What are the DRONES DOING over NJ??

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A friend (one who is not a nutter) has seen the big drone in the sky...and he is not alone, hundreds have seen them, and yesterday the state had all the mayors of NJ attend a special nothing to report meeting.

Is it nothing? I do know drone tech is rapidly advancing and it is beyond what most of us know about drones, such as RF controlled may be old school today with AI leading the drones of the future, not dependent on a "controlller".

A small story that is about to explode. Your thoughts?

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    If they were unidentified planes, we would be scrambling planes to make them leave or identify them.

    I don't understand why those in charge of the military bases and the state/fed govt are just standing around watching.

    Seems simple to me: shoot one or two down and take a closer look.
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  • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
    These things have been seen recently over airbases all over the world. They are about the size of an RV. They are hovering and flitting around for hours, something that conventional drones could never do. They also seem to easily evade all attempts to bring them down.

    There seems to have been a huge upsurge in UFO activity, sightings and also clear images and footage of them in 2024.

    Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Reports say they are the size of a large automobile. Many hobbyist drone flyers are currently causing another issue. I think the government is testing them and keeping things quiet. I would not be surprised if some end up in the war in Eastern Europe.

    The military probably won't shoot one down because of the population around Picatinny Arsenal. Unless they thought it was a direct threat there's a big chance it would end up killing civilians. That area of North Jersey is densely populated. Someone mentioned they had flown over Joint Base McGuire-Dix, Philly. However, no one has reported them over the Navel Weapons Station Earle.

    It doesn't help that no one seems to track where they are flying from or landing. Especially after 9/11, you think the area would be secured. It doesn't help when one of our state Senators spewed some BS about a mother ship and Iran.

    r/newjersey on Reddit has multiple threads about them. Some say they are Jets heading to Newark. Others are memes and jokes. Someone posted the Monmouth County Sheriff is urging the Governor to declare a state of emergency.

    On another note if some farmer takes one down over the woods, or a golf course in Bedminster at night. It would make some interesting news ;>)

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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Take one down. But, what if it is carrying anthrax? Or biological material? What if it has nuclear waste?

      Taking one down is a first thought, knee jerk reaction...but it could contain more than your Amazon black friday deal...it is the unknown the what IF.

      Would you want anthrax or ricin dumped on you?


      Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

      Reports say they are the size of a large automobile. Many hobbyist drone flyers are currently causing another issue. I think the government is testing them and keeping things quiet. I would not be surprised if some end up in the war in Eastern Europe.

      The military probably won't shoot one down because of the population around Picatinny Arsenal. Unless they thought it was a direct threat there's a big chance it would end up killing civilians. That area of North Jersey is densely populated. Someone mentioned they had flown over Joint Base McGuire-Dix, Philly. However, no one has reported them over the Navel Weapons Station Earle.

      It doesn't help that no one seems to track where they are flying from or landing. Especially after 9/11, you think the area would be secured. It doesn't help when one of our state Senators spewed some BS about a mother ship and Iran.

      r/newjersey on Reddit has multiple threads about them. Some say they are Jets heading to Newark. Others are memes and jokes. Someone posted the Monmouth County Sheriff is urging the Governor to declare a state of emergency.

      On another note if some farmer takes one down over the woods, or a golf course in Bedminster at night. It would make some interesting news ;>)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812465].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    It doesn't help that no one seems to track where they are flying from or landing.

    That's the part I really don't get ...and I find it hard to believe we don't have tracking capabilities.

    Yes, they could be filled with poison - but my bet is they are info gathering. The longer it goes on with those in charge basically doing the 'who me? I don't know'...the less I believe what little we're told.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    I like one of the more reasonable posts I saw elsewhere. In response to someone who said their mom is calling twice a day worried about drones.

    "Ryan MacBeth is a military & tech youtuber that actually also works with drones and who is originally from the Mount Holly Area and he just added his 2 cents to the pile:

    it's a good take.

    as someone who also works for DOD in software development on weapons tech, i generally agree with his main points:

    1) It's not the goddamn iranians, or any other global adversary. If there was an "iranian mothership" off the coast launching drones like Van Drew alluded to, the Coast Guard would be having a ******* field day. It would be international news if an Iranian vessel was ever found outside of the Persian gulf, let alone the east coast of the US. Likewise for Russia and China for that matter, they just don't have the capability to project power that far, let alone over here without causing a major international incident.

    2) The drones that people are reporting are not commercial off-the-shelf type drones. If they're what people are reporting, we're talking big, gas powered, military drones. The kind that can fly hundreds of miles or loiter for hours, unlike your little amazon drone which has 30 minutes of flight time on a battery. This shit is hundreds of thousands of dollars each, if not more, and hard to hide.

    3) Adversarial drones would not fly with their anti-collision lights on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - the fact you can see the drones at night indicates that they're being flown by a friendly agency, whoever it is.

    My point is - the government knows what's going on, and probably is responsible for it but can't talk about it. It's either some sort of readiness exercise, or run of the mill weapons testing. We have a couple of major bases in NJ, and I can state for a fact we have companies in this state doing drone development for the DOD. I don't have any personal knowledge of what is going on specifically, but none of this would cause me an consternation " End Quote

    Added -" Would you want anthrax or ricin dumped on you?" I was joking about this post above my comment. - "Seems simple to me: shoot one or two down and take a closer look."

    Support our California Warriors more information about the Wildfires. - www.calfund.org

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    My Grandson (Air Force) helps build huge drones for the govt....much of what you wrote above is what he has said about it.

    I don't think they are 'foreign' - but I don't believe we are being told the truth, either.

    You'll have to be our Jersey lookout, Don.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812470].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      I just saw these posted, someone mentioned a plan that the Department of Defense talked about recently Both links go to the DOD

      . "Exclusive: Defense Secretary Austin unveils aims to push counter-UAS tech in Replicator 2.0 " - https://defensescoop.com/2024/09/30/...-lloyd-austin/

      and DoD Announces Strategy for Countering Unmanned Systems
      Dec. 5, 2024 https://www.defense.gov/News/Release...d%20timeframes.

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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      You'll have to be our Jersey lookout, Don.
      Thank you!

      Watching the local and national news last night. Toms River police department put a drone up to record drone sightings. Our newly elected senator was there to watch what they were recording. They showed 4 screens each was hard to see what they were viewing that they said were actual drones.

      PSE&G reported drones over two power plants. A group of elected Senators will try to write a new bill about drones there is support on both sides. They also want the Federal Government to respond.

      The majority of drones being reported are false reports. The Drone that crashed was a Hobby Drone. They showed it on the local news. The police warned they do not want anybody going near a large drone if it crashes!! Shooting one down will have severe consequences.

      This was not in the news - Before the drones on Reddit and Nextdoor, there were multiple reports of what was in the sky, every week. Those people were showing pictures of Starlink Satellites. Social Media is overwhelming with the reports in this state. IMHO people don't realize or pay attention to all the aircraft that fly out of Newark, Philly, Trenton, and, all the other smaller airports on a daily basis.

      Support our California Warriors more information about the Wildfires. - www.calfund.org

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Today John Kirby (WH Intelligence Spokesman) told reporters most of the sightings are not actually drones.

    To which one person replied "he's an idiot".
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812474].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Today John Kirby (WH Intelligence Spokesman) told reporters most of the sightings are not actually drones.

      To which one person replied "he's an idiot".
      Stay tuned. Mass Disinformation campaigns coming. We can't handle the truth. (they think)

      It will be covered up somehow, probably Musk testing new sky cabs, with gov't approval, and a whole lot of swamp gas I guess?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812481].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Stay tuned. Mass Disinformation campaigns coming. We can't handle the truth. (they think)

        It will be covered up somehow, probably Musk testing new sky cabs, with gov't approval, and a whole lot of swamp gas I guess?

        It's almost 2025 no need for mass disinformation about this next week something just as out of the ordinary will the subject of discussion.

        Or there will be a bunch of updated numbers on the economy so the economy will look in far worse condition.

        With the lack of attention span of the public at large expect something else that is just as shiny. Really saves effort on having to bother with mass disinformation.

        Then in a few months the story will come out with the explanation and no one will care
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812568].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          I loves me some truth; the whole, nothing but and the so called MY truth.

          Truth one, Snookie hasn't been seen at the shore, all out search, cause she is best seen at night time.

          Truth two, DOD behind it all, about to seek billions FOR drone defense upgrades, and they found their congressman stooge to run point for them. Sounds about right.

          Truth 3, a hoax. TikTok fueled collaborators orchestrating the modern version of a flash crowd performance....I seen a drone hovering above, but, although I am on my phone 24/7, I just didn't think to get a good video.

          With this one, we may never know the truth, but then, we seldom do. Some think it is a practice drill for NEW world order, to unite against the aliens (ET's), whose blu bubble orbs are under the seas.

          I think Odahh is right, by next week, our attention will be on something else, but its fun while it lasts. By the way, not all drones need an RF signal, that is what AI is for and also, as sophisticated as our tracking systems are, just last year the balloon made it cross the country. But we gave billions more for BALLOOON defense, probably to SkunkWorks.


          Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

          From what I've been able to gather from the drone 'experts' on Reddit...

          there hasn't actually been a photo of the actual drone itself.

          It's all just been lights...

          and some have said the lights are designed to block a camera from a real image.

          I don't know.

          But, most of the drone experts on the drone expert forum think it's a military drone in training.

          We would know if there was a ship off the coast...and we would know if there was a submarine off the coast that could control these.

          They have to land and take off from somewhere.

          Apparently, the military isn't too worried...which leads me to believe they know more than they're letting on.

