Any raw food experts on this board? - Interested Person needs help getting started
I saw a movie about raw food in the last weeks (maybe you know it, there is some buzz about it). Anyways, I got really excited about that topic as my father is a type 2 diabetic.
He told me that it started with him suffering from hypoglycemia from time to time and the same goes for me now. There are some times when I just have to get sugar, my eyesight starts to blur and I even hear funny sounds, cold sweat etc...
I defintely don't want to have to poke me with a needle multiple times a day so I thought maybe I should change my nutrition.
Are there any raw food experts on this board? Raw food needs a lot of preparation (putting seeds into water etc) and I'm getting confused about how to get started, how to make my first purchase at the grocery store and so on.
Would be great if you had some guide for me about how to get started!
Thanks a lot
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