Kissiness and Shaking Hands

43 replies
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I wish people could just greet each other and say goodbye by slight bows instead of hugging, shaking hands, and (shudder) kissy kissy. Time spent in South America did nothing to temper my dislike of these unsanitary greeting and goodbye rituals. In South America, I'd basically have to sneak into get-togethers a little late, and sneak out early to avoid these crude unsanitary rituals. In Canada a simple hello or goodbye used to suffice, but now this country has also basically gone in the kissy and huggy direction.
#hate shaking hands #kissing greetings
  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    WOW! I feel the SAME way!
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  • Profile picture of the author JRCarson
    Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

    I wish people could just greet each other and say goodbye by slight bows instead of hugging, shaking hands, and (shudder) kissy kissy. Time spent in South America did nothing to temper my dislike of these unsanitary greeting and goodbye rituals. In South America, I'd basically have to sneak into get-togethers a little late, and sneak out early to avoid these crude unsanitary rituals. In Canada a simple hello or goodbye used to suffice, but now this country has also basically gone in the kissy and huggy direction.
    LOLOL! You have no idea how much this hits home to me right now.

    I'm with my wife in Italy for 3 months. She is from here, so we are working online here and I'm trying to learn Italian...blah blah. BUT the thing that bugs me, horrendously, is the kissing of each cheek to say hello and goodbye.

    It's just plain awkward. Which side do you start on? I accidentally kissed a GUY on the lips...and I'm not kidding. So, it's the RIGHT side you start on, just so you know. Of course getting to the bottom of that dilemma was priority one after that incident.

    Anyway. Funny post.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2662392].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author seasoned
      Originally Posted by JRCarson View Post

      LOLOL! You have no idea how much this hits home to me right now.

      I'm with my wife in Italy for 3 months. She is from here, so we are working online here and I'm trying to learn Italian...blah blah. BUT the thing that bugs me, horrendously, is the kissing of each cheek to say hello and goodbye.

      It's just plain awkward. Which side do you start on? I accidentally kissed a GUY on the lips...and I'm not kidding. So, it's the RIGHT side you start on, just so you know. Of course getting to the bottom of that dilemma was priority one after that incident.

      Anyway. Funny post.
      But there IS no ***THE*** right side! There is YOUR right hand side, and the OTHER persons right hand side.

      BTW it is a fair bet that you NEVER kiss a person on the lips unless you are of the opposite sex, they allow it, and it is allowed by custom.

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    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by JRCarson View Post

      <snip>BUT the thing that bugs me, horrendously, is the kissing of each cheek to say hello and goodbye. <snip>
      My condolences.

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2662786].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author peterj
      Originally Posted by JRCarson View Post

      LOLOL! You have no idea how much this hits home to me right now.

      I'm with my wife in Italy for 3 months. She is from here, so we are working online here and I'm trying to learn Italian...blah blah. BUT the thing that bugs me, horrendously, is the kissing of each cheek to say hello and goodbye.

      It's just plain awkward. Which side do you start on? I accidentally kissed a GUY on the lips...and I'm not kidding. So, it's the RIGHT side you start on, just so you know. Of course getting to the bottom of that dilemma was priority one after that incident.

      Anyway. Funny post.
      Killer, had me in stitches!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2663108].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        You are definitely not alone. I find myself backing up when someone's body language indicates they are coming in for a hug.

        Close family - ok - but only very close family.

        I don't think it indicates anything except personal preference. I've known people - even significant others - who seem to feel that have to be touching you constantly. Drives me batty.

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    • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
      Originally Posted by JRCarson View Post

      So, it's the RIGHT side you start on, just so you know.
      Right side from your point of view (which would be their left) or right side from their point of view.

      And what if you are left-handed?

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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    I think hugging is not too bad.. it's also the best medicine there is to cure all emotion problems.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    First female in this thread. I am not a huggy person. If I haven't seen family or some very very close friend in a long time, we hug. But I don't like people I am not close to hugging on me, and I don't see points to shaking hands - is it still customary to need to check that hand for a weapon upon meeting?

    As far as kissing as a greeting - you better be family, and I mean IMMEDIATE family or a guy that I am so crazy about that I can't keep my hands off you anyway.

    The insistence in psychology groups that everyone needs hugs has led to people you barely know wanting to monger all over you when you greet and I just step back and let them know that I'm not feeling like I need or want one. Their response is that I am detached or depressed..yadda..yadda. My response is that I'm not that keen on fad psychology either. When did it become an "issue" if you don't want every person you run into on the street that you can call by name mongering all over you?

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    • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
      Reminds me of a Sienfeld episode...