          Remember when the B2 Stealth wasn't recognized and people were seeing a boomerang in the sky? It was denied for a long time before anyone was actually told it was a real military thing.

          There's definitely something that somebody high up knows that they're not telling us.
          Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          It's almost 2025 no need for mass disinformation about this next week something just as out of the ordinary will the subject of discussion.

          Or there will be a bunch of updated numbers on the economy so the economy will look in far worse condition.

          With the lack of attention span of the public at large expect something else that is just as shiny. Really saves effort on having to bother with mass disinformation.

          Then in a few months the story will come out with the explanation and no one will care
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812588].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    The military satellite dishes on bases on us soil. Have the technology and capability to jam any signal controlling potentially hostile drones. While we the best electronic warfare capabilities.

    So if these are not ours the military would be figuring out how to hack them and land them.

    With terrorist groups having access to drones around the world and willing to shot at warships.

    Having drones of our own in the airspace around military basses able to intercept potential attacks from rogue forces or loan actors.

    Currently risks of the world we live in and probably a testing program for the technology.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812475].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Come on guys, it's simple: They are doing market research!

    This is worrying. There has got to be some answers going forward for things like this or balloons or whatever else of an unknown origin that are doing whatever they want to above our cities.

    I just hope it's not Skynet. Who would've thunk the movies were right on the mark?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812476].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    People should be calling on their representatives to do something about it
    besides shrugging their shoulders and acting dumb.

    If the drones are coming from the Atlantic they could easily be shot down
    with surface to air missiles, over water not in densely populated areas.

    It's not rocket science to deal with this problem.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812480].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

    These things have been seen recently over airbases all over the world. They are about the size of an RV. They are hovering and flitting around for hours, something that conventional drones could never do. They also seem to easily evade all attempts to bring them down.

    There seems to have been a huge upsurge in UFO activity, sightings and also clear images and footage of them in 2024.
    Geesh l run some innocent tests and this happens?

    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    Stay tuned. Mass Disinformation campaigns coming. We can't handle the truth. (they think)

    It will be covered up somehow, probably Musk testing new sky cabs, with gov't approval, and a whole lot of swamp gas I guess?

    Cue FBI UFO lame press releases!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812484].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    I don't think we have anything the worry about...

    the government said they're probably just airplanes

    But seriously, I was reading about these on several forums on Reddit and there's a lot of buzz about them as was mentioned.

    The general consensus is one of 3 things:

    It's somebody rich having fun.

    It's a military thing and only they know about it.

    The government really does know what it is and doesn't want to say because the people would panic.

    Also, a lot of commentators on the various forums thought they were probably a quad which means there's a person inside.

    A lot of commenters also guessed they could be controlled by a satellite.

    Also, if they were used for spying they wouldn't be up at night with lights on.

    My best uneducated guess is they are military because military bases have flyover restrictions as well as the Trump real estate they're flying over...and if I were to fly a plane over one I would probably be met by military escort jets. Since these seemingly can fly over restricted spaces and not be challenged would lead me to speculate the military knows exactly what they are...

    then again, I have no idea and am just speculating like everyone else.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812574].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Wild Man
    They are ours!

    Do you think the government is going to broadcast classified intel. on CNN?

    They're an "eye in the sky" so to speak.

    Also, a deterrent to bad actors. "We are watching 24/7."

    Also, an over correction by an incompetent, corrupt Secret Service.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812581].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Best way to find out who they belong to:

    Use a green laser on them and see who shows up at your door.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812582].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Best way to find out who they belong to:

      Use a green laser on them and see who shows up at your door.
      From what I've been able to gather from the drone 'experts' on Reddit...

      there hasn't actually been a photo of the actual drone itself.

      It's all just been lights...

      and some have said the lights are designed to block a camera from a real image.

      I don't know.

      But, most of the drone experts on the drone expert forum think it's a military drone in training.

      We would know if there was a ship off the coast...and we would know if there was a submarine off the coast that could control these.

      They have to land and take off from somewhere.

      Apparently, the military isn't too worried...which leads me to believe they know more than they're letting on.

      Remember when the B2 Stealth wasn't recognized and people were seeing a boomerang in the sky? It was denied for a long time before anyone was actually told it was a real military thing.

      There's definitely something that somebody high up knows that they're not telling us.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812584].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    "Apparently, the military isn't too worried" same with the White House and Donald Trump. Especially DJT since they are flying over his Golf Course. Once he is back in the area, you can be 100% sure no drones will be spotted.

    The local police departments are asking people not to call 911. In one incident a Medivac helicopter could not land to help with an emergency because the drones were in the immediate area.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    I just saw where people had started shooting at them. Fed up with the "they are perfectly safe even though we don't know what they are or who is controlling them or what their payload may be" answers, they are starting to try to take control back.

    Something is going on. If it's military, take them somewhere else. Like over the desert to practice, not where you are scaring people.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812591].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    I noticed that they all seem to have flashing lights.

    Do drones have flashing lights?

    I know airplanes, jets, and helicopters do.

    When I hear someone say they are the size of a car...how do they know? How can you judge distance in the sky...at night? Can they hear the propellers? Aren't helicopters the size of a car? Don't helicopters have propellers? I have no idea. I'm just asking.

    Why are they only at night? Is it possible that the reason is...we can tell what they are in the daylight? and it's only a mystery when we see them in the dark?

    If they are spy drones? Would they have blinking lights? Wouldn't spy drones get better photos during the day?

    I only know a few things for sure;

    1) "They" are coming to get us

    2) The "Government" is behind this, and they are lying to us.

    3) The only truth we can get on this subject is from people on the internet that have a theory. Believe me, they know.

    I think we should shoot them down. Even if they are just small aircraft...or jets.....it's worth several innocent lives to satisfy my curiosity.

    And...last but not least.....no matter how many are positively identified as helicopters, jets, and planes... we'll ignore all that and still hang on to our pet theory.
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    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      I noticed that they all seem to have flashing lights.

      Do drones have flashing lights?

      I know airplanes, jets, and helicopters do.

      When I hear someone say they are the size of a car...how do they know? How can you judge distance in the sky...at night? Can they hear the propellers? Aren't helicopters the size of a car? Don't helicopters have propellers? I have no idea. I'm just asking.

      Why are they only at night? Is it possible that the reason is...we can tell what they are in the daylight? and it's only a mystery when we see them in the dark?

      If they are spy drones? Would they have blinking lights? Wouldn't spy drones get better photos during the day?

      I only know a few things for sure;

      1) "They" are coming to get us

      2) The "Government" is behind this, and they are lying to us.

      3) The only truth we can get on this subject is from people on the internet that have a theory. Believe me, they know.

      I think we should shoot them down. Even if they are just small aircraft...or jets.....it's worth several innocent lives to satisfy my curiosity.

      And...last but not least.....no matter how many are positively identified as helicopters, jets, and planes... we'll ignore all that and still hang on to our pet theory.
      Were you aware that these alleged drones have been recorded over more airbases than just New Jersey, included are three air bases in the UK that do have an American presence. The are quite easily being seen and filmed by the public so no real question of them being easily covered up, whatever they are.

      The Mayor of New Jersey said he had no idea what they were so not like an official, coherent explanation has been put forward by any of the government or military. Surprising as even if it was a cover up for unidentified ariel craft, you think that they would have announced it by now to dispel any panic. Just say they are ariel patrols over the bases or something.

      2024 has been a bumper year for UAP's. And everyone now has quality camera's in their phones so more are being recorded. You can of course dispel many sightings thanks to cgi but not all. Any decent analysis of footage would be able to discern this. Even now, it is still a select few who would be able to put out something that looked in anyway convincing or decent.

      From what I've seen of the footage they seem to be all shapes and sizes and stay up for hours. All I know is that any conventional drones would be hard pressed to be airborne for more that 20 minutes or so thanks to the limitation of lithium Iron batteries, so, they would have to be somewhat larger. Not something your average person could make. So, will continue to watch with interest.

      A question I have always asked myself. If I was an observing alien race or races plural, and was on the cusp of making contact. Would I just land on the Whitehouse lawn one day or would I increase visibility to the public to make them more used to the idea first?

      Would it be for contact, intervention or whatever. Any race or races that have achieved faster than light travel to reach us would be so far ahead of us and will view us a primitives.

      Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812606].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

        Were you aware that these alleged drones have been recorded over more airbases than just New Jersey, included are three air bases in the UK that do have an American presence. The are quite easily being seen and filmed by the public so no real question of them being easily covered up, whatever they are.
        This isn't some bored genius in his back yard and billionaires even though could pull it off wouldn't be bothered. The Facebook dude has a FiJi hideaway which is off the grid and uses tech which powers it all, (which construction workers have to sign a non disclosure to build anything there) so sure he has a power source that could power a drone for years on end, but that gets back why would he bother?

        Black opps and or the military being in fear of seeing their 2 trillion per year funding disappear, on top of full disclosure are behind it all.

        Put that much into antrigravity and you will come up with something!

        The Mayor of New Jersey said he had no idea what they were so not like an official, coherent explanation has been put forward by any of the government or military. Surprising as even if it was a cover up for unidentified ariel craft, you think that they would have announced it by now to dispel any panic. Just say they are ariel patrols over the bases or something.

        From what l have seen Politicians have no idea, black opps is just that well funded carpartelized organizations that are hidden to most and all power resides in a handful.

        2024 has been a bumper year for UAP's. And everyone now has quality camera's in their phones so more are being recorded. You can of course dispel many sightings thanks to cgi but not all. Any decent analysis of footage would be able to discern this. Even now, it is still a select few who would be able to put out something that looked in anyway convincing or decent.

