Slept Well In Seattle.
Pretty cold but it only rained part of one day.
Flew by Alaska Airlines. Honestly, spend the extra, don't engage. Horrendous cramped journey and waiting around on the tarmac so they could get the second engine started on departure. And on arrival an hour and nine minutes queuing up to disembark.
Seattle Airport is way to small, arrived 2 hours early to return and got to the gate with about 20 minutes to spare. Then got on a bus to the airplane.
Did a visit to a very large American Indian owned casino. In front of it was a waterfall and as far as the eye could see they had covered trees and bushes with Christmas lights. Truly spectacular to see, worth going for that. Had a fair run on the slots too. Lost a little.
Was told Seattle was built on a rubbish tip but I wont trash talk the place, lol.
But one things for sure, I did sleep well. Chose not to sleep in the cramped and noisy family home (with pets) and booked a nearby Motel.
Found travelling more a chore at my age, had not done much for several years. But I'm glad I did it.
discrat -
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Kay King -
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