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      • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
        Originally Posted by Bill Farnham View Post

        Reminds me of a Sienfeld episode...

        YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
        LOL. Apparently, I am not alone in these sentiments.

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    • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      First female in this thread. I am not a huggy person. If I haven't seen family or some very very close friend in a long time, we hug. But I don't like people I am not close to hugging on me, and I don't see points to shaking hands - is it still customary to need to check that hand for a weapon upon meeting?
      I am like you Sal, if I haven't seen someone in a long time then a hug is ok, but I feel uncomfortable if someone I'm not close to hugs me.

      It's all the rage now though, I look at my kids at school. My oldest boy is 12 and in year 7 and they all hug each other. At first I just thought it was the girls that did it but then I realized they all do it - even the boys hug each other - that's just weird! But it's the 'in thing' to do!
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    • Profile picture of the author Zabrina
      Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

      First female in this thread. I am not a huggy person. If I haven't seen family or some very very close friend in a long time, we hug. But I don't like people I am not close to hugging on me, and I don't see points to shaking hands - is it still customary to need to check that hand for a weapon upon meeting?

      As far as kissing as a greeting - you better be family, and I mean IMMEDIATE family or a guy that I am so crazy about that I can't keep my hands off you anyway.
      Thank goodness I'm not the only female who feels this way. People expect a petite young woman to be all, "OMG HUGS AND KISSES AND HAPPY TIME!" all the time. Needless to say, it doesn't work out that way.
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      • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
        Originally Posted by Zabrina View Post

        Thank goodness I'm not the only female who feels this way. People expect a petite young woman to be all, "OMG HUGS AND KISSES AND HAPPY TIME!" all the time. Needless to say, it doesn't work out that way.
        I'm with you there Zabrina! Someone tries to kiss me and they just might very well end up getting slugged!:p

        And people trying to hug me whom I don't know very well make me feel down right claustrophobic!

        The only exception to the rule on hugs and kisses is from my adorable grandbabies...can't enough of those!!

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        • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
          Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

          I'm with you there Zabrina! Someone tries to kiss me and they just might very well end up getting slugged!:p
          That reminds me of my sister. I used to have to hold her back from thrashing guys who got too fresh. I had to protect dudes from her, lol. It ain't a pretty sight seeing a screaming guy writhing on the ground with a detached shoulder blade.

          Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

          The only exception to the rule on hugs and kisses is from my adorable grandbabies...can't enough of those!!

          I hug and hold my 5-month-old baby (he's asleep on my lap, as I type this). That's different.

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          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2673737].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author MissTerraK
            Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

            That reminds me of my sister. I used to have to hold her back from thrashing guys who got too fresh. I had to protect dudes from her, lol. It ain't a pretty sight seeing a screaming guy writhing on the ground with a detached shoulder blade.

            I hug and hold my 5-month-old baby (he's asleep on my lap, as I type this). That's different.
            LOL! T-bird, your sister sounds like a very smart girl!

            And definitely give the lovin' to the wee ones, actually, I don't believe they get enough of it these days! But that is another social issue entirely!!

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            • Profile picture of the author Kay King
              I thought of this thread last night while watching Perez Hilton greeting some people. Why was he shown on the news? No idea.

              The greeting was so ridiculous. He leans in an air kisses one side and then the other - without ever touching the person.

              When I see Hilton and Lady Gaga taken seriously on the news, I worry about us!
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              2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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              • Profile picture of the author Zabrina
                Originally Posted by MissTerraK View Post

                I'm with you there Zabrina! Someone tries to kiss me and they just might very well end up getting slugged!:p

                And people trying to hug me whom I don't know very well make me feel down right claustrophobic!

                The only exception to the rule on hugs and kisses is from my adorable grandbabies...can't enough of those!!

                Oh, yes. I don't mind hugs from my friends, though... The only problem is that kids terrify me. I always expect them to bite me or start screaming or something.

                Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

                That reminds me of my sister. I used to have to hold her back from thrashing guys who got too fresh. I had to protect dudes from her, lol. It ain't a pretty sight seeing a screaming guy writhing on the ground with a detached shoulder blade.
                Let's just say I know how to break collarbones, and I've had to restrain myself from demonstrating.

                Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

                I thought of this thread last night while watching Perez Hilton greeting some people. Why was he shown on the news? No idea.

                The greeting was so ridiculous. He leans in an air kisses one side and then the other - without ever touching the person.