        From what I've seen of the footage they seem to be all shapes and sizes and stay up for hours. All I know is that any conventional drones would be hard pressed to be airborne for more that 20 minutes or so thanks to the limitation of lithium Iron batteries, so, they would have to be somewhat larger. Not something your average person could make. So, will continue to watch with interest.

        A question I have always asked myself. If I was an observing alien race or races plural, and was on the cusp of making contact. Would I just land on the Whitehouse lawn one day or would I increase visibility to the public to make them more used to the idea first?

        Would it be for contact, intervention or whatever. Any race or races that have achieved faster than light travel to reach us would be so far ahead of us and will view us a primitives.
        No they wouldn't land in Washington Park cause it wouldn't solve anything. Or give a caveman a long stick and they use it to win wars give them fire and they would use it for bigger wars and conquest.

        Give them TNT and they would go for world conquest, (back then the world would be one continent).

        Or a bit like Davros in Doctor Who who said "when l am master of the known universe then there will be peace".

        I don't really like the term primitive as we can only do our best, but l would think that they would see us as in the dark ages at present.
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        • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
          "The Mayor of New Jersey said..." Which one there are 564 municipalities in the state. I think you mean Governor Phil Murphy ;>)

          Support our California Warriors more information about the Wildfires. - www.calfund.org

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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

        Were you aware that these alleged drones have

        Would it be for contact, intervention or whatever. Any race or races that have achieved faster than light travel to reach us would be so far ahead of us and will view us a primitives.
        Well what if actually advanced intelligence don't have to travel faster than light. Or don't actually need ships to travel.

        Angel's are depicted with wings because humans know birds have wings so of course to come down from the heavens or fly around angels should have wings as well.

        We currently have a situation where drones are being seen . Because there is no clear explanation of what they are doing and who is operating them. Humans are projecting all kinds of motivation or threats. At this point there is no reasonable explanation that people will believe that will not be considered misinformation.

        Why was the spy balloon allowed to float across the USA two years ago and not shot down until after it got over shallow ocean where it would not possibly destroy any property or kill anyone. And could easily be recovered without the military having to force its way onto private property to recover debris.

        It's not like the entire time it was over us airspace we could have our planes surrounding it recording every signal sent to and from the balloon. Or where it was a slow moving balloon we could not tell where it was going and hide anything important.

        Hell I have friends who believe every long contrail must be a chem trail for weather modification or some other evil purpose.

        Maybe these drones are the next step in some evil plan. Mess up people's dna with vaccines. Roll out 5G around the country for all those evil reasons chemical trails. And now drone swarms flying around at night that are not doing anything bad but because it's the government it must be bad in some way.

        Ps or adding. If you where an advanced intelligence observing this in humans. Why would you risk contacting humans. When these humans will believe you are probably going to enslave them do bad things to humans. Then most of your effort would be to get human to stop their self destructive ways.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812671].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

        Were you aware that these alleged drones have been recorded over more airbases than just New Jersey, included are three air bases in the UK that do have an American presence. .
        So they are all over the world...especially at air bases? Gee, I wonder what it could be at air bases that flies at night, and has flashing lights?

        I am going to make a prediction. Yes, I have psychic powers, and am going to prove it right now.

        These aren't spy drones. They don't carry anthrax. These are airplanes and jets. maybe a few small drones (the kind we buy in Best buy). A few guys are flying their drones...trying to get a look at the "Huge UFO Drones".

        Eye witnesses see lots of drones at a time because these planes and other manned aircraft change position as they fly. So when someone says "I saw a dozen of these drones in an hour"...what they really mean is that they looked up a dozen times and saw the same aircraft (or to) at different places in the sky.

        Now, the question should be "Why are these drones and not spy balloons or alien spacecraft?"

        It's because someone said "Drone" and now everything looks like a drone...just like everything used to look like a saucer.

        By the way, the reason they all....ALL.....have flashing lights, is because the FAA requires all jets, planes, and helicopters to have flashing lights, so they can see each other. The FAA does not require spy planes, drones, or UFOs to have flashing lights.

        And spy planes don't have flashing lights that scream "Look at me!"

        One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812695].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Monetize
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          So they are all over the world...especially at air bases? Gee, I wonder what it could be at air bases that flies at night, and has flashing lights?

          You seem skeptical that these are nefarious.

          Military aircraft, planes, helicopters, etc. do not fly in clusters.

          Unless it's the Thunderbirds or Blue Angels.

          We are being invaded.

          Have your go-bag ready just in case you need to run.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812696].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          So they are all over the world...especially at air bases? Gee, I wonder what it could be at air bases that flies at night, and has flashing lights?

          I am going to make a prediction. Yes, I have psychic powers, and am going to prove it right now.

          These aren't spy drones. They don't carry anthrax. These are airplanes and jets. maybe a few small drones (the kind we buy in Best buy). A few guys are flying their drones...trying to get a look at the "Huge UFO Drones".

          Eye witnesses see lots of drones at a time because these planes and other manned aircraft change position as they fly. So when someone says "I saw a dozen of these drones in an hour"...what they really mean is that they looked up a dozen times and saw the same aircraft (or to) at different places in the sky.

          Now, the question should be "Why are these drones and not spy balloons or alien spacecraft?"

          It's because someone said "Drone" and now everything looks like a drone...just like everything used to look like a saucer.

          By the way, the reason they all....ALL.....have flashing lights, is because the FAA requires all jets, planes, and helicopters to have flashing lights, so they can see each other. The FAA does not require spy planes, drones, or UFOs to have flashing lights.

          And spy planes don't have flashing lights that scream "Look at me!"

          Barring the smartarse comments some are large man occupied drones, (one video l saw today was pretty obvious) and some at night are long tubes with tripod structures on them with no signs of propellers in sight.

          So unless a helicopter is above and this thing is on fishing wire, (assuming they are lightweight) it could be something else.

          Sure why would the military or some secret faction build this and put flashing lights all over it, answer they wouldn't unless they wanted to fake it.

          The media has and will start saying that this piss weak lights show is an alien invasion then a new gov, department will be pushed probably called NTB, (Nuke The *******s).

          Then billions if not trillions will be funneled down the rabbit hole and maybe something defensive will be developed but more likely it will be Star Wars part 2.

          I expect that your next administration won't fall for it.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812697].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          So they are all over the world...especially at air bases? Gee, I wonder what it could be at air bases that flies at night, and has flashing lights?

          I am going to make a prediction. Yes, I have psychic powers, and am going to prove it right now.

          These aren't spy drones. They don't carry anthrax. These are airplanes and jets. maybe a few small drones (the kind we buy in Best buy). A few guys are flying their drones...trying to get a look at the "Huge UFO Drones".

          Eye witnesses see lots of drones at a time because these planes and other manned aircraft change position as they fly. So when someone says "I saw a dozen of these drones in an hour"...what they really mean is that they looked up a dozen times and saw the same aircraft (or to) at different places in the sky.

          Now, the question should be "Why are these drones and not spy balloons or alien spacecraft?"

          It's because someone said "Drone" and now everything looks like a drone...just like everything used to look like a saucer.

          By the way, the reason they all....ALL.....have flashing lights, is because the FAA requires all jets, planes, and helicopters to have flashing lights, so they can see each other. The FAA does not require spy planes, drones, or UFOs to have flashing lights.

          And spy planes don't have flashing lights that scream "Look at me!"

          Ask yourself one simple question. Why have separately administered airbases, *three others in the US and more outside the US, like the Uk, "Suddenly" decided to operate plethora's of various airborne craft to be buzzing around them simultaneously? So much in evidence that they are visible to the public who populate the area and are quite familiar with the normal amount of activity they are used to seeing. So much in evidence, that they are perplexed at this increase and see the need to film it?

          If we leave out any references to UFO's, or anything related to it, why are they suddenly doing it? Is this a high alert posture for some reason?

          Taking both your above narrative posts into account, it is clear you have not really done any actual research on the subject and are just throwing up your usual armchair postulations.

          Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812701].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
            Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

            Ask yourself one simple question. Why have separately administered airbases, *three others in the US and more outside the US, like the Uk, "Suddenly" decided to operate plethora's of various airborne craft to be buzzing around them simultaneously? So much in evidence that they are visible to the public who populate the area and are quite familiar with the normal amount of activity they are used to seeing. So much in evidence, that they are perplexed at this increase and see the need to film it?

            If we leave out any references to UFO's, or anything related to it, why are they suddenly doing it? Is this a high alert posture for some reason?

            Taking both your above narrative posts into account, it is clear you have not really done any actual research on the subject and are just throwing up your usual armchair postulations.
            I read today that the new administration, (l will keep away from the T word unless someone gives the ok) is also clueless, and has said "either tell the public, (the military) or shoot them down".

            So if it is man driven drones, and helicopters with their lights out, (there are reports of dark objects around these things at night) then they stand the real risk of them dropping like a stone and dying if a civilian or the military take a shot.

            But pretty obvious from the manned ones and world wide chirography that these are not aliens just stupid humans with way too much power trying to make a new taxpayer rabbit hole.

            Money is power especially when it is trillions.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812711].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    I did read about another theory...

    some thought it was Musk's air taxi thing he had talked about.

    Hmmm, I doubt it though because I don't know why he would be practicing with them over or around military bases.

    Hopefully, we find out soon

    Added: Trump said today we should shoot them down...the Biden administration said they don't have the authority...what?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812594].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    A diversionary tactic since we are very close to full disclosure on the whole thing, (real UFO's, technology that could revolutionize our planet and be a major threat to oil, etc).

