I'm moving to England and getting on benefits

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The jobless couple with 10 children who rake in £32,000 a year in benefits.. and who STILL aren't happy | Mail Online

I don't understand how that works where people can never have a job and live their whole life on benefits. The mother in this story is 40 and has never had a job in her life. What if everyone decided to get on benefits and nobody wanted to work? Sounds nice, don't have to work, get free housing in a 7 bedroom house and 628 pounds a week, which would be somewhere near $1,000. So I'm packing my bags for England who wants to come with me. :p

The jobless couple with 10 children who rake in £32,000 a year in benefits.. and who STILL aren't happy

Tracey Crompton has never had a job, and her husband Harry has been out of work for 15 years.

Yet the couple live for free in a seven bedroom house with their ten children and receive £32,656 in benefits a year.

They even have their own vineyard in their 270ft long garden.

In fact, they receive so much in handouts that they have already bought and wrapped £3,000 worth of Christmas presents, and plan to buy more.

The couple say they are enjoying the credit crunch because it has forced down the price of luxury goods like TVs and computer games, but do have two gripes.

Firstly, they want even more benefits.

Secondly, that their neighbours have nicknamed them 'Britain's Biggest Freeloaders'.

Mrs Crompton, 40, moaned: 'I'm not satisfied with the benefits we get - I want more. I haven't been able to work because I've had to bring up the kids and Harry's got health problems.'

Fortunately their benefits do stretch to a £250 weekly shop which usually includes 50 packs of crisps and ten litres of fizzy drinks.

Mrs Crompton went on: 'If the kids need something I go and get it. I rarely go without things either. If I need something, like a new pair of shoes, then I'll get it.'

The couple and their children Michael, 20, Robin, 19, Matthew, 17, Sarah, 16, Samantha, 14, Harry Andrew, 12, Alex, 11, Kristian, nine, Jesse Lee, seven, and Joshua, six - live in Hull in two semis knocked into one.

As both are unemployed, their weekly £120 rent is paid by housing benefit and they receive another £628 a week in income support, disability and carer's allowance and other payments. Mr Crompton, 50, says he is unable to work due to angina and irritable bowel syndrome.

Mrs Crompton said: 'We don't have money worries. We don't go without things and I think that's because we are self-sufficient. We grow our own food. I don't see why others should have money worries.'

Sadly, others do not always understand. 'Every time I walk down the street, people shout "scroungers",' said Mrs Crompton.

And it seems that she does not have the time for housework.

The walls of her home are dirty and peeling and the floor is covered in videos and magazines.

'I don't have much time for cleaning since I started a college course in catering,' said Mrs Crompton.

'I'm really nervous about what will happen at the end of my course. I've never worked and so it would be scary to think I would have to get a job. It would have to be very well-paid to pay more than the benefits.'
  • Profile picture of the author ShayB
    Bunch of losers.

    She says they are "self-sufficient"? Is she kidding? :confused:
    "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • Profile picture of the author tommyp
    Sigh, I won't tell my story cause it's too personal but I'm tempted, but damn, how do you justify giving them 32,000 pounds a year while there are homeless people on the street who don't get squat. With 10 kids it may not be much but I can eat well on $50 a week and necessity has made me have to do that so I don't know. Maybe it isn't that much for 12 people but let's see...

    6 cans of canned alaskan salmon (3 pink @ $2 each and 3 red @ $5 each) about $21 but I've found I don't even eat that much so it'll probably be half that now
    1 steak that I cut in three or four parts and each each piece at a time (or chicken thighs, 6 in a pack or whatever alternating each week) about $6 to $10 depending
    4 or 5 gallons of distilled water about $5
    4 broccoli crowns about $5 or something
    Organic apple juice $3
    1 or 2 organic other juice (berry or green, etc.) $4 or $8
    Eggs $3
    And whatever else I'm forgetting.

    I had to sit down and figure this out and so that I could stretch my savings but I can do that on about $50 a week and that's because I don't want to be malnourished because I could do it on less if I chose to eat pasta and other stuff instead. I could also bring that down another $20 if I shopped around but I hate that.

    That's basically the list on a weekly basis but not all of it. One week I'll make soup and have some and freeze the rest, same with chicken, etc., and leftovers I save will go on to the next week so I'm not eating exactly the same thing every day. And then there's garlic, onion, brown rice, olive oil, butter, things like oregano, basil, cayenne red pepper, sea salt and whatever and lasts a while so it's not every week.