                When I see Hilton and Lady Gaga taken seriously on the news, I worry about us!
                So, given the choice between an air kiss and a real one by someone you didn't particularly know or like, which would you choose? I'm leaning towards the former... :p
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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    BTW there was another thread about leaving tips. Want me to pay NOTHING? Simply sit down and touch me a few times, or maybe say something "nice" for effect!

    For some reason some idiots do it because supposedly it gets them better tips. It is the OPPOSITE with me!

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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    You're all funny.

    Steve, I'd pay a waitress handsomely to throw her arms around
    you and give you a giant, sloppy, wet one. LOL

    I'd do it just to watch your reaction.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2663870].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HeySal
      Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

      You're all funny.

      Steve, I'd pay a waitress handsomely to throw her arms around
      you and give you a giant, sloppy, wet one. LOL

      I'd do it just to watch your reaction.

      You wouldn't have to pay her much - Steve isn't much of a tipper so she'd be gaining if you gave her 20%.

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2664104].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by HeySal View Post

        You wouldn't have to pay her much - Steve isn't much of a tipper so she'd be gaining if you gave her 20%.
        Well, she would lose 100% of what I would give her. Heck, I might SUE!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2664421].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
          Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

          Well, she would lose 100% of what I would give her. Heck, I might SUE!

          What I would pay her would make your "tip" (1%?) pale in comparison.


          "Your Honor, I was there. I'm sorry but I cannot corroborate Mr. Seasoned's story."

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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Oh and the other thing, if you look at young people's Facebook pages - it's all 'I love you' or 'ily' for short and little love hearts and they say it to each other constantly. Not just boyfriends and girlfriends (although they are the worst) but all the girls in my sons class at school are always telling each other how much they love each other.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2665473].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

      Oh and the other thing, if you look at young people's Facebook pages - it's all 'I love you' or 'ily' for short and little love hearts and they say it to each other constantly. Not just boyfriends and girlfriends (although they are the worst) but all the girls in my sons class at school are always telling each other how much they love each other.
      But let's be honest, they only tell others they love them to their face. Behind their backs, their just as hateful as we were.
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  • Profile picture of the author sloanjim
    well as I observed in public toilets all the time about 10% of men wash their hands AFTER using the toilet! (I always shake my head in disgust...)

    So after "shaking" someones hand (espeically man) make sure you wash your hands becasue there's a big chance he hasn't washed since going to use the Loo.....YAK!!!

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    • Profile picture of the author MikeAmbrosio
      Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

      well as I observed in public toilets all the time about 10% of men wash their hands AFTER using the toilet! (I always shake my head in disgust...)

      So after "shaking" someones hand (espeically man) make sure you wash your hands becasue there's a big chance he hasn't washed since going to use the Loo.....YAK!!!

      Reminds me of a joke...

      2 men in a public restroom using the urinals. First guy finishes and walks to the sink to wash his hands.

      Second guy finishes and starts for the door.

      The guy at the sink says: "You know, when I was a kid, my mother taught us to wash our hands after going to the bathroom..."

      The other guy responds: "Well, MY mother taught us not to piss on our hands"


      As for the hugging, etc. our family has always done that, but typically family only. We don't generally kiss... and I don't hug my buddies. :p

      What I see a lot of today are sort of half hugs... kind of start with grabbing the hand like you are going to shake, then do sort of a shoulder/chest bump.

      And the fist bump has become popular among friends instead of handshakes, I have noticed.

      Are you protecting your on line business? If you have a website, blog, ecommerce store you NEED to back it up regularly. Your webhost will only protect you so much. Check out Quirkel. Protect yourself.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2669134].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by sloanjim View Post

      well as I observed in public toilets all the time about 10% of men wash their hands AFTER using the toilet! (I always shake my head in disgust...)

      So after "shaking" someones hand (espeically man) make sure you wash your hands becasue there's a big chance he hasn't washed since going to use the Loo.....YAK!!!
      I recall in high school seeing a guy that girls swooned over (their dream boy) running his fingers through his locks after taking a smelly dump. I later saw him holding hands with girls. (I'll bet the spread of e-coli played a number on their pretty bellies)

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2670492].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
        Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

        I recall in high school seeing a guy that girls swooned over (their dream boy) running his fingers through his locks after taking a smelly dump. I later saw him holding hands with girls. (I'll bet the spread of e-coli played a number on their pretty bellies)
        Some people share too much personal information. There really are some things I'd rather not know.
        I wasn't quite sure what you were talking about in your other thread.

        Now I know...
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2670656].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jameskamroon1
          In here India just shake hand when you say good buy to anybody.
          hug and kiss is not so common in common people.
          in high rich people kiss and hug is also common.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2670692].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
          Originally Posted by Bill Farnham View Post

          I wasn't quite sure what you were talking about in your other thread.

