn l was taking a stab and you went all serious on me,
          I also saw my Grandmother probably 15 years after passing which was from Cancer but she was in black and white with a rainbow pattern streaming down from her head and looking the way l saw here beforehand or overweight and wearing a dress.

          This was in my late 40's and in the morning while making breakfast which gave me quite a shock so much so my guides put the brakes on so seeing her directly, (no coat-hangers no shadows this was full blown apparition in the middle of a wooden floor with nothing else in the way) and during daylight hours.

          I can sense things and after a while see things, (you have no idea how interesting food courts are) and Kay talks about not seeing what her dog was playing with l could if l was there, although l suspect her departed dog was a coffee cream color with white chest, (probably got the wooden leg with eye patch and the Fang name tag wrong though)?

          I still see her regularly but not directly anymore and did try to talk to her once and heard her voice after 15 or so years which was nice, but before l could ask her the odd million questions she clammed up.

          Suffice to say we are all kidding ourselves down here this isn't the real one that is!
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          • Profile picture of the author discrat
            yeah iam dubious over the claims of ghosts.It would have to bite me on the arse to get me to believe
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            • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
              Originally Posted by discrat View Post

              yeah iam dubious over the claims of ghosts.It would have to bite me on the arse to get me to believe
              They generally don't bite but they have been known to scratch.

              Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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  • Anywan hearda Pissflap Penny?

    She was big on the seecrit Nazi code crack schwango back in the day.

    Plus also her love life was kinda exotic.

    "You may have heard they perform as a pair, but that is not so, soldier."

    Turns out her noorodivergent sensibilities sniffed out all kindsa mortal syntax stoopids for the benefit of so many people now livin' ...

    an' she could massage sick goldfish back to life with the quasi-binary powah of her downhome invitationals.

    Which is why love at first sight is mostly hormonal.

    An' shove at worst slight is mostly amygdonal.


    As Hallowe'en infuses us once more with her momentarily eternal wondahs?

    Gotta be visited -- jus' like Pissflap Penny was so subsequently quizzited.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author willjack7
    I haven't really encountered anything strange recently other than seeing a flying object in the air the other night that appeared to be a UFO until it got closer and I realized that it was a small plane
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    I can tell you what is strange how quiet this place is, (Claude is the only other person l could find who is signed in).

    You lot hiding in a bunker til the results are in?

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