New Amazon Scam To Avoid, Warning

7 replies
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People are being delivered an authentic Amazon package with their name and address on it, all looking perfectly legit, they open it, even though they know they had not ordered anything. Inside they will find a few tech items that are on the face of it, reasonably desirable, but really they are dirt cheap knockoffs from China.

Inside the box is a short message and QR code to scan. It reads, scan the QR code to find out your mystery sender and drop a review. If you do, it sends you to a fake Amazon site to login to and leave your review. There they steal your login info.

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  • Profile picture of the author PlayBingo
    Thanks for the heads up, there's so many nasty scams going around recently. Are the dirt cheap knock-offs worth keeping and not scanning the QR code?
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  • Profile picture of the author Wild Man
    People are being delivered an authentic Amazon package with their name and address on it, all looking perfectly legit,
    To be "authentic" Amazon would need to be involved, voluntarily or not. Or is it an "authentic appearing" Amazon package.

    Either way, it's good to be aware of.

    I personally never buy from Amazon or scan codes so I feel pretty safe.

    Wils Man
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    If and when I see things like that randomly my alarm automatically goes off.. Thanks for your insight
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  • oh everywhere full scam and scam and people falling fool
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  • Profile picture of the author godsepallavi17
    This is surprising. So many scams going on and it is defaming Amazon. Trusting these big online shopping sites is also concerning now.
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  • Yeah bcs when there ain't no scammin' gowin' on, The ZONNSTAH is such a part of alla our lives now.

    They evin at the forefront of mosta the tech we gonna see till'n mebbe 2030.

    & so it seems to go ...

    Summa the 'trenoors lahst their hayirre; summa 'em GROWN IT; summa 'em cain't evin operate their own arms without it bein' no baysick disruspect to like amputees intent on taaykin' ovah the place outta spite.

    Prolly you cain't evah be spammed less'n you firsto been upfront kinda slammed.*

    * Dear Believah in Any Kinda Anythin' ... Princess Balestra wishes to declayurre unequiverably how the phrase 'upfront kinda slammed' is presented here in a metaphorical context only. Naht my fault you cain't relate it to nuthin' IRL. What am I? Like your frickin' Mom or nuthin'?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author raheelkhankk98
    I'm shocked that people have knowledge and ideas but rather than utilize their knowledge in positive ways they always prefer instant income so they did scams with people.
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