    Planes and or helicopters don't fly in close formation in the dark unless they are suicidal.

    They are drones or other craft launched by your US Military possibly to instigate a fake alien invasion to shift attention away from disclosure attempts.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812596].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

      A diversionary tactic since we are very close to full disclosure on the whole thing, (real UFO's, technology that could revolutionize our planet and be a major threat to oil, etc).

      Planes and or helicopters don't fly in close formation in the dark unless they are suicidal.

      They are drones or other craft launched by your US Military possibly to instigate a fake alien invasion to shift attention away from disclosure attempts.

      I read something once that I think may be true...

      when alien spacecraft pass by the earth they lock their doors.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812598].message }}
  • Could be sumone heard I was in the areah showin' whale tail.

    Spectacle. Fascinayschwaahn. Preumptschwaahn.

    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    Stay tuned. Mass Disinformation campaigns coming. We can't handle the truth. (they think)

    Thing is, we are natchrl gap-fillah-innahs.

    The less hard evidence we gaht, the more we presoom weirdsy.

    Herein lines the fine line buttween EUREKA c/o SUCCOR an' INFODUMP FROM BEYOND.

    We may all soon find usselves discussin' points of intrest of no actschl consequence simply bcs they the most enthrallin' blips of whatevah in the immediate communal sensorium.

    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    by next week, our attention will be on something else ...


    See bcs the scene been set for nowan to trust the heavydense of their actschwl senses.

    Janno we evin gaht BIRDS flyin' ahead of alla them mysterious NJ drones what'n evin no kinda birds at all!

    An' I guess you gotta figure what is yr intrinsic touchpoint on the planit.

    Back in the day, I was Lion King Gal.

    "Mom, can we watch that again plz?"

    An', miraculously, fantasy media would beam from the screen 'pon command.

    rn the story distribyootion mechanisms gaht a whole bunch more sphysticated.

    The Portals Bestowing Summonable Delights now spew all actionable mayhem -- an' the easy participants' amygdalae are tapped into the like/blank cycle from virtyool exchange to virtyool exchange.

    So here's an experiment forya.

    Go sumplace public where people are an' announce you gonna murdah sumone.

    You may be shocked by how distracted an' preoccupied plenny people are.

    If revolution is an undahcovah entity, you gotta hook up sweet with yr wits.

    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

    ... our pet theory.
    You would wanna own alla yr pet theories, always.

    Dahgs fulla incisive bite you could set upon charlatans an' malingerahs

    What is held to be troo?

    An' how far are you prepared to depart from a priori in pursuit of vibesily oppresso schwango?

    Inlets. Outlets. Swishy gowin' on inbuttween.

    Mebbe next time I in the mall I should flash a boobie -- evin if only to distract sumone from purchasin' BLEACH bcs COVID BACK (an' this time THEY will BAN YOU from WATCHIN' TV!!!)

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812688].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    I got a solution have everyone who wants these shot down. Put their name on an official list and for every small plane that gets shot down with people in it.

    Everyone on that list get a felony murder conviction.

    Based on the out of focus cell phone video we don't know what these are but pretty much every in focus video looks like a conventional air craft.

    We are not in a state of war if we start shootings down planes and air craft over our own airspace. To appease panic created online
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812723].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      I got a solution have everyone who wants these shot down. Put their name on an official list and for every small plane that gets shot down with people in it.

      Everyone on that list get a felony murder conviction.

      Based on the out of focus cell phone video we don't know what these are but pretty much every in focus video looks like a conventional air craft.

      We are not in a state of war if we start shootings down planes and air craft over our own airspace. To appease panic created online
      Hate to back up Claude but unfortunately these could pull it off, (saw one video of a manned one but all covered up).


      Launch them now globally, new admin, tells everyone to take a shot, the military clean up any messes, (some do not have propellers so have secret tech, most likely) idoit media parrot what their masters want we have a nice little war with supposed aliens, and a trillion dollar rabbit hole!

      Since the first rollout was pretty bad, (manned drones as part of it which is clearly man made and not there to take a closer look since all past reports never have these) l suspect that in the coming days they will up the tech, (legitimate saucer shape with no props probably during daylight hours but still man made just back engineered).
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812724].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    So they are all over the world...especially at air bases? Gee, I wonder what it could be at air bases that flies at night, and has flashing lights?

    I joked about it earlier but we've had times in the past when 'what everyone saw' was NOT what everyone was really seeing.

    One expert on the news said 'planes have blinking lights and these drones don't'....but in the recordings I've seen there clearly are blinking lights. When this was first reported it was a story of seeing 'drones' - no question. I assumed those making the claims could clearly SEE what they were looking at. Now I wonder if that is true.

    Shooting down a suspicious DRONE is one thing - shooting down something in the sky with lights...is quite another. The question for me becomes "if theses are drones, why are they only seen at night?"
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812725].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      One expert on the news said 'planes have blinking lights and these drones don't'....but in the recordings I've seen there clearly are blinking lights. When this was first reported it was a story of seeing 'drones' - no question. I assumed those making the claims could clearly SEE what they were looking at. Now I wonder if that is true ... The question for me becomes "if theses are drones, why are they only seen at night?"
      Let's naht fergit CHRISTMAS is comin'.

      So mebbe the Fat & Entirely Inconceivabyool Guy jus' hit on new ways to delivah the booty an' toss out the sparkly without press-gangin' no reindeah into service.

      "To hell with creeping down chimneys trying not to wake kids up with my stoopid fat ass," said Santa. "A tech--bro-enhanced delivery solution gets the happiness into everyone's homes way quicker and easier -- including the option to leave shit out in the snow till January Whatever in the true spirit of customer service."

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812733].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

        Let's naht fergit CHRISTMAS is comin'.

        So mebbe the Fat & Entirely Inconceivabyool Guy jus' hit on new ways to delivah the booty an' toss out the sparkly without press-gangin' no reindeah into service.

        "To hell with creeping down chimneys trying not to wake kids up with my stoopid fat ass," said Santa. "A tech--bro-enhanced delivery solution gets the happiness into everyone's homes way quicker and easier -- including the option to leave shit out in the snow till January Whatever in the true spirit of customer service."
        Well, from what I read a drone cannot weigh over 55 pounds or fly higher than 400 feet without being registered with the FAA. This is only what I've read, I'm not a drone expert.

        So, somebody must know something and they're not talking.

        Also, if this catches on with Santa we may have the Easter Bunny using drones or the tooth fairies. Where does it all end?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812734].message }}
        • Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

          So, somebody must know something and they're not talking.
          How may we wish best to gaze upon all spectacles?

          Close to home, from afar -- or simply the thoughts in our heads we may inadvertantly acknowledge?

          What is certain is how INPUT inflooences OUTPUT.

          Which is why I invite evrywan here to considah ... what struckya inta the shape you were whenya was jus' a 5yo baybee?

          or sevvin, evin?

          Or 13, if'n you arrived late to the sensorial show?

          Gotta wonda what COMMANDS 'PON INTREST nevah existed then, to stray you out fromya current oblivionhole.

          Tellya, the Abyss gettin' so way JUNERRICK.

          Anywan can plummet down into THUH most anodyne evryscapes on a self actualisin' whim.



          So quit lissnin' to twerpsichore in bleepahs while you still gaht the chance.

          I cain't save evrywan forevah.*

          * pointa fact, I cain't evin save MUSSELF. Yanno that Christmas thing you do with Holly? All deckin' an' hallin' an' ivy an' beautilishsly heartsy of bonhomie? Yeah, so I pricked my fingahs to shit, pulled a stitch on my skoit, an' the fkr keeps fallin' offa my tree despite GUARANTEED 100% MAX STRENGTH STICK ANYTHING HERCULES TOTAL FIX ADHESIVE GLUE SOLUTION. What can a gal do but STOMP with diligently informed petulance?

          Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812801].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    After reading op-ed pieces on this over the last few days, I still think they're military.

    Some ex-CIA operative said she thinks the military is doing detection tests or something like that. And others are saying there's no way the government cannot know what these are...and the reason they're not saying is to protect military secrets.

    There are weapons that can disable a drone and bring it down. I guess they use them in Ukraine etc.

    One thing for sure though...if somebody doesn't come clean soon we're going to have planes getting shot out of the sky by irate people
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812732].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    So President-elect Trump held a press briefing and this is what he said about the drones (NY Times):

    "The government knows what is happening," the president-elect said of the drone sightings over many states, though he declined to say if he had been briefed by government officials. "Look, our military knows where they took off from. If it's a garage. They can go right into that garage. They know where it came from and where it went. And for some reason, they don't want to comment."

    I would guess he's been briefed.

    So yes, as I've said, I believe the government and the military completely know.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812816].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I decided since the drones are over NJ - and I'm in SW Ohio....I'll just not worry about it overmuch.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812817].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I decided since the drones are over NJ - and I'm in SW Ohio....I'll just not worry about it overmuch.
      I do think I saw a report where drones were reported over or around Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Can't recall the story.

      I would imagine a ton of people are now just getting in on the action by flying drones everywhere. Saw where 2 were arrested somewhere yesterday for flying drones around the airport I think in Baltimore or somewhere from some island.

      I'm not worried about it either because I honestly think the military and government know and they're not saying to protect some secret.

      It has been interesting though to watch it all play out on the news.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812819].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    And then I see this:

    "Wright Patt AFB closes air space for hours due to drone activity."

    That's 90 minutes away from me - I may need to rethink this.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812820].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Kay, this breaks my heart. Be safe. Don't let the aliens get to you. Be strong. You'll be in our thoughts. Please come back to us!


