Happy Belated Mothers' Day to All Warrior Mothers

by Banned 5 replies
Please I would like to wish all warrior mothers a Happy belated Mothers' Day.

I was not able to come online yesterday due to the fact that I'm facing some challenges in my home front which have kept me so busy for about a month now.

I don't have anything so tangible to share but I think a can do some wonders.

One of my mentors told me that a smile changes one's face and such a change can change one's world.

So, I'm giving a BIG smile to all mothers in this forum.

Again, Happy belated Mothers' Day to all warrior mothers.

I, King Shiloh in and from Nigeria, love you all.
#off topic forum #belated #day #happy #mothers #warrior
  • Thank you, King Shiloh! Your smile is much appreciated!
  • There were some cute stories, like the duck that paced for hours, and they found she had 10, or was it 12, ducklings that fell through a grate. Today, they showed a bear, apparently the mother, that tried to coax her cub down from a tree. It didn't come, so she broke the tree to force it out. It scampered off.

    BUT, alas, I didn't have enough info to really report it here. The duck story is apparently VERY common!

  • Thanks!! It was an awesome mother's day. My 4 year old son gave me a lizard with stick legs. He pulled the legs off his lizard and stuck sticks where the legs would be. It was funny. These are those growing lizards so their skin is very spongy and can easily break apart. You put them in water for 3 days and watch them grow.
  • I am telling to all son, Don't be good to only in Mothers day rather we should behave nicely with our mothers throughout the year.Because they don't deserve only a wish.So their sacrifice for us is immeasurable.
  • For all mothers

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