    It also cracks me up how certain people get bigger unemployment checks or whatever the case is because "they have to in order to support the lifestyle they have become accustomed to".

    I feel like cussing right now. Everything is so ass backwards.
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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    Shay, pack your bags and let's go. We'll parrr-taaaayyy. Wonder how much benefits you can get with 4 kids?

    It's funny how they say they aren't satisfied with their benefits and want MORE. How much free money do they feel they deserve?? Perhaps 2000 pounds a week would satisfy them.

    siggy taking a break...

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    • Profile picture of the author ShayB
      Originally Posted by annoyedgirl View Post

      Shay, pack your bags and let's go. We'll parrr-taaaayyy. Wonder how much benefits you can get with 4 kids?
      Sounds good to me! Let's go!
      "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • Profile picture of the author write-stuff
    Aw, don't worry about it. When Obama gets elected, the government will take care of us all.
    - Russ
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Wright
        Don't know about "the half of" John ..... more like "the 0.1% of"

        What about the insane NHS Trust recently planning to spend £500,000
        on a shiny new yacht to take troublesome youngsters on seagoing trips.

        The UK is awash with lunatic bureaucrats hiding their outrageous
        incompetence behind political correctness and consensus decisions
        whilst demanding and getting obscene top management salary packages
        from UK taxpayers. This is while the people who actually do real work
        in about every public sector struggle to make ends meet

        Hopefully, this parasitic culture will be the next to be dealt with
        after the parasites in the banking and financial sectors.

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        • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
          Originally Posted by Mike Wright View Post

          What about the insane NHS Trust recently planning to spend £500,000
          on a shiny new yacht to take troublesome youngsters on seagoing trips.
          Ohhh a free seagoing trip on a yacht, that sounds like fun though I wouldn't qualify as a youngster.

          I'm just astonished at a 40 year old woman who has never worked at a job a single day and the man hasn't worked in 15 years. But why would they work at some boring job when they do just fine without one and live in a 7 bedroom house for free from the government? Guess you can't blame 'em, if it's handed to them, why not take it? As for the having 10 kids, that really makes them insane.

          Here, welfare is temporary and you have to be doing something whether it be school, job training, work, or volunteering for at least 20 hours a week unless you are disabled. You certainly can't be on it your whole life. So I'm just shocked at that story.

          Yeah it is funny that they always have enough money for cable, cell phones, cigs and beer.

          siggy taking a break...

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  • Profile picture of the author KimW
    corrected the copy:
    "The US is awash with lunatic bureaucrats hiding their outrageous
    incompetence behind political correctness and consensus decisions
    whilst demanding and getting obscene top management salary packages
    from UK taxpayers. This is while the people who actually do real work
    in about every public sector struggle to make ends meet "

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    • Profile picture of the author jacstone193
      Don't get us brits started on the scroungers on benefits - not all of us are like this as I'm sure you know - most of us work damned hard bringing up our kids and working and ensuring that family life is honest, just and about earning your living... I think I should run for office....
      Jack Stone - Who strongly believes that helping others is the best way to help yourself !
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  • Profile picture of the author rich85
    It is totally ridiculous and it makes me very angry with the way the british government run this country sometimes! Why should us workers pay for other people to sit on there backsides!
    I've earned a living since leaving school when i was 16 but i do wonder sometimes where all my tax goes, but now i know!
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  • Profile picture of the author radiohead
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    • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
      Originally Posted by radiohead View Post

      unless you are "ethnic minority" forget it.

      Seriously, I know a family in serious need of real help and they have been gived squat. If you aren't from Africa/Middle East/Carribean/India/Pakistan you will not get much at all.
      Well then I'll put on a burqua and call myself Yasmin. :p And I'll borrow 10 kids just long enough to get a free 7 bedroom house, then the kids have gotta go.

      siggy taking a break...

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        KimW - that "quote" doesn't make sense in thie context of this thread. It's possible there are things in the world that AREN'T the fault of the U.S.

        What is sad about this story - is that these people are raising 10 children who will believe this is the way to live! Multiply the dole for these bottom feeders by 10....and I feel sorry for the children who may receive the same contempt held for their parents and didn't earn it (yet) themselves.

        I'm astounded that people (including in the US) like that can fully comprehend the red tape of getting subsidies and freebies and govt income - and meet every requirement of paperwork, etc - while also claiming they don't have the training to get a job.