      PS On the other hand: "Attention, aliens. Pickup in SW Ohio. Stat!!"

      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      And then I see this:

      "Wright Patt AFB closes air space for hours due to drone activity."

      That's 90 minutes away from me - I may need to rethink this.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812826].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    I thought the people arrested were in Long Island, and on Friday they shut down Stewart Airport for a while. Since this has been going on for a Month already, what are people going to do? If it was something nefarious the average person has no way of protecting themselves. It would be nice to have some answers but at this point, just live your everyday life.

    Edited turned out two were arrested at Logan Airport in Boston

    Support our California Warriors more information about the Wildfires. - www.calfund.org

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812821].message }}
  • Hey, why we debatin' the shit outta mussterious machines ... what 'bout the hordes of dumbass people shufflin' round yr local mall like kinda zaaahmbies?

    "We ain't drones or nuthin' -- bcs look, we wearin' Nikes an' we shoppin' for yanno like gamin' stuff."

    Assemblages of all kindsa seemingly autonomous sterfs always been with us -- else'n how nowan evah ordahed pizza?

    Which is why I trust always to the most objective pusspective I can.


    Like evin when we gettin' coffee.

    I guess the boundaries buttween instinct an' reason are bein' redrawn in favor of nowan gaht a cloo vs nowan evin ain't.

    What compels you to rest easy?

    What singularly evident gravitas invites your total mortal flahpout?

    Ima increasingly convinced fewer people gaht evin a cloo 'bout what they frickin' dowin'.

    Fire burned off into air ... or jus' kinda noplace.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812822].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      That's quite typical of an A.I. answer....

      it could be this or this or that or that other or all of them

      it could be real or not
      it could be military or govt or foreign or local
      it could be private - could be public...a blend of both
      could be contractors or bad player or innocent testing
      but don't worry - we will never know so you can't prove A.I. is wrong.

      thank you for using A.I.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812828].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      I lead such an exciting life at times...

      so exciting that I decided to ask AI.

      I asked it what it thought would be discovered about the drones and what they were for.

      "The drones that hover above New Jersey, those dark shapes in the night sky, will be revealed as part of a much broader and more intricate web of surveillance and testing. Their origins are neither purely governmental nor purely private, but a blend of both. The drones are part of a joint effort between government agencies, cutting-edge defense contractors, and experimental technology firms. They are prototypes--part of a larger initiative to test new technologies in remote, less populated areas. What you are witnessing is the convergence of military interest, corporate innovation, and a shift in how surveillance, communication, and even logistics are being redefined."

      Testing lol, what a crock! They wouldn't be testing world wide at the same time. AI is biased as hell or about as bad as your lying obey our masters Mass Media.

      I am going to run these things through Photoshop and see once and for all if the Helicopter string idea stands up, but l figure that some are stand alone have no props and can stay airborne indefinitely.

      Which means either alien or back engineered or one very clever person.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812835].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I'm going to find a drone Pied Piper and send all the drones to Australia
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812837].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        I'm going to find a drone Pied Piper and send all the drones to Australia
        We will have our bows and arrows ready.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812878].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      We have a local group that flies drones to find lost pets. Recently they couldn't help someone because the dog was lost near a state park and the drones are prohibited over the park.

      These (heat seeking) drones have been very helpful in finding lost dogs. I guess right now anyone who flies a drone is 'suspect'.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812939].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Well, boys and girls....

      DHS, FBI, FAA & DoD Joint Statement on Ongoing Response to Reported Drone Sightings

      They are "a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones"

      And....." there have been a limited number of visual sightings of drones over military facilities in New Jersey and elsewhere, including within restricted air space. Such sightings near or over DoD installations are not new. DoD takes unauthorized access over its airspace seriously and coordinates closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, as appropriate."

      Soooo....not aliens. Not an invasion from another country...Not spy drones (although I guess police drones are a form of spy drones).....and not secret craft from Area 51.

      We see a mass of drones because we are looking for a mass of drones....and a year ago, we weren't.

      Of course, some of these drones are the hobby drones that get flown...either to "investigate" the other drone sightings...or as a prank....like the guys that created the Bigfoot video...or the guys that created the crop circles.

      Here's a link.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812944].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        Well, boys and girls....

        DHS, FBI, FAA & DoD Joint Statement on Ongoing Response to Reported Drone Sightings

        They are "a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones"

        And....." there have been a limited number of visual sightings of drones over military facilities in New Jersey and elsewhere, including within restricted air space. Such sightings near or over DoD installations are not new. DoD takes unauthorized access over its airspace seriously and coordinates closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, as appropriate."

        Soooo....not aliens. Not an invasion from another country...Not spy drones (although I guess police drones are a form of spy drones).....and not secret craft from Area 51.

        We see a mass of drones because we are looking for a mass of drones....and a year ago, we weren't.

        Of course, some of these drones are the hobby drones that get flown...either to "investigate" the other drone sightings...or as a prank....like the guys that created the Bigfoot video...or the guys that created the crop circles.

        Here's a link.
        And the sightings of craft over the three airbases in the Uk and other parts of the world? The interference of electrical systems on the ground, causing store and street lights to flash on and off car alarms being set off? Also, Is this some world wide collective effort to cause disruption and confusion, an art piece? The fact that these airbases are near the ocean and these craft have been seen coming out of the water?

        I read this response, it reads "we access", yep that's pretty conclusive. No committal then!

        If it read we have irrefutable evidence to support this then lets see it!

        Read the bit below, laughably non committal, well we asked the public and joe down the street who runs a paint shop and owns a pair of good binoculars, sounds like. This has got to be funniest official responses I ever read: The evidence.....

        "Having closely examined the technical data and tips from concerned citizens, we assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones. We have not identified anything anomalous and do not assess the activity to date to present a national security or public safety risk over the civilian airspace in New Jersey or other states in the northeast."

        Translation, we still have no clue, or are covering it up and dismissing it to avert panic, sorry we took so long to respond. Silence from the powers that be are often the best course but they had to respond somehow.

        One wild theory I heard put forward. We are running out of sand which we use for a huge amount of things, so, and this is true, we are sending out loads of dredging ships to scoop it off the seabed, if done close to shore it can displace the shoreline and landmasses. and also cause instabilities in the sea. So, these aliens living in bases on the seabed are having their habitat disrupted and are coming out to complain.

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813014].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Odahh
          Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

          And the sightings of craft over the three airbases in the Uk and other parts of the world? The interference of electrical systems on the ground, causing store and street lights to flash on and off car alarms being set off? Also, Is this some world wide collective effort to cause disruption and confusion, an art piece? The fact that these airbases are near the ocean and these craft have been seen coming out of the water?

          I read this response, it reads "we access", yep that's pretty conclusive. No committal then!

          If it read we have irrefutable evidence to support this then lets see it!

          Read the bit below, laughably non committal, well we asked the public and joe down the street who runs a paint shop and owns a pair of good binoculars, sounds like. This has got to be funniest official responses I ever read: The evidence.....

          "Having closely examined the technical data and tips from concerned citizens, we assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones. We have not identified anything anomalous and do not assess the activity to date to present a national security or public safety risk over the civilian airspace in New Jersey or other states in the northeast."

          Translation, we still have no clue, or are covering it up and dismissing it to avert panic, sorry we took so long to respond. Silence from the powers that be are often the best course but they had to respond somehow.

          One wild theory I heard put forward. We are running out of sand which we use for a huge amount of things, so, and this is true, we are sending out loads of dredging ships to scoop it off the seabed, if done close to shore it can displace the shoreline and landmasses. and also cause instabilities in the sea. So, these aliens living in bases on the seabed are having their habitat disrupted and are coming out to complain.
          Instead of the more likely explanation that was easy to figure out before the officials released their assessment. Which goes along those lines.

          Let's abandon reason and basic critical thinking. Let's hand more power to security agencies like DHS so government officials can take away more privacy and increase surveillance on Americans. To protect us from an alien incursion.

          What happens if the panic and fear is intentional from certain parts of the government in order to do just the. Take more rights away to make people safe from something that is not a real threat.

          Plus why would aliens down grade to ugly drones when decades ago they were in cool alien space ships or little round orbs.

          So what rights are you willing to give up to feel safe from this drone panic.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813082].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      We have a local group that flies drones to find lost pets. Recently they couldn't help someone because the dog was lost near a state park and the drones are prohibited over the park.

      These (heat seeking) drones have been very helpful in finding lost dogs. I guess right now anyone who flies a drone is 'suspect'.
      Very Drool.

      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      Well, boys and girls....

      Soooo....not aliens. Not an invasion from another country...Not spy drones (although I guess police drones are a form of spy drones).....and not secret craft from Area 51.

      You have just ruined my day!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11812945].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Since no one has been harmed or attacked or sucked off the planet or had weird stuff dumped on them.....I've decided not to worry about it.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813020].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      The FAA has issued a No Fly zone over certain parts of the state today. From MSN

      "The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has implemented a significant expansion of temporary flight restrictions (TFRs) across New Jersey in response to escalating concerns over unexplained drone sightings.

      Penalties for Violations
      The FAA has issued stern warnings regarding non-compliance with these TFRs. Violators face severe consequences, including:

      ・Interception, detention, and interrogation by law enforcement.

      ・Civil penalties and potential revocation of pilot certifications.

      ・In extreme cases, the use of deadly force is authorized if a drone poses an imminent security threat." Full article - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/fa...ts/ar-AA1waqXk

      Support our California Warriors more information about the Wildfires. - www.calfund.org

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813111].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Finally, I have the answer.

      Ask yourself....why did we not see these drones before this December?

      Why are they not showing up on Radar?

