My first $1,000 day! A huge milestone for me.
I just wanted to thank you all for the amazing community, when I started in internet marketing a little over a year ago I had no idea of the opportunity. I've had my ups and downs but never gave up, neither should you. Today I reached it, over $1,000 earned doing what I love to do.
I've never been employed except for working at the local pumpkin patch around Halloween last year, I started with $0 and am now able to reach $1,000 days. I'm 19 years old, living at home with parents, and internet marketing really has changed my life for me and the people around me. Currently teaching my family members what I do, making a family business out of it!
Hopefully this success story can work as a pick-me-up for you struggling warriors, that you can really achieve your goals in this business and all you gotta do is never give up. I'm no pro, I'm not some suit n tie professional, I'm your everyday 19 year old kid who loves playing online games and hanging out with friends n family. Internet marketing just happens to be a passion of mine.
Thanks WF for being an amazing community and I'm happy to call this place my 2nd home.
Cory Donatlan
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