I Promise to Never Make a Crappy Post Again! (After this one)

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I love warrior forum. I've learned so much from it!

After I've read through all 5 star articles, I began reading a day to day stuff. Man do we get a lot useless post on here, that a simple search on this forum or on Google could have easily provided an answer to.

I am sad to admit that I was not immune to this problem, and that I've posted my fair share of crappy and useless posts.

This has got to stop. So I promises to never make any posts, unless they add value or I need some specific feedback from warriors!

Who is with me?
#crappy #make #post #promise
  • Profile picture of the author xInd
    Well I suppose that is a good idea. However to keep in spirit with that idea we should have some useful content in here. Like a reminder that there is an advance search option. That you can check out the WF blogs, they have a lot of answers in them too. Instead of posting every time you have a question, do a search, if you find the answer right away great, if not write down your question and save it for the end of the day if it's not an immediate issue. Then you can try some more searching and make one good post asking about the stuff you really didn't get anywhere with.
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    • Profile picture of the author feedtherightwolf
      Originally Posted by Xception-Industries View Post

      Well I suppose that is a good idea. However to keep in spirit with that idea we should have some useful content in here. Like a reminder that there is an advance search option. That you can check out the WF blogs, they have a lot of answers in them too. Instead of posting every time you have a question, do a search, if you find the answer right away great, if not write down your question and save it for the end of the day if it's not an immediate issue. Then you can try some more searching and make one good post asking about the stuff you really didn't get anywhere with.
      You are very right. Every time I have a question. Instead of posting it on here, I go to an advance search, and look for all the post and questions that were already asked on this subject.

      Then I summarize all of the best articles for myself, to create a one ultimate wealth of information. This approach truly is a WSO killer, or a WSO maker, depends on how you use it.

      I am not a guru, nor do I pretend to be one. I am here to learn and to share my experience. Everything that I say, I say from my heart.
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Anything that keeps the wolf from the door.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hlatky
    Too many 1 lIn3 posts that DONT not make sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua Rigley
    Believe me, making a thread that is worthy of a 5-star rating can take it out of you. It takes work. With that said, however, good luck.

    It would be interesting to see what would happen if everyone tried to make at least 1 useful post each day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
    Too many threads are posted in the wrong forum as well... just like this one. At best this should have been posted in the "off topic" forum.
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