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author radiohead
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    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      It's the same in the US, folks. Those here illegally -yes, that is ILLEGALLY, from Mexico can get a home, a car, food, medical and dental care, free schooling, and money to spend. As a single woman with no children who was born and raised here I'd be almost completely out of luck. A woman with children would get some care, but the government would rule how she raised that child if you disagree, lose the kid.

      It isn't incompetence or insanity that is driving this outrageous rape of the citizens -- it is the method they are using to integrate foreigners into populations and thus break down cultural norms and traditions.....that has to be done to kill nationalism so they can implement globalism without major civil wars and apparently it is working rather nicely.

      Some people are busy bucking the welfare systems when they should be in action against immigration. With so many very aggressive genocidal wars going on, we need to accept refugees, but they should not be given complete carte blanch rights to everything they could dream of. Set up refugee housing, etc. give them jobs. In America prisoners in our corporate welfare systems are forced to work - so why couldn't refugees and other immigrants pick up trash or make license plates, too, in exchange for apartments, etc. Then when the turmoil is settled in their own countries, send them home. With such a system refuges could be treated with humanity, help support the economy of their rescuers, and be kept from infiltering in a nature that will disrupt local customs, traditions, and laws.

      Will someone please elect me for President? I have a big can of whoop ass to serve to the NWO.

      When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
      Beyond the Path

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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Wright
      Originally Posted by radiohead View Post

      Olympic games....LOL now they are £100M short and the tax payer has to stump up! I swear...it's going to be a f**** disaster.

      I've earned a living since leaving school when i was 16 but i do wonder sometimes where all my tax goes, but now i know!
      They are already trying to back out of one of the new £40million
      stadiums hoping the IOC will agree in these troubled times.
      Typical Blair-driven showboat project to re-generate London
      at everybody's expense. I cannot remember anyone else who has
      instigated so many massive projects that have failed or run into
      such huge delays and hyper-inflated costs and overruns.
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  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    These stories do sound incredible but I would prefer to hear all sides of it. The newspaper that printed these stories is one of the most conservative tabloids in the UK. I stopped reading UK tabloids long ago when I realized that a lot of their stories are greatly exagerated or just made up. I suspect that the family in question had been paid handsomely.

    £32000 GBP for a family of 12 equals £222 per person per month. Anybody who have lived in the UK knows that this is nor really a liveable income. It is fair to say that £1 buys the equivalent of US$1 in the US. I just can't see how they could have £3000 for christmas shopping. I suspect that some members of that family do have some income from outside work but of course that would still be welfare fraud.

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

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  • Profile picture of the author radiohead
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    • Profile picture of the author John Henderson
      Originally Posted by radiohead View Post

      Didn't Australians build it? (no offence but don't they specialaize in prisons/)
      Errrm Radiohead, maybe you should have hesitated for a few seconds before posting that one. Just my opinion.

      Yes, the re-building of the national football stadium at Wembley was another big mess. It wasn't the fault of the Australian construction company.

      1) The government gave the English Football Association about £130 million to be spent on demolishing the old stadium and building a new one. The FA managed to burn through the lot without even finishing the demolition job. When they ran out of money, parts of the old stadium were still standing. As an example of colossal mis-management, the FA spent between 4 and 5 million pounds getting the architectural plans altered so that the stadium would include shops and restaurants, even though the original government contract forbade the inclusion of such facilities, to protect the shops and restaurants that already existed in Wembley.

      2) The government then gave them about another £625 million (I think the total spend was about £757 million) to finish the demolition and build the new no-expense-spared stadium.

      3) The Australian construction company had a fixed-price contract and were losing money every week the project was late. They had no incentive to over-run the deadline. However, they couldn't do much about many of the important trades people going on strike in the final stages of the build.

      Just as a reference point, Southampton F.C. built their 30,000 seat football stadium for £30 million.:rolleyes:
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    • Profile picture of the author rondo
      Originally Posted by radiohead View Post

      Whast about Wemberly? Didn't Australians build it? (no offence but don't they specialaize in prisons/) and it was that 2 years late and 3 times over budget?
      Yes, but these days the prisons are full of Poms who overstay their visas.

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  • Profile picture of the author DirectoryKing
    Well it is all about abusing the system. The taxpayers end up grumbling at the end of the day, I think issues like this are inevitable,someone always has to be at the back end of things. It is just the way things are. I am sounding too much like a realist, I might have to get back on the green tea.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Henderson
      If I may add my own opinion into the mix....