      Why are they not making any noise?

      Why are the lights mostly flashing red?

      Why are these sightings mostly on the east coast?

      I swear I'm being serious here...if you have an open mind,

      Santa is surveying the homes, looking for chimneys. He has to do this surveying before Christmas eve, and he has to do it under the cover of darkness.

      That is why we have never seen his sleigh.

      We have been lied to by our government. They spread the story that Rudolph is the only reindeer with a flashing red nose. Flying reindeer are generically the same, so all flying reindeer must have flashing red noses. It's only logical.

      All airline pilots, every government employee , all helicopter pilots, every airplane passenger is in on the conspiracy. How? Simple. Fear of getting on a Naughty list. Ask any pilot about Santa and his army of flying reindeer, and they will act like you are crazy. More proof!

      And why on the east coast? Haven't you ever wondered why the kids on the east coast get the best gifts? The government lies to us...telling us it's because the east coast elites have more money. Lies! It's because they are all in the pocket of Big Santa. Still doubt? Need more proof? Open your eyes, Sheeple!

      And I have proof this is all true. Every year, nearly 100 million families have no Christmas presents under their tree on Christmas eve...and the next morning? Presents!

      How did all 100 million homes get their presents? Shopping? Are you insane? The stores would explode if there were that many buyers.

      No, my friends, millions of kids cannot be wrong. Unless you want to say that millions of small children are lying to us about Santa! I think not!

      And how does he deliver the gifts if he is running late? Drones, of course. And these drones each have a cybernetic Rudolph nose to act as decoys, distracting us from the real threat....which I will now address.....

      Why didn't we see these blinking lights last year? Congress and the FAA have just a month ago passed a federal law that all flying reindeer must use blinking red lights, so they don't get hit by sharks, in a Sharknado...or Sharksnowstorm. You have all seen the Sharknado documentaries. What more proof do you need?

      And why does it snow at Christmas time? To cover the sleigh tracks and footprints on roofs. Fact! And snow muffles the sound of reindeer and Santa stomping around. Science.

      You're Welcome.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813295].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        Finally, I have the answer.

        Ask yourself....why did we not see these drones before this December?

        Why are they not showing up on Radar?

        Why are they not making any noise?

        Why are the lights mostly flashing red?

        Why are these sightings mostly on the east coast?

        I swear I'm being serious here...if you have an open mind,

        Santa is surveying the homes, looking for chimneys. He has to do this surveying before Christmas eve, and he has to do it under the cover of darkness.

        That is why we have never seen his sleigh.

        We have been lied to by our government. They spread the story that Rudolph is the only reindeer with a flashing red nose. Flying reindeer are generically the same, so all flying reindeer must have flashing red noses. It's only logical.

        All airline pilots, every government employee , all helicopter pilots, every airplane passenger is in on the conspiracy. How? Simple. Fear of getting on a Naughty list. Ask any pilot about Santa and his army of flying reindeer, and they will act like you are crazy. More proof!

        And why on the east coast? Haven't you ever wondered why the kids on the east coast get the best gifts? The government lies to us...telling us it's because the east coast elites have more money. Lies! It's because they are all in the pocket of Big Santa. Still doubt? Need more proof? Open your eyes, Sheeple!

        And I have proof this is all true. Every year, nearly 100 million families have no Christmas presents under their tree on Christmas eve...and the next morning? Presents!

        How did all 100 million homes get their presents? Shopping? Are you insane? The stores would explode if there were that many buyers.

        No, my friends, millions of kids cannot be wrong. Unless you want to say that millions of small children are lying to us about Santa! I think not!

        And how does he deliver the gifts if he is running late? Drones, of course. And these drones each have a cybernetic Rudolph nose to act as decoys, distracting us from the real threat....which I will now address.....

        Why didn't we see these blinking lights last year? Congress and the FAA have just a month ago passed a federal law that all flying reindeer must use blinking red lights, so they don't get hit by sharks, in a Sharknado...or Sharksnowstorm. You have all seen the Sharknado documentaries. What more proof do you need?

        And why does it snow at Christmas time? To cover the sleigh tracks and footprints on roofs. Fact! And snow muffles the sound of reindeer and Santa stomping around. Science.

        You're Welcome.
        Well ok...

        but that still doesn't explain how grandma got ran over by a reindeer, walking home from our house Christmas Eve
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813297].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        Finally, I have the answer.

        Ask yourself....why did we not see these drones before this December?

        Why are they not showing up on Radar?

        Why are they not making any noise?

        Why are the lights mostly flashing red?

        Why are these sightings mostly on the east coast?

        I swear I'm being serious here...if you have an open mind,

        Santa is surveying the homes, looking for chimneys. He has to do this surveying before Christmas eve, and he has to do it under the cover of darkness.

        That is why we have never seen his sleigh.

        We have been lied to by our government. They spread the story that Rudolph is the only reindeer with a flashing red nose. Flying reindeer are generically the same, so all flying reindeer must have flashing red noses. It's only logical.

        All airline pilots, every government employee , all helicopter pilots, every airplane passenger is in on the conspiracy. How? Simple. Fear of getting on a Naughty list. Ask any pilot about Santa and his army of flying reindeer, and they will act like you are crazy. More proof!

        And why on the east coast? Haven't you ever wondered why the kids on the east coast get the best gifts? The government lies to us...telling us it's because the east coast elites have more money. Lies! It's because they are all in the pocket of Big Santa. Still doubt? Need more proof? Open your eyes, Sheeple!

        And I have proof this is all true. Every year, nearly 100 million families have no Christmas presents under their tree on Christmas eve...and the next morning? Presents!

        How did all 100 million homes get their presents? Shopping? Are you insane? The stores would explode if there were that many buyers.

        No, my friends, millions of kids cannot be wrong. Unless you want to say that millions of small children are lying to us about Santa! I think not!

        And how does he deliver the gifts if he is running late? Drones, of course. And these drones each have a cybernetic Rudolph nose to act as decoys, distracting us from the real threat....which I will now address.....

        Why didn't we see these blinking lights last year? Congress and the FAA have just a month ago passed a federal law that all flying reindeer must use blinking red lights, so they don't get hit by sharks, in a Sharknado...or Sharksnowstorm. You have all seen the Sharknado documentaries. What more proof do you need?

        And why does it snow at Christmas time? To cover the sleigh tracks and footprints on roofs. Fact! And snow muffles the sound of reindeer and Santa stomping around. Science.

        You're Welcome.
        An interesting theory in the best traditions of conspiracies.

        I figured it out very early on. You see, when I was a kid I placed a large yellow sock at the end of my bed. On Christmas morning it was filled with cheap items like apples, bubble mixture etc. nothing of great value. The main items under the tree were what you looked forward too. A pillowcase full of presents from relatives. I worked this out at a very young age. This was due to tell-tale signs like large tags or stickers saying things like: "To Mark from Auntie Flo & Uncle Frank". A dead giveaway. This was scientifically proven by my parents ordering me to write "Thank You" letters too them.

        Santa was never a rich man, he could not afford high value items and had a shortage of Dan Riffles (Elves) to make them. So, he spent the whole year stocking up with 99 cent store gifts. Most of these came from China. Kids may experience a less than full sock in the coming years due to an impending 25 percent levy on goods exported to the North Pole.

        Due to the multiverse now being a proven fact due to Googles 105 Qubit chip solving problems that would normally take millions of years to resolve, in 5 minutes. It is obvious that there's an infinite amount of Santa's, and just a theory, it may be the case that there are not the same amount of people in each universe as others. So, Santa's are able to club together and get the job done in one night.

        Call it speculative, but I may be onto something here.

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813299].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

          Due to the multiverse now being a proven fact due to Googles 105 Qubit chip solving problems that would normally take millions of years to resolve, in 5 minutes. It is obvious that there's an infinite amount of Santa's, and just a theory, it may be the case that there are not the same amount of people in each universe as others. So, Santa's are able to club together and get the job done in one night.

          Call it speculative, but I may be onto something here.
          My Friend.

          You discovered part of the secret.

          There is a multiverse, each universe with its own Santa.

          But each universe has Christmas on a different day. So there are 365 days of gift delivery.....and each day, all the Santas gather to help out.
          One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

          “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813377].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            My Friend.
            "My Friend" this must be an alternative universe, (Dan is your only friend here and you have the Fiverr subscription to prove it).

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813378].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            My Friend.

            You discovered part of the secret.

            There is a multiverse, each universe with its own Santa.

            But each universe has Christmas on a different day. So there are 365 days of gift delivery.....and each day, all the Santas gather to help out.
            Of course, now why did I not think of that. Cryptical Thinking at it's finest.

            Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813382].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      "Santa is surveying the homes, looking for chimneys. He has to do this surveying before Christmas eve, and he has to do it under the cover of darkness." With all the new housing developments and changes to existing homes. He needed to start early after seeing an HGTV episode where flippers removed the chimney.

      Support our California Warriors more information about the Wildfires. - www.calfund.org

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813438].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
      I see the new president elect in a press conference the other day said the drone situation is strange, the government will not tell us what is going on?

      I also found out that both Nasa and the military had opened a corridor which passed through New Jersey which was allocated for the testing of experimental craft throughout 2024. However, the guy who reported this four months back contacted representatives for comments on this recent activity and both denied that they were currently testing anything, nothing since September. Also, it had only ever been planes.

      In New York and New Jersey, in certain area's a ban on flying all commercial and privately owned drones is now in place until mid January!

      It has also been reported that jamming technology which has been distributed to certain area's, including New York and designed to bring drones down by depriving the owners of control over them has been totally ineffectual in affecting what has been seen.