          Now I know...
          Girls loved to touch his hair. I even saw a female teacher running her fingers through his hair (as he did after taking a dump but not washing his hands).

          Project HERE.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2671434].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Originally Posted by thunderbird View Post

    I wish people could just greet each other and say goodbye by slight bows instead of hugging, shaking hands, and (shudder) kissy kissy. Time spent in South America did nothing to temper my dislike of these unsanitary greeting and goodbye rituals. In South America, I'd basically have to sneak into get-togethers a little late, and sneak out early to avoid these crude unsanitary rituals. In Canada a simple hello or goodbye used to suffice, but now this country has also basically gone in the kissy and huggy direction.
    That pretty much describes to a tee why I'm worried about meeting Ken some day.

    Man-hugs and bro-mances and murses have never been, and will never be cool. I'll even put hi-5s and fist bumps in the "never was, or will be cool" club., no matter what the guy at the Dover flea market selling murses tells you.

    I'm a guy. You're a guy. Don't touch me. (Unless I'm gagging on a slice of pizza and you're doing the Heimlich. )

    And Ken...iIf I'm ever dying and need mouth to mouth and you're the only one around, you can go ahead and let me die, please, without any guilt. Consider it to be my last request. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Kurt? I think Mike doesn't want to hug me, whaddya think?

    I think I'll just have to give you m2m if you're dying just to
    piss you off and gross you out.

    Actually, I'm partial to the head bump - hard. Fist bumping
    is for girls.

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  • Profile picture of the author PeterDunin
    firstly I don't see anything wrong with a hug and a kiss it's just polite,and shaking
    hands is a sign of respect.I hope you don't feel the same way when it comes to family
    members that would be quite sad
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2715326].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by PeterDunin View Post

      <snip>I hope you don't feel the same way when it comes to family
      members that would be quite sad
      That's because you haven't met my family members.

      (Of course, I'll hug my wife and baby.)

      Project HERE.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2715904].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    I also consider shaking hands as a sign of respect. I also take pride in having a firm, confident handshake. Not the kind that is meant to crush a hand, but not a "dead fish" either.

    Unfortunately, I probably put too much stock in the other person's handshake. If you refuse to shake hands, it would be best to tell me why right away. Afraid of germs? No problem, I understand. But if you just stand there, I will most likely take it personally.

    I even taught my daughters how to "properly" shake hands, and had them do it when meeting somebody new.

    Fist bumps do not have the same effect for me.

    Anyway, handshakes are fine by me, and almost a necessity (almost).

    Hugs? I suppose there could be some circumstances where it would be oay if I didn't know you all that well, but I would definitely prefer a handshake. If it's from family, it's usually okay.

    Kisses? Close family, and female only. And I don't always like it, depending on who and why.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2716529].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      Unfortunately, I probably put too much stock in the other person's handshake. If you refuse to shake hands, it would be best to tell me why right away. <snip>
      I'll shake hands with people out of respect and because it's polite, but will secretly wish that we could just give a slight bow instead (much more sanitary).

      Project HERE.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2726191].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
        I am so not a huggy-touchy-feely type of person. I'm glad to see so many others who share that. I've been told that I'm "aloof", "stuck up" and "think you're better than everyone" because I'm not comfortable with anyone invading my personal air space that I don't know very, very well.

        Shaking hands I can live with, except it does gross me out if someone's all sweaty...yuck. I usually excuse myself as soon as possible and go wash my hand in that case.

        Those who don't know me well and try to hug/kiss/touch see anything from me stepping back away from them to getting themselves smacked...depends on who it is and what sort of touch they attempt.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheGuruHustler
    lmao...yesssss i'm a germophobic myself :]
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  • Profile picture of the author Pauline60
    I am a reasonably tactile person but I dislike the way some people greet everyone with a kiss every time they see them even if thats every day. Its just not necessary. A hug when you haven't seen someone for a while, or if its christmas or their birthday. My eldest daughter's friend hugged me when I dropped her off after she had come with us on a family day out which she really enjoyed and I thought that was nice. But kissy kissy for the sake of it, no its not for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Patterson
    Wow....I had no idea.

    I guess this means I should stop touching people.
    Professional Googler
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    • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
      Originally Posted by Dave Patterson View Post

      I guess this means I should stop touching people.
      Best to stick to touching yourself.
      Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
      So that blind people can hate them as well.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2735068].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Keyword Prodigy
    I agree, a simple handshake, hello or goodbye is enough. Hugging and kissing is all unnecessary if you ask me.
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