      We have had 11 years of a left-wing government which sees successful or enterprising people as "fortunate" or "lucky" and unemployed people as "unlucky victims". This means that over time, the notion of "personal responsibility" has gone very much out of the window.

      The prevalence of this idea is disastrous, because it ignores an uncomfortable, but basic truth: the only person who can change somebody's life is themselves.

      As an example, I'm a bit overweight. Not a huge amount, but I could do with losing about 20 pounds (10 kilos). But I know that no-one else can make my decision to commit to regular exercise on my behalf. The only person who can make the decisions that alter the course of my life, is ME.

      But that's not how the UK government sees it. At the moment, they are looking at ways to PAY people to lose weight. Once again, they've classified overweight people as "unlucky victims" and they're trying to live the "unlucky" person's life for them. And so they want to throw taxpayer's money at a problem that only the overweight person can decide to solve.

      This lucky/unlucky view has also justified never-ending tax increases which have allowed the government to rake in more and more money and shovel it at truanting schoolkids, poor immigrants, idiots who run up colossal credit card debts and even heroin-addicted prisoners who argued that making them go "cold turkey" in jail was an infringement of their human rights (In that last case, the UK government said 'sorry' and gave each one of the smackhead convicts £4000 compensation).

      So there's my take on this. Until we get a government that has the balls to tell people to get off their ar*e and take responsibility for their own situation, the country's destined to go down the tubes.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[176924].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike Wright
        Originally Posted by John Henderson View Post

        If I may add my own opinion into the mix....

        We have had 11 years of a left-wing government which sees successful or enterprising people as "fortunate" or "lucky" and unemployed people as "unlucky victims". This means that over time, the notion of "personal responsibility" has gone very much out of the window.

        The prevalence of this idea is disastrous, because it ignores an uncomfortable, but basic truth: the only person who can change somebody's life is themselves.

        As an example, I'm a bit overweight. Not a huge amount, but I could do with losing about 20 pounds (10 kilos). But I know that no-one else can make my decision to commit to regular exercise on my behalf. The only person who can make the decisions that alter the course of my life, is ME.

        But that's not how the UK government sees it. At the moment, they are looking at ways to PAY people to lose weight. Once again, they've classified overweight people as "unlucky victims" and they're trying to live the "unlucky" person's life for them. And so they want to throw taxpayer's money at a problem that only the overweight person can decide to solve.

        This lucky/unlucky view has also justified never-ending tax increases which have allowed the government to rake in more and more money and shovel it at truanting schoolkids, poor immigrants, idiots who run up colossal credit card debts and even heroin-addicted prisoners who argued that making them go "cold turkey" in jail was an infringement of their human rights (In that last case, the UK government said 'sorry' and gave each one of the smackhead convicts £4000 compensation).

        So there's my take on this. Until we get a government that has the balls to tell people to get off their ar*e and take responsibility for their own situation, the country's destined to go down the tubes.
        Thats a somewhat brave viewpoint from someone "oop North".

        I daresay loads of folks in former mining, manufacturing, shipbuilding,
        engineering towns and areas having struggled through very hard times,
        apres Maggie Thatcher, and having started to successfully regenerate
        and prosper through morphing into Hi-Tech industry and other things,
        will be exactly best pleased to see all their struggles made pointless
        by a second wave of extreme greed and the current major downturn.

        BTW, my late father-in-law was a Nottinghamshire miner in the 1930's
        who literally got on his bike and pedalled about 100 miles south to
        get a safer job and a better life for his new wife. After quite a few
        return bicyle trips, he succeeded. My mother's family moved down from the Midlands in the 1930's also. My Father died in WW11 like many others.
        Yes times were hard then!

        While I do agree with many of your points to varying degrees, I would
        suggest that you might try expressing your more extreme advice, as
        previously expounded by Maggie's Poster Children ad nauseum, in one
        of the few remaining working mens clubs and pubs around your part
        of the UK. Hopefully you might escape alive and wiser for the experience.

        You should really target those who foster the culture of rewarding themselves and avoiding personal responsibility by consensus management and political correctness in the top and middle levels of local government,
        the NHS, the DWP, bureacracy and companies etc., etc.

        But there again, I am old and cynical, having seen and heard much of
        this stuff before.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[177116].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author John Henderson
          Originally Posted by Mike Wright View Post

          Thats a somewhat brave viewpoint from someone "oop North".