      Added, also hearing that Biden and Harris have been recalled to the Whitehouse for some reason, don't know if that is true. Also hearing about some ariel skirmishes going on between helicopters, jets and the drones or whatever they are. The two things in this paragraph are unsubstantiated officially and just obtained from videos being posted by the public on various media platforms. Rumor Mill.

      Bloody aliens trying to start something and ruin our Christmas. lol.

      Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813445].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre

      Remember the drones? Where are they? Where are the stories about them?

      Where is the outrage.

      I will not let this story die.

      I swear, I will continue to investigate the invasion of demon drones....forever. ...until the secrets are revealed.

      Imperious Rex!
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813677].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post


        Remember the drones? Where are they? Where are the stories about them?

        Where is the outrage.

        I will not let this story die.

        I swear, I will continue to investigate the invasion of demon drones....forever. ...until the secrets are revealed.

        Imperious Rex!
        Is there any real story in the news replacing it. Or did even media people eventually learn to tell what a plane looks like a night on a cell phone camera.

        I know back before all mainstream news acted like the national enquirer. Editors and people who cared about their reputations would have not aired most of the stories about drones.

        But we got the pathetic state of news we have now and as so much decays around us. People hold the belief thing are better than in the past as a rule.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813682].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post


        Remember the drones? Where are they? Where are the stories about them?

        Where is the outrage.

        I will not let this story die.

        I swear, I will continue to investigate the invasion of demon drones....forever. ...until the secrets are revealed.

        Imperious Rex!

        Alas, and I know this may sound cliché, the mainstream media has been really quiet on this one. While social media really is buzzing with clear video, photo's and sightings, I really think the media have been told to shut up or play it down. Certainly the government is either not commenting or being dismissive.

        And I suppose you could say, why not. So far their are no signs of hostility so playing down any panic rhetoric is probably for the better.

        I think their is some embarrassment too, these things are flying over restricted airspaces with total impunity and seem to be impervious to anything we throw at them. Don't forget also, their is a restriction in place now on flying any private and commercial drones till January 17th, so let's see if sightings diminish. These are in NY and NJ.

        Whatever it is, the frequency of these sightings and recordings and photographs of them is Unprecedented, never before has something like this happened. They have not only been seen in the US but all over the world, The UK, Japan, Australia etc. And, all started appearing over the same time frame.

        Alas, if you wish to see the videos you will have to, in this case, go to social media like You Tube and type in something like: New Jersey Drone Sightings video. There you will see a lot of local and independent news commentary as well as private individuals who have been gathering the videos and showcasing them. I would say at least, take a look at them and make up your own mind.

        For whatever reason, you will not see much about it in mainstream news headlines, it did initially creep in but seems to have gone silent.

        Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813684].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author max5ty
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post


        Remember the drones? Where are they? Where are the stories about them?

        Where is the outrage.

        I will not let this story die.

        I swear, I will continue to investigate the invasion of demon drones....forever. ...until the secrets are revealed.

        Imperious Rex!
        If they are 'demon drones', at least they're adhering to FAA guidelines with their lighting

        I highly doubt alien drones care about FAA guidelines.

        I still firmly believe they're military drones.

        If anyone ever looks at the drones produced by Boeing, they do have a helicopter drone...as well as a ton of other ones.

        But, anyway, this story may be fading away...unless you keep it going
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813733].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

      I see the new president elect in a press conference the other day said the drone situation is strange, the government will not tell us what is going on?

      Added, also hearing that Biden and Harris have been recalled to the Whitehouse for some reason, don't know if that is true. Also hearing about some ariel skirmishes going on between helicopters, jets and the drones or whatever they are. The two things in this paragraph are unsubstantiated officially and just obtained from videos being posted by the public on various media platforms. Rumor Mill.

      Bloody aliens trying to start something and ruin our Christmas. lol.
      What we can discuss politics here now, oh goody.

      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post


      Remember the drones? Where are they? Where are the stories about them?

      Where is the outrage.

      I will not let this story die.

      I swear, I will continue to investigate the invasion of demon drones....forever. ...until the secrets are revealed.

      Imperious Rex!
      I know you won't Claude but do us all a favor unwrap that Bread Making oven your wife got you watch some YouTube video's on how to hack it so you can bake only muffins and do your world famous choc chip cinnamon cherry and hot peppers muffin made famous at your Circumference of Doom screenings.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813679].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
      We now have a new development. The Killer Fog, coming to a planet very near you.

      It is being reported that a seasonally uncharacteristic thick fog is making appearances all over the planet. Instead of feeling like normal fog, it feels sticky, sticks to cars, has a chemical smell and is making people ill with flu like and breathing problems. That's about it, It is causing flight cancellations and general travel problems. This bit is all supposedly true.

      Now, lets have some fun with it. Obviously the alien drones were seeding the atmosphere for modifications so they can breath it. Fog blocks out the sky so we can no longer see their nefarious operations. Where's Superman when you need him.

      Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813876].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

        We now have a new development. The Killer Fog, coming to a planet very near you.

        It is being reported that a seasonally uncharacteristic thick fog is making appearances all over the planet. Instead of feeling like normal fog, it feels sticky, sticks to cars, has a chemical smell and is making people ill with flu like and breathing problems. That's about it, It is causing flight cancellations and general travel problems. This bit is all supposedly true.

        Now, lets have some fun with it. Obviously the alien drones were seeding the atmosphere for modifications so they can breath it. Fog blocks out the sky so we can no longer see their nefarious operations. Where's Superman when you need him.
        Sounds like the US military have been listening to War of the Worlds too much and are spraying their world war l Mustard gas everywhere to give everyone the spooks.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813912].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11813952].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
      A Dr Stephen Greer who was instrumental in addressing congress this year about disclosure on UAP's has made an announcement. This was not reported in standard news media. Of course I do not wish to be associated with this having any merit or necessarily any truth but lets see if it gets reported.

      According to him their will be some sort of disclosure next week in the way of whistle blowers who work for Black Op's organizations. This will be them telling us that aliens do exist on earth but 90 percent of what you see in the sky is actually human made craft that has been reverse engineered from downed and captured alien ships. The rest are alien craft. They will tell us that the aliens are planning to invade and their reverse engineered craft will be the only thing that can stop them, our current mainstream technology being inadequate . So, these Black Op's outfits will be asking for full autonomy to deal with this threat/invasion.

      However, people are pointing out that this is a deception, the great deception of 2025. The aliens are the good guys and no intention of invading and have lived alongside us, living in secluded bases for thousands of years and are just observing us and occasionally popping up to help us. But, since we started setting off nukes they have been much more in evidence. If we destroy our habitat, by ruining the Earth by stuff like global warming or nuking each other then it also affects them.

      So, whoever is behind these Black Op outfits is seeking in leveraging their promise of protection into creating a one world government.

      So now you know the full story, lol, but lets see if this announcement is made and get's reported.

      One thing has become increasingly apparent though. The amount of video's and photographs shot of these craft has not let up, they are appearing on lesser news outlets and social media in increasing numbers. But, the media mainstream has just stopped reporting them and the government remains silent.

      Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11815164].message }}
      • Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

        A Dr Stephen Greer who was instrumental in addressing congress this year about disclosure on UAP's has made an announcement. This was not reported in standard news media. Of course I do not wish to be associated with this having any merit or necessarily any truth but lets see if it gets reported.

        According to him their will be some sort of disclosure next week in the way of whistle blowers who work for Black Op's organizations. This will be them telling us that aliens do exist on earth but 90 percent of what you see in the sky is actually human made craft that has been reverse engineered from downed and captured alien ships. The rest are alien craft. They will tell us that the aliens are planning to invade and their reverse engineered craft will be the only thing that can stop them, our current mainstream technology being inadequate . So, these Black Op's outfits will be asking for full autonomy to deal with this threat/invasion.

        However, people are pointing out that this is a deception, the great deception of 2025. The aliens are the good guys and no intention of invading and have lived alongside us, living in secluded bases for thousands of years and are just observing us and occasionally popping up to help us. But, since we started setting off nukes they have been much more in evidence. If we destroy our habitat, by ruining the Earth by stuff like global warming or nuking each other then it also affects them.

        So, whoever is behind these Black Op outfits is seeking in leveraging their promise of protection into creating a one world government.

        So now you know the full story, lol, but lets see if this announcement is made and get's reported.

        One thing has become increasingly apparent though. The amount of video's and photographs shot of these craft has not let up, they are appearing on lesser news outlets and social media in increasing numbers. But, the media mainstream has just stopped reporting them and the government remains silent.
        I mean no disrespect...

        But are you being serious?
        One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11815175].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          I mean no disrespect...

          But are you being serious?
          Hey, it's good story and would make a great movie. Note my disclaimer at the beginning. Dr Stephen Greer is a real person and has said the first part, the whistleblowing, is going to happen in seven days or so. I'm sure you and I are going to be on the edge of our seats waiting for this to happen or not.

          As to the lack of mainstream reporting and government silence is concerned, I concur with the fact that these sightings are continuing to happen and are being recorded. I watch new examples every day. So, it appears that objective and impartial news reporting by the mainstream on this, at least, is being curtailed.

          Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11815182].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by lanfear63 View Post

      A Dr Stephen Greer who was instrumental in addressing congress this year about disclosure on UAP's has made an announcement. This was not reported in standard news media. Of course I do not wish to be associated with this having any merit or necessarily any truth but lets see if it gets reported.