          I daresay loads of folks in former mining, manufacturing, shipbuilding,
          engineering towns and areas having struggled through very hard times,
          apres Maggie Thatcher, and having started to successfully regenerate
          and prosper through morphing into Hi-Tech industry and other things,
          will be exactly best pleased to see all their struggles made pointless
          by a second wave of extreme greed and the current major downturn.

          BTW, my late father-in-law was a Nottinghamshire miner in the 1930's
          who literally got on his bike and pedalled about 100 miles south to
          get a safer job and a better life for his new wife. After quite a few
          return bicyle trips, he succeeded. My mother's family moved down from the Midlands in the 1930's also. My Father died in WW11 like many others.
          Yes times were hard then!

          While I do agree with many of your points to varying degrees, I would
          suggest that you might try expressing your more extreme advice, as
          previously expounded by Maggie's Poster Children ad nauseum, in one
          of the few remaining working mens clubs and pubs around your part
          of the UK. Hopefully you might escape alive and wiser for the experience.

          You should really target those who foster the culture of rewarding themselves and avoiding personal responsibility by consensus management and political correctness in the top and middle levels of local government,
          the NHS, the DWP, bureacracy and companies etc., etc.

          But there again, I am old and cynical, having seen and heard much of
          this stuff before.
          Crumbs, Mike. I thoroughly agreed with your "The UK is awash with lunatic bureaucrats..." paragraph -- so the 'robustness' of your reply to my long post caught me off-guard.

          Yes, it's an unusual viewpoint for a Northerner; even more so for a Teessider. You seem to think that my views are the product of some Thatcherite brain-washing. Not so. I don't want to give too much geographical information away, so I'll just tell you that I live on a particularly rough council estate.

          Before I moved here, I would have happily described my politics as "centrist", maybe even "centre-left". But after 4 years of watching many of my neighbours behave little better than retarded delinquents, I can say with some authority that there are very, very destructive consequences that come from the UK's freely distributed welfare state handouts.

          Your post confused me somewhat. You told a great story about your late father-in-law; how he was in search of a better life and how he found it using his own initiative and industry. In other words, he took control and personal responsibility for his own life and changed his circumstances. But in the very next paragraph, you described my own wishes that more people would take personal responsibility as an expression of "extreme advice". I found that puzzling.

          And the working mens' clubs? Oh Mike, I can tell you're a southerner, going all misty eyed over those... The club is where the locals disappear to and moan about how bad the health service is, while simultaneously smoking cigarettes and binge drinking alcohol. As a bonus, they can escape from their feral children, who at about the same time will be pelting my house with stones or setting fire to wheely bins.

          As for leaving such an establishment wiser, I finally took and passed the ultimate test that an ale house could offer in May 2001 when I stubbed out my cigarette, put down my pint glass and never picked them up again. It took a long time for the penny to drop, but I finally realised that when you sober up, the problems you tried to escape from with booze are still there.

          And yes, I do believe that the bureaucrats and bankers are a law unto themselves and of course I prescribe more personal responsibility but the original post was about abuses of the welfare state, so that's what I talked about.

          Like I say though, it's just my own personal theory on how we've got to the situation highlighted by the OP. I might be wrong!
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  • Profile picture of the author Indiana
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    • Profile picture of the author John Henderson
      Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

      Mike he sounds like an American -O)
      Wow! Thanks for the compliment!

      Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

      ...Now Permit to say a few words...Never mind the knee jerk...Understand with clarity...What follows.
      I shall certainly try, Indy....

      Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

      The system..Owes you...Has to pay for you...Born into nature...You must feed, cloth, and survive...We are not however born into nature...You are born into a system created by men...STOP using nature rules to defend a system created by men...I need food ..Hunt it then says nature...Men have blocked that freedom, liberty that nature bestowed upon all men..."We hold this truth to be self evident all men are born equal"...Who has divided nature into owership...Men...I cannot hunt or forage to live because of this...Therefore you owe me a life...STOP Using natures rules were they have been perverted to the advantage of a few...They owe us/You a living...Simply
      Uhhhhh......well I tried......:confused:

      Originally Posted by Indiana View Post

      Knee jerk..No real thought..No real understanding..No humanity...Indy
      Oh, that was harsh....
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  • Profile picture of the author ecoverartist
    What I want to know is...where was the husband's angina and irritable bowel syndrome when he was busy making 10 babies???
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  • Profile picture of the author espacecadet
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Ayres
    UK is getting worse with all the foreigners scrounging from us.
    I work with someone from Poland and she says since she has been here all she hears from friends in Poland is "How much money can we get from the government if we come to UK".
    I have never claimed unemployment benefit in my life yet there are scroungers that wont work.

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    • Profile picture of the author Thomas
      Originally Posted by SpudDS View Post

      UK is getting worse with all the foreigners scrounging from us.
      If AnnoyedGirl really did move over, I'd love to see the Daily Mail headline:

      "Welfare Shocker! Now Even The Bloody Yanks
      Are Scrounging Off Us!"

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      • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
        Originally Posted by Thomas View Post

        If AnnoyedGirl really did move over, I'd love to see the Daily Mail headline:

        "Welfare Shocker! Now Even The Bloody Yanks
        Are Scrounging Off Us!"

        Don't forget the rest of it...And I'm STILL not satisfied, I demand MORE benefits

        siggy taking a break...

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        • Profile picture of the author bryce
          Well from the land of the "Prison Designers" it is no different down under! In fact although it is going to change under the new government, the previous government introduced our "Baby Bonus" which entitles any child bearing women (girl) to a bonus of origially $3,000 and then I think raised to $5,000, just for having a baby! What do you think happened immediately after this 'ingenious' offering?!

          So now a 14yr old girl is able to leave home with the blessings of the autorities, get pregnant and recieve $5,000 lump sum for each child, and around $250 a week in benefits for each child on top of this. Then there is free Healthcare, community housing, and other benefits/perks like cheap public transport, etc.

          I actually know a 19 yr old (girl) with 4 children to 3 fathers, receiving benefits, child support and almost free housing, to the tune of more than $1200 a week!

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          • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
            Originally Posted by bryce View Post

            Well from the land of the "Prison Designers" it is no different down under! In fact although it is going to change under the new government, the previous government introduced our "Baby Bonus" which entitles any child bearing women (girl) to a bonus of origially $3,000 and then I think raised to $5,000, just for having a baby! What do you think happened immediately after this 'ingenious' offering?!

            So now a 14yr old girl is able to leave home with the blessings of the autorities, get pregnant and recieve $5,000 lump sum for each child, and around $250 a week in benefits for each child on top of this. Then there is free Healthcare, community housing, and other benefits/perks like cheap public transport, etc.

            I actually know a 19 yr old (girl) with 4 children to 3 fathers, receiving benefits, child support and almost free housing, to the tune of more than $1200 a week!

            Holy guacamole I'm in the wrong country!! I'm packing my bags for Australia and gonna have 10 kids. $5,000 for each kid and then benefits weeeeeeeee. Yeah I can see every teenager who wants to get away from her parents getting pregnant just so she can get a big check and free housing. I bet there's a lot of immigrants in poor countries where women typically have huge families who'd love to get to Australia.

            siggy taking a break...

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  • Profile picture of the author logocheckout
    I am happy for the woman that has 10 children. I am happy for her that her children are still living at home. I wish I had more money to give her. I am not envious of what people have. I do not care if the rich has what they have and I do not care if the poor are living off the system. If you want to be rich, you can work hard to make yourself rich. If you want to be living off the system, it is your prerogative. I think all the whinners should get a doll made for them with John McCain on diapers and let them whine as much as they want in a deserted forest.
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  • Profile picture of the author pimpinkid
    I am actually moving to england at the end of this year too.

    Time to get rich.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Wright
      Originally Posted by pimpinkid View Post

      I am actually moving to england at the end of this year too.

      Time to get rich.
      LOL, I salute your optimism ..... bring loads of actual cash with you
      because we all need it here .... even all our (former?) billionaires.

      Also bring loads of hugely discounted consumer goods, clothes
      and food because thats pretty much all that is selling here.

      Might be good to bring a job as well because they are increasingly
      in short supply also.

      Even large numbers of recent immigrants are either returning home
      or emigrating elsewhere for more remunerative opportunities.

      And NO, I am not joking or exaggerating .... honestly
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicola Lane
    And the biggest irony is that if you are unable to work due to disability or illness then it is hard to actually get the benefits you are entitled to!

    I like to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brains fall out

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    • Profile picture of the author logocheckout
      Originally Posted by Nicola Lane View Post

      And the biggest irony is that if you are unable to work due to disability or illness then it is hard to actually get the benefits you are entitled to!
      I would recommend universal healthcare in this very trying economic times in the USA.

      The rich man's wealth is his strong city, the destruction of the poor is his poverty.
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