      According to him their will be some sort of disclosure next week in the way of whistle blowers who work for Black Op's organizations. This will be them telling us that aliens do exist on earth but 90 percent of what you see in the sky is actually human made craft that has been reverse engineered from downed and captured alien ships. The rest are alien craft. They will tell us that the aliens are planning to invade and their reverse engineered craft will be the only thing that can stop them, our current mainstream technology being inadequate . So, these Black Op's outfits will be asking for full autonomy to deal with this threat/invasion.

      However, people are pointing out that this is a deception, the great deception of 2025. The aliens are the good guys and no intention of invading and have lived alongside us, living in secluded bases for thousands of years and are just observing us and occasionally popping up to help us. But, since we started setting off nukes they have been much more in evidence. If we destroy our habitat, by ruining the Earth by stuff like global warming or nuking each other then it also affects them.

      So, whoever is behind these Black Op outfits is seeking in leveraging their promise of protection into creating a one world government.

      So now you know the full story, lol, but lets see if this announcement is made and get's reported.

      One thing has become increasingly apparent though. The amount of video's and photographs shot of these craft has not let up, they are appearing on lesser news outlets and social media in increasing numbers. But, the media mainstream has just stopped reporting them and the government remains silent.

      True Greer would make sure that "You know" would be getting his 300 page report on all of this so instead of having no idea the next administration will be up to date.

      Also pretty obvious that they are friendly since one race wanting to dominate everything are self imploding. Or you cannot control everything with a big stick since the other side will create a bigger stick and risk destroying their opponents and themselves.

      Or a bit like one very advanced race, (for the sake of argument) has a Death Star and the other can instantly transport anything from one place to another or in affect teleport the death star to a black hole.

      But they screw up and the black hole ends up in their star system by mistake and their equipment malfunctions and their race is gone by then.

      Wars and bigger and better leads to self annihilation, which means any race outside of ours has to be peaceful,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11815179].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author lanfear63
      Just two little updates:

      The German government has passed a motion that any unauthorized craft flying over their restricted airspace will be shot down. Yes, it's happening in Germany too. Quite an admission from a government to say this and acknowledge that it is going on and perceived as a threat!

      Secondly, the president elect being interviewed with two of his subordinates/governors (both who said that craft continued to appear in their jurisdiction) has come out and said that he will look into and report on the "Drone" situation within 24 hours of taking office on Jan 21st. Wondering if when he is briefed on this whether he will be honest or tow the existing line and brush it under the carpet saying no big deal or something, or make no comment at all?

      Feel The Power Of The Mark Side

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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    I lead such an exciting life at times...

    so exciting that I decided to ask AI.

    I asked it what it thought would be discovered about the drones and what they were for.

    "The drones that hover above New Jersey, those dark shapes in the night sky, will be revealed as part of a much broader and more intricate web of surveillance and testing. Their origins are neither purely governmental nor purely private, but a blend of both. The drones are part of a joint effort between government agencies, cutting-edge defense contractors, and experimental technology firms. They are prototypes--part of a larger initiative to test new technologies in remote, less populated areas. What you are witnessing is the convergence of military interest, corporate innovation, and a shift in how surveillance, communication, and even logistics are being redefined."

    As for who is responsible, I would say:

    "These drones are the result of an ambitious collaboration. While local authorities have their suspicions, the drones' true handlers are not one entity but a coalition of shadowy players--defense contractors who provide cutting-edge drone technology, government intelligence agencies who use the drones for testing novel strategies, and private companies who experiment with autonomous systems for both commercial and military purposes. They operate in the gray zone of legal and ethical boundaries, where privacy, national security, and innovation often collide."

    In the fortune-teller's world, I'd add:

    "But do not be mistaken--the truth behind these drones will not be fully revealed. They will remain an enigma, a mystery in the public eye. As the technology behind them advances, the reasons for their testing will become even more complicated, blurring the lines between security, surveillance, and profit."

    So now we have the answer
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    So you have the answer AI wants you to have. At some point it will yai alone controlling drones like this.

    Maybe some AI is already learning how.what makes me question the answer AI gave was the part about it being tested over remote less populated areas.

    How is New Jersey and the northeast part of the USA considered remote and less populated.

    I question the motives of AI based on the pattern of answers it gives.even if that pattern comes from different AI.

    The AI control would give a good explanation for the reported sighting of drone swarms traveling around a small plane.
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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      So you have the answer AI wants you to have. At some point it will yai alone controlling drones like this.

      Maybe some AI is already learning how.what makes me question the answer AI gave was the part about it being tested over remote less populated areas.

      How is New Jersey and the northeast part of the USA considered remote and less populated.

      I question the motives of AI based on the pattern of answers it gives.even if that pattern comes from different AI.

      The AI control would give a good explanation for the reported sighting of drone swarms traveling around a small plane.
      Yeah, I don't take what AI says as gospel.

      I also asked it to predict the outcome of the last election and it got it wrong...

      several on Reddit were asking the same question and AI got it wrong almost 100% of the time.

      It's fun to play around with but I take some of its output with a lot of skepticism.
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

        Yeah, I don't take what AI says as gospel.

        I also asked it to predict the outcome of the last election and it got it wrong...

        several on Reddit were asking the same question and AI got it wrong almost 100% of the time.

        It's fun to play around with but I take some of its output with a lot of skepticism.
        It's machine intelligence that may rival and beat most humans. In any case I believe it has it's own motivation not based in biology.

        But like humans it guesses and makes stuff up. And if some of the drone activity was AI training related. It would probably lie about it even if the AI you asked knew about it for certain.

        Hey but I still think this drone panic is a big nothing burger. Much of it feels like all the old YouTube videos showing media personalities shifting into reptilians on camera.

        Considering how easy it is for someone with access to a small amount of explosives and the ability to attach it to and fly a drone.

        Either we are very lucky not to have someone using them in terrible ways. Or we have some competent people preventing it from happening up to this point.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    This is what happens when people take things too far - https://www.reddit.com/r/newjersey/c...nown/#lightbox at least they found the Dog!

    Support our California Warriors more information about the Wildfires. - www.calfund.org

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  • The real alien drones are whooshyin' buttween alla yr sensoriumholes without you evin bein' aware.

    That is how they can suckya offa the planit while simultaneously keepin' you right where they need you.

    (Evah found BISCUITS where they simply shouldn't be? Tellya, them drones're so sneaky, this is prolly the only cloo you gaht.)

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
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  • Profile picture of the author Spinx Infotech
    Many drones over New Jersey may be used for commercial tasks like utility inspections or package deliveries, or they may be used for surveillance or law enforcement. Some might be photographers or hobbyists. Find out about drone activity in your area by consulting the local FAA regulations. Report it to the local authorities so they can look into it if it seems strange or intrusive.
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by Spinx Infotech View Post

      Many drones over New Jersey may be used for package deliveries.
      Are you sure about that one? What company is using Drones for package deliveries?

      Support our California Warriors more information about the Wildfires. - www.calfund.org

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11814200].message }}
      • Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

        Are you sure about that one? What company is using Drones for package deliveries?
        An AI prompt
        Does any company currently use drones to deliver packages?
        provided several answers. Apparently this is now a thing.

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        • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
          Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

          An AI prompt
          Does any company currently use drones to deliver packages?
          provided several answers. Apparently this is now a thing.

          Ah that's interesting. However, then I saw this using AI - "Regulations: Obtaining necessary approvals and operating within legal frameworks can be complex." Via Gemini Search.

          So I'm curious if there are any approvals in New Jersey considering how much air traffic flies through the area on a daily basis. If the packages and drones are small or large. I did see a story about Amazon working on the tech a while back. I'm curious what stage they are in now.

          Support our California Warriors more information about the Wildfires. - www.calfund.org

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  • As I undahstand the deal, the Fanjschwazzler v3.06 does an OK jahb on trimmin' body hair.

    It's slim, compact, zero noise -- an' it is speshly configured to swoop its dinkily sharp blade about nowan's hirsootness array like you would read sumthin' ...

    yanno, like line by line
    line by line
    line by line

    so it gaht evrythin' covered.

    Natchrlly biggest sales now are grabbed by mostly guys -- bcs who don't want naht-a-bum male grizzola or pecs you can drip hunny down with zero resistance?

    Meantimes, back in the targit markit areah, Moi an the ditzy dainty yogah gals're thumbin' our way through the flight manyool.

    We figured this gonna work best when you proned out doorin' Self Care Rest, an' opted for leotard ovah joggahs.

    That is when the Fanjschwazzler v3.06 can kinda fly in an' trim, trim, trim.

    Thing is tho, who wapprates the cerntrowels on the darn thing?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11815171].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Well that didn't take long

    "Steven Spielberg's new UFO movie with Emily Blunt is filming in N.J., casting locals.

    Ready to have a close encounter of the Steven Spielberg kind?

    The acclaimed director is filming his upcoming UFO movie in New Jersey. The film, starring Oscar nominee Emily Blunt ("Oppenheimer")

    The filming will take place in March -- not long off from Jersey's brush with drone and/or plane-related, supposedly "unidentified" flying objects at the end of 2024.

    Filming will tentatively take place Monday, March 10 through Friday, March 14 in Cape May. The base pay rate is $216 per day (eight hours) and the car allowance is $37.50.

    The movie has been pegged to a May 15, 2026 release date."

    Source - https://www.nj.com/entertainment/202...e-details.html

    Also - https://newjersey.news12.com/casting...ce-in-cape-may

    Support our California Warriors more information about the Wildfires. - www.calfund.org

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  • There's been a lot of curiosity around drone activity, especially in areas like New Jersey. If you're referring to sightings or reports, it could be related to various activities like military or government operations, commercial use, or even recreational flying. Sometimes drones are also used for surveillance